HOSPITALS GENERAL NEEDS The Support o f: — One Foreign Business Mar One Foreign Nurse. Five Foreign Doctors, viz. Pathologist, R<»entgonoiogis,, T w . PKysiei ir s Pediatritiau. X-ray Outfit, Supply of Bible Portions ani I’racts, Medical and Instruction Books, Hew Buildings, Furniture, Hospital Beds, etc., Supplies (Cotton, Gauze, Bandage), Hospital Material and Clothing (Hew and Old), Mattresses, Sheets, Pillow-cases, Blankets, Towels, Endowment, Motor Ambulance, Fund for Current Expenses, Surgical Instruments, Support for Bed for One Year. THE FOREIGN AND CHINESE STAFF OF THE CANTON HOSPITAL, 1919. REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1919 OF THE CANTON HOSPITAL CANTON, s h j a -a . i ip ' IN CONNECTION WITH THE CANTON MEDICAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY AND THE CANTON MEDICAL MISSIONARY U N IO N , Yale Divinity Library New Haven. Conn. NTZ.Z C - l í Z s - A w r y OFFICERS OF THE CANTON MEDICAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY. FOR 1919. President .................... Rev. James M. Henry. H on. Vice - Presidents : Dr. C. K. Edmunds. Rev. A. A. Fulton, D.D. Rev. Edgar Dewstoe. Hon. J. W. Jamieson, C .M .G ., H.B.M. Consul General. Hon. A. W. Pontius, U.S. Consal General. Dr. W . G .‘ Reynolds. G. D. Fearon, Esq. Robert Shewan, Esq. Mrs. John G. Kerr. Hon. Treasurer ........ E. H. Smyth, Esq. Hon. Secretary ........ Dr. C. A. Hayes. Hun. Auditor ........ H, C. Shrubsole, Esq. TRUSTEES: Hon. J. W. Jamieson, C .M .G , Convenor of Board of Trustees. Hon. A. W. Pontius. E. H. Smyth, Esq Term expires 1919. Dr. C. K. Edmunds ....... „ 1920. Dr. W. G. Reynolds ....... „ 1921. Rev. W . D. N o y e s „ 1922. Rev. C. A. Nelson ........... „ 1923. THE CANTON MEDICAL MISSIONARY UNION. DIRECTORS, 1919. Rev. JAMES M. H e n r y , Chairman, Representing American Presby­ terian Mission, North ... Term expires 1922. Rev. W . MAWSON, Secretary, Representing New Zealand Pres­ byterian M ission ,, 1922. C h a n L im P a k , Esq. Representing Chinese Community Rev. E d g a r D e w s t o e , Representing Canton Medical Missionary Society ....... ,, 1922. Dr. E. J. M . D ic k so n , Representing American Reformed Presbyterian M ission ... „ 1920. Dr. C. K. E d m u n d s , Representing Canton Christian College ................................ „ 1920. Rev. J. S. KUNKLE, Representing American Presby­ terian Mission, North ... ,, 1922. Mr. O. E. P o m e r o y , Representing Canton Christian College ................................ „ 1920. Mr. K. D u n c a n , Representing Canton Christian College ................................ „ 1920. Mr. W . A. SHERA, Representing Canton Medical Missionary Society ....... ,. 1921. Mr. E. H. Sm y t h , Representing Canton Medical . Missionary Society ....... „ 1920. W o ng Jo y C h e w , Esq. Representing Chinese Community Dr. C. A. H.AYES, Representing the Canton Hospital Staff.. Mr. J. W . BANBURY, Hospital Treasurer & Business Manager, Canton Medical Missionary Union, MEDICAL STAFF, 1919. HARRY W . BOYD, A.B., M.D.. (Univ. of Penn.), (on furlough), Ophthalmo-O! o-Rii i no-Laryngologist. W il l ia m W . Ca d b u r y , m .a .; m .d ., (Univ. of Penn.)., Internist. C h a r le s A. H a y e s , m .d ., (Univ. of Cal.), Ophthal mo- Oto-Rhino-Laryngologist, Chairman o f Staff. Mrs. C. A. H a y e s , M.D., (Univ. of Cal.), In charge of Sarah Jaffray Dispensary. Joh n K ir k , m .b ., c h .b ., f .r .c .s., (Edin. Univ.), Surgeon. W . G r a h a m R e y n o l d s , m .r .c .s., (Eng.), l .r .c.p ., (Lond. Univ.), Honorary Visiting Surgeon. Ca l v in C. R u s h , m .d ., (Univ. of Penn.), Visiting Ophthalmologist. J. O scar T h o m s o n , m .d ., c .m ., f .a .c .s., (McGill Univ.), Surgeon. JAMES M. W r ig h t , M.D., (Univ. of Kansas). Surgeon. ASSISTANT PHYSICIANS. Dr. Jeu Hak Shing Dr. Chau Oot Man Dr. Chau Koon Meng Dr. Chau Keng Teiig Dr. Chau Tsz Wing Dr. Mok Yu Yuk INTERNES. Dr. Chau Ue Kim Dr. Tsang Suen Wan Dr. Chan Pik Cha Dr. Ng Keung Wa Dr. Foo Wai Man Dr. Chue Shiu Tung Pharmacist ....................... Leung Sun Wing Assistant Pharmacist Cheung Hing,<Kai A •;;; Laboratory Assistant Kwok Pak Chuen NURSING STAFF. Miss.Bessie Louise Dickson,. R.N., (New York Hospital), Superintendent of Nurses. Miss Helen I. Stockton, R.N., (Mass. General Hospital), Associate Superintendent of Nurses. Lau I. Oi, Graduate Nurse in charge of Women's Wards. ^ on g Shu Ching, Grad uate Nu rse in cha rge o f Men s Wards. Nei Chi Ching, Graduate Nurse in charge of Operating Room. Ng Kai Chung, Head Nurse in charge of Medical Wards. Nurses in Training—24. EVANGELISTIC STAFF. Rev. Jos. C. Thomson, M.A., M.D., (voluntary). Mrs. Oscar Thomson. Mr. Joe