page 2 the paper april 20, 2011 Can you find 20 Hey Kids!! things wrong with the picture on the cover??? (“It looks like a Jackson Pollock” does not count, dicks) Every issue online and blog posts about everything and nothing. Check us out online: fupaper.wordpress.com Fan mail? Hate mail? “ Prison Nicknames” Write to us! Editor-in-Chief Sean “Bad Dad” Kelly the paper c/o Offi ce of Student Leadership Executive Editors and Community Development Mickie “Red Eagle” Meinhardt Fordham University Bronx, NY 10458 News Editors [email protected] Marisa“Sticky Fingers Missy” Caroll http://groups.google.com/group/fordhampaper Sarah “Jailnerd” Madges the paper is a product solely of the students. No part of the publication may Arts Editors be reproduced without written consent of the editors. the paper is produced us- Liz “White Power Liz” O’Malley ing Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word, and the incredibly hard Andrew “Silent Predator” Craig work of the people to the right. Photos are mostly “borrowed” from Internet sites like: www.google.com, www.imdb.com, www.nambla.org, www.rollingstone.com, www.cnn.com, and occasionally taken by us with an old Polaroid we found in the Earwax Editor attic. Sorry mom, subscriptions are not available. Ad rates are unreasonable – don’t Tom “The Big Sliwowski” Sliwowski ask. Open staff meetings are held Tuesdays at 8PM at various locations in the Mc- Ginley Center. Articles and letters to the editor may be submitted via e-mail to Comix Editor [email protected], or scrawled incoherently with crayons on the inside Elena “Chili Con Carnage” Lightbourn of a Keystone Light 30-rack. Submissions are always considered, usually printed, and occasionally used to make origami rhinoceroses. If you do not wish your letter R.I.P. to the editor to be published, just say so. We do not advocate wussitude; all letters must be signed. We reserve the right to edit any material submitted for publication. Sam “Hell’s Cherub” Wadhams We will, however, work with the writer and see that content is as true to the writer’s Alex “Rolly Donagan” Gibbons original as possible. We publish this rag ten times a year (fi ve per semester). Joe “Innocent Joe“ McCarthy So why not come down and write for us? We are a constantly evolving publica- Chris “Real Guilty” Sprindis tion, and have been since 1972. And we try our best to second guess mainstream Alex “Exit Only“ Orf opinion and buck the system, even if there is no call to do so. But hey, writing isn’t Nick “Cassandra” Murray for everyone. Try reading a good book like Goops and How to Be Them: A Manual Chris “ShitBrick” Gramuglia of Manners for Polite Infants, by Gelet Burgess. You might just learn something. Robert “Meth Row” Cardos our aim Copy Staff John “Creeper in the Corner” O’Neill the paper exists as Fordham University’s journal of news, analysis, comment, and review. We are an entirely student run publication, and have been since 1972. Adam “Snitchy Mitch” Dixon Our aim is to print compelling articles written by students in their own voice and from their own perspective. Yes, this means we allow things like cussin’, and sto- Contributors ries of substance-induced debauchery. But it also means we publish articles that ex- Jake Sanders, disposable cameras, stolen Christmas candy, An- amine issues on Fordham’s campus and in the world from a critical perspective. We gelos Kontos, not discretion, Scott Forba, Accepted Students Day are not brown-nosers, nor a newspaper of record. We are a bunch of rapscallions food, DCoke, Forever Young, ass, eagle tattoos, Stareguy, the hot who get together fi ve times a semester to put out a rag that makes people laugh, cry, dog cart at accepted students day, glitter cookies, consolation get pissed, and—we hope—makes people think. If you don’t like it, shut your pie hole (or come write for us)! drinking, free red wine at the Guggenheim, onion breath, Evan Williams and Cadbury Creme Eggs april 20, 2011 the paper page 3 news "I Shouldn't Have To Invent New Foods" critical analyses of students’ Sodexo responses by Marisa Carroll call to action and, always, lim- those who participate in ‘slack- Sodexo’s health scores suggest mused, “It’s really scary that NEWS CO-EDITOR its an “activist’s” accountabil- tivist’ campaigns an illusion of a degenerative period is valid. there’s a pushpin in someone’s ity when a call to action is pro- having a meaningful impact on It is a complaint fairly directed muffi n…that’s reminiscent of The United Student Govern- vided. Malcolm Gladwell (in a the world without demanding at Sodexo reps, whose job is to something that would happen ment’s April 11 “Sodexo Town very Malcolm Gladwell-y way) anything more than joining a monitor the