Cambridge University Press 0521819245 - Land and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt: The Structure of Land Tenure J. G. Manning Index More information Index of sources GREEK PAPYRI P. Grenf. i 10 187 BGU 11 171 1374 188 P. Grenf. ii 1730 47 23 157, 198 C.Ord. Ptol. 5-10 179 P. Hal. 196 P. Adler P. Haun. Inv. 407 46, 76, 81, 88, 90, 97, 152, 387 160, 196 787 P. Hibeh 22 887 29 187 9 224 P. K oln¨ 12 89 4 186 169 P. Amh. 7 313 169 33 53 P. Lille 40 185 1 112 44 157 3 157 49 94, 155 10 55 P. Bingen 36 57 11 107 P. Cairo Zen. 1 59001 179 47 112 P. Cairo Zen. 2 P. Lond. 881 174 59155 112 P. Lond. Inv. 2850 173 59245 109 P. Lond. iii 59292 113 206 224 P. Col. Zen. 1206 224 83 139 P. Lond. vii 120 178 1954 108, 113, 115 P. Dion. 18 191 2015 179 P. Edfou 886, 160 P. Magd. 253 P. Elephantine P. Mich. Zen. 168 25 112 10 85, 163 111 114 11 163 P. Oxy. 12 84, 163 xlvi 3285 19 14 161 P. Paris 19 85 63 180 20 78 65 172 28 84, 157 P. Petr. P. Gen. iii ii 4 (11) 107 128 170 ii 6 107 132 137 ii 9 (4) 107 P. Gr. Dublin ined. 167 ii 13, 18a 104 325 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521819245 - Land and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt: The Structure of Land Tenure J. G. Manning Index More information 326 Index of sources P. Petr. (cont.) SB 16 12821 159 ii 39e3 104 UPZ i ii 42 H 8(f) 107 14 4 iii 18 179 59 169 iii 43 (2) 107, 117, 160 60 169 iii 49 105 110 157, 171 iii 75 116 UPZ ii P. R e v. 32, 44, 57, 102, 112, 141–142, 160-162 167, 197 154 P. Rein. 18 56 P. Ryl. 572 54 DEMOTIC EGYPTIAN AND P. Strassb. ii HIERATIC PAPYRI 81 224, 225 89 224 P. Adl. P. Tebt. i 287 546, 55, 76, 171, 181, 189 787 6 160 13 87 10 120, 121 15 87 26 115, 125 16 87 27 157 22 188 61 125, 160 23 197 62 109 P. Berl. 63 109 3119 24 72 55, 125 13539 41 73 152 13540 41 74 125 P. Berl. Dem. i 75 125 13538 188 79 169 13543 41 112 145 13544 188 P. Tebt iii 13587 188 703 44, 93, 95, 141, 142–143, 145, 15522 138, 152, 187 153 15527 166, 188 820 179 P. Berl. Dem. ii P. Tebt. iv 3113 173 1103 55 3114 217 1104 55 3146 211 1105 123 P. Bib. Nat. 215 42 1107 55 P. B M 1201 173 1108 109 P. B M 1202 173 1109 109 P. B M 10117 172, 178, 224 1110 109 P. B M 10463 212 1114 14 P. B M 10560 109 1115 109 P. B M 10601 202 1119 124 P. Boston 38.2063a 211 1120 124 P. Brit. Mus. i P. U C 1592 123 10528 144 P. Yale 36 154 10536 173 PSI 4 10537 173 354 104, 111 P. Brit. Mus. iv 422 108 1 213 PSI 5 502 114 22 189 SB 5 26 155, 212 8033 168 27 212 8243 + P. Mich. Inv. 3098 105 44 191 SB 8 9681 165, 167, 170 P. B M F A 38.2063b 90, 93 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521819245 - Land and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt: The Structure of Land Tenure J. G. Manning Index More information Index of sources 327 P. Brussels E 8254 173 2424 94 P. Cairo 2431 224 50098 + 102 198 2433 222 50099 198 7128 172, 217 P. Carlsb. 7833 A 147 236 19 7833 B 147 309 92 7845 A 147 310 92 7856 139, 175 P. Carnarvon 9416 220 1 169, 211, 223 P. Mallawi 602/10 205 2 169, 211, 223 P. Mattha 18–19, 222 P. dem. Heidelberg 1289 151 P. Moscow P. Dion. 1 191 113 211 P. EgSocPap 211 123 179 P. Eleph. Dem. P. Padua 188 184 P. Rein. 494 284 P. Ryl. 384 9 186 984 15 217 10 84 19 220 12 84 24 220 20 84 P. Siut 28 84 10575 169, 190 P. Fam. Theb. 10591 19, 92, 169, 204, 205 2 220 10595 202 19 188 10597 87, 197, 202 P. Hausw. P. To r. 1 177, 217 246 172 2 172, 224, 225 247 172 3 208 P. Tor. Amenothes 17 191 5 198, 219 P. Tor. Botti 681 3 161 792 4 218 8 172, 224 7 223 9 172 28 221 10 93 P. Warsaw 148.288 189 11 82, 83, 86, 176, 208 UPZ I, 6a(= P. Louvre 2414) 18 13 208, 223 15 81 16 80, 81, 193, 208 GREEK AND DEMOTIC 18 80, 82, 86, 220, 224 OSTRACA 25 208 P. Heid. O. dem. Firenze 8693 231 723 93 O. Hess i 190 P. K oln¨ 7 166 O. Hor 3 169 P. Lille Dem. O. Tait Bodl. i 47 164 117 200 O. Zurich¨ 1894 173 118 153 120 199 OTHER SOURCES P. Loeb 5 189 