7272·. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JULY 21; The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Ohio moves that FINAL ADJOURNl\lE~T. the Se!late adjourn. Mr. MORRISON. 1\Ir. Speaker, I desire to call up the privileged The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 45 minutes p.m.) resolution which I reported yesterday in relation to final adjournment. the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Thursday, July 21, 1886, at The SPEAKER. The request of the gentleman from Massachusetts 11 o'clock a. m. [l\lr. DAVIS] is before the House, unless the regular order is called for. 1\Ir. VAN EATON. I call for the regular order. The SPEAKER. The regular order is called for. Mr. MORRISON. I ask that the resolution which I base called up HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. be read. WEDNESDAY, July 21, 1886. The resolutiori.was xead: as follows: L'l" TilE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, July 19,1886. The House met at 11 o'clock a.. m. Prayer by Rev. Dr. BULLOCK, Resolt,ed by the House of .Rep1·esentatives (the Senate concm-rin,g), That the Presi· of Washington. de»:t of the f?enate and th~ Speake~· of ~he IIo~se of Representatives declare The Journal of tho proceedings of yesterday was read and approved. their I'espectiYe Houses adJourned sme d w at 3 o clock p.m. July 28,1886. · , ~ Mr. REAGAN. Mr. s·peaker, I ask the chairman of the Committee ALLE~ED FRAUDS OY THE TREAS?R1'." Ion 'Vays and Means to allow the Honse some opportunity for an ex- The SPEAKER laid ~efore the House a com~nmcation from th~ ~ec- pression of views on this resolution. retary of the Treasury, m response to ~ resolu~wn o~ the House, gtnng The SPEAKER. If the previous question is ordered, there will be the reasons why a clerk was not det:all.ed to mvestigate a settleiD:ent thirty minutes for debat.e, fifteen minutes on each side. ma~e by R. D. Lancaster, and tra?sm1ttmg pape~ conne~ted theremth; Several MKllBERS. That is enough. · wh1ch was referred to the Comnu~tee on Expenditures m the Treasury Mr. MORRISON. I call the previous question on the resolution. Department! ana ordered to be pnnted. The previous question was ordered. OLEOM.ARGARINE. The SPEAKER.· Under the rules thirty minutes are allowed for- The SPEAKER also laid before the House the. bill (H. R. 8328) de- debate; fifteen minutes in .support of the resolution and fifteen min­ fining butter; also imposing a tax upon and regulating the manufacture, utes in opposition to it. sale, importation, and exportation of oleomiugarine,. with the amend- Mr. REAGAN. Mr. Speaker, I feel as anxious as any one does to ments of the Senate thereto, and stated that they would be referred to have our labors here closed; but I fear if we adopt this t·esolution to the Committee on Agriculture. adjourn one week from to-day, and tb.e resolution should be concurred Mr. DUNHili. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order that that, in by the Senate, we shall fail to perform a very important part of our being a revenue bill, it ought to go to the Committee on Ways and duty to the public. There are two bills at least (and I think it right Means. , · . I should mention them) which it seems to me of very great moment The SPEAKER. The Chair thinks that under the rule the bill would we should act upon. These bills ha,>e been matured in committees, go to the Committee on Ways and Means, but the House by a vote re- and no·great length of time will be 1·equired to ad upon them. One is ferred it originally to the Committee on Agriculture. · The gent~eman the bill to regulate interstate commerce. · That bill has been discussed has a right, however, to make a motion on the subject,' if he desires. f1·equently before this Honse in former Congresses and before the conn~ It is not for the Chair to decide absolutely and finally where the bill try; I do not suppose it will require a great deal of general discuesion. shall go. The subject has been acted upon by the Senate, and a Senate bill in The bill and amendments were referred to the Committee on Agri- relation to it is before us and in condition ·to be acted on· here. · For culture. twelve or fifteen yeara t~e country has been demanding in every form in which public opinion could be expressed legislation on this subject. POLICE REGli'LATIOYS FOR DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.. The Senate having acted upon the question, if the disposition of the TheSPEAKERalso laid before the House an act (S. 2600) to authorize matter by the Ho\lSe should require a few days' dell'\.y, it seems