BIRD strategies, the IBA Program hopes to minimize the CONSERVATION effects of habitat degradation and loss on birds and other AREAS wildlife. All Iowa BCAs are also considered IBAs. In recent decades, BIOLOGICAL alarming declines in a large DIVERSITY number of species of PLANTS North American birds This BCA contains many have led to the emergence unique species. of national and The BCA Model: shaded Remnant prairies, like international programs areas depict special habitat Hamilton-Tapken and Monarch Butterfly dedicated to the Breen, contain several colorful Michele Olson Photo conservation of game and non-game birds. Since 1999, milkweed species that help bird conservation organizations and enthusiasts have Ornate Box Turtle sustain Monarch Butterflies, and they support other worked together under an Michele Olson Photo INDIAN BLUFFS-PICTURED ROCKS BCA showy plants such as Pasque Flower, Compass Plant, umbrella called the North The Indian Bluffs-Pictured Rocks Bird Conservation Area Pale Purple Coneflower, Hairy Puccoon, and Shooting American Bird PARTNERSHIPS (BCA) is located in the northeastern edge of the Southern Star. Oak Savanna, another unique and threatened Iowa Conservation Initiative The Indian Bluffs-Pictured Rocks Bird Conservation Area Iowa Drift Plain landform region and contains the deep, ecosystem –is represented by sprawling Bur Oaks and (NABCI) to “conserve all is made possible by many partnerships, including: Jones narrow valley of the South Fork of the Maquoketa River, includes prairie plants such as birds in all habitats.” As part County Conservation Board, Iowa Natural Heritage which carved through 430 million years-old Silurian Virginia Wild Rye, Lead Plant, of this initiative and in an Foundation, Iowa Audubon, Natural Resources dolomite, forming the tall bluffs and rugged topography Indian Paintbrush, Black-eyed Susan, effort to protect dwindling Conservation Service, Pheasants Forever, National Wild that makes this area unique. American Indians inhabited and Wild Strawberry—a favorite populations of many Iowa Turkey Federation, Iowa Department of Natural this area for thousands of years. Several rock shelters and food of the Ornate Box Turtle. birds, Iowa’s B i rd Resources, and numerous caring public citizens. campsites remain as evidence of previous occupation by Conservation Area (BCA) these woodland people. This BCA contains 30,680 acres, program was established by ANIMALS of which about 3,600 acres are protected by conservation Michele Olson Photo the Iowa DNR Wildlife easements or are publicly owned. At its core is privately Besides birds, this BCA is home to a Bureau in 2001. Carl Kurtz Photo owned Indian Bluffs State Preserve, as well as Indian diverse group of other animals. These include numerous Bluffs and Pictured Rocks public wildlife areas. The present model BCA encompasses at least 10,000 butterfly species, such as Monarch and Regal Fritillary. acres of public and/or private lands with 35% or more of Bumble Bees, Long-horned Bees and Mason Bees are Bird diversity here is exceptional, with 243 species the area as key bird habitat. Research suggests that important prairie flower pollinators. While strolling identified. This includes 79 Iowa Species of Greatest healthy bird populations require conservation efforts at a through prairies, keep an eye Conservation Need. Currently, landscape-oriented level. Each BCA should also include open for unique reptiles, such 118 species are known to nest in a large “core” area (at least 2,000 acres) of protected high as the Iowa Threatened Ornate this BCA’s woodlands, savannas, -quality habitat. Around this core is both private land Box Turtle, Bullsnake, and Five grasslands, and wetlands. This and additional public tracts, managed for good bird -lined Skink. Watch for small same crucial habitat supplies habitat or at least maintained to be neutral in how they mammals, like the Southern important bird wintering affect bird life. Flying Squirrel, Meadow grounds and migratory stopover IMPORTANT BIRD AREAS Jack Shaffer Photo Jumping Mouse, Least Weasel, Eastern Meadowlark sites. Some special birds of this and Prairie Vole. Many The Important Bird Areas (IBA) Program is a global area include Bobolink, Eastern & amphibians call this part of Iowa home, including Iowa effort initiated by the National Audubon Society to Western Meadowlarks, Iowa Threatened Henslow’s Threatened Mudpuppy and Eastern Newt; and Tiger identify and conserve areas that are vital to birds and Sparrow, Grasshopper and Field Sparrows, Wood Salamander, Green Frog, Pickerel Frog, Spring Peeper, other biodiversity. Designated