Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19564-5 - Military Saints in Byzantium and Rus, 900–1200 Monica White Index More information Index All ancient and medieval people are listed by first name. Princes of Rus in the generations up to and including Boris and Gleb are listed by first name only, while princes in subsequent generations are listed by first name and patronymic or epithet (e.g. Dolgorukii). Princes are generally identified by the city which they ruled last, unless an earlier city was particularly important for their career. Emperors up to and including Constantine I are identified as ‘Roman’, subsequent emperors as ‘Byzantine’. Emperors are listed by first name and number, not surname or epithet. Abel, 146 Anastasios I, Byzantine emperor, 42 comparison with Boris and Gleb, 139 Anastasios the Persian, St Achaeans, 1 miracles of, 23–4 Agapetos, deacon, 183 Andreev, city in Rus, 176 Agathias, historian, 39 Andrew Bogoliubskii, prince of Vladimir, 179, Histories, 38 183, 184, 185, 197 Agathonikos, St career, 168 depiction on seals, 155 comparisons Alamanni, 38 with Andrew, 181 Alexander the Great, 40 with Boris and Gleb, 181, 182 comparison with Byzantine with King David, 181 emperors, 157 with King Solomon, 181 depictions murder of, 181–3 in friezes, 186, 194 religious innovations, 168, 170 in minor arts, 157, 159 residence, 168, 178–9 Alexander, Byzantine emperor Tale of the Victory over the Volga Bulgars, coins, 118 180, 181 Alexandra, legendary Persian empress, 21 texts by and about, 180 Alexios I, Byzantine emperor, 111, 198 veneration coins, 118, 172 of Boris and Gleb, 181–2, 184 Alexios III, Byzantine emperor of Christ, 179–80, 181 coins, 118 of Mother of God, 181, 211 seals, 117 of Theodore, 180–1 Alexios Angelos Komnenos, grandson of Andrew, St, 182 Alexios I comparison with Andrew Bogoliubskii, 181 seals, 198 depiction on seals, 115 All Souls’ Day, 60 Andronikos Komnenos, son of Alexios I, 172 Alta, river, 153 Anonymous Byzantine Treatise on Strategy, The, Church of Sts Boris and Gleb, 152 see Syrianos Magistros: De re strategica Amasea, city in Asia Minor, 27 Antioch, 32, 59 Ambrose, St, 37 Antony, St Ammianus Marcellinus, historian, 34 church dedications, 120 Anastasia, St Apamea, city in Syria, 38 depiction in frescoes, 129 Apostles, 60 241 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19564-5 - Military Saints in Byzantium and Rus, 900–1200 Monica White Index More information 242 Index Arab invasions, 28, 49 Bogoliubovo, town in Rus, 168, 179 Arabs, 14, 22, 29, 60, 69, 107, 108 citizens of, 182 Arethas, St, 79, 81 Boris, prince of Rostov, see also Boris, prince of depiction in ivory carvings, 78 Rostov and Gleb, prince of Murom Arkadii, archbishop of Novgorod ‘The Appearance of Boris’, 143 liturgical office to Boris and Gleb, 144, 145 comparisons Arkadios, archbishop of Cyprus with Barbara, 139 homily to George, 23, 24 with Niketas, 139 Armenia, 32 with Romanos the Melode, 139 Arrianos, military author with Václav, 139 Taktikon, 42 depiction on seals, 115 Asia Minor, 173 relics, 153, 154, 182, 183, 184 Avars, 45 Boris, prince of Rostov and Gleb, prince of Avar-Slav invasions, 14, 18, 71 Murom, 4, 6, 7, 132, 139, 167, 179, 180, 181, 184, 186, 193, 199 Baghdad, 95 accounts in Primary Chronicle, 134–5, 137, Balkans, 5, 25 142, 143, 146, 147 Baltic Sea, 124 association Barbara, St with Demetrios, 140–1, 142 church in Soğanlı, 83 with George, 140, 142 comparison with Boris, 139 with Merkourios, 142 Bardas Phokas, rebel, 89 with military saints, 3, 4, 6, 93, 131, 132–3, Bardas Skleros, rebel, 89 134, 142–5, 147–8, 155–66, 187–90, Bartholomew, St 199–200, 201–2, 204 depiction in minor arts, 160 with Nicholas, 139–40 Basil I, Byzantine emperor, 51, 65, 66, 67, 78, 121 category of sainthood, 135–7 anonymous poem to, 65 cathedral in Chernigov, 152 campaigns, 32 church dedications, 120 church-building activities, 66, 72, 121 churches comparisons in Grodno, 153 with Constantine I, 65 in Kideksha, 178 with King David, 65 in Kiev, 149 with King Solomon, 65 in Novgorod, 153 murder of Michael III, 121 in Novogrudok, 153 veneration in Polotsk, 153 of Diomedes, 66 in Riazan, 153 of Elijah, 65 in Vyshgorod, 151–2, 178 Basil II, Byzantine emperor, 32, 59, 64, 85, 89, on Alta River, 152 94, 203 comparisons campaigns, 32 with Abel, 139 veneration with Andrew Bogoliubskii, 181, 182 of military saints, 89–91 with Joseph and Benjamin, 138 of Mother of God, 89 cultural significance of, 133 Basil the Great, St, 78 death of, 135–6 church in Vyshgorod, 151 depictions depiction on seals, 115, 154 in frescoes, 163–4, 165–6 vision of, 141 in friezes, 187–90, 193 Basil the Parakoimomenos, 85 in minor arts, 158–63, 164–6, 201 Basil the Younger, St on seals, 154–6, 165–6 Life, 86–7 earthly lives of, 134–5, 143 Beirut, 32 entries