1956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - ·HOUSE 2965 A. J. Hardin Peterson, Cochrane B_uilding, A. Manly Sheppard, 1001 15th Street NW.. A. -P. K. · Ward; 219 Washington Hotel, Lakeland, Fla. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. B. Peoples Lobby, Inc., 1337 21st Street B. Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission, 24 B. Joint Committee _ of · Consumers and NW., Washingtcm, D. C. Branford Place, Newark, N. J. Small· Producers of Natural Gas, room 219, Washington Hotel, Washington, D. C, A. Ada E. Pruitt, 5814 Nevada Avenue NW., A. Southwestern Peanut Shellers Associa­ tion, Box 48, Durant, Okla. A. Myron Weiner, 917 15th Street NW., Washington, D. C. Washington, ·D. C. B. The Far East Group, Inc., 917 15th A. Purc~ll , & -Nelson, 910 17th Street NW., A. Spencer, Moore & Whalen, 2000 Massa­ Street NW., Washingto_n, D. C. Washington, D. C. chusetts Avenue NW., Washington, D. C. B. Devalin Corp., 120 Wall New B. Edward Martin Hinsberger, 55 ·Wall A. Mrs. Anna Kelton Wiley, 2345 Ashmead S~reet; Street, New York, N. Y. York,N. Y. Place, Washington, D. C. B. The Women's City Club, 1733 I Street A. W1lliam T. Stephens, 700 Washington NW., Washington, D. C., et al. A. Purcell & Nelson, 910 17th Street NW., Building, Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. B. American Utility Trailer Rental Asso­ A. A. E. Wilkinson, 417 Investment Build­ B. Little & Christman, 120 Wall Street, New ciation, 700 Washington Building, Washing­ ing, Washington, D. C. York, N. Y. ton, D. C. B. The Anaconda Co., 616 Hennessy Build­ ing, Butte, Mo~t. A. Frank L. Roberts, 740 lltl- Street NW., A. Richard E. Vernor, 1701 K Street NW., Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. A. Wilkinson, Cragun, Barker & Hawkins, B. Chrysler Corp., 341 Massachus.etts Ave- B. American Life Convention, 230 North 744 Jackson Place, NW., Washington, D. C. nue, Detroit, Mich. ' Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. B. Spokane Indian Tribe, Wellpinit, Wasli. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Thirty-fifth Anniversary of Armenian and signed a document that was later to be absorbing it into an unnatural state of known as the Atlantic Charter. In the At­ totalitarian domination where it has re- Independence lantic Charter, the United States pr.oclaimed mained. · to the world that: " [We) respect the right of all peoples to choose the form of govern­ Although the small Armenian country EXTENSION OF REMARKS ment under which they will live; and . • later lost her independence as a self­ OF [We] wish to see soverign rights and self­ governing political state, she represents government restored to those who have been more than a match against the godless HON. JOSEPH R. McCARTHY forcibly deprived of them." materially minded rulers in the Krem­ OF WISCONSIN After the war, at Yalta and Teheran, the lin. Animal and selfish ambitions con­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Roosevelt administration callously forsook tinue to guide the Soviet rulers in their the high principles on behalf of which mil­ Mo,riday, Februar,y 20, 1956 lions of young men died. It is a matter of domination of Armenia. national honor that we reestablish these But Armenia offers more than an equal Mr. McCARTHY. Mr. President, I match against the Soviet imperialists if ask unanimous consent to have printed principles today as the objectives of Ameri­ can foreign policy. We dare not rest until other qualities are taken into account. in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD a state­ the blight of communism has been erased For within the hearts of these brave peo­ ment I have prepared on the anniversary from the face of the earth; until freedom ple rest qualities which the Soviets un­ of Armenian independence. and independence is restored to all of those wisely disclaim, but qualities freedom­ There being no objection, the state­ people who are now in slavery. loving nations know to be indispensable ment was ordered to be· printed in the to their lasting and ultimate peace, prog­ RECOR~, as follows: gress; and freedom. These are the STATEMENT BY SENATOR MCCARTHY mighty spiritual and moral forces pro­ On February 18, 1921, 35 years ago, the Armenia vided by faith in God and proved by a people of Armenia waged the only success­ look into history. The lesson of history ful revolution in history against an estab­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS shows quite vividly that whenever a na­ lished Soviet Government. OF tion uses sheer material force as a weap­ In the years just prior to tl}.is revolt, and on of conquest, that nation does not following the Second World War, the Com­ munists took over Armenia and subjected HON. GERALD R. FORD, JR. long endure. that country to a vicious reign of terror, OF MICHIGAN And history illustrates, as it will again, killing, jailing, and exiling thousands of peo­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that the power of right and spiritual ple. Finally, on February 18, 1921 the people wisdom turns the tide against an al­ of Armenia rose, as ·a man, and drove out Monday, February 20, 1956 leged sense of godless materiality. The the Communist tyrants. To be s.ure, A!