FORTY-NINTH PARLIAMENT JANUARY-DECEMBER 1999 INDEX QON—Questions on Notice PAGE NOS DATE PAGE NOS DATE 1-93 . 2 March 1999 3359-3451 . 24 August 1999 95-211 . 3 March 1999 3453-3573 . 25 August 1999 213-298 . 4 March 1999 3575-3673 . 26 August 1999 299-396 . 9 March 1999 3675-3736 . 27 August 1999 397-516 . 10 March 1999 3737-3776 . 14 September1999(QON) 517-607 . 11 March 1999 3777-3829 . 14 September 1999 609-703 . 23 March 1999 3831-3948 . 15 September 1999 705-824 . 24 March 1999 3949-4091 . 16 September 1999 825-919 . 25 March 1999 4093-4163 . 17 September 1999 921-1013 . 13 April 1999 4165-4256 . 26 October 1999(QON) 1015-1136 . 14 April 1999 4257-4356 . 26 October 1999 1137-1271 . 15 April 1999 4357-4481 . 27 October 1999 1273-1348 . 27 April 1999(QON) 4483-4598 . 28 October 1999 1349-1445 . 27 April 1999 4599-4651 . 29 October 1999 1447-1563 . 28 April 1999 4653-4701 . 9 November 1999(QON) 1565-1694 . 29 April 1999 4703-4792 . 9 November 1999 1695-1781 . 25 May 1999(QON) 4793-4912 . 10 November 1999 1783-1918 . 25 May 1999 4913-5040 . 11 November 1999 1919-2005 . 26 May 1999 5041-5102 . 12 November 1999 2007-2099 . 27 May 1999 5103-5228 . 23 November 1999 2101-2140 . 8 June 1999(QON) 5229-5342 . 24 November 1999 2141-2270 . 8 June 1999 5343-5459 . 25 November 1999 2271-2384 . 9 June 1999 5461-5522 . 26 November 1999 2385-2530 . 10 June 1999 5523-5665 . 30 November 1999 2531-2596 . 11 June 1999 5667-5789 . 1 December 1999 2597-2640 . 20 July 1999(QON) 5791-5865 . 2 December 1999 2641-2737 . 20 July 1999 5867-5926 . 3 December 1999 2739-2869 . 21 July 1999 5927-6054 . 7 December 1999 2871-2958 . 22 July 1999 6055-6176 . 8 December 1999 2959-3018 . 17 August 1999(QON) 6177-6290 . 9 December 1999 3019-3167 . 17 August 1999 6291-6366 . 10 December 1999 3169-3275 . 18 August 1999 6367-6598 . 31 December 1999(QON) 3277-3357 . 19 August 1999 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Index 1999 A Abbott Point, Industrial park, 6502, 6504 ABC, Radio station 4QR, 4814, 4818 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy and Development Department— Capital works, 1278, 2605, 3741 Consultants, 4208, 6551, 6577 Director-General, 4216 Drug programs, Funding, 3753 SES public servants, 2106, 4171 Staff, 2996, 4183, 6561 Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders— Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts, 1136 Advisory board, 1792 Ambulance Service, 3692 Autonomy, 843 Cairns, Coordination Unit, 3764 Cape York, Conference, 4719 Doomadgee— Health workers, 5125, 5229 Wine, Sale, 5367 Employees, Underpayment, 2276, 2398 Funding, 5361 Hunting, 6384 Injinoo lands, 3286 Ipswich, Street gangs, 1465 Jidabul Aboriginal Corporation, 3739 Kuranda community, Deaths, 3943 Local government elections, 5349 Northern Safecorp Consultants Pty Ltd, 2977 Palm Island, Indigenous Regional Business Advisory Unit, 954 Public housing, 2612, 5351, 6462 Reef Helicopters Pty Ltd, 4174 Services, 3675 Stolen generation, 1786, 1946, 2007 Teachers, 4727 Women's Task Force on Violence, 726, 5798, 6074 Woorabinda, Petrol sniffing, 5472 Acacia Ridge— Employment creation, 4908, 6063 Indigenous training centre, 6393 Acid sulfate soils, 525, 2000 Acquisition of Land Amendment Bill, 1843, 3633, 3777 Adoption, 5788, 