Belarus, 94 in First Redaction of prolog, 145, 179 Belisarios, general, 37, 40 in minei, 145–6 Bible, 52, 54, 113 Lesson, 135, 136, 137, 138–40, 141, 143, 154 Black Sea, 73 liturgical offices, 143–5 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19564-5 - Military Saints in Byzantium and Rus, 900–1200 Monica White Index More information Index 243 monastery on Smiadyn River, 152, 179 in frescoes, 128, 173 paremeinik readings, 146–7, 183, 184 in minor arts, 127, 156, 157, 159, 160, 196, 197 relics, 151–2, 175, 179 on seals, 116, 117, 198 sources, 7, 8–9, 133–4, 137–8, see also works as example to soldiers, 54 by title, medium or genre icons of, 14, 38, 40, 108 Tale, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140–1, 142, 143, 146, 147 intercession in war, 64, 89, 197 Tale of the Miracles, 137, 139–40, 151, 152, Pantokrator 153, 175 monastery in Constantinople, 192 veneration Transfiguration by house of Suzdal, 168–9, 170, 178, 179, church in Polotsk, 130 181–2, 184, 187–90, 199–200, 201–2 depiction on seals, 117 by Iaroslav, 142, 147 veneration by Andew Bogoliubskii, 179–80, 181 by Riurikids, 142, 145–6, 148–62 in vision of Basil the Great, 141 Borisov, city in Rus, 176 Christendom, 46 Borisov-Glebov, city in Rus, 176 Christianity, 42, 45, 62, 79, 101, 121 British Museum, 81 Christians, 41, 56, 58, 59, 136 Bulgaria, 32, 61, 87, 104 Nestorian, 39 Bulgarians, 56, 61 non-Chalcedonian, 45 Bulgars, 95 in Roman army, 1, 34 Byzantine Commonwealth, 157 persecution of, 1, 6, 13, 35 Byzantine emperors, see emperors, dynasties or of Thessalonika, 15 periods by name Christina, St Byzantine Empire, 3, 4, 8, 61, 62, 63, 92, 93, 94, depiction in frescoes, 129 95, 97, 102, 121, 122, 130, 131, 132, 144, Chronicon Paschale, 37–8, 45, 46, 47–8 150, 156, 157, 158, 159, 162, 165, 171, 177, Chrysippos of Jerusalem, 30 185, 186, 195, 203, 204, 205 miracle stories about Theodore Teron, 28 trade with Varangians, 94–5 Chud, tribe, 111, 175 Byzantines, 38, 39, 45, 54, 56, 62, 87, 96, 200, church dedications 204 Byzantine, 120–1 Byzantium, see Byzantine Empire Rus, 119–20, 151–3 Clement of Alexandria, St Cain, 146 church dedications, 120 comparison with Sviatopolk, 139, 141 depiction in ivory carvings, 81 Campaign Organization and Tactics, see De re Clement of Ohrid, St militari enkomion to Demetrios, 101–2 Cappadocia, 13, 25, 173, 174 lessons churches in honour of Demetrios, 101–2 Cistern church, 82–3 in honour of George, 101 of the Cross, 83 coins of Nikephoros II, 81, 83 Byzantine, 118, 171–2 Caucasus, 45, 94, 95 Rus, 118–19 Chaldaeans, see Persians Constantine I, Roman emperor, 37, 47, 50, 178 Chernigov, city in Rus church in Constantinople, 121 Cathedral of Sts Boris and Gleb, 152 comparison with Basil I, 65 Christ, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 103, 106, 139, 145, 180 decree of religious toleration by, 2 anguish at sins of people, 69 depictions baptism of on coins, 118 depiction on seals, 115 in friezes, 187 church dedications, 120 in minor arts, 157 comparison with Byzantine emperors, 157 on seals, 115, 116 Crucifixion Life, 35–6 depiction in minor arts, 123 rehabilitation of victims of persecution, 40 death of, 136 religious leadership of army, 2, 35–6, 42 depictions veneration by Iurii Dolgorukii, 177 on coins, 118, 172 war with Licinius, 36 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-19564-5 - Military Saints in Byzantium and Rus, 900–1200 Monica White Index More information 244 Index Constantine V, Byzantine emperor, 28, 46, 50 David, king of Israel, 45, 151, 159 Constantine VII, Byzantine emperor, 51, 57, comparisons 61, 77 with Andrew Bogoliubskii, 181 Book of Ceremonies, 69, 78 with Basil I, 65 campaigns, 32 with Byzantine emperors, 157 military orations, 58 with Gleb, 138 veneration of military saints, 78–80 depictions What Should be Observed When the…, 50–1, in minor arts, 157 57–8, 78 on seals, 115 Constantine IX, Byzantine emperor David, St, see Gleb, prince of Murom seals, 111 Davydova bozhenka, city in Rus, 176 Constantinople, 15, 17, 29, 44, 47, 49, 50, 65, De re militari, 52 70, 77, 82, 85, 87, 97, 100, 102, 107, 110, De rebus bellicis, 42 161, 162, 171, 173, 174, 180, 185, 192, 196 Delehaye, Hippolyte, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 27, 73 attacks by Rus, 86–7, 96 Demetrios, St, 4, 6, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 26, 30, 32, Cathedral of the Holy Wisdom, 37 33, 64, 66, 70, 72, 73, 77, 78, 96, 102, Chapel of Archangel Michael, 121 108, 119, 177, 198, 199 churches anonymous collection of miracle stories, of Archangel Michael, 121 7, 18 of St Constantine, 121 association with Boris and Gleb, 140–1, 142 of St Demetrios, 66, 67, 71, 72 Byzantine artistic sources, 13, 19–21, 25, of St George, 22, 107 see
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