IBAs include sites for Thrush, Veery, Bell’s Vireo, Whip-poor-will, Red- Cope’s and Eastern Gray Tree Frogs, Chorus Frog, and breeding, wintering, and/or migrating birds. By headed Woodpecker, Kentucky and Prothonotary American Toad— whose nearly-continuous trill, on a working to identify and implement conservation Warblers, Acadian Flycatcher and Baltimore Oriole. warm spring night, is well-known by many a farm kid. Bird Checklist for Indian Bluffs-Pictured Rocks BCA ___Long-eared Owl ___Golden-crowned Kinglet ___Chipping Sparrow* ___Rose-breasted Grosbeak* *= Confirmed or probable area breeder ___Short-eared Owl ___Ruby-crowned Kinglet ___Clay-colored Sparrow ___Blue Grosbeak Indian Bluffs- ___Northern Saw-whet Owl ___Field Sparrow* ___Indigo Bunting* Iowa Wildlife Action Plan Migratory Species of ___Eastern Bluebird* ___Vesper Sparrow* ___Dickcissel* Greatest Conservation Need ___Belted Kingfisher* ___Veery* ___Lark Sparrow* Pictured Rocks Iowa Wildlife Action Plan Nesting Species of ___Gray-cheeked Thrush ___Savannah Sparrow* ___Bobolink* ___Red-headed Woodpecker* Greatest Conservation Need ___Swainson’s Thrush ___Grasshopper Sparrow* ___Red-winged Blackbird* ___Red-bellied Woodpecker* ___Hermit Thrush ___Henslow's Sparrow* ___Eastern Meadowlark* Bird Conservation Area ___Yellow-bellied Sapsucker* ___Wood Thrush* ___Le Conte’s Sparrow ___Western Meadowlark* ___Greater White-fronted Goose ___American Golden Plover ___Downy Woodpecker* ___American Robin* ___Nelson’s Sparrow ___Yellow-headed Blackbird ___Snow Goose ___Semipalmated Plover ___Hairy Woodpecker* ___Gray Catbird* ___Fox Sparrow ___Rusty Blackbird ___Ross’s Goose ___Killdeer* ___Northern Flicker* ___Brown Thrasher* ___Song Sparrow* ___Brewer’s Blackbird ___Cackling Goose ___Upland Sandpiper* ___Pileated Woodpecker* ___Northern Mockingbird ___Lincoln’s Sparrow ___Common Grackle* ___Canada Goose* ___Baird’s Sandpiper ___European Starling* ___Swamp Sparrow* ___Great-tailed Grackle ___Trumpeter Swan* ___Least Sandpiper ___American Kestrel* ___Cedar Waxwing* ___White-throated Sparrow ___Brown-headed Cowbird* ___Tundra Swan ___Buff-breasted Sandpiper ___Merlin ___Harris’s Sparrow ___Orchard Oriole* ___Wood Duck* ___Pectoral Sandpiper ___Peregrine Falcon ___House Sparrow* ___White-crowned Sparrow ___Baltimore Oriole* ___Gadwall ___Semipalmated Sandpiper ___House Finch* ___Dark-eyed Junco ___American Wigeon ___Short-billed Dowitcher ___Olive-sided Flycatcher ___Purple Finch ___Mallard* ___Wilson’s Snipe ___Eastern Wood-Pewee* ___Common Redpoll ___Summer Tanager* ___Blue-winged Teal* ___American Woodcock* ___Yellow-bellied Flycatcher ___Pine Siskin* ___Scarlet Tanager* ___Northern Shoveler ___Spotted Sandpiper* ___Acadian Flycatcher* ___American Goldfinch* ___Northern Cardinal* ___Northern Pintail ___Solitary Sandpiper ___Alder Flycatcher ___Green-winged Teal ___Greater Yellowlegs ___Willow Flycatcher* ___Lapland Longspur ___Canvasback ___Lesser Yellowlegs ___Least Flycatcher* ___Snow Bunting ___Redhead ___Wilson’s Phalarope ___Eastern Phoebe* ___Ring-necked Duck ___Great Crested Flycatcher* ___Ovenbird* ___Greater Scaup ___Ring-billed Gull ___Eastern Kingbird* ___Worm-eating Warbler ___Lesser Scaup ___Herring Gull ___Louisiana Waterthrush* ___Bufflehead ___Caspian Tern ___Loggerhead Shrike ___Northern Waterthrush ___Common Goldeneye ___Black Tern ___Northern Shrike ___Golden-winged Warbler ___Hooded Merganser* ___Common Tern ___Blue-winged Warbler* ___Common Merganser ___Forster’s Tern ___White-eyed Vireo ___Black-and-white Warbler ___Ruddy Duck ___Bell's Vireo* ___Prothonotary Warbler* ___Double-crested Cormorant ___Yellow-throated Vireo* ___Tennessee Warbler ___Northern Bobwhite* ___American White Pelican ___Blue-headed Vireo ___Orange-crowned Warbler ___Gray Partridge* ___Warbling Vireo* ___Nashville Warbler ___Ring-necked Pheasant* ___American Bittern ___Philadelphia Vireo ___Mourning Warbler ___Red-eyed Vireo* ___Ruffed Grouse ___Least Bittern ___Kentucky Warbler* LOGGERHEAD SHRIKE ___Wild Turkey* ___Great Blue Heron* ___Common Yellowthroat* CARL KURTZ ___Great Egret ___Blue Jay* ___Hooded Warbler Carl Kurtz Photo ___Pied-billed Grebe* ___Green Heron* ___American Crow* ___American Redstart* ___Horned Grebe ___Black-Crowned Night-Heron ___Horned Lark* ___Cape May Warbler Iowa Department of Natural Resources ___Purple Martin* ___Eared Grebe ___Yellow-Crowned Night-Heron ___Cerulean Warbler* 1436 255th St. ___Tree Swallow* ___Northern Parula* Boone, IA 50036 ___Rock Pigeon* ___Turkey Vulture* ___Northern Rough-winged Swallow* ___Magnolia Warbler ___Bank Swallow* ___Eurasian Collared-Dove* ___Osprey ___Bay