register of the voice were there sugges¬ on November IB will have Ossip Gabril- BROOKLYN ADVERTISEMENT BROOKLYN ADVERTISEMENT tions of tho old lusciousness of tone and owitsch as the soloist. There will be a BROOKLYN ADVERTISEMENT BROOKLYN Recollections of thnt Programmes ADVERTISEMENT purity of,intonation which had led Christmas concert on December 13 and Steinwny at the banquet in 1884 to laud on January 3 Mr. Damrosch and the as 'so clear to the heart of an old piano- New York Symphony Orchestra will Of the Week  Famous tuner.' Mme. I'atti out of havo Mischa the distinguished singing tune; Levitzki, Station Mme. Patti gasping for breath; Mme. young American pianist, as the assist- Every I'atti chopping phrases into quivering ing artist. The remaining concerts will SUNDAY on the West bits without thought or compunction; be on January 31, February 21 and Aeolian Hall, 3 p. m., recital Side Subway song by Lines is an Start Singer Mine. Patti producing tones in a manner March 6, when the assisting attractions Cyrena Van Gordon, contralto: that ought to be held up na a warning will bo respectively Fritz Kreisler, Adolf Entrance- to Opn» to Mme. Patti Bolm's Ballet Intime Miss Should He Upbraid.Sir H. R. Bishop the A. ft 6. example every novice; and Lucy Come, Beloved .Handel UM. Continued from page 11 devoid of all but a shadow of that tone Gates." A Pastoral .Carey Private Sub¬ of opulent beauty, of that incomparable In addition to the young people's Coucher de Soleil,.René Lenormand way Entrance Close« technical skill which used to make dal- series, children will enter this year Tes Yeux .René Rabey for a 6c Fare. advocate of that sound training which L'Heure 5:30 P. M. is even more Banco, with tho things which were in¬ upon their ¿third season. These con¬ Exquise .M. Poldowskl essential in modern dra¬ to of certs will be held in Aeolian Hall on Le Trèfle a Quatre Feuilles. .René Lenormand matic music than it was in tho surmountable difficulties others, O Mio Fernando of days that reposefulness of style which used Saturday mornings, November 8, (from "La Favorita"), BROOKLYN mellifluous warbling." December 7. G. Verdi Her to rest on all that she did like a bene- 27, January lOandFebruary A Toast .Salter Skill in Fioriture diction.that was the singer who enter¬ -a In tiie Steppe.A. Gretchaninow Perhaps something ought to be sait! tained the curious and grieved tho ju- Moonlight and Dreaming.Cesare Sturani here about the greater continence of dicious last night." Galli-Curci Will Sing The Last Hour.A. Walter Kramer thp aging in the matter of After threo concerts in Hall Doushka .,Henry Hadley singer Carnegie For Italian War Relief Robin, Robin, Sing Me a Song..C. G. Spross ñoriture. It was one of her greatest she was announced to give her final con- Son of My Heart.C G. Spross charms when she was at the apogee of cert before her departure for the West Mme. Amelita Galli-Curci will give a A Rose Garden.C. G. Spross her artistic career that the embellish¬ at the West End Theatre, in 125th concert at the Metropolitan Opera Lorraine, Lorraine, Loree.C. G. Spross Á. & S. ments which she lavished on the old then under the of House next afternoon for the in Street, management Sunday 3 Fall concert airs were so beautifully into Weber &. Fields. The exodus to Ilar- benefit of the Italian War Relief Fund Hippodrome, p. m., by Style wrought Supremacy the texture of the melodies as to ap- lem cost the manager between $20 and of America. She will be assisted by Helen Kanders, soprano; Ossip Gabril- > pear essential to their integrity. There $25 a minute, as a statistically-minded Manuel Berenguer, flautist, and Homer owitsch, pianist; Georges Baklanoff, was nothing obviously extraneous reporter of The Tribune figured it out. Samuels, pianist. barytone; Maximilian about them. She was of so inherently As the story was told, her contract with The Italian War Fund has already Pilzer, violinist, musical a nature that the ornaments Robert Grau called for $5,000 for each raised $127,083 for the orphans, blinded land Cantor Woolff, tenor: never sounded like mere and or her Concerto in E at outward glit¬ concert, she, representative, soldiers and the othervictimsof the war, minor.Nardini Fashions Low ter. In as was see went Maximilian Filxer Prices this, in many other respects, to the money before «she and the entire of the Colum¬ " proceeds from she seemed to be a uncon¬ on the On this occasion.the date ¡Aria "Tosca".Puccini Extremely survival, stage. bus Day recital will be used to further Haben Iakirle ; Eli. Eli.Woolff' scious perhaps, of the school of sing¬ was November 27, 1903.she learned the relief work for the prima donna's Cantor Bernard Woolff ers of two centuries ago who had to be from her lawyer, while waiting at the compatriots. It will