ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT toboggan held 16 persons. The inclined rail- Amusement Parks way was 80 feet high with a 50 percent grade to the surface of a large body of water. 1001. Carousel patent was granted on July 1006. Roller coaster with a loop-the-loop 25, 1871, to Willhelm Schneider of Davenport, was a centrifugal railway invented by Edwin IA. It was a two-story carousel and not very Prescott of Arlington, MA, who received a successful or practical. patent for it on August 16, 1898. It was known as Boyton’s Centrifugal Railway and was 1002. Roller coaster was invented by installed at the amusement park on Coney Lemarcus Adna Thompson, a former Sunday Island, NY (now part of New York City), in school teacher, and put in operation in June 1900. It had a 75-foot incline and a 1884 by the L.A. Thompson Scenic Railway 20-foot-wide loop. Company at Coney Island, NY (now part of New York City). It traveled along a wooden 1007. Skee-ball alley was built in 1914 by and steel track 450 feet long at a speed of six the National Skee-Ball Company of Coney miles per hour. The cars started from a peak Island, New York City, and the first battery and ran downgrade, the momentum carrying was operated by William A. Norwood in April the cars up an incline. The passengers got out, 1914 at the Coney Island amusement park. the attendants pushed the train over a switch 1008. Theme park was Santa Claus Land, to a higher point on a second track, and the a Christmas-themed park in Santa Claus, IN, passengers returned. The highest drop was founded by retired businessman Louis J. only 30 feet. Thompson obtained a patent on Koch. The park, which opened on August 3, January 20, 1885, on a roller-coasting struc- 1946, offered rides, food treats, an antique toy ture and another patent on December 22, collection, and a wax museum, as well as a 1885 on a gravity switchback railway. The Santa Claus impersonator. The name was first high-speed roller coaster was The changed to Holiday World in 1984. Cyclone, which opened at Coney Island on June 26, 1927. Its one-and-a-half minute ride hit speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. Art 1003. Mechanized shooting gallery that was fully automatic was invented in 1890 by 1009. Cave paintings known to have been Charles Wallace Parker of Abilene, KS, whose made in what is now the United States were first sale was made to Leon Brownie of Hous- painted in caves near the Pecos River in ton, TX. southwest Texas circa 1970 B.C.E. The caves had been inhabited for more than 3,000 years 1004. Ferris wheel was invented in 1892 when the paintings were made, and continued by George Washington Gale Ferris, a railroad to be inhabited until the arrival of the Span- and bridge engineer. It was erected on the ish in the 16th century. The date of the Midway at the World’s Columbian Exposition paintings was established using a technique in Chicago, IL, in 1893. It consisted of 36 cars, developed by Marvin Rowe, Marian Hyman, each capable of holding 60 passengers. The and Jon Russ of Texas A&M University that highest point of the wheel was 264 feet. The separates organic materials in the paint from total weight of the wheels and cars was 2,100 inorganic substances in the rock. tons, of the levers and machinery 2,200 tons, and of the passengers per trip 150 tons. 1010. Artist to come to America was Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues, a cartographer 1005. Shoot-the-chutes was built by Cap- attached to the French Huguenot expedition tain Paul Boyton and opened on July 6, 1895, to Florida under René Goulaine de Laudon- at the amusement park at Coney Island, NY nière. They sailed from Havre de Grace, (now part of New York City). Each passenger France, on April 20, 1564, and reached Flor- 1 1011–1021 Famous First Facts ida (then called New France) on June 22, mon, “The Blessed Hope,” published in remaining until September 20, 1565, when Boston, MA, in 1701 by Timothy Green for the Spanish destroyed their settlement and Nicholas Boone. killed its inhabitants. Le Moyne’s work con- sisted principally of scenic and historical 1016. Pastelist was Henrietta Johnston of views. Charlestown, SC, who was active between 1707 and 1720. She worked with colored 1011. Painting of an American scene by chalk. Her subjects were principally colonial a European painter was painted near what women of South Carolina. Her most cele- is now St. Augustine, FL, on June 27, 1564, by brated piece of work, done in 1718, was a Jacques Le Moyne de Morgues, a cartographer portrait entitled His Excellency Robert who accompanied the French Huguenot expe- Johnson