6369 Adoption of Children (Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption) Amendment Bill, 257, 609 Adult shops, 4351 Agency for Food and Fibre Sciences, 3794, 5932 AGL Petronas joint venture, 5789 Agnes Water, Ambulance Service, 6400 Agricultural show societies, 6590 AIDS, 5673, 6386 Air services, International, 1565, 1932, 2969 Airtrain Citylink, 217, 632, 2649 Aitkenvale State School, 2267 Alcohol— Abuse, 1767 Alcoholic icy poles, 5470 Barron River electorate, Liquor outlets, 4476 Crime, 1729 Illegal sale, 848, 1789 Liquor industry, 3833 Retail outlets, 5046, 5949 Under-age drinking, 1698 Index 1999 3 Alford, Mr N., 628 Allgas, 3685, 3970 Allison, Mr W., 5341 Alpha TAB, 5784, 6461 Amamoor, Electricity supply, 1773 Amarance Pty Ltd, 3046 Amberley/Walloon, Western connection, 6447 Ambulance Service— Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, 3692 Agnes Water, 6400 Air rescue services, 3763 Ambulance Week, 3784 Appliances, 2132, 2608 Board, 2598 Budget, 220 Call centre, 4174 Capital works, 4175 Chermside, 2270 Communications centres, 4173 CPR2000 project, 3837 Defibrillators, 1728, 1759, 4657 Ebert, Mr C., Transport fee, 1025, 1158 Emergency telephone number, 2294 Gladstone, 6514 Gold Coast, 6381 Heroin information brochure, 403 Land, Purchases, 3764 Moura, 1282 Nerang, 4499 Operational procedures, 716 Paramedics, 3769 Pensioners, Transport, 323, 3599 Proston, 6572 Regional communications centres, 1729 Response times, 2132, 2633, 4228, 4230, 4810, 4916, 6381 Rural residences, Purchases, 3765 Seniors Card holders, 323, 3599 SES public servants, 2128, 2129, 2610 Staff, 220, 2135, 4504 Stress claims, 6567 Subscriptions, 323, 716, 6381 Survey, 2745 Toowoomba, 6078, 6457, 6462, 6472, 6481, 6502 Transport, 3464, 3748, 3958, 5049, 5112 Vehicles, 1735, 4499, 4653, 6481 Worongary/Mudgeeraba, 6400 AMH meatworks, 2402, 4492, 4233, 4250 Ammonium nitrate, Export markets, 5660 Anderson Dawson Centenary, 5667 Andrews, Mr P., 2987 Animals— Animal Health Institute, 1334, 4231 Contaminated, Disposal, 4686 Diseases, 6542 Welfare legislation, 1337, 1808 Animals Protection Amendment Bill, 838, 5782 Ansford, Prof., 1275 Anti-bullying Task Force, 614 Anti-Discrimination Act, 3003 Anzac Day— Commemorative services, 1365, 1561 Legislation, 4801, 4802, 4803 Trading hours, 405, 538, 585, 633, 714, 1094 Anzac Day Amendment Bill, 1594, 5368, 5927 APEC Technomart, 4707, 4713, 4714, 4717, 4718, 4720, 4721, 4723, 4724, 4729, 4776, 5047, 5117, 5118 Appleby, Mr P., 3180 4 Index 1999 Applied Consulting, 2987 Apprentices and trainees, 537, 706, 1148, 1283, 1305, 1324, 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328, 1330, 1331, 1456, 1568, 1745, 1747, 1749, 1915, 1937, 2117, 2118, 2119, 2120, 2122, 2123, 2169, 2617, 2618, 2634, 2636, 2637, 2638, 2639, 2981, 2982, 2986, 2987, 2988, 2989, 2994, 3017, 3444, 4180, 4181, 4203, 4218, 4674, 4675, 4676, 4679, 4725, 5952, 6393, 6399, 6404, 6406, 6411, 6413, 6460, 6507, 6532, 6565, 6566, 6587, 6588, 6589 Appropriation Bill, 3819, 3972, 4034, 4108, 4162, 4384, 4539, 4569, 4703 Appropriation (Parliament) Bill, 3819, 3972, 4034, 4108, 4162, 4384, 4539, 4569, 4703 Aquaculture, 420, 515, 1346, 1738, 1750, 3460, 3963, 4682, 6532 Aramah Homes, 4381 Archerfield electorate, Low