upkeep of Sodexo in a Saw movie.” I would like Hall” summoned complaints, wrote in the 2010 New Yorker Facebook group.” Students nei- facilities. However, Saad’s next to commend this young woman jeers, and offi cial discussion article “Small Change: Why the ther agitated actual activism nor remark, “We as students don’t and The Ram’s Brian Kraker of “sneeze guards.” Mostly, it revolution will not be tweeted.” “transformed Facebook,” as The want to fail you, the adminis- (who unironically quoted her in invoked student concerns unre- “The platforms of social media Ram and others have implied. tration, and we work out butts “Students Shower”) for invent- lated to the purpose of the event, ing and promoting the worst are built around weak ties… The groups’ catalyzing affect on off in the classroom, out of which was to clarify Fordham Saw movie of all time. Imag- weak ties seldom lead to high- both individuals and Fordham the classroom and we deserve dining facilities’ health inspec- ine the trailer: “In Saw VI, a risk activism.” was clearly limited. An “I Bet something more,” refl ect some- tion grades and explaining So- man drives spikes into his own In the case of Fordham, Face- I Can Find 1,600 Fordham Stu- thing entirely different. Here, dexo’s response to these grades. palms. Now, in Saw VII, some- book, and Sodexo, The Ram and dents Who Like Snooki More Saad—like many students on- Instead, the event and its cov- one gets an ouchy scratch in the others praised the “Demanding Than Sodexo” Facebook group line and at the Town Hall—was erage refl ect trends in student roof of her mouth (cue ominous a Refund from Fordham Hospi- might have achieved the same directing complaints regarding apathy and emphasize the racial music).” Sodexo’s Brian Poteat tality Services” Facebook group “activist” aims months before the Fordham administration at and class tensions ever-present responded that, after Sodexo because it “amassed over 1,600 the Sodexo health violations the panel, which was not com- on Fordham’s campus. sent the muffi n to a lab for in- members on its fi rst day” (The were publicized. posed of Fordham administra- vestigation, the pushpin conclu- Katherine White, the Ford- Ram, “Fordham Flocks” April This suggests a dispar- tors. Admins, including Dean sively was not baked into the ham Rose Hill sophomore who 11 2011). However, only 200 ity between students’ alledged of Students Christopher Rod- muffi n, so not a fault of Sodexo created the “Protesting Sodexo’s students came to the Sodexo “concern”—Fordham dining gers, were present—standing (again, the Caf received an A on Unsanitary Conditions” Face- its health inspection). After her book group, was the fi rst very witty cinematic allusion student to address the Town was crushed, she responded, Hall’s panel of Sodexo rep- “Yeah, but it’s still creepy… resentatives and USG ex- like a Saw movie.” Zing. ecutive members. She said, This is not to say that all “We’re told that we’re the complaints about Fordham most apathetic generation food are unimportant. Stu- and just sit around playing dents articulated major prob- ‘Call of Duty’ or reading lems with Fordham’s din- Twilight…this shows it is ing policies. Namely, these not the case.” policies are the high price of United Student Govern- meal plans (Fordham’s cost ment Executive Vice Presi- more than other New York dent Caitlin Meyer also City schools that use Sodexo) addressed the crowd, stat- and most on-campus stu- dents’ obligation to purchase ing, “This show of robust these plans. student activism leaves me However, these substan- optimistic.” In The Ram’s tive complaints lost credibil- April 11 issue’s “Fordham ity in their articulation. These Flocks to Facebook to Vent concerns were articulated at Frustrations and Coordi- the wrong source (namely, nate Student Response” and Brian Poteat & Co.) and in “Students Shower Sodexo the wrong context (at a forum with Complaints at Town about health code violations). Hall” (Way to go on that Inviting students to humiliate alliteration, The Ram), News Poteat became an ideal bait- Town Hall event, suggesting facilities’ health inspection amongst a group of fi fty stu- Editor Brian Kraker hails “stu- and-switch, distracting students that only one-eighth of the “ac- grades—and about what stu- dents in the back of O’Keefe— dent activism.” Kraker even from their problems with the ad- tivists” were personally invest- dents are actually articulating but when USG Executive Vice begins “Fordham Flocks” with ministration and granting them ed enough to answer a call to their anger. This disparity was President Caitlin Meyer asked the claim, “The Fordham com- false resolution.
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