,, "Jt 13 a WorlJ 0 /Snow anJ Skadow, a :befight to the Wearied Cye. Printed .111 U. S. A. 9ebruarg 15. 1949 Page 2 THE BAPTIST HERALD "YOUTH COMPASS TOPICS" THE BAPTIST HERALD for young people's meetings. Is P ublished Semi-monthly on March 16, 1949-" Great Bible Gems," the First an d F ifteenth of Each Month by Rev. J ohn K uehn, Cormac, On­ by the tario, Canada. R O G E R W ILLI AM S PRESS March 13, 1949 - "Youth Needs the Bible" by Rev. E d. McKernan 3734 P ayne Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio Chicago, Illinois. ' Martin L. Leuschner , D. D., Editor Volume 27 February 15, 1949 No. 4 ENGAGEMENTS March 20, 1949 - "The Bible for De­ Rev. E. J. Baumgartner, Business Dr. William Kuhn BIBLE DAY, SUNDAY, votional Reading" by Rev. Arthur J . F ischer, McClusky, No. Dak. Sun day, Feb. 20 - 25th Anniver­ MARCH 13, 1949 Manager sary of the F irst Baptist Offerings for the Distribution March 27, 1949 - "Sir Wilfred Gren­ Chur ch, Elk Grove, Calif. fell" by Miss R uth T ipton, Brook ­ CONT~NT S of Bibles a nd Christian Litera ­ • Feb. 24- 27 - 60th Anniversary of ture. lyn, New York. AMONG OURSELVES the Calvary Baptist Church, "It's a World of Snow and Sha dow" . ....... Ewing Galloway . Cover Tacoma, Wash. Send for programs (if not r e­ On F riday, J anuary 14, the heads of the various cooperating· societies ceived) to Roger Williams Press, Denominational Reminders . 2 Rev. B . G. Dymmel CHANGES OF ADDRESS of the denomination met at the Forest Wednesday, Feb. 16 -Bethel Bap­ 3734 P ayne Ave., Clevela nd 14, Ohio. Rev. J . G. Benke P ark headq uarters to talk over m ut ­ " The Mizpah Benediction" . ... .. .... (Editorial ) ....... ... ....... 4 tist Church, Detroit, Mich. 302 So. Church Street ual plans and problems and to con­ S unday, Feb. 20 - Sheboygan, Wis. Watertown, Wisconsin. sider spiritual goals for the future of "Time to Clean Bouse" ... ....... .. .... Rev. Richard K . Mercer, Jr. 5 Thursday, Feb. 24 - Wom an's Mis­ our denominational enterprise. Sev­ sion ary Society, Forest P ark, T uesday and Wednesday, Feb. 22 Rev. Ja&ies Brygger eral goals were suggested and ap­ "The Youth Service P lan in Action ..... Rev. J . C. Gunst . .......... 6 Illinois. and 23-Bethel Baptist Church, George, Iowa. proved and will be presented to the B uffalo, N. Y. " Our Indian Mission Field" .. ..... .. .. .. Miss Cecilia Priebe . 8 Rev. J . C. Gunst Rev. William i.. Schoeffel General Council for final adoption. S unday, Feb . 20 - North F reedom, 1725 No. Burling St., T hey will receive empha tic attention " Christmas on the Montana Reserve" . .. .. Mr. Reinhard Neuman ...... 8 SP ECIAL DATES on the program of the next General Wisconsin. Chicago 14, Illinois. Feb. 27 to March 4 - P il'grim Bap­ February 13- 20 - Nationa l Youth Conference. They are bound to chal­ " Scripture Memorization in the Northwest" . Miss Anne Swain .. ...... .... 9 tist Church, Philadelphia, P a. Week Sponsored by the National Rev. H. Sellhorn lenge the spiritual life and t hought of (Leadership Training Course). Young People's and Sunday Marsh Court every church mem ber! These goals " The Touch of the Master's Band" .. Mr. Robert L. Langdon ... .. 10 Rev. Martin L. L euschner School Workers' Union. North Trail w ill succeed the Christian Achi eve­ m ent P lan a nd will be known as THE " Seminary Mid-Winter Holidays" .... Dr. T. W. Bender .. .......... 11 F riclay, Feb. 18 - Missionary Pic­ Friday, March 4 - Worldwide Day Sarasota, Florida. of Prayer for the Women's Mis­ CHRISTIAN LIFE P ROGRAM. Watch tures, Aplington, Iowa. Rev. L. H. Smith "What's H appening" ..... 12 siona ry Societies. for f ur ther announcem ents! Sunday, Feb. 20. - Temple Baptist 60 1 So. Federal Church, Buffalo, N. Y. Sunday, March 13 - Bible Day (Pro­ Denver 9, Colorado IN THIS ISSUE "The Pilgrim's Guide ................. .. .. Rev. Robert S. Bess . .. 13 Monday, Feb. 21 - Chapel Service gram s Prepared by Dr. T. W. and Missionary P ictures at Our Bender and Distributed by the Rev. William G. T row T he joys of Christmas still linger CLOUD ACROSS THE SUN .. .. .. ..... Cha pter T en . .... .. ...... 14 Seminary, Rochester, N. Y. Publication Society) . Elmo, K ansas. on! T her e are r eports about the Christmas holidays in this issue from Children's Page .... .. ..... ...... Edited by Mrs. George W. Zinz ...... 17 the Seminary, the Indian mission field Reports from the Field . 18 ...........................................- ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... and our churches. The observance of Youth Week from Feb . 13 to 20 Obituaries ........ .. ..... ...... .. ......... .. ..... .... .. ............ 22 brings to mind the summer activities of students serving under the Youth Baptist Life Association .. ... ....... .... (Advertise men t ) .. ..... .. 