Captain General, Governor and Com- mander-in-Chief in and over His Majesty’s dition to Florida under René Goulaine de Province of Carolina. Laudonnière. The work, titled Laudonnierus et Rex Athore ante Columnam a Praefecto 1017. Painter to obtain a public commis- Prima Navigatione Locatam Quamque Vener- sion was Gustavus Hesselius. His painting antur Floridenses, was painted in gouache The Last Supper, an oil on canvas, 117.5 and metallic pigments on vellum. It shows inches wide and 35 inches high, was commis- Laudonnière being welcomed by a party of sioned on September 5, 1721, by the Vestry of Native Americans led by Chief Athore. St. Barnabas’ Church, Queen Anne’s Parish, Prince Georges County, MD. It was put in 1012. Artist in the English colonies was place as an altarpiece on November 26, 1722. the English painter and cartographer John Hesselius was paid “£17 currt. money” for the White, who came to North Carolina in 1585 as painting and installation. It was also the first part of Sir Walter Raleigh’s expedition. He important commission in America for a paint- recorded Native American life in his paintings ing with more than one figure. and made maps of the coast as far south as Florida. He returned in 1587 as governor of 1018. Mezzotint engraving was a portrait Raleigh’s Roanoke colony, which disappeared of Cotton Mather about 13.5 by 10 inches, while White was back in England getting sup- made by Peter Pelham in 1727. plies. Among the vanished colonists was 1019. Artist of importance to be born in Virginia Dare, the first child of European America was John Singleton Copley, the descent known to have been born in America, great portraitist, who was born in Boston, who was White’s grandchild. MA, in 1738, and emigrated to England in 1774. He painted many of the prominent peo- 1013. Woodcut was a likeness of the ple of his era, including Samuel Adams, John Reverend Richard Mather, the leader of Con- Adams, John Quincy Adams, John Hancock, gregationalism in the Massachusetts Bay and the King and Queen of England. He is Colony, made just prior to his death in April credited with more than 269 oil paintings, 35 1669. The engraver, John Foster, cut away crayons, and 14 miniatures. from the surface of a flat wooden block those parts which were to appear white in the print, 1020. Historical print engraved in Amer- leaving the actual design in raised outline on ica was A Prospective Plan of the Battle the block. The print was 5 by 6 inches. Fought Near Lake George, which presented a bird’s-eye view showing the march of troops at 1014. Self-portrait from the English colo- the left, the camp and battle at the right, and nies known to exist was painted circa 1670 by Forts William Henry and Edward in the upper Captain Thomas Smith, a Puritan mariner of right-hand corner. It was a hand-colored line Boston, MA. The painting, in a style taken engraving by Thomas Johnston after a paint- from Dutch portraiture, shows Smith resting ing by Samuel Blodget, and was printed by his hand on a skull, which in turn rests on a Richard Draper in Boston, MA, in 1755. poem that discusses Smith’s own death. 1021. Caricature was Nathaniel Hurd’s The True Profile of the Notorious Doctor Seth Hud- 1015. Engraving of any artistic merit son, published in 1762 in Boston, MA. It was a line-engraving copperplate portrait of depicted Dr. Hudson in the pillory and Howe, Increase Mather, made in 1701 by Thomas his assistant, at the whipping post, in punish- Emmes. It was used as a frontispiece to a ser- ment for forging paper money. 2 Arts and Entertainment 1022–1034 1022. Commercial artist who was success- 1028. Lithograph was A Water Mill, by ful was Matthew Pratt, who painted Bass Otis of Philadelphia, PA, published July signboards in Philadelphia, PA, in 1768. From 1819 in the Analectic Magazine. 1764 to 1768 he had been an art student in London, where he studied under the American 1029. Painting movement was the Hudson expatriate artist Benjamin West. River School, a group of American landscape painters who were active between 1825 and 1023. Engraving to achieve popularity 1875. Their main subject was the Hudson River Valley and other grand vistas of the was The Bloody Massacre Perpetrated in King American landscape. Among the most impor- Street, Boston, on March 5, 1770, which was tant members of the school were Thomas Cole, engraved, printed, and sold by Paul Revere. It Albert Bierstadt, Asher Brown Durand, Sam- depicted the shooting of five Americans in uel Finley Breese Morse, and Frederic Edwin Boston, MA, by British troops—the famous Church.
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