WORLD BANK/IFC/MIGA Public Disclosure Authorized 2nd Part P Parte French index, Indice branch, Spanish index indice espaiiol and Acronyms ysidlnn Public Disclosure Authorized English French Spanish Public Disclosure Authorized International, Regional and National Organizations Public Disclosure Authorized Terminology Unit anguage Services Division, GSD November 199 1 FRENCH-ENGLISH FRANCAIS-ANGLAIS Acadhie srsbe der trenrportr mwitimer Action concert6e pour le d6veloppement de Arab Academy for Maritime Transport I'Afrique (ACDA) Concerted Action for Development in Africa AcsdBmie de i'Afrique orientale (CADA) East African Academy Action d'urgence internationale (AUI) Acadhie nationale des sciences (NASI lnternational Emergency Action (IEA) National Academy of Sciences (NASP) Action Bconomique wsbe commune (AEAC) Accord de bare type d'asrirtance Arab Common Economic Action Standard Basic Assistance Agreement (SBAA) Action internationale contre la falm Accord de New York lnternational Action against Hunger (AICF) Plaza Agreement Action mondiale der pwlementalres (pour le Accord du Louvre dbwmement, le d6veioppement et une reforme Paris Agreement; Plaza Ii Agreement mandialel Parliamentarians Global Action (for Disarmament, Accord gh(kal rur lea twifr douanierr et le Development and World Reform) (PGA) commerce (GATTI General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Adminirtration du d6veloppement outre-mer (ODA) Accord international rur le cacao Overseas Development Administration (ODA) lnternational Cocoa Agreement Adminirtration nationaie de I'a6ronautique .et de Accord international rur le cafe I'erpace (NASA) lnternational Coffee Agreement National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Accord international rur le caoutchouc naturel international Natural Rubber Agreement Adminirtration nationale de i'oc6an et de I'atmorphbre (NOAAI Accord internationai rur le sucre National Oceanic and Atmospheric international Sugar Agreement Administration (NOAA) Accord multilat(kal de compenrstion de Is Agence canadienne de d6veioppement Communart6 der Cwaiber internationai (ACDi) Caribbean Community Multilaterai Clearing Canadian lnternational Development Agency Facility (CiDA) Accord relatlf wx mwch6r publics Agence central6 pour ie cofinancement de Agreement on Government Procurement programmer de d6veloppement (CEBEMO) Central Agency for Joint Financing Development Accord relatif wx obstacier techniques au Programmes (CEBEMO) COmmWC8 Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade Agence dandre de d6veloppement internationd (DANIDA) Accord rur lea subventions et lea mesurer Danish lnternational Development Agency campenratdres (DANiDA) Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures Agence de i'Arie du Sud-Eat pour le d6veloppement der transports et der Acte unique surop4en communications (SEATAC) Single European Act South-East Asian Agency for Regional Transport and Communications Development (SEATAC) Actlun chr6tienne pour le d6veloppement danr lea CarsOber Agence de I'examen de I'invertlrrement Btranguw Christian Action for Development in the Foreign Investment Review Agency Caribbean (CADECI Agence des Etats-Unis pour le ddveloppement Agence pour la sdcuritd de la navigation a6rlenne Internatlond (USAIDI en Afrique et b Msdagascar United States Agency for lnternational Agency for the Safety of Aerial Navigation in Development (USAID) Africa and Madagascar (ASECNA) Agence lntematlonde de 1'6nergie (AIE) Agence spatlele europ6enne (ASE) lnternational Energy Agency (IEA) European Space Agency (ESA) Agence lnternatlonele de I'dnergie atomique Agence sueddse de coopdration scientiflque (AIEA) avec les pays en voie de d6veloppement lnternational Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Swedish Agency for Research Cooperation with Developing Countries (SAREC SARCDC) Agence lntematlonde pour I'industrialisatlon rurde Agence sueddse de ddveloppement Internatlond lnternational Agency for Rural Industrialization (SIDA) (INARI) Swedish lnternational Development Authority (SIDA) Agence lslamlque de secours pour I'Afrique (AISA) Agence sueddse pour la coopkatlon technique Islamic African Relief Agency (IARA) et dconomlque lnternatlonde (BITS) Swedish Agency for lnternational Technical and Agence japonelse de cwp6ration lnternatlonale Economic Cooperation (BITS) Japan lnternational Cooperation Agency (JICA) Agenda afrlcdn pour I'actlon Agence latlnoamdrlcalne de senrlces sp6ciaux African Agenda for Action d'lnformatlon Latin American Agency for Special Information Allmentation et ddsarmement Intemetlond Services (ALASEI) Food and Disarmament lnternational Agence latlnoamdrlcsine pour la Alliance baptlste mondlde commercldlsatlon des podults ellmentaires Baptist World Alliance (BWA) Latin American Agency for the Marketing of Foodstuffs Alllance coopdratlve