1 Dr. Ted Hildebrandt, OT History, Lit., and Theology, Lecture #3 The Transmission of the Bible from God to us © 2015 Dr. Ted Hildebrandt A. Quiz Preview [0:0-2:43] Full bank of questions = 195 questions B. Bible: from God to us [2:44-3:58] C. Canonization [3:59-5:53] D. Criteria for Canonization: Does it claim to be from God? [5:54-7:30] E. Canonization criteria: Was it written by a prophet of God? [7:31-8:28] F. Canonization criteria: Does it agree with previous revelation? [8:29-9:04] G. Canonization criteria: Does it come with the power of God? [9:05-9:59] H. Canonization criteria: Was it accepted by the people of God? [10:00-10:50] 8 minutes/15 questions I. Antilegomena: Books spoken against [Proverbs, Esther…] [10:51-11:52] J. Antilegomena: Why was Proverbs questioned? [11:53-19:42] K. Antilegomena: Why was Ezekiel questioned? [19:43-21:23] L. Antilegomena: Why was Esther questioned? [21:24-22:26] M. Antilegomena: Why was Ecclesiastes questioned? [22:27- 26:51] N. Antilegomena: Why was Song of Songs questioned? [26:52-30:36] 20 minutes/21 questions O. Apocrypha or Deutero-canonical books [30:37-35:18] P. Pseudepigrapha [35:19-38:51] 8 minutes/10 questions Q. Scribal Copying of the Bible: Transmission of the text over 2 3000 years [38:52-40:36] R. I Samuel 13:1 text variant/copyist error [40:37-46:48] S. Mark 16 textual problem [46:59-49:50] T. 1 John 5:7 textual problem: Compare KJV and NIV/NRSV [49:51-52:18] 14 minutes/13 questions U. General discussion of the accuracy of the text of Scripture [52:19-57:00] V. Why did God preserve his word imperfectly?—a suggestion [57:01-59:23] W. Evaluating Scribal Errors [59:24-60:38] X. Orality and Manuscript transmission [60:39-62:53] 10 minutes/11 questions Y. Metathesis [62:54-63:28] Z. Fission and Fusion [63:29-64:02] AA. Homeoteleuton: same endings [64:03-65:08] AB. Dittography and Haplography [65:09-65:45] AC. Harmonizing Corruptions [65:46-67:18] AD. Conflation [67:19-68:15] 6 minutes/11 questions AE. Principles of weighing the manuscript evidence Older & Shorter are preferred [68:16-68:56] AF. Geographically spread out [68:57-69:51] AG. Manuscript families [69:52-70:31] AH. New Testament and Old Testament Scribes [70:32-72:07] AI. Dead Sea Scrolls [72:08-73:38] AJ. Gabi Barkai and Numbers 6 [73:39- 76:19] 8 minutes/14 questions 3 Multiple Choice questions for OT Lit Lecture 3: Transmission of the Bible [Hildebrandt] 1. [3B] What is the focus of textual transmission or textual criticism? A. The recognition of which books are authoritative and sacred B. The translation of the Bible from one language to another *C. The copying of the Bible manuscripts by scribes through the ages D. The transmitting or carrying of the scrolls of the Bible from one location to another 2. [3B] Why is it necessary to study textual transmission questions? A. Because it shows how the church believed in the Bible through the ages *B. Because many claim transmission is responsible for many errors in the Bible C. Because scribes were guided by God in the copying of the Scripture D. For preventing heretics from injecting their errors into the Bible 3. [3C] Who wrote that he accepted Paul’s writings as authoritative immediately? A. Thomas B. Matthew C. Timothy *D. Peter 4. [3C] Who’s prophecy did the prophet Daniel acknowledge and receive as authoritative immediately? *A. Jeremiah B. Hosea C. Jonah D. Micah -5. [3C] Which of the following never saw any of the New Testament books? A. Martin Luther B. Peter 4 *C. Jesus D. Paul 6. [3C] One of the major problems the early church had with determining whether a book should be accepted into the canon of Scripture was *A. Circulation of the various books written to specific churches B. The lack of apostolic support for some books C. The gnostic heretics tried to add their own books D. The lack of concern of which books were authoritative and which books were not 7. [3D] What does the canonization process do? *A. Defines which books get accepted into the sacred scriptures B. Chooses which books are good to read historically C. Records which books from Old Testament times were lost D. Gives a process by which books were destroyed in the Old Testament 8. [3D] What is the number one question in determining whether a book should be accepted into the canon of Scripture? A. Is the book written by