ПРОЕКТНЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ HEALTHY FOOD. RUSSIAN CUISINE. AUDIO EXCHANGE PROJECT. LEVEL UPPER INTERMEDIATE Оборина Т. П., ГБОУ СОШ № 123, г. Москва Урок-видеопроект дискуссии “Audio-exchange I decided to record the students and send the tape project” по теме “Healthy food. Russian Cuisine” составлен to students in a non-Russian speaking country. для проведения в 10–11 классах. Planning Проведению урока предшествует большая подгото- At that point in the syllabus the topic was “Healthy вительная работа. Готовясь к уроку, учащиеся обсужда- Food”. I decided to encourage them to make a radio ют пройденную тему, готовят дополнительный матери- programme about traditions, Russian Cuisine. We ал. Такой урок расширяет и углубляет, систематизирует would send the cassette to another school and hope- знания учащихся, помогает развить речевые умения fully they would send recordings to us, too. The stu- с целью подготовки к государственному экзамену. dents would work together in pairs to answer ques- Класс делится на две группы. Одной группе учащих- tions about various special dishes and then we would ся предлагается выступить в роли студентов, расска- record the interviews. зывающих о традициях русской кухни, а вторая группа After the initial language input (topic-based vo- проводит интервью-расспрос у студентов, знающих рус- cabulary and appropriate structures) and practice, we скую кухню и её традиции. were able to complete the project within a week. Технологии: здоровьесбережения, коммуникатив- но-ориентированного дифференцированного обучения, PREPARATION педагогики сотрудничества, развития способностей уча- щихся, информационно-коммуникационные. Brainstorming Решаемые проблемы: систематизировать знания, I introduced the idea of the exchange project to the совершенствовать лексико-грамматические навыки students and told them about the radio programme. устной и письменной речи, развивать умения речевой “Russian Cuisine” was the topic, which interested деятельности по теме “Healthy food. Russian Cuisine”. them most of all. Then in groups they wrote a spider- Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, gram of healthy and unhealthy food. They then talked групповая, парная. about the dishes they enjoyed most: Olivier salad, Планируемые результаты: pancakes, jellied dishes and traditional Russian des- Предметные: научить выражать свою точку зрения serts. по обсуждаемому вопросу, вести диалог-расспрос We would send the audio of Russian Cuisine and в сочетании с диалогом-обменом мнениями. На- traditions to other teenagers in a different country учиться аргументировать своё мнение, делать выво- since they would find the content informative and ды, представлять презентации результатов выпол- this would promote meaningful communication. ненного проектного задания, научить пользовать- Pair work ся поисковыми системами www.google.com., www. Students began by sharing information with wikipedia.ru. для получения информации. each other about the 2 days they had chosen. If they Метапредметные: коммуникативные: адекват- were unsure about something, other students in the но произносить и различать на слух лексические class helped. In fact, all the necessary research was единицы (ЛЕ) и речевые обороты (РО) английского conducted in the classroom. I simply monitored and языка, соблюдать правильное ударение; регулятив- helped with vocabulary and pronunciation where ne- ные: принимать цели и задачи учебной деятельно- cessary. сти, находить средства их осуществления; познава- тельные: осознанно строить речевые высказыва- Questions ния в соответствии с коммуникативными задачами; Since the radio programme would be in the form личностные: формировать навыки взаимодействия of an interview, it seemed appropriate to tell the stu- в группе по алгоритму выполнения задачи при кон- dents to prepare questions. These questions would сультативной помощи учителя. form the basis of the interview. Students were en- couraged to include some questions based on factual AUDIO EXCHANGE PROJECT information and some designed to elicit their person- I thought how an exchange project can motivate al opinions. Then each student prepared 3 or 4 ques- teenage students by providing a context for real tions which they themselves would like to be asked, and meaningful communication. However, it was and equally importantly, to which they knew the an- necessary to use only a cassette recorder for such swers. In pairs, they checked each other's question a project. forms and corrected any mistakes while I monitored. № 11 (23) ноябрь 2013 г. 8 АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК. ВСЁ ДЛЯ УЧИТЕЛЯ! ПРОЕКТНЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ Recording Before the class I recorded some traditional Rus- sian folk music onto the cassette to set the tone of the radio programme. I set up the cassette recorder in a classroom to en- sure audio quality and clarity. I introduced the programme and welcomed the students to the studio and asked them the questions they had prepared. Each pair's interview took about 5 minutes to record so the whole recording took around 30 minutes. Later, they