~,,.'·•· NP'84'utiii•G tao.I> :DitBHo.,~18 (ftcl UWllltt_, rr~1 Unbcl8IU11m.partment of 1he ·Interior I ·. HmliaMl4'1ft-.Vlce ~;_) NatloaalReJ1later ·of ~lstoric ·PJacea Mu1Uple1Property Documentation Form -NA.OONAL -EeilSlER T,.-iann.-...ct tor .document~ rnutttple property groups r.iattno to one or _,.,.. historic oontem. SM fN1ruCllona In How to ~ the ~ '"**'Y~lb> Form (National IMglster Butletln 11B). ODrnplete eech tlern by ~ering U. Nqu•rd inifonnaUon. For eddllialiat 9'1Dt .... iiantinUallon ehMtl (Form 1().1()(>.a). UN a typewriter, word proc 111 a.-. ot~rnputer IO camfJIMe al....,.. i ....... ' IHI IN• __ Amended 8ubmbalon A• .__-ef.-Utttpte Property Liiting Civil -War Era National Cemeteries B. --AalCI clMed Hlatortc Cont•xt• IName ..a. 1 11 c Med ht8torto ooncext. Identifying theme, geographical arM, and ctironological period tor each.) lniti.al J>evelopment o! Permanent Memorials to Civil War Soldiers Who Died in l>efensc of the Union - 1861 to 188) c. -Fonn'fll••red by nameltttle J'herese T. Sammartino. St.aff Assistant organiz.8tion J>epartment of veterans Affairs ltrHt & number 810 Vcmnont Avenue. N.'W. telephone (202) 523-3895 zip ooese _....;;;2;..;;.0..... 4 __2 o....._ ___ city or town -Washington, n.C. atate ---------- M tt. •• 'J 11111 eutnomy unoer the Nllllonel HlatOric PrM91...Uon Act of 11M, • llJMflded. I **9b1 oeftlfy lhat thll ooeurn.utlon totm ·- • fl 1# iat Aegl8ter daDumeNllllon etandardt and eet1 tonh ~ tor the lilllng of NIMed prapeftlee ~ with the .......... Rtglltu c:rtterla. Thia eubminion mHll the procedural and pratr•lonal requtremenll Mt forth In 38 CFR ,.an 80 and the &ecrMary of 1tl9 lnl•rlor'1 6tand1n:l1 a'ld Guldelinea tor ArcMOlogy and Hletotlc P .....rvatlon. CD SM contlnueUon eMet tor adclllonal oomrrwnta.) ol:\':c.er &·i\..~~·and lltle t certifying al ~.clcrnl -p=,...,~+·~ pepqr;ment of Veterans Affairs &late or F9dM'al agency and bureau I "8Nb1 oertlty that tttl9 multlpte P'OJ*\Y aocumenlatlon form ha• been approved by the Natlo'lal R9g11tar u a baala tor evaiuatin; 191ated Pf'OPM'lea tor llatlng In the National Reglrter. /f?e/t. ?/~et Qgnature ol the KMper . ~iv.il..War · Era National ies -..ac, ,,,._ f!5cl$lefty .JJlllng PnMde 1M tl' K!G lntormmKll• on continuation ·MMta. Cite 1M .....,Cid 1M tille Deb9.eecfl...ction of 1M nw1Mlw.'l\leigrl111V9 ........,. ~ding.,,._~ for continuation et-. In How ID~ ...Mu1$111t Ptapa1>' OociaiW... I Fomt-(f' ?! Ml Aai .......... 118). Fiii ....... ftlllnDel's tor -=*' eectiorl In the~ ..... E. · .... 1 n•nt of Historic Contexts 1 through 19 ~1hm'I one tlillCn: context la docunwnled. ..__. a.n In~ order.) Appendices A, B, C F. ,. 11 acat8d Property Typee (PnMde dW:r~. 8lgniflcance, 8nd regilb8tion ~.) 1 tnrough 5 G. 4111 agMPtUcal Data 1 through 3 Appendix A H. :.Sulmnary of ldenttflcation and Evaluation Methods coi-- the mMhoda med In ~ng the mullip6e ~ lllllng,) 1 l ~ Blbl&ographlcal Retetwncu .-~ _..... worb 8nd primary location of eddltional documenlation: State 1 ' I 'I I: k: Pr111!WIX>n Olftce. oUwr' State mgency, Feder.i agency, 6ocal ~t. mlls•lllt. or Olher, ..,.atytng ~y . ) P..