Arist. Oec. ii 2.33, 1352a 16 43 45 198 Arrian 52 202 3.1.343 P. Louvre 3.5.2-343, 65 2410 198 3.5.532, 43 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521819245 - Land and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt: The Structure of Land Tenure J. G. Manning Index More information 328 Index of sources Ath. Deip. 5197c-203b 138 17.1.46 170 Curt. 4.8.443 17.1.51 92 Diod. Sic. 1.31 40 1.75 53 INSCRIPTIONS 1.79 39 3.12.1-334 Cairo CG 22186 68 18.39.543 Cairo CG 22187 68 31.246 Cairo temp. nr. 17/3/46/168 31.15 170 Famine Stela 75 31.17 170 Louvre C 122 68 Herodot. OGIS 54 ( = Porph., F.Gr. Hist 260 F 43) 141 2.36 173 OGIS 56 68 2.129 99 OGIS 90 133, 166, 169 2.148 100 OGIS 194 37 2.161-163 39 Philensis II 165, 169 2.164 39 Port Said inv. No. 493 68 2.168 50 SatrapStela 42 2.169-174 39 S. Aswan 1057 69 2.177-179 39, 53 S. Louvre C 101 173 2.181-181 39 3.91 100 Joseph. AJ 15.90-91 240 EGYPTIAN TEXTS AP. 2.58 240 Just. Epit. 8.5.7-6.238 “Cambyses Romance” 40 Livy 45 46, 170 Edfou Olympiodorus, History frag. 37 80 iv, 8 167 Paus. vi, 199-201 49, 146 1.6.344 vii, 6 167 2.9.337, 170 Graffito Aswan dem. 43 168 Philostratus, Life of Apollonios Graffito Wadi Hammamat 87 105 170 Karnak Ostracon 32, 77, 148–149, 155 Pliny, HN Nitocris Adoption Stela 40 5.10.58 30, 65 O. Gardiner 86 71 6.33.168 34, 74 P. Boulaq X 222 6.170 97 P. Harageh 3 146 Polyb. P. Harris 171 5.65 45 P. Reinhardt 35, 71 5.107.1-345 P. Valenc¸ay 135, 78, 120 29.27 170 P. Wilbour 57, 79, 147, 195 29.67 46 S. BM 37982 155 Seneca Nat.Q. 4.2.16 231 S. BM 59205 155 St. Jerome, Commentary on the Book of Daniel S. Naples 1035 140 xi.5 135, 141 TT 75 146 Strabo 17.1.13 135 17.1.35 100 OTHER SOURCES 17.1.37 100 17.1.45 34 Genesis 47 57 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521819245 - Land and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt: The Structure of Land Tenure J. G. Manning Index More information General index Abydos 7, 31, 33, 65, 165 of Kleon 106 Adler papyri 92 of Menches 16, 22, 23, 46, 102, 125, 145, 151, administrative centers 70 152, 181 agency 26, 130 of Milon 20, 34, 84, 160 agents of the state, local 156 of Osoreris 20 agoranomos 24, 187, 238 of Panas 20 Alexander the Great 4, 43 of Psenminis 20 Alexandria 7, 14, 36, 46, 105, 111, 121, Theban Choachyte 20, 186 125, 131, 150, 153, 154, 163, 178, of Totoes 20 232, 240 of Zenon 16, 18, 22, 23, 44, 102, 106, 110–118, economy of 104, 118, 157 125, 141 entrance of Augustus in 47 Armant (Hermonthis) 35, 96, 155, 191 excavations of 47 Arsinoe (town of) 111 “Grand Procession” in 138–139 Arsinoe II 57, 97, 102 meeting of priests in 166 artabieia 60 merchants in 51 Artaxerxes III 42 Amasis 39, 53 Aryandes 41 Amenemhat I 100 Ashurbanipal 39 Amenemhat III 100, 101 Assyrians 33 Amyrtaeus 42 Aswan 7, 29–30, 31, 33, 34, 65, 206 anachoresis¯ 116 “men of ” 191 Antaiopolis 35 Asyut 99, 167, 190 antigrapheus 137, 144 probate dispute from 197 Antiochos I 219 athariyya-transfer 196 Antiochos III 45 Athens 42 Antiochos IV 45, 46, 59, 159, 169, 171, auction 160–161 236 of land 80, 83, 84, 85, 90, 95, 129–130, 131, Antonius, M. 47 156, 171, 190, 204, 209 Apollonius 105, 106, 110, 112, 113–114 of tax farming agreements 144 apomoira 53, 56–57, 58, 92 Augustus 47, 135, 240 Apries 71 institutional reorganization of Egypt under Archimedean screw 30 241 architektos 106 Archive Bagnall, Roger 16, 21, 22, 165 Asyut 83 Bahr Yusef 31, 38, 99 of Boethos 70 Baines, John 69 of Dryton 87, 191 banks 50, 65, 67, 85, 94, 96, 131, 139, 144, 173, Family 20, 23 189 Hauswaldt 20, 224 barley 29–30, 73 of Heroninus 109 Barramiya 66 of Horus son of Nechoutes 87 basilikos grammateus 52, 67, 121, 137, 154 329 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521819245 - Land and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt: The Structure of Land Tenure J.
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