listened to themselves and comment- ed on their performance. I recorded some more music onto the end. In this case, I played the part of the interviewer because the students wanted to work in pairs. Howev- er, a student could also do it, especially if you have an Choose fruits and vegetables over unhealthy fatty foods odd number of students in the class. The main advan- tage of my doing it was that I could echo anything, T. You are what you eat. The link between food which was said that was unclear, for the benefit of and health is an everyday but complex issue. Eating the listeners. habits affect the way you feel during your life. If you are too fat, it’s dangerous for your life. Obesity is Conclusion a medical condition in which excess body fat has ac- The task of creating a radio programme benefited cumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse the students. They welcomed the opportunity to com- effect on healthy life. Obesity increases various dis- municate and they were keen to share information eases, particularly heart disease, type 2 diabetes, can- about special meals in our country. Moreover, they cer and others. Obesity is dangerous for our health. were motivated to use the target language and com- Any food eaten between meals we name a snack. municate effectively. After hearing the recording, it Snacks may be healthful or not. Doctors recommend was clear that they were proud of their achievement. eating a well-balanced diet daily. You should also watch your weight. PROJECT “HEALTHY FOOD. Doctors don’t’ recommend cookies, cakes, sweets, beer, chips, sandwiches, hamburgers, chocolates and RUSSIAN CUISINE” soft drinks for a snack. Materials: vocabulary cards for pair work, gap fi lling T — P1, P2, P3 cards for group work, tape recorder. 1. How about you? 2. Do you follow a healthy balanced diet? LESSON PLAN 3. What are your eating habits? 4. What does a meal begin with? I. INTRODUCTION 5. Who was the author of the Oliver salad? T. Dear friends! The lesson “Audio exchange 6. Do you know the ingredients of Oliver salad? project” is the most interesting. Our students will 7. What are pancakes made of? take part in discussion that deals with presentation 8. What Russian desserts do you know? of Russian Cuisine. On behalf of the participants, it’s my honour and II. MAIN PART OF THE LESSON duty to introduce the students Ann, Mary, George, Topical vocabulary Polly, Kate, Lisa, Diana, Dan and Sophie. They know T. Do you know the meaning of the words bel- a lot about Russian traditions. low, connected with food? Discuss them with another Warm up student. Write down what you think they mean, and T. What is your association with the words then check up to see if you were right. “Healthy food”? Word Definition (what it means) Possible answers: The things that people eat for good health. routine Lead-in stage- Activating the schemata feast Look at the pictures and try to predict the topic of our discussion. vinaigrette АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК. ВСЁ ДЛЯ УЧИТЕЛЯ! 9 № 11 (23) ноябрь 2013 г. ПРОЕКТНЫЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ S3. According to Russian traditions, a meal be- Word Definition (what it means) gins with appetizers, for example a variety of salted dices and pickled cucumbers, cabbage and mushrooms, also soaked apples and marinated garlic. The routine fea- jellied ture of any Russian feast is the Olivier salad. It con- flavouring sists of potatoes, green peas and cold veal or chicken and is dressed with mayonnaise. tongue S4. What was Oliver? broth S5. He was a Frenchman, who kept the Hermitage Restaurant in Moscow more than a century ago. He creamy was the author of that salad. whipped S6. What are other popular salads in Russian Cuisine? liqueur S7. Vinaigrette is another Russian-style salad, pour based on boiled beetroot diced. Boiled carrots and potatoes, salted cucumbers, candied chopped onions are added. The salad is dressed with mayonnaise or sunflower oil. Keys S8. Jelled dishes are very popular in Russia, Word Definition (what it means) aren’t they? S1. You are absolutely right. Boiled fish, meat routine ordinary and not interesting or special or poultry is covered with decorative pieces of ve- feast a large meal for a lot of people getables, fruits, mushrooms, and spices are added to make the dish more attractive. Many Russian-cui- vinaigrette a sauce for salads, made from oil, sine restaurants offer jellied sturgeon, jellied calf’s vinegar and spices tongue and a jellied assortment of turkey, ham and dices small square pieces of food ox tongue. S2. What dishes are eaten with horseradish? jelly a soft and sticky substance S3. Studen is usually eaten with horseradish. It is flavouring a substance added to food to give it the name of a Russian dish made of veal, beef or pork a particular flavour boiled to a soft and tender state. The resulting thick broth is mixed with chopped meat and cooled until it tongue the tongue of an animal cooked and jellied. eaten as food S4. What is the traditional Russian soup? broth a liquid used for giving flavour when S5.
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