Wong. Mr. Poon Fuk Hei (masseur). Mr. Chui Sin Tsoi (masseur). Wong Sam Koo. ADMINISTRATION STAFF. Mr. James W. Banbury, Business Manager and Treasurer. Mr. J. Warner Brown, Hon. Auditor. Iu Eung Po. Social Secretary. Leung Wing Tai, Accountant. Chiu Pak Yue, Office Secretary. Mak Wing Hoi, Office Assistant- Sum Wan Pao, Superintendent of Labour. Poon Chsong, Clerk. ANNUAL MEETING, 1919. CANTON MEDICAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The Eighty-first Annual Meeting of the Canton Medical Missionary Society, was held at the Canton Hospital, Kuk Fau, Canton, January 17th, 1919, at 3.30 p.m. President C. K. Edmunds, being absent in America, the Senior Vice-President, Rev. A. A. Fulton, D.D., presided and the following members were present:—Hon. A. W. Pontius, Mrs. John G. Kerr, Doctor and Mrs. J. Oscar Thomson, Dr. C. A. Hayes, Mr. H. B. Graybill, Mr. E. H. Smyth, Mr. & Mrs. O. E. Pomeroy, Rev. W. Mawson, Rev. J. M. Henry, Dr. Paul Todd, Mr. W. A. Shera, Mr. A. V. Hogg, Mr. H. C. Shrubsole, Rev. E. C. Howe,Mr. & Mrs. E. Pepperell, Rev. W. D. Noyes, Mr. C. G. Fuson, Rev. W. Clayson, Mr. H. F. Thomson and Mr. J. W. Banbury. Miss C. A. Smith and Dr. M. Jenks were also present. Dr. Fulton read the notice calling the meeting, after which the meeting was duly opened with prayer. The Secretary, Dr. J. Wright, being absent on business, Dr. C. A. Hayes acted as secretary pro tem. The minutes of the last Annual Meeting held on March 29th, 1918, were read and approved. It was moved and carried that the following, to be known as By-Law No. 1, be added to the Constitution of the Canton Mediqal Missionary Society, due notice having'been given at the last Annual Meeting:— “ By-Law No. 1. The Executive Committee of the Canton Medical Missionary Society shall consist of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Senior Vice-President, and the representatives on the Board of Directors of the Canton Medical Missionary Union.” The report of the Chairman of the Directors of the Canton Medical Missionary Union was read by Rev. J. M. Henry and also approved. The reports of the Chairman of the Staff and the Business Manager of the Canton Hospital were taken as read. 10 The Honorary Treasurer, E. H. Smyth, Esq. presented the Financial Report which was also approved. The following officers, whose names were prepared by the Nominating Committee, were then elected by acclamation : — President: Rev. J. M. Henry. Hon. Vice-Presidents: Dr. C. K. Edmunds, Rev. A. A. Fulton, D.D., Rev. Edgar Dewstoe, Hon. J. W. Jamieson,C.M.G., H.B.M. Consul General Hon. A. W. Pontius, U.S. Consul, Dr. VV. G. Reynolds, Hon. Robert Shewan, G. D. Fearon, Esq., Mrs. John G. Kerr. Hon. Treasurer : E. H. Smyth, Esq. Hon. Secretary : Dr. C. A. Hayes. Hon. Auditor : H. C. Shrubsole, Esq. TRUSTEES. Hon. J. W. Jamieson, C .M .G ., Convenor of the Board of Trustees. Hon. A. W. Pontius. E. H. Smyth, Esq Term expires 1919. Dr. C K. E dm u n d s „ 1920. Dr. W. G. Reynolds „ 1921. Rev. W. D. Noyes ....... „ 1922. Rev. C. A. Nelson ....... „ 1923. The appointment of E. 'H. Smyth, Esq., to act as the representative of the Canton Medical Missionary Society on the Board of Directors of the Canton Medical Missionary Union, in the place of Rev. C. W. Shoop, who has resigned, was confirmed. Notice was given by Hon. Treasurer, E. H. Smyth, to change the Constitution of the Canton Medical Missionary Society so that the membership fee will be Hongkong $5.00 instead of $10.00 per year. A rising vote of thanks was given to the retiring Officers, after which the meeting adjourned. (Signed) CHARLES A. HAYES, Secretary. 11 CANTON MEDICAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY. TREASURER S REPORT, 1919. The subscriptions and donations to the Society for the year 1919 amount to $2,699 20, which sum has been paid over to the Canton Medical Missionary Union for the Canton Hospital account. It is satisfactory to note the increased number of subscribers—both firms and private individuals— during this year. The dividends and interest received for the year 1918 on account of the Lucy Glover Werlich Legacy and the Frank Samson Legacy have also been paid to the Canton Medical Missionary Union. The total amount paid to the Canton M edical Missionary Union in the year 1919 is $5,159.83, which is so far the largest sum the Society has been able to pay to the Union in any one year. During the year the funds of the Frank Samson Legacy which were bsing kept in Sydney by the Society’s Attorney, Mr. Thomas Pratt, have be9n transferred to the control of the Trustees of the Society in Canton.
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