Internationale (ACI) lnternational Cooperative Alliance (ICA) Agence mondtdre de I'Arable saoudlte ISAMA) Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) Alllance des pays producteurs de cacao (APPC) Cocoa Producers' Alliance (CPA) Agence mondtdre du Bahreln Bahrain Monetary Agency Alllance des petlts Etats lnsuldres Alliance of Small Island Nations Agence multnatkde de garantle des lnvestissements (AMGII Alllance lntematlonde de towlsme IAIT) Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency lnternational Touring Alliance (ITA) (MIGA) Alliance lnternatlonde dm femmes (AIF) Agence nowdgienne de ddveloppement lnternational Alliance of Women (IAW) International (NORAD) Norwegian Agency for lnternational Aillance mondlde pour la nature IUICN) Development (NORAD) World Conservation Union (IUCN) Agence pmafrlcdne d'lnformatlon (API) Aillance pour le proqb (AP) Pan-African News Agency (PANA) Alliance for Progress (AP) AmUioratlon de la sant6 pa10 plmlflcdon fsmlllde Better Health through Family Planning Amls de la terre Association africaine de cartographie Friends of the Earth (FOE) African Association of Cartography (AAC) Andyse et programmation nationales de la Association africaine de formatlon et de cooptiration technique (NATCAPI d4veloppement National Technical Co-operation Assessment and African Association for Training and Programmes (NATCAPS) Development Arm4e du Sdut Assoclation africaine de formatlon et de Salvation Army perfectionnement prof esslonneis African Association of Vocational and Advanced Arrangement concernant le commerce Training (AAFP) international des textiles Arrangement Regarding international Trade in Association africaine de g4n4tlque Textiles Africa Genetics Association Arrangement international relatif au secteur Association africaine de la science du sol (AASS) ldtier African Soil Science Association IASSS) International Dairy Arrangement Association africaine de microbiologie et Arrangement multifibres (AMF) d'hygibne alirnentaire (AAMHA] Multifibre Arrangement (MFA) African Association of Microbiology and Food Hygiene AssemM4e mondide de la jeunesse (AMJ) World Assembly of Youth (WAY) Association africeine de sciences pditiques African Association of Political Science AssemM6e mondide de la rant6 (WHAI World Health Assembly (WHA) Association africaine de statistique (AFSA) African Statistical Association (AFSA) AssemM6e mondlale des petites et moyennes entreprises (AMPME) Association africeine des scientifques World Assembly of Small and Medium sp4cldistes des insectes Enterprises (WASME) African Association of Insect Scientists (AAIS) AssemM4e mondide sw le vidlllssement Assoclatlon afrlcdne pour I'admlnistratlon World Assembly on Aging (WAA) pubiique et la gestion African Association for Public Administration and Assistance internationde en plannlng familial Management (AAPAM) Family Planning lnternational Assistance (FHA) Assoclatlon africeine pour I'dphab4tisation et Assistance mutuelle des entreprises p4troliLes I'6ducation des adultes IAALAE) gouvernementdes Iatlno-m9icdnes African Association for Literacy and Adult Mutual Assistance of the Latin American Education (AALAE) Government Oil Companies (ARPEL) Association africeine pour I'avancement des Assoclatlon africdne d'bdminlstration des sciences et de la technique recates fiscdes African Association for the Advancement of Association of African Tax Administrators Science and Technology (AAAST) (AATA) Assoclation africdne pour I'4ducatlon des Assodatlon afrlcdne d'4ducsdon pour le adultes d4vdogpement (ASAFED) African Adult Education Association (AAEA) African Association of Education for Development IAFASED) Association africaine pour la recherche et le Association d'Afrique de I'Ouest d'tkonomistes d4veloppement agricdes African Association on Research and West African Association of Agricultural Development Economists Association africano-arabe de d4veloppement Association d'Afrique orientde et austrda pour African-Arab Economic Partnership in i'ambagement portuaire (AGPAEA) Development Port Management Association of Eastern and Southern Africa (PMAESA) Association am6ricdne d'assurances b i'6tranger American Foreign Insurance Association (AFIA) Association d'Afrique orientde pour le commerce du th6 Assodation ambicaine des autorites portuaires East African Tea Trade Association American Association of Port Authorities (AAPA) Assodation d'Asie et du Pacifique den Association ambicdne pour ie progrbs de la institutions flnancihes de d6veloppsment science Association of Development Financing American Association for the Advancement of institutions in Asia and the Pacific (ADFIAP) Science (AAAS) Association d'organisations non Association amCicdne pour let droits 6trangers gouvemementdes w service du d6veloppement American Foreign
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