also mark tho Sonate, op. 27.Beethoven trained «oruposers in order to creato hotel, that the receipts at the box office opening of a nation-wide campaign to Ossip Gabrilowitsch the embellishments which tho Da Capo were only $3,180. So she refused to go raise an additional $125,000 for the im¬ Prologue from "Pagliacci".Leoncavallo aria demanded and which were left to to the theatre. The crowd in front of mediate relief of the people in the Georges Baklanoff Women's Tailored Suits their skill and taste the the theatre became demonstrative when stricken of Hopak .Moussorgsky | Misses' .Winter Suits by original provinces Italy. Song of Grussia.Rachmaninoff composers. On this visit com¬ the doors were not opened. The mana¬ Helen Kanders mercial exploitation reached the ger pleaded with the singer not to dis¬ Sonate. César Franck Ire Newest Modes stage of an "Adelina Patti Musical and appoint the public. She was obdurate. Symphony Society Mr. Gabrilowitsch, piano; Mr. Pilzer, violin. In Youthful Styles Operatic Festival" at Madison Square Finally Weber & Fields made up tho Walter Damrosch will Serenade.Driggs-Aner Garden, in May, 1892, concerts given in deficiency and the concert, which had shortly begin Hungarian Dance No. "..Brahms rehearsals for the coming season of Caprice Bastjne .Sarasate a big place but differing in nothing been postponed three-quarters of an Maximilian Pilzer from their predecessors in the hour, was fifteen minutes late. the New York Symphony Orchestra, except begun Spring Song . Mendelssohn $37.50 of a chorus which $29.98 participation sang And so Mme. Patti, Baroness Ceder- and the opening concert will take place Nocturne, E major ; Ballade, A flSt major, some to which the strange music, pub¬ ström, departed from New York. She at Hall on after¬ Chopin lic that had come to see a "farewell" went on Carnegie Thursday Ossip Gabrilowitsch The tailoring of these suits is to those made The woman tour, but terminated it abrupt¬ noon, November 6. The New York con¬ "Jeans sHa.» comparable young between the ages of 14 and 18 yrars paid no attention. Another "farewell" ly on March 9, 1904, at Memphis, and Arisen".Rachmaninoff to individual measurements. Hand-made finds a tour followed in certs will, as usual, include eight Spring Floods .Rachmaninoff button-holes and remarkable selection of suits "just her style" among November, 1893. Her sailed for England a few days later. Thursday afternoons and five Saturday Georges Baklanoff fine buttons are marks of And of these "absolutely last concert" was set down at Sun¬ The Crying of the Water. .Campbell-Tipton quality quality. linings specially priced suits. Fine, durable materials and the for March and there followed evening.5 Carnegie Hall, sixteen "I Know fine Peau de or 16, 1894, Tour of Italian Orchestra day afternoons at Aeolian Hall, five Where I'm Going". .Irish folksong Cygne novelty silks. Three specimens. newest modes mark all of them. Three styles. an announcement of a matinee at Car¬ Saturday afternoons at the Academy of "Do Not Go, My Love"... .Richard Hageman Soft Wool Velour fashions this with its negie Hall on March 22. It was not six after¬ Helen Kanders Wool Velour Suit, with the ever-smart slot seams. Tailored suit, very beautifully Indefinitely Postponed Music, Brooklyn; Saturday Elegie . Massenet cord-tucked back and side-panel effect. There are given; the tickets remain in the writ¬ Italo-Amcriean for noon concerts for at Car- convertible and turned double, pocket« as a TJie Association young people Miss Kanders and Mr. Pilzer collar, newly-cut pockets cuffs. at the sides and the collar has a double er's scrapbook melancholy sou¬ Music, of which Otto II. Kahn is the negio Hall and four Saturday morning The beautiful purpose in life. venir of tho great singer's last visit has been advised from Romo concerts for children at Aeolian' Hall. At 8:15 p. m., concert by the Vatican Strictly tailored Oxford Suit in the new 36-inch coat The tailoring of this suit is best appreciated when pen in which it was chairman, style. in real life.the possible to listen to through the Italian Ambassador at The soloist for the opening concerts Choirs: trimming of bone buttons and the slightly raised narrow belt are the jacket has some delightful panel effect, created her without sorrow. This tour was of from fine tucking, and there is a by Marcus R. Washington that the tour of the Saint will be Arthur Spalding, who will play Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1526-1594, only signs departing the mannish style. very fetching collar. managed by Mayer, who died Cecilia Orchestra, which was to be¬ the Mendelssohn E minor Violin Con- Roman School) Heather mixtures are always desirable at the within the last year.
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