Steady Running Is on Important Aspect of Winter Training. Derek Parker

Steady Running Is on Important Aspect of Winter Training. Derek Parker

NEWS AND VIEWS 5 READERS' LETIERS 1991 9 EDITOR Alan Campbell COACHING CLINIC ASSOCIATE EDITOR Doug Gillon 10 SUB EDITOR 32 Margaret Montgomory DIET FEATURE 14 R 801.11n11 Spon• R1,111nl... tJt1l.. )I; CONTRIBUTORS T·ttlltt•- Top quQlily USA t~ ciotl.Oll gtit"-11, llotrvy qualny wl1t1 04nt'OU5 Arnold Black Q.11, l\llll'llftO clffiero on t 1on1 and b.:11'.. ~TJ· M. l. XL . .non.-.....:!, ou.- Jott Caner Oornk Pari<er NORTH EAST NOTES 33 8ouf1'1of 6oo1h RUTlfllon'll U"ltu: ~9"'• Traw.-it ,,.,._,, Ga<don Ritcllie - OH9t tU,'5 19 Colin Shields T/ie G;eat Scoltlsh Run. see Page 20. Allan Wells ' DESIGNER GREAT SCOTIISH RUN Margaret Montga<nery 20 ADVERTISING MANAGER Fi:ona Ross • CLASSIFIED SALES RANKINGS Maureen MuTii gan 22 ADMINISTRATION Gillian McCallum SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES ENGLISH SALES AGENCY 24 S.M.S. Lid 061 ·83~6265 JUNIOR PROFILE COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR Tim New 25 RESULTS 26 HARES AND HOUNDS 32 CLASSIFIEDS 33 Junior profile. Page 25. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: UK £18.00. EUROPE, EIRE & WORLDWIDE SURFACE MAIL £28.50. AIRMAIL £40.00. r a1· 0782 410411 $tok•on-Tr•nt $T4 l OJ Fur 0782 411(J12 PUBllSHED BY SCOIRUN PUBllCAOONS LTD, APPWAX SIUDIOS. I 13 ST GEORGE'S ROAD, GIASGOW GJ l>JA. Send cheque/ Ofder ot tit~ yout atdcK's quo1ing Acctu. Visa, Al'r!OfbnE~ Of Oi"""' Card Al orclttS 5'oUand's RuMer November 1991 3 £.AD and owr OOlt hea, other ordm p~ £3 poe1 allCf pa.c ..lng NEWS Run and Become Be~ome an If';) NEWYEAR LONDON'S UAOING SPECIAUST aUNNING SHOP MAIL OR.DER LACK OF NOW OPEN IN EDINBURGH You can phone yourorderthrouhg by A<ceuM.o for some cloy dlspatch or •i 56 Oolry Ro•d, Haynmk<t EDINllURCH EH112BA T•l.031 -3135300 Mncl ch..qvo/PO to take advontoge of (One mlnutes jog or hvo minute walk from Haymarket St.:1tion) our f.rce po.1to9e + paclcing moU ord« MEETING ARE YOU PREPARED FOR TI-IE CROSS COUNTRY SEASON AND .&er'Yic:e. (Club tl1uount crvoilo.&J.e fD FUNDS ~r-.onol coll•r• onJy • jud hring f04Jr KITraO OUT FOR TI-IOSE LONG WINTER TRAINING RUNS? dub memb.,../tip carJJ SAVED X-Coun!(y Spikes Ripstop; Royi.1/Ulac S.M.LXL 079.99 BrooklN'M.loNI 3-12 04..99 New Trcifners llpit;Navy 5.M.LXL 0$9.99 HOOKS TRA(KSTtRS SPECIAi. "'( believe that was a mistake," Rttbok H•.nkr Spike 6.U 09.99 MloCEl.IUCrou 6-12: CS9.99 £9.99 TB.E 1nnual New Year professional Rttbolt F.d6f' 4-12 CJ9.99 039.99 ('J1w Crl DJ witb a• or.Jolt ro.d .olcl NAVT LARGE ONLY athletics meeting, which looked ssys Rcuie. i.osis1ing: "The SCA baJ NW loDm Exm &-1_2 OU9 039.99 NlaCEl.Spc«j 6-12 t.6'9.99 0 49.99 d004ned following the withdrawal 1nissed thebc:s1 mtrkcting oppo11unj1y Asla.LadyCt:l.Sp«d 3-P CllJ.09 ru..,,. earlier this year