Sociolinguistic ISSN: 1750-8649 (print) Studies ISSN: 1750-8657 (online) Review Sociolinguistic Studies GuidelinesA Grammar for submissionof Bhadarwahi Amitabh Vikram Dwivedi (2013) The Editors welcome articles, reviews and research notes for publication in future issues of Sociolinguistic Studies. Submitted articles Munich: are subject Lincom to a blind, Europa. peer review Pp.vi proces + 135.s. Please adhere to the guidelines below when preparing submissions for the journal. ISBN: 9783862884353 Initial submissions Submission of articles to Sociolinguistic Studies should normally be done via the journal’s website at www.equinoxjournals.com. You willReviewed need to register by Ravi with Parihar the website as an author, and follow the instructions and guidelines relating to submission. Authors who are unable to use this website for on-line submission should contact the editors for advice on how to submit their manuscripts. 1 Introduction Articles are normally to Bhadarwahi in English (we also accept articles in Spanish, Galician, Portuguese or French) and should not exceed 8,000 words, inclusive of endnotes and A Grammarreferences. Appendicesof Bhadarwahi may be is inc a descriptiveluded, but are grammar included in of the a definitelytotal word count.endangered (Moseley, Authors 2010) should1 andensure lesser that allknown submissions, Indo-Aryan whether language first or respokenvised versions, in the Dodaare districtanonymised of Jammu to facilitate and Kashmir blind reviewing. State in Authors’the Republic names of and India. institutional This text affiliations is written should appear only in the covering email message. in the linguistic grammar tradition, and consists of five chapters of almost equal Submission of an article or book review is taken to imply that it has not previously length.been publishedAppendices or is notare beingincluded considered along for with publication maps, elsewfigureshere. and If an tab authorles, isand supplementedpublishing a related by a comprehensivearticle elsewhere, listthis offact works should in be the stated. bibliograp In general,hy. authors are askedChapter to submit 1, ‘Introduction’ no more than one(pp. article 1-4), for provides review in an a two-yeintroductionar period. to the speakers of Bhadarwahi, its geographical extension, status, and the overall organization Review process of Ifthe your work submission at hand. is Theclearly author unsuitable is concerned for publication about in theSociolinguistic issues pertaining Studies, youto the revitalizationwill be promptly of lesser-knownnotified by the Editors.languages. If, after He the is reviewespecially process, concerned your article about is ‘whataccepted would for publication,be the fate you of willsmall be asked language to submit communities the manuscript in again, India’ incorporating (p. 4). This any revisions asked for, and in a format ready for publication. language When isthe classified Editors confirm under to the you subgroup that your submission of Western has Paharibeen accepted languages for publi- of the moderncation youIndo-Aryan should prepare family. a final Bhalesi version ofand the articlePadari in areacco rdancethe principal with the guidelinesdialects of Bhadarwahi,for contributors spoken available in onthe the district journal’s Kishtwar website. Ifand your constituent article includes Gan anydoh, figures respec- or tivelycomplex (Lewis, tables, Simons please pay and special Fennig, attention 2016). to the Bhadarwahi guidelines on ispreparing lexicall andy least submitting similar artwork. 2 with Siraji, only thirty percent (p. 2). In addition to this, the author argues that JammuPermissions and Kashmir and copyright (J&K) is a linguistic area which encapsulates several languages,It is your responsibilitysuch as Dogri, to ensure Hindi, that Urdu, you have Punjabi, obtained Kashmiri, any permissions Siraji, toand reproduce Ladakhi. Amongany part these, of another Dogri work. and If your Kashmiri article contains are the extracts major fro mlanguages other works, of especially the state, figures, tables, poetry etc., please contact the authors and publishers before submitting the final version to seek permission to use their work. If primary data is to be included, research participant s should have signed a consent form. Affiliation All contributors whose articles are accepted for publication will be required to sign a copyright assignment form, and to confirm that their article is original, accurate Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, India e-mail:(inasmuch [email protected] as can be ascertained in research), and does not include any libellous statements. SOLS VOL 10.3 2016 475–482 doi: 10.1558/sols.v10i4.30746 © 2017, EQUINOX PUBLISHING 476 SOCIOLINGUISTIC STUDIES whereas Siraji (pronounced /sərɑ:zi/) is