24 Service Plan. The sermon by t he df.ttention Sunday Schoo/J f Rev. Richard K . Mercer, one of our -- new, youthful pastors, is a real ch al­ lenge. Miss Anne Swain reviews her Now is the time to think about the Easter program. A wealth o f p rogram material is work of Scripture m em orization among the children . T h is is a n um­ offered in: ber to warm your heart w ith mem­ ories and blessings! EASTER TREASURY No. 54 THE BAPTIST HERALD is a publication of t he North American Baptist General COMING A new 1949 booklet of Easter recitations, exercises, drills, dialogs, Conference with headquarters at 7308 Madison St., Forest P ark, Ill. • Come and See. This fine sermon SUBSCRIPTION P RICE : $2.00 a year t o any a cldress in the United States or tableaux, pantomimes, decorating suggestions, et c., for primaries, will introd uce the Rev. Erwin Koh­ juniors and seniors ............................. 35 cents per copy field, pastor of the Baptist Church at Canada - $1.60 a year for churches under the Club Plan - $2.25 a year to Wasco, California, to "Baptist Her- foreign countries. PARAMOUNT EASTER BOOK No. 12 ald" r eaders. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Three weeks notice required for change of a ddress. Recitations, Exercises, Dialogs, Pantomimes, Acrostics, Readings, Palestine, the World's Powder Keg When ordering a change please furnish an address stencil impression from a Plays, Tableau, Drill and Songs. This Easter Book has everything - None can give a clearer and more recent issue if you can. Address changes cannot be m ade without the old one may wish for in preparing an Easter Service. Every number is intelligent picture of the problem of addr ess as well as the new one. Palestine in the light of God's Word entirely new Price 35 cents. than the Rev. Emil Gruen, a J ewish­ ADVERTISING RATES, $2.00 per inch, single column, 2 1/4 inches wide. EASTER PLAYS AND PAGEANTS Christian and a member of our Ever­ OBITUARY notices are accepted at 5 cents per line, set in six point type. green Church of Brooklyn, N. Y. Suggestions or sample copies gladly sent on request. Experiences Along the Trail - One ALL EDITORIAL correspondence is to be addressed to the Rev . Martin L. of our denominational evangelists, Leuschner , 7308 Madison St., Forest Park, Illinois. Rev. H . Palfenier, reports about his ALL BUSINESS correspondence is to be addressed to the R oger Williams experiences w ith Christ after the 3734 PAYNE AVENUE, CLEVELAND 14, OHIO Press, 3734 P ayne Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio. lost and stirs the readers to remem­ ber "the first things" in t he Christian Entered as second-class matter J anuary 9, 1923, at the post 00 00 ..,. ...-e:... ............................... -...._ ..................._ ............................ .......................... o.. •··•"•··•··•··•"•"•"•··•-•.. •··•··•··•··• •· · • ··• ..•·· •··• •-•"•"•··•.. •··•··•··•··•··c...•o••••·.,,_·•··•· .... •~ ·•··o.. 1 task . office at Cleveland, Ohio, under the act of March 3, 1879. Page 4 THE BAPTIST HERALD February 15, 1949 Page 5 BIBLE TEXT "Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time" (1 Peter 5:6). P ersonal humility comes before God's exaltation. Chri ~ ti an humility Time to Clean is the acknowledgement that all of life's attainments are by the grace of God. It is giving all honor to God, upon whom we are completely de­ pendent. It is easy to understand that God gives more .;race to such Wouse who are humble. But the proud want to g'lory in theit· efforts. They :·: Th Mizpah Benediction pat themselves on the back. But in ''T11 e d thee when we are absent reality, they make God their oppo­ "The individual Christian, yes, E LORD watch between me aMn . pah benediction! It is like n ent, for "God resisteth the proud." one f · the 12 My eye fell upon this verse of Scrip­ the Christian Church can march rom another" That IS of the immortal verses of ture (l Peter 5:6) j ust as I had fin ­ ahead with untold blessing, if St!ripta beautiful etchi~g framed byfi o~e spoken by Laban to Jacob ished a remarkable chapter in one of each of us would clean house and atter :: (Genesis 31:49). It betw:en them. It is the recently published books about wa~f f~~endship get right with God." ftenu Y had made a covenant ple's meetings as a prayer Aibert Schweitzer, the Christian doc­ t '- ently f young peo tor at Lambarene, Africa! Hi:. o be Used at the close o d that ought to cast its warm humility knows no bounds and con­ Sp. offered . It is a wor ltitua1 m unison. rves. stantly magnifies the Name of Christ. · glow d y of our 1 Oh, that we might be humble in that By REV. RICHARD K. MERCER, L upon every a d' t'on more closely.
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