-. Waft Reduction Act Statement: This information i• being catiected tor application• to the National Regilller of Historic ,..... to nominate ~ies tor listing or dMemune eligibility tor listing. to list ~ies , and to amend existing listings, RI 1si cu• to this ~ ia reQUlr9d to *'8in a benefit in accoraance with the National Hlstonc p,.....,,.tion Act. as amended (16 U.S.C, 470 er -.q.). EM&n..md 9urden Statement: Public reoort1ng burden tor this form is eettmated to a"9raQ9 120 hours per~- including the ttme tor IWlll8Wlng inatructions. gathtmng and maintaining data, and comPleting and 1'9Vt9W!ng the form, Direct commema '9QU'ding this bUrOen .annare or any uoect ot this torm to the Chief, Aam1n18tratrve SeMCea Olvi110n, National Pant Service. P,O, Box 37127, WUhlngtOn, DC 2001~7127 : and the Office of Manaoement and Buoget. Paperworlc ReductlOns Pro,ec:t (1024-0018). Waatt1ng1on, DC 20503. ·! MULTIPLE:PRO RTY-NOMINATJONTO · = :TIONAL iREGIS'EER>,OFdIISTQRICJ>LACE DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAlRS NATIONAL CEMETERIES .'.'CEMETERY YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT I. 41exandria (VA) 1862 2. ~polis 1862 3. ..camp Butler 1862 -4. -L)press Hills 1862 5. ,;Danville (KY) 1862 6. rort Leavenworth 1862 7. -Fort Scott 1862 8. Keokuk 1862 9. .Loudon Park 1862 10. Mill Springs 1862 11. 'New Albany 1862 12. Philadelphia 1862 13 . Beaufort 1863 14. Cave Hill 1863 15. .Knoxville 1863 16. .Lexington 1863 17. :Rock Island 1863 18. -meverly 1864 19. Mound City 1864 20. Ball's Bluff Listed in National Register ( 4/2 7/84) 21. Florence 1865 22. Mobile Listed in National Register (6/13/86) 23. :Raleigh 1865 24. .Salisbury 1865 25 . Camp Nelson 1866 26. City Point 1866 27. Cold Harbor 1866 28. Corinth 1866 . 29. Crown Hill 1866 30. Danville (VA) 1866 31. Fort Harrison 1866 32. Glendale 1866 33 . Hampton 1866 34. Jefferson Barracks 1866 35 . Marietta 1866 Tecbnical Support Service (401B J AU!?US t 11. 19 9~ MULTIPLE PROPERTY NOMINATION TO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS NATIONAL CEMETERIES CEMETERY YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT 36. Nashville 1866 37. Natchez 1866 38. Port Hudson 1866 39. Richmond 1866 40. Seven Pines 1866 41. Staunton 1866 42. Winchester 1866 43. Alexandria (LA) 1867 44. Baton Rouge 1867 45. Chattanooga 1867 46. Culpeper 1867 47. Fayetteville 1867 48. Fort Smith 1867 49. Grafton Listed in National Register (2/ 19/82) 50. Jefferson City 1867 51. Lebanon Listed in National Register (6/5/75) 52. Memphis 1867 53. New Bern 1867 54. San Antonio 1867 55. Springfield 1867 56. Wilmington 1867 57. Barrancas 1868 58. Fort Gibson 1868 59. Little Rock 1868 Technical Support Service (4018) August 12, 1994 ;,·CEMETERIESME NED1NTEXTillUTNO CLUDEDIN MlJLTIPJ.;E;pRQPERTY:NOMINATION ,,DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATIONAL CEMETERIES ..CEMETERY YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT 60. ..Jl\ntietam 1862 61. .Gettysburg 1863 62. 'Battleground 1864 63. :Andersonville 1865 64. Fredericksburg 1865 65. .Stones River 1865 66. Poplar Grove 1866 67. Vicksburg 1866 68 . Yorktown 1866 69. Fort Donelson 1867 70. Shiloh 1867 71. Chalmette 1868 • DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NATIONAL CEMETERIES '.CEMETERY YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT -72. .-SOidiers' Home 1862 73. ·Arlington 1864 DISCONTINUED NATIONAL CEMETERIES ·CEMETERY YEAR OF ESTABLISHMENT 74. Brownsville 1867 Technical Support Service (401B) August 12, 199-l MULTIPLE PROPERTY NOMINATION TO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES LISTING OF CEMETERIES BY STATE ALABAMA Mobile* ARKANSAS Fayetteville Fort Smith Little Rock FLORIDA Barrancas GEORGIA Marietta ILLINOIS Camp Butler Mound City Rock Island INDIANA Crown Hill New Albany IOWA Keokuk KANSAS Fort Leavenworth Fort Scott KENTUCKY Camp Nelson Cave Hill Danville Lebanon* Lexington Mill Springs LOUISIANA