a minor language (Koul and Devy, 2014). Data collection processes and analysis of the data are discussed succinctly. Sociolinguistic Studies 2 Bhadarwahi phonology Guidelines for submission ChapterThe Editors 2, ‘Phonology’ welcome articles, (pp. reviews 5-17), and describes research notes the for Bhadarwahi publication in futurephonological issues system.of Sociolinguistic The phonemic Studies inventory. Submitted presents articles are 37 subject consonants to a blind, and peer 11 review vowels. proces Supra-s. Please adhere to the guidelines below when preparing submissions for the journal. segmental features – length, stress, intonation, and nasalization – are discussed in Initialdetail. submissions The canonical form of the Bhadarwahi syllable is CCVCCC as in /ɖlɑ/ forSubmission CCV, ‘marriage’, of articles andto Sociolinguistic /hejɖl/ for StudiesVCCC, should ‘turmeric’ normally (p. be 16). done Consonant via the clustersjournal’s (CC) website occur at at www.equinoxjournals.com. the word initial (WI), word You middlewill need (WM), to register and wordwith the final website as an author, and follow the instructions and guidelines relating to submission. h (WF)Authors positions, who are as unable in /ɖleik/ to use ‘neem’, this website /ɖ əkku/ for on-line ‘traditional submissi danceon should of Bhadarwah’, contact the andeditors /buʈʈ/ for ‘tree’, advice respectively.on how to submit CCs their are manuscripts. shown in the following combinations: consonant Articles +are semivowel normally in /ɡwɑl/English ‘cowherd’;(we also accept velar articles stop in+ Sconsonantpanish, Galician, /ʈokri/ ‘basket’;Portuguese affricate or French) + consonant and should /hitʃki/ not exceed ‘hiccup’; 8,000 words, retroflex inclus +ive consonant of endnotes /miʈʈʰʊ/ and references. Appendices may be included, but are included in the total word count. ‘sweet’; Authors dental should + consonantensure that all/pətlo/ submissions, ‘thin’; bilabialwhether first+ consonan or revisedt versions,/tʃəpʈo/ ‘flat’;are nasalanonymised + consonant to facilitate /ʈʰənko/ blind ‘coin’reviewing.; continuant Authors’ names+ consonant and institutional /rɑjto/ affiliations ‘a yoghurt dish’;should liquid appear + consonantonly in the covering /nəlki/ ‘threademail message. roll’; sibilant + consonant /nəskwɑr/ ‘a local Submission tobacco’; ofand an articlefricative or book + co reviewnsonant is taken /ləhri/ to imply ‘angry that personit has not’ (pp.previously 10-12). been published or is not being considered for publication elsewhere. If an author is Geminationpublishing ain related Bhadarwahi article elsewhere, occurs thisin thefact shouldword middlebe stated. (WM) In general, /bətʃtʃ authorso/ ‘child’ are andasked the wordto submit final no (WF)more than/çəpp/ one ‘hide’ article forpositions, review in respectively a two-year period. (p. 12). It is a term for a sequence of identical adjacent sound segments in a single morpheme (Crystal,Review 2008:206) process where doubling of the same consonant sounds occurs. If your submission is clearly unsuitable for publication in Sociolinguistic Studies, you 3 willNasalization be promptly is notified a characteristic by the Editors. feature If, after in B thehadarwahi, review process, where your vowel article sounds is areaccepted nasalized for publication, as in: /ta you/̃ ‘then’, will be /baasked/̃ ‘forearm’, to submit the and manus /seıcript/̃ ‘with’.again, incorporating Bhadarwahi vowelsany revisions /i:, ɑ:, askede:, u: for, and and o:/ in ashow format length ready 4for in publication. the words as: /koɽi:/ ‘man with leprosy’, When /ɖ thehlɑ:/ Editors ‘brother’, confirm /ke:ro/ to you ‘how’,that your /mu:ʃo/ submission ‘mouse’, has been and accepted /ho:ro/ for ‘another’. publi- cation you should prepare a final version of the article in accordance with the guidelines Shortfor contributors vowels are available /i, ɑ, e, onu, theə and journal’s o/. These website. vowels If your occur article at includes the word any initial figures (WI)or andcomplex word tables,final (WF)please pay/iɽi/ special ‘here’, attention word to middle the guidelines (WM) on /o:stɑd/ preparing ‘tea and cher’,submitting word finalartwork. (WF) /zʰule/ ‘slept.PL’, word final (WF) /ɑu/ ‘came’, word middle (WM) /ʃək/ ‘doubt’, and word initial (WI) /os/ ‘get off’ respectively. Permissions and copyright It is your responsibility to ensure that you have obtained any permissions to reproduce 3 Bhadarwahiany part of another morphology work. If your article contains extracts from other works, especially figures, tables, poetry etc., please contact the authors and publishers before submitting Chapterthe final 3, version ‘Morphology’ to seek permission (pp. 18-74), to use discusses their work. morphological If primary data isst
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