-. tide will turn again in favor of the Ar- menian independence was short-lived. Be­ Mr. FORD. Mr. Speaker,·on February 18 each year nationality groups over . menians and other Soviet-dominated fore long, Red Army hordes once again in­ countries when vigilant hopes and vaded this little country, and put the Ar­ large portions of the globe should pause menian peoplil back in chains. But Feb­ to thank the Almighty that their_lands dreams of the vanquished take actual ruary 18, 1921, will live in history as a offer a present and ever available oppor­ form in a return to their rightful na­ stirring example of man's devotion to free­ tunity for free individual expression. tional identity of freedom and inde­ dom, and of his willingness to fight for that The inhabitants of many nations do not pendence. freedom against insuperable odds. The share these same opportunities as we in Armenian people still, to this day, live un­ der the heel of the most brutal tyranny America and other members of the free ever known; but they live and hope and pray world. The brave Armenian people Nineteenth District Poll for the day when they wm regain their free­ represent one such group whose geo­ dom. · graphical boundaries have been swal­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS I think it is fitting that we in the United lowed into the Soviet orbit of domination. OF States today, on the anniversary of the February 18 is a day to remind us of heroic Armenian uprising, pay ti:ibute to Armenia. For it was just 31 years ago HON. JAMES M. QUIGLEY the Armenian people. It is fitting that we that the Armenian people staged the only OF PENNSYLVANIA. once ag~in dedicate ourselves to the reestab­ lishment of freedom in this oppressed land. successful full-scale uprising against es­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On August 12, 1941, the President of the tablished Soviet Government. This Monday, February 20, 1956 United States and the Prime Minister of hard-won freedom was soon blotted out, Great Britain met together aooard · an for it did not take Red terrorists long Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. S_peaker, under American warship in the Middle Atlantic, to again flow into , this .small country, leave to revise and extend my remarks, '2966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE ~ . February 2q ,~ .I include the tabulated results of a poll I think it reflects. well the intelligence Members may read some significance I. of opinion I have conducted in the con­ and interest of the voters of this area. in the results of this particular poll in­ gression district which I represent. Those who responded had to furnish sofar as they reflect the thinking of Late in December I .mailed question­ their own envelope_ and stamp. The President Eisenhower's new neighbors. comments. which accompanied so many The President and Mrs. Eisenhower re­ naires to every 10th name appearing on cently became official, voting residents of the voting lists in the 3 counties of the of the returns are indicative of the care­ the 19th district when they registered at !19th district. -The ·· response · has · been ful thinking with which the respondents the Adams County Court House in ! most excellent, running about 12 percent. approached. their answers. Gettysburg. l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,-~~~~~~~--.~~~-:-~~~-,-~~~~~~~ 19th district Adams Cumberland York Questions Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent Percent ----------------------· -'-' ---'-----------•-y_e_s___ n_o __ Y_es __ n_o __ Y_es __ n_o __ Y_es __ n_o_ 11. Do you favor, at this time, a reduction in Federal taxes? -- -------------------------------------------- 58 42 54 46 55 45 60 40 ' If your answer was "yes" indicate which of the following methods would be fairest: (a) Increase in personal exemptions __ .______ ;. ______________ ------------------------------------ 72 58 -------- 80 81 6 -------- -------- - ------- 3 9 5 5 -------- 4 7 2 3 -------- 2 ! 24 30 ~ n-JUl~~}~~fil?i~;~illii~=~~~~~(~=~=~~[[=[[~=~=(~=~(~~=:((~~~~((=(~[(((=(~~ 56 44 ~ ' -----38- 68 32 · I! your answer was "yes" indicate the proposals which appear to oiler the best solution: 22 8 18 30 17 17 23 (a) Fixef _~i~:~J°~l~ity ================== ====== ===== === ==== == == ==== ======== == ====== ==== = 8 -------- 2. 100 percent of paritY---------------------------------------------------------------- 5 - ------- -------- -------- 1 7 (b) So-called soil fertility bank _____ ·----------------------------------------------------------- 17 15 -------- 25 15 (c) Direct farm subsidies on all crops, similar to present program for wooJ ____________________ _ 8 6 9 (d) Increased market research ____ -_-- ----------------------_-- ---- _: ____ ----- __ ------_-- --___ _ 34 19 35 36 (e) Use of present surpluses to feed world needY---------•---------------------------------- ~ -- 71 . 53 68 75 (f) Combination of all above ____________ __ _____ ------~----------------- -------------- --------- 17 10 26 41 If your answer was "no" indicate whether we should: (a) Abolish all farm aid programs------------------------------------------------------------- · 37 39 43 35 ,3.
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