4210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE April 3, 2000 SENATE—Monday, April 3, 2000 The Senate met at 12 noon and was we have a series of votes at the end of stay high or go higher, I think the called to order by the President pro that time. I hope we will not get into a American people are going to expect us tempore (Mr. THURMOND). long list of amendments that will re- to look at some alternatives, some quire votes right at the very end. It is short-term relief, and then also have a PRAYER not a very good way to do business. full debate about what we can do for The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John Last year, after a lot of hard work by the future, in terms of more produc- Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: Senator REID and others, we were able tion, alternative fuels, conservation—a Let us pray: to reduce that list to at least a reason- whole package of things that are long Almighty and eternal God, there is able number. But Senators should be overdue. no limit to what You are able to do on notice that we will have to spend a I think we are being given a second through people who are unreservedly good bit of time in session on Tuesday, warning. We were given a warning in dedicated to You, who humbly trust Wednesday, Thursday, probably going the late 1970s and 1980s when we had You, who are open to Your guidance, into the night at least Wednesday and high gasoline prices, a shortage of sup- and who give You all the glory for Thursday, and that there is a very good ply, and gasoline lines. We knew there what they accomplish. We begin this chance we will be in on Friday with was a problem and that we should do new week asking You so to draw our votes. something about it. We made some ef- hearts to You, so to guide our minds, If we can complete the budget resolu- forts, but it has not produced the re- so to fill our imaginations, so to con- tion Thursday night, even if it means sults that we need. We are now depend- trol our wills that we will truly belong going late into the night, we will do ent on foreign oil for 55 percent of our to You and become responsive to Your that; otherwise, we will go into Friday. oil needs. I think that is totally unac- Spirit. We spread out before You the But we will complete the budget reso- ceptable and a threat to our national challenges of this day and ask that You lution this week so we can move for- security. During the week, I hope we will use us for Your plans and Your ward with appropriations bills in the can engage in some discussion and purpose. appropriations subcommittees begin- thought about this. We should be pre- Bless the Senators. Replenish their ning next week. pared to have some votes in this area strength, renew their sense of calling Members should also be aware there next week, after the budget resolution to serve You here, and rekindle their are a number of important committee is completed. enthusiasm for doing Your will in all markups that will be occurring this THE MARRIAGE PENALTY TAX the issues of public policy. May they, week. So we are going to have a very Mr. President, the week of April 10, and all of us who work with them, busy time. voting not later than April 14, the Sen- abandon ourselves to You. We place our THE FIRST TARTAN DAY ate will have a chance to indicate lives in Your strong, capable hands for Mr. President, I should note this is whether or not it believes we should You are our Lord and Saviour. Amen. also the first week in history that we eliminate the marriage penalty tax. f will recognize those of us with Scottish The House has voted overwhelmingly heritage: Thursday, April 6, will be the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE to eliminate that tax. The President first Tartan Day. I understand the head has indicated he thinks we should The Honorable CHUCK HAGEL, a of the Church of Scotland will be here, phase it out. Now the Senate Finance Senator from the State of Nebraska, as well as a number of visiting mem- Committee has acted on a package that led the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: bers of the Scottish Parliament. will be available and will be acted on in I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the I look forward to the opportunity to the Senate that week of April 10. Like United States of America, and to the Repub- wear my kilt and wear a bit of the tar- the Social Security earnings test, are lic for which it stands, one nation under God, tan on Tartan Day. I ask all my col- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. we finally going to do what we have leagues to look through their Scottish been talking about for years? The So- f ancestry and find their tartan tie or cial Security earnings penalty was in RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY something with which they can mark place for 30 years but finally, last LEADER their appreciation for the impact that week, the Congress did something The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Scotland has had on our history. In about it. majority leader is recognized. fact, about half, maybe a little more We have been talking about how we than half of the signers of the Declara- f were going to eliminate the marriage tion of Independence actually had penalty tax for 10 years. Are we going SCHEDULE Scottish ancestry. So I am glad we will to do it? Are we finally going to do Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, today the have this day to recognize that, and I something about it? Also, this one Senate will be in a period of morning look forward to joining our Chaplain, takes on particular significance to me business throughout the day with time Lloyd John Ogilvie, as we celebrate because our daughter was married last under the control of Senator BOB this occasion. May. She and her husband both work. SMITH, Senator BROWNBACK or his des- A NATIONAL ENERGY POLICY She is a young professional woman. ignee, Senator CRAIG or his designee, Mr. President, I hope the Senate will She has discovered this applies to her and Senator DURBIN or his designee. As spend some time this week giving seri- and that they are going to pay more previously announced, no votes will ous thought to how we should proceed taxes this year than they did last year, occur during today’s session of the on the development of a national en- even though they make about the same Senate. However, the Senate will begin ergy policy and what we could do on a amount of money. She says: Dad, you consideration of the budget resolution short-term basis to deal with the price must do something. So we did some- at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow, Tuesday morn- of gasoline. We are not sure exactly thing in the Finance Committee. Will ing, and votes can be expected during what is going to happen. There is some we do it in the Senate? Will we rise to each day and evening throughout the indication there will be an increase of this challenge? week. production by the OPEC countries. It is Would anybody like to try to explain The budget resolution is allowed up not clear exactly how much that will this tax to the married couples in to 50 hours of debate, and quite often be or what impact it will have. If prices America, particularly newly married ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 14:24 Aug 12, 2004 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\S03AP0.000 S03AP0 April 3, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 4211 couples who are first confronted with I hope my friends on the majority in the world, have some program for this marriage penalty tax? Would any- side of the Senate will understand that prescription drugs. I hope we do not body like to defend it? Would anybody we really are doing quite well as a squander this opportunity. like to explain that it is fair and country. This all began in 1993 when we This already is a Presidential cam- should be in place? No. voted on the deficit reduction plan. I paign issue. I think we should take a I have asked that question in all am sorry to report it was not done in a look at what the Republicans are say- kinds of groups with all kinds of back- bipartisan fashion. Every vote for that ing about Governor George W. Bush’s grounds and philosophies, and not a deficit reduction plan was cast by a budget which there is going to be a tre- single hand goes up to defend it. So the Democrat. It passed the House of Rep- mendous tendency to adopt on behalf Senate has a chance to act affirma- resentatives by one vote. In the Sen- of the majority. tively in this area the week of April 10. ate, it resulted in a tie that was broken Senator JOHN MCCAIN says: I look forward to that. by the Vice President of the United But, more importantly, there is a funda- mental difference here.
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