Alexandria Baton Rouge Port Hudson MARYLAND Annapolis Loudon Park MISSISSIPPI Corinth Natchez MISSOURI Jefferson Barracks Jefferson City Springfield Technical Support Service (401B) August 12, 1994 MULTIPLE PROPERTY NOMINATION TO NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES LISTING OF CEMETERIES BY STATE NEW JERSEY Beverly NEW YORK Cypress Hills NORTH CAROLINA New Bern Raleigh Salisbury Wilmington OKLAHOMA Fort Gibson PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia SOUTH CAROLINA Beaufort Florence TENNESSEE Chattanooga Knoxville Memphis Nashville TEXAS San Antonio VIRGINIA Alexandria Ball's Bluff* City Point Cold Harbor Culpeper Danville Fort Harrison Glendale Hampton Richmond Seven Pines Staunton Winchester WEST VIRGINIA Grafton* *Already listed in National Register Technical Support Service (4018) August 12, 1994 ... ...... ., _47 .............. w .,_,..,, dlnltMlelwtesiDepadment~f~dnterior tNatiou81'9kService · +National ~egister :-of ~istoric-.PJaces X>cmtinuation Sheet Civil War Era National Cemeteries .&tction11Ull1ber-E-- .Page--- E. STA"DMENT OF IDSTORIC CONTEXTS This text follows, chronologically, the establishment of the cemeteries. SIGNIFICANCE The Civil War era national cemeteries are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places under Criteria A.and C. Their primary significance is from their strong association with the Civil War, 1861- 1865. Additionally, many contain the fine architectural examples of a prototype design of lodges that were ·ex.eaned in various local building materials from the same floor plan. Lastly, the prototype lodges were .4esigned by a significant person associated with facilities during and after the war, Brigadier.General Montgomery C. Meigs, Quartermaster General of the Army from 1861-1882. Many na1;..,.1 cemeteries were established on or near specific Civil War conflict sites. For each of these sateen ::cemeteries, an information sheet is attached, which includes the name and date of the conflict, background information on the establishment of the cemetery, and Civil War monuments or memorials within the cemetery (Appendix A). INTRODUCTION - ANTE-BELLUM PERIOD From very:eariy times, those who died in defense of their state or nation have been deemed worthy of special c:ommeaaoration for their service on the field of battle. The Mexican War of 1846-1847 marked an important advance in American burial policy. The action of the Congress in 1850 in establishing the Mexico City Cemetery as a final resting place for those who "fell in battle or died in and around the said city,• mmished a precedent for the creation of permanent military cemeteries beyond the seas over a decade before legislative provision was made for a national cemeterial system. The development of national cemeteries came about as the American Civil War was waged. This conflict between Northern and Southern citizens was brought about by sharp differences in political and economic issues between the two factions. The two major issues that brought on the war were the fight over states' rights that involved the right of secession from the Union of the states under the Constitution, and the extension of slavery to new states and territories. The immediate provocation for the secession of the states, which led to the war, was the election of Abraham Lincoln as president of the United States in the fall of 1860, on a platform that denied the extension of slavery to new states .....
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