UTILIZATION OF NIGERIAN MADE FABRICS FOR GARMENT MAKING AMONG ACADEMIC AND NON ACADEMIC FEMALE STAFF IN ENUGU STATE BY AGBO BLESSING NONYELUM PG/M.Ed/12/64238 DEPARTMENT OF HOME ECONOMICS AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA JUNE, 2017. TITLE PAGE UTILIZATION OF NIGERIAN MADE FABRICS FOR GARMENT MAKING AMONG ACADEMIC AND NON ACADEMIC FEMALE STAFF IN ENUGU STATE BY AGBO BLESSING NONYELUM PG/M.Ed/12/64238 A RESEARCH REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HOME ECONOMICS AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT, UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA NSUKKA, IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF MASTERS DEGREE IN CLOTHING AND TEXTILE JUNE, 2017 APPROVAL PAGE The project has been approved for the Department of Home Economics and Hospitality Management Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka DR. MRS. N. M. EZE Prof. E. U. ANYAKOHA Supervisor Head of Department ________________________ ____________________________ External Examiner Internal Examiner _____________________________________ Prof. C.A. Igbo Dean, Faculty of Vocation and Technical Education CERTIFICATION AGBO, BLESSING NONYELUM, a Postgraduate student in the Department of Home Economics and Hospitality Management Education with Registration Number PG/M.ED/12/64238, has satisfactorily completed the requirements for the award of Masters Degree in Home Economics Education (Clothing and Textile). The work embodied in this project is original and has not been submitted in part or full for another diploma or degree in this or any other university. _________________________ ____________________________ AGBO, BLESSING N. DR. N.M. EZE Student Supervisor DEDICATION This research work is dedicated to Almighty God for granting me wisdom, guidance and protection throughout the period of this study. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The researcher is highly grateful to all those who contributed towards the successful completion of this work. She is particularly grateful to her supervisor Dr. N. M. Eze, whose encouragement, constructive criticisms, corrections and guidance helped to shape this study. Her understanding, kindness, patience and motherly advice throughout the various stages of this work were indispensable and deeply appreciated. The researcher also appreciates the input of Prof. E.U. Anyakoha as the chairman of her proposal panel, Dr. A. Chukwuone as the content reader and Dr. J.A. Ukonze as her design reader for helping in shaping her work during the proposal and all my lecturer who in one way or the other helped in making this work a success. The researcher is sincerely appreciative to her husband for his unquantifiable and untiring support that included financial, moral and spiritual support throughout the period of this study. The researcher is equally grateful to her family members for their support and for being part of her work. Very importantly, the researcher appreciates all the respondents who out of their buzy time spared time to answer her questions and equally the typist who typeset and organized this work. Lastly, she will not forget the assistance and encouragement she received from her friends Udo, Amaka, Evelyn, Priscilla and Uche. AGBO BLESSING NONYELUM PG/M.Ed/12/64238 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE i APPROVAL PAGE ii CERTIFICATION iii DEDICATION iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS v TABLE OF CONTENT vi LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x ABSTRACT xi CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1 Background to the Study 1 Statement of the Problem 9 Purpose of the Study 10 Significance of the Study 11 Research Questions 13 Hypotheses 13 Scope of the Study 14 CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 15 Conceptual Framework 16 . Fabrics 17 . Utilization 39 . Garment and Styles 54 . Academic and Non Academic female staff 66 Theoretical Framework 72 . Fabric Consumption Theory 72 . Psychological Motivation Fashion Consumption Theory 73 Review of Related Empirical Studies 73 Summary of Literature Review 76 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY 78 Design of the Study 78 Area of the Study 78 Population for the Study 79 Sample and Sampling Technique 79 Instrument for Data Collection 80 Validation of the Instrument 81 Reliability of the Instrument 81 Method of Data Collection 82 Method of Data Analysis 82 CHAPTER FOUR: PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF DATA 83 Research Question 1 83 Research Question 2 84 Research Question 3 86 Research Question 4 87 Research Question 5 88 Research Question 6 89 Hypothesis 1 91 Hypothesis 2 92 Hypothesis 3 94 Hypothesis 4 95 Hypothesis 5 96 Findings of Study 98 Discussion of Findings 101 CHAPTER FIVE: SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 107 Re-Statement of the Problem 107 Summary of Procedures Used 109 Summary of major findings 110 Implications of the Study 111 Conclusion 113 Recommendations 113 Suggestions for Further Studies 115 REFERENCES 116 APPENDICES: Appendix A: Respondents letter 120 Appendix B: Questionnaire 121 Appendix C: Request for validation 125 Appendix D: Reliability of the Instrument 126 Appendix E: Output of Data Analyzed 129 LIST OF TABLES Table Pages 1. Mean ratings and Standard Deviation of Respondents on the Factors that guide Academic and Non Academic female staff in Enugu State in selection and Utilization of Fabrics/garment. 