someone approved by Jesus B. Did the early church councils accept the book as canonical/authoritative *C. Is the book inspired by God D. Does the book fit with the other books of Scripture -9. [3D] Moses was told by God to A. Listen to the voice of the Lord *B. Write down what God said C. To record his visions and dreams D. To determine which books were accepted by casting divine lots -10. [3D] The fact that a book claims to speak from God A. Guarantees that a book should be put into Scripture as authoritative 5 B. Is absolutely necessary for a book to be placed in Scripture *C. Gives support for a book being considered as canonical D. Has no relevance as to whether a book should or should not be considered as part of the Bible 11. [3D] One of the main criterion for whether a book was accepted into the canon of Scripture is: A. Did the book have miracles in it *B. Does the book claim to be from God C. Was the book written in Hebrew D. Was the book preserved through the centuries -12. [3D] Who saw a vision from God about the valley of the dry bones A. Elijah B. Isaiah C. Jeremiah *D. Ezekiel -13. [3E] Asking if a book is written by a prophet is *A. One of the criterion for determining the canonicity of a book B. An important rule in determining whether a book was copied correctly C. A guideline for how one interprets the book D. A necessary question to see whether the book fits the style of the prophet -14. [3E] The canonical criterion of asking whether a book was written by a prophet is really A. An unnecessary shift away from the text to a person B. A way to eliminate books where the author is unknown *C. A confirmation on the character of the person writing D. An absolute guarantee that the person was inspired by God 6 -15. [3E] A book written by any of the following would lead one toward accepting a book as authoritative and canonical EXCEPT _______ A. The priest Samuel B. King David C. The prophet Isaiah *D. A prophet of Baal 16. [3E] The question: “Is the book written by a prophet?” is really a question about all of the following EXCEPT _______ A. Inspiration B. Authorship C. Character *D. Manuscripts -17. [3F] All of the following are major criteria for the canonization process EXCEPT ___________ *A. It is archaeologically verified B. Agrees with previous revelation C. It is accepted by the people of God D. Claims to be from God E. Was written by a good prophet -18. [3F] If a prophetic book said, “Yahweh/Jehovah is good but Baal is better” such a book would be rejected from the canon on the basis of which criterion? –pick the best answer *A. It is not agree with previous revelation B. It is not inspired C. It is not written by a prophet D. It is a scribal error -19. [3F] The canonical criterion that a book must agree with previous revelation assumes A. God inspired the book 7 *B. The Bible would not contradict itself C. The book was written by a prophet of God D. The Jewish leaders agreed with Scripture -20. [3G] Which canonical criterion is most subjective? A. Was it accepted by the people of God B. Does it claim to be from God C. Was it written by a prophet *D. Does it come with the power of God E. Does it agree with previous revelation 21. [3H] Who needed to accept a book in order for it to make it into the Old Testament canon? *A. The people of God B. The kings of Israel C. The majority of the prophets D. The priests -22. [3H] Who were the people of God in the Old Testament? A. The whole world *B. The Jewish nation C. All the descendants of Abraham D. Those, like the prophets, whom God called -23. [3I] Do the Jews accept the Antilegomena books? *A. Yes, they accept them as Holy Scriptures B. Yes, they accept them but only as good historical sources C. No, they see them as contradictory to the Word of God D. They only accept 2 of the five books as inspired by God 24. [3I] The books that the Jews questioned but did nevertheless accept into the canon are called *A. Antilegomena B. Hapax legomena 8 C. Canon ex cathedra D. Sanctus biblicus -25. [3I] How many books of the Old Testament are considered Antilegomena? A. 3 *B. 5 C. 7 D. 10 26. [3I] The fact that the Jews questioned whether certain books should have been put into the canon shows A. They were skeptical B. They waited on God to decide C.
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