promocer ~1ary hiscverli.kc1ytobavc. Idon'1 want to BroobOutn,g~ 1-12 09.99 61.!2 or Studded Shoos Broob~ 11 7-tl '49.99 Ly·cr• Young and her son, Tom. hai beeo get ln10 • person~ feud . Du1 1 was Ntw &1.tntt Tn.Ub.Jst SS ·11.5 £19.99 BroobM*&Jl\lm 7-1 2 Ci9.99 H•lly Han1an rescoed by a psolcegc pul 1ogclhcr by forced to back down. l\.'ibAtrki~ 6-13 0099 Ron Hill Pub 65 • 12 £3$1'.99 RON Hill 'IRACKSTtRS Long 1l••v• t-ahi.t1 handic:•wcr Adam Criwford, wi1~1 "As a council member, T think Ron Hitt Rlvltigton Plb 4-11 07.99 Nib Alt Enod)'DCI 6-13 (59,99 hat1 and GloYH Rerb:lkFdtR.K'f'r +.12 (39.99 Nlk.t Air ~tu:s 6-ll £49.99 £14.99 DougGUlon. Ad!JU should hnvc been looking to Bioob N•l\c>Nl ~II 3.12 09.99 <N-CokNt> S.M.LXL NIW Nik• Autumn Pri1,e money will be more lhan lhca.uocia:tion's inw:rcsu..no1 reviving NlkLL.Mfy Air Jeana BI.ACK/NAVY / 1110/ fMERALD S..9 £4:2..99 Clolftlng double lh1' ol last )'c&r. A total of lhe 1ncc1ing for hin1sclJ."' Nlk.t Lady A.II' Atbn1.1 , 5.9 lS9.99 SKY llUE/PURPU/FLOR .OSOO ( of£1 600) goes 10 the Crawrord rcscnl$ the irnplic.a1ioo Ul,MINI IOON WAUN orr Nik IAdy Alt Sky'°" YELLOW IOAp INOll "' £54..99 winnerof lhe big sprint alone, and lhe I.hat he aoled OUI of selC•intercs'l. RAIN SUITS •••AUTUMN SPECIAL ••• RON Hill 'IRACKSTH TOPS AUTUMN whole meeting is being rcv:a.mpcd. "No1hing 1 have done. was ~ • 81.A.CK/CRW-Z £1$.99 ...11\e pubLie will have acccss w lhc: underhand," he insis1cd. "The. ASICS GEL SAGA 4.> • l2 NAVY/RFD S.M.L £».99 NAVY/ ROYAL/FLOR YELLOW c.I.OTJll!'\G ~fcadowbank lounges, and there will prcsidcn1knew every step whnlf was .£34.99 ~lM Rm.llCTIVESUIT S..\t.LJCL 09.99 S.M.LXl be betting (adlitie~ indoors," J<iid doing. (normally -'44.99) 4 TRACKSTtRS £ 14.99 ITS GETTING <JOH6D2C sum sua Crawford, hand~cappcr (or 14 years. "I waited a. few days lO sec if Ennk§bonrr NAVT/R OYAVRED/11.ACIC COLDER Oh1mond.; 81.idt/Roy•I 5..M.LXl. !199.99 S.M.LXL ..We believe people should have 311yoncwouldstcpin when the Youngs an opt.ion to frcc7ing in the soind.'' bcw.·ed C>u1. During thu Lime I was "WE'RE KEEPING THE CAPITAL Crawford plans 10 scnp the 90 metres noodc:d wilh calls from people who RUNNING" and replace il with a 7S·mcue dash. wanted 10 save the meeting, and "'I reckon lha1 wiU auracl more prc~ rcd 10 pledge mt'lfley. When people, including a lol of am.atcur nobody m11dc 1 move, I began making rugby players," he says. "We'll also inquiries. rcinuoducc the 200 metres, with 1 "Fr11.nk llanlon, • former £500 firSt prize. And lnvergordon ccmpetitor, has pul up lhc bulk or the DistilJc r.i; arc sponsoring 1he richest cash, bu1 1bou1 30 01hers •re ANDY Vince has taken up the pol1 of During the nlne·month gap since C\'Cr 800rn, with £600 io the winner." contributing £200 Cilch. nition:d C03ch, 11.ndhopeJ the (cdcr.stion Dave Lease's departure, lhe Scottish Despite what must be good newt ••'£be SCA