83 2. Mean ratings and Standard Deviation of Respondents on the Garment styles Utilized by Academic and Non Academic female staff in Enugu State. 85 3. Mean ratings and Standard Deviation of Respondents on the Different Occasions where Nigerian Fabrics are Utilized Among Academic and Non Academic female staff in Enugu State 86 4. Mean ratings and Standard Deviation of Respondents on the Factors Affecting Utilization of Garment made with Nigerian Fabrics among Academic and Non Academic female staff in Enugu State 87 5. Mean ratings and Standard Deviation of Respondents on the Factors Affecting the Quality of Nigerian Fabrics 88 6. Mean ratings and Standard Deviation of Respondents on the Measures to Improve the Utilization of Nigerian Fabrics Among Academic and Non Academic female staff 90 7. t-test Analysis of the mean Ratings of Academic and Non-academic Academic and Non Academic female staff on the Factors that Guide their selection and Utilization of Fabrics/Garments 91 8. t-test Analysis of the mean Ratings of Academic and Non-academic Academic and Non Academic female staff on the garment styles utilized among them. 93 9. t-test Analysis of the mean Ratings of Academic and Non-academic Academic and Non Academic female staff on the different occasions where Nigerian fabrics are utilized among them. 94 10. t-test Analysis of the mean Ratings of Academic and Non-academic Academic and Non Academic female staff on the factors affecting utilization of garment made with Nigerian fabrics among them 96 11. t-test Analysis of the mean Ratings of Academic and Non-academic Academic and Non Academic female staff on the factors affecting utilization of the quality of Nigerian fabrics. 97 LIST OF FIGURE Fig. 1: Schema of Conceptual Frame work 71 ABSTRACT The major purpose of this study was to investigate the Utilization of Nigerian fabrics for garment making among Academic and Non Academic female staff in Enugu State.The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The study was carried out using Academic and Non Academic female Staff in government tertiary institutions in Enugu State. Six research questions were developed and answered by the study; and five hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. The population of the study was fourteen thousand, eight hundred and forty one (14,841)female academic and non academic staff of government tertiary institutions in Enugu state. A sample of 494 respondents was drawn from the population using purposive and proportionate 5% sampling techniques. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire divided into two sections (A and B). Section A contained questions to elicit information on personal data of the respondents while Section B was developed based on the six research questions. The instrument had a four point rating scale of Strongly agree, Agree, Disagree and Strongly Disagree. The instrument was subjected to face-validation by three experts from the Department of Home Economics and Hospitality Management Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. To establish the reliability of the instrument, thirty (30) copies of questionnaire were trial tested on thirty (30) female workers in Abuja. Cronbach Alpha reliability method was used to establish the internal consistency of the instrument which yielded reliability coefficient of 0.82.The researcher administered and collected instrument with the help of three trained research assistants. Four hundred and ninety four (494) copies of the questionnaire were returned duly completed and formed the basis of analysis. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions that guided the study while t – test was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study showed that seven factors guided Academic and Non Academic female staff in selection and utilization of fabrics/garment, four garment styles were utilized by Academic and Non Academic female staff using Nigerian Fabrics and five different occasions where Nigerian fabrics were utilized. The findings of the study also showed six factors affecting utilization of garment made with Nigerian fabrics. The tested hypotheses showed that academic and non-academic Academic and Non Academic female staff differed significantly (p<0.05) in their responses on the factors that guided their selection and
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