income earners, 225 Ariotti, Dr, 5465 Armstrong, Mr W., 848 Armstrongs Beach, Aquaculture, 6532 Arndale Shopping Centre, Police Beat shopfront, 2749 Arts— Art Built In Program, 301, 1797 Biennial Festival, 1758, 2743, 4220, 5108, 6485 Empire Contemporary Arts Centre, 3174, 4237 Industry, 2011, 2273 Orchestral Services Task Force, 1306 Portfolio— Capital works, 2602, 2620 Consultants, 2964 Public, 1741 Regional Arts Development Fund, 5528 Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art, 3578 Youth Arts Festival Stage X, 2535 Youth Arts Policy, 6594 Arts Queensland— Consultants, 4220 Cultural Delivery Unit, 4181 Peer assessment panels, 4175 Review, 4176 Arundel State School, 6473 Asbestos, 4671 Asia, Trade, 231, 2010 Asia-Pacific Cities Summit, 109, 637 Asperger's Syndrome Support Network, 2953 Atherton Hospital— Dialysis treatment, 4932 Laundry facilities, 5945 Outpatients clinic, 4670 Services, 2667 Atherton Tableland, Roadworks, 4181, 4655 Attention Deficit Disorder, 4908 Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, 4908 Attorney-General (see"Justice and Attorney-General") Attorney-General Bill, 160, 237, 609, 5927 ATTWOOD, Julie Maree— Questions— Brown, Mr B., 2666 East Timor, 3967 Education, Tertiary, 937 Electricity industry— Contracts, 5122 Restructure, 25 Employment growth, 536, 2288 Forestry industry— Hardwood, 5469 Regional forest agreement, 5875 Housing— Department, Jakarta office, 1806 Residential, 5809 Index 1999 5 Information technology, 5950 Macleay Island, 4224 Parenting and child health initiatives, 1588 Parents and citizens associations, 3801 Premier's Literary Awards, 2666 Prisons, Construction, 628 Public Works Department, Jakarta office, 1806 QCCI survey, 2288 Q-Fleet, 3037 Queensland Building Services Authority, 5544 Republic, 3373 South Burnett Meatworks, 3688 Student handbook, 3594 Taxation reform, 1465 Speeches— Ambulance Service, Officers, 716, 916 Anzac Day, Commemorative services, 1365 Appropriation Bills, 4007 Asperger's Syndrome Support Network, 2953 Centenary Highway, 5534 Child Protection Bill, 460 Child safety, 2269 Corrective Services Legislation Amendment Bill, 857 Criminal Code (Stalking) Amendment Bill, 992 Daylight saving, 5941 Durack Vietnamese Buddhist Temple, 1917 East Timor, 3787 Education— Cultural, 3669 Good News Lutheran School, 3840 Jindalee State School, 405 Leading Schools Program, 823 Middle Park State School, 2095 Milpera State High School, 5678 Fire and Rescue Authority, Officers, 916 Industrial Relations Bill, 2335 Mount Ommaney electorate— Noise pollution, 3569 Schools, 823 Olympic Games, Staff, 3270 Public housing, 1797 RP Data, 5115 School Uniform Bill, 3543 Small business, 1028, 2868 Vietnamese community, 1131 ATTWOOD, Julie Maree—continued: Speeches—continued: Weapons Amendment Bill, 1889 WorkCover Queensland Amendment Bill, 1081 World War II veterans, 3166 Auctioneers and Agents Committee, 615, 621, 624, 626, 627, 628, 630, 724, 727, 729, 832, 1030, 1368, 1369, 1370, 1383, 1467, 1734, 6551, 6552 Auctioneers and Agents Fidelity Fund, 3016, 4229, 4665 Audio Visual and Audio Links Amendment Bill, 959, 5382, 5927 Auditor-General, Reports, 12, 1015, 1349, 1783, 2007, 4263, 6055 AUSDEF Friendly
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