could not look 1u th11 is quickl)' approved. Until lhen he feels Spons Council withdrew the funding (or I.he pro meeting, lhc revamp has son of proinoe.ion • lhcy could not there iJ li1lle he can do about the major which they pul towards I.he national caused some waves within 1he even save Lothian llighland issues, namely drawing up a ooach 's Pl•ry, which meant tN:1 1hc governing body or pcdestrianism, lhc Games when 1herc were problems." development plan and a progmnme for already strclched athletics budget found Soouish Games A.s:soc:iAtion. Thcrdn lies a funhc:r pojnt or \ht 1994 Com1nonwcallh Games, both it c.ven harder to cope with their fort· For Adam Crawford ls 1t council con1cntion. ForCrawfor -d has applied or which arc overdue. holding operation. member or 1he SGA, and their lo Edinburgh District Council torevive secretary, Andrew Rc1tie, believes llighhnd Gamc.s at Me3dowbank Cnawford ha.s ups11gcd hiscotlca:gues. during the Edinburgh ~ "fwanted lhcSGA to step in 1,1;hcn FutivaJ with a major Ratified at last Mary and Tom decided 10 stop cven1, on Augus1 23, replacing the promoling," said Rcuie. East meeting_ IT is more \htn 12 ~!'$ since- John Soonish llJ ·Lime fui,. I I lebooking ~1c.adowbank Uidium ..1'h11 really riJC$ me,.. uid Rcuic. Robson ran the (aslest ever 1SOOm by a '"It has tong been nly gratest wish lo "'That is also something the SGA ) h.Un:wlf. Md Cnwford was forced lo Scot, 3min 33.83sec, write1 Doug 1« I.hat iime ratified," 1aid RobJon, seuJe for Powdcrhall u.ntiJ &he SGA •hould be doing:· Gillen. 1lte wu at lhc lvo van Damme bronze medallist al tSOOm in the 1978 president, Ben Bttllantyne, instructed Crawford pllln.s a full range of Mc:i:noria1 Games in Drusscls. Despite Commonwealth Games and still going Reuie to ea.nett lhc Mcadowbank heavy events, plus track running and ils grand pri"> naws, and 1hcprcktlce of ttrong, u wtlne.U his third place aflct book ini. Rcttic had been unable to call cycling, 1ug or war, dancing tnd l!u rope's leadingtimc kcqx:rs, tlual n1.ark dic&ating the Groll Scottish Run. a council meeting of the SGA lo piping.But lhcci1y'sdcciskx1 on a pro was not ratified as 1 Scoct.ish nationtl AOOlhcr 10 have his name put back oonfinn hitpersonal decision to book llighland O:un« will hll\'C lO woJt reconl until Scptcmbcrofthisyc1: rwhc:n in lighls w.s 1970 Commonweahh Meadow bank, and Oallantync bcUcvcd un1ll after the in1emationsl nx1un: it wa$oneof 12rctro$pcctivclysonction SCX>Om, champion bn S1ew1an .,..'ho$.c that bccausco( this, and I.he unccruiin1y congress this autumn. h ii pOSJiblc foUowing inve,uigations by lhe records wmning lime (or 10,000m 07·43.03), over spon1onhip, lhc SAGA should that a major ru1ure cauld daim lhlll and Sta1is1ics sub...c:ommiucc of the a1 I.he UK ch11rnpionshlpt no lc.u, was not go ahead u promoiers.

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