to me the commissioners of the Distric.t of Columhla to make police regula­ proper we should consent to this delay; for it is due to the interests of tions for the government of said District;· which was referred to the the country that we act upon the subject. Committee on the District of Columbia. I wouJd also favor a delay of final adjournment for a few days longer than proposed, in order that the Northern Paei.fic land-grant forfeiture CIIANGE OF INDIAN SCHOOL BUILDI~G, 'YASHINGTO~ TERRITORY. bill may be ;taken up and acted npOii. I think it due to the public that The SPEAKER also laid before the House the bill (S. 2855) to au­ these two measures should be dispos~d of before w~ adjourn; and with thorize a change of location of a certain Indian school building in Wash­ this view I would be glad if the gentleman from Illinois would permit ington •rerritory; which was referred to the Committee on Indian Af- an amendment to fix Wednesday, the 4th of Augtl8t., as the day of.final fairs. adjournment, 'IThich would be a postponement one week beyond the l'I!ESSAOE FRO.:U: THE SENA"TE. time proposed. If the Senate should find that an.adjonrnment can be The SPEAKER also laid before the House the following message from reached sooner, the matter could be arranged; or if a later date be nec­ the Senate: · · · essary, that can be settled by the way of amendment. I very much IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES, July 1!), 1886. desire that we should not fix in our resolution an earlier day than the Orde1·ed, That the Secretary be directed to furnish the House of Representa­ 4th of August, so that time may be allowed for action tlpon the two tivE's, in compliance with its request, an engrossed copy of the bill, Senate bill 1042, to pay B.S. James for transporting the United States mails. · measures which I have mentioned, and so as to wind up t~ business of the session without unnecessary haste. The SPEAKER. The Chair will state that since this xequest was I yield a minute or two to the gentlemanfromiowa [Ur.WEAVER]. made by the Honse the original engrossed bill received from the Senate 1\Ir. WEAVER, of Iowa. l\Ir. ~peaker, I concur heartily in there­ lias been found, has been reported back to the House, aud is now on marksoftheget;ttlemanfromTexas [Mr. REAGAN]. I do not think we tbe Calendar; so if there be no objection this copy will lie on the table. are now prepared to determine intelligently when this Congress can ad­ There was no objection, and it was so ordered. journ. Here are the land-forfeiture bills and the interstate-commerce LEA \E OF ABSENCE. bill; and in line with the land-forfeiture bills is the Oklahoma bill, not By unanimous consent, leave ·or absence was granted to l\Ir. T. J. 'second in importance toanyoneoftheland-forfeiture bills. It will take CAMPBELL and Mr. C&AI~ for the .remainder of the week. sometime, though nota great deal, to pass upon these questions. There would be time within the period now fixed by the resolution, ifthe House MOSES WILLIAMS. would get right down to business. But I fear that if the date named be Mr. CABELL, by unanimous consent, introduced a hill (H. R. 9928) fixed, it will be a signal to those who are opposed to .these measures to granting a pension to Moses Williams; which was read a first and sec­ consume time in order to prevent their passage. As the resolution now ond time, referred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered stands I shall have to vote against it, I would much prefer that it be to be printed. amended in accordance with the suggestion of the gentleman from CAUSES OF YELLOW FEVER. Texas. · Mr. DAVIS. · 1\fr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the Com­ :M:r. REAGAN. I yield three minutes to the gentleman from Ar­ mittee of the Whole be discharged from the further consideration of kansas [Mr. Du~N.] Senate billl730, with the amendments thereto, and that it be put upon Mr. DUNN. Mr. Speaker, I very much hope that the gentleman its passage. It is the bill providing for a commission to investigate into from illinois will allow the House to vote upon a proposition to fix the the alleged discovery of the specific causes of yellow fever and the best 4th of August as· the day of final adjournment. I perfectly well under­ methods of prevention. I will add that the amendments have secured stand and appreciate the anxiety of many members to get to their the support of gentlemen who previously opposed the bill, and I think homes pending their preliminary campaign; but gentlemen must re­ .
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