Direct and photon-assisted tunneling in resonant-cavity quantum-well light-emitting transistors Cite as: J. Appl. Phys. 124, 234501 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5042418 Submitted: 31 May 2018 . Accepted: 20 October 2018 . Published Online: 18 December 2018 Junyi Qiu , Curtis Y. Wang, Milton Feng, and N. Holonyak ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN Tutorial: An introduction to terahertz time domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) Journal of Applied Physics 124, 231101 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5047659 Hole transport in selenium semiconductors using density functional theory and bulk Monte Carlo Journal of Applied Physics 124, 235102 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5055373 Aperiodic multilayer graphene based tunable and switchable thermal emitter at mid-infrared frequencies Journal of Applied Physics 124, 233101 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5048332 J. Appl. Phys. 124, 234501 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5042418 124, 234501 © 2018 Author(s). JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 124, 234501 (2018) Direct and photon-assisted tunneling in resonant-cavity quantum-well light-emitting transistors Junyi Qiu, Curtis Y. Wang, Milton Feng, and N. Holonyak, Jr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, Illinois 61801, USA (Received 31 May 2018; accepted 20 October 2018; published online 18 December 2018) Tunneling in a transistor is a critical quantum process toward the next-generation, energy-efficient, high-speed data transfer for both electrical and optical communications. In this work, resonant- cavity quantum-well light-emitting transistors with tunneling collector junctions are designed and fabricated. Three distinctive tunneling mechanisms are clearly identified by the transistor optical output family curves, namely, electron direct tunneling (DT) from collector to base, electron DT from base to collector, and intra-cavity photon-assisted electron tunneling from base to collector. The device operations under both direct and photon-assisted tunneling are explained in detail by the intra-cavity quantum transition of electron-hole pair to photon dynamics. The tunnel junction and the corresponding carrier tunneling injection suggest the possibility of utilizing tunneling to achieve high-speed optoelectronics operations. Published by AIP Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5042418 I. INTRODUCTION insertion of a double quantum-well in the base and a 15 nm The invention of the transistor by Bardeen and Brattain1 In0.05Ga0.95As layer between the base and the collector as the marks the beginning of transistor integrated circuits and tunneling region. In addition to the transistor base QWs pro- viding the electron-hole (e-h) recombination and photon serves as the basis for an information revolution. The transis- tor establishes the spontaneous electron-hole recombination, generation, the collector junction incoherent-tunneling intro- supporting signal amplification and switching by voltage duces additional carrier injection mechanisms and is shown to have a significant effect on the device operation; electrons control of the emitter and the collector junctions with minor- ity carrier injection, recombination, and collection. Utilizing tunneling from base to collector can be shown to increase the a direct bandgap compound semiconductor material, hetero- base QW photon generation because of the associated hole creation; at higher bias, ICPAT dominates and a transition interfaces, and quantum-wells (QWs), the light-emitting tran- sistor2,3 and the transistor laser4,5 introduce stimulated from direct tunneling to inelastic tunneling is observed. electron-hole recombination to coherent photon generation in Detailed DT and ICPAT tunneling mechanisms are revealed in the optical (L–V) family curves in contrast to the transistor the base and result in a broad spectrum of new functionali- I–V ties. Contrary to light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and diode collector current ( ) outputs. lasers (DLs), where the active region is nearly intrinsic, the This work demonstrates the use of a collector tunnel junction in transistors to control emitter carrier injection, fast quantum-well transistor’s base is thin and heavily doped to 1019 cmÀ3, resulting in a short recombination lifetime and base transport, and QW recombination in optoelectronic thus inherently higher optical modulation bandwidth. devices, which may provide a much faster modulation method in comparison with the conventional current modula- Experimentally, a light-emitting transistor with a modulation tion of LEDs, and DLs which rely on slow diffusion for bandwidth f–3dB = 7 GHz corresponding to a radiative recom- bination lifetime of 23 ps has been reported.6,7 Also, a tran- carrier supply. sistor laser with a resonance-free 20 GHz bandwidth and a carrier recombination lifetime as low as 29 ps has been con- firmed.8 Furthermore, we have realized intra-cavity photon- II. DEVICE FABRICATION AND MEASUREMENT SETUP assisted tunneling (ICPAT) providing the coherent photon absorption to electron-hole tunneling generation at the tran- The RCLET’s structure and band diagram are drawn – sistor collector junction.9 14 This coherent-ICPAT process schematically in Fig. 1. The basic structure is an n-InGaP/ suggests that the collector region can be used as a built-in p+-GaAs/n+-GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT): electro-absorption modulator (EAM) allowing direct voltage- the emitter is a 53 nm In0.49Ga0.51P layer with a doping modulation on the semiconductor laser. of 1017 cmÀ3; the base region is GaAs with a doping of 19 20 –3 Different than the previous work on coherent-ICPAT 10 –10 cm and an undoped In0.2Ga0.8As double QWs; – in transistor lasers,9 16 this work focuses on the physical the collector is GaAs with a doping of ∼1019 cmÀ3;an mechanisms of direct tunneling (DT) and incoherent-ICPAT In0.05Ga0.95As layer of 15 nm thickness is inserted between and their interactions observed in the unique optical family the base and the collector to serve as the tunneling region. characteristics of resonant-cavity light-emitting transistors The resonant cavity is realized with a 4-pair distributed (RCLETs). The new design of RCLETs includes the Bragg reflector (DBR) (12%–90% AlGaAs) on the top and a 0021-8979/2018/124(23)/234501/6/$30.00 124, 234501-1 Published by AIP Publishing. 234501-2 Qiu et al. J. Appl. Phys. 124, 234501 (2018) FIG. 1. Resonant-cavity quantum-well light-emitting transistor (RCLET) struc- ture (left) and band diagram (right) showing the reduced gap tunnel junc- tion placed at the base-collector junction and the additional hole supply due to base-to-collector electron direct tunnel- ing under collector reverse bias. 36-pair DBR on the bottom. The device fabrication proce- the existence of tunneling behavior. As shown in Fig. 3(a), dure can be found in previous publications.2,3 a negative differential resistance region appears in the diode Figure 2 shows (a) the fabricated device under SEM and I–V curve, which is the signature of a tunnel diode.14 The (b) the optical emission viewed with an IR camera under an device band diagram is simulated with Sentaurus TCAD and optical microscope. The device has a planar contact layout plotted in Fig. 3(b) for reference. When the collector junction for potential high-speed applications and can be probed with is reverse biased (VBC , 0 V), electrons tunnel from the base two sets of ground-signal-ground (GSG) probes following valence band to the collector conduction band; at a small BC the conventional transistor common-emitter setup. A lensed junction forward bias (VBC . 0 V), electrons tunnel from the multimode fiber (core diameter 50 μm) is used to couple the collector conduction band to the base valence band; under spontaneous light output from the RCLET emission area, and higher forward bias (VBC . 0 V), electrons diffuse from the the spectrum is plotted in a linear scale in Fig. 2(c) with a collector to the base. The C-to-B tunnel current increases peak wavelength at 969.8 nm and a full-width half-maximum with the junction bias until the collector Fermi-level aligns (FWHM) of 10.6 nm. Due to the small light emission area, with the base valence band, at which point a peak current the lack of light output directionality, and the limited accep- (IP) of 2.35 mA is recorded at a peak voltage (VP) of 0.14 V; tance angle of fiber, we could only collect a few microwatts further increasing the junction bias will reduce the amount of of power, which is a major limiting factor at this stage. available equal-energy states in the base valence band and reduce the tunnel current, giving rise to the negative differen- tial resistance. The simulated band diagram shows that the I –V III. BASE-COLLECTOR TUNNEL DIODE BC BC separation between the base valence band and the collector CHARACTERISTICS Fermi-level is 0.074 eV, which is smaller than the measured The diode IBC–VBC characteristics of the base-collector peak voltage; this is likely due to the non-negligible series (BC) junction are measured at room temperature to confirm resistance introduced by contact resistance and the device FIG. 2. (a) SEM image of the finished RCLET device; the contacts are placed on the top with emitter metal (EM), base metal (BM), and collector metal (CM). (b) Microscopic top view of the device under testing; light emission (∼980 nm) can be observed with an IR camera; a lensed multimode fiber is used to couple the light output; only a fraction of the total power can be col- lected due to the small emission area and the lack of light output direction- ality. (c) RCLET emission spectrum measured at a bias of VBE ¼ 1:5Vand VCB ¼ 0:5 V; the peak emission is at 969.8 nm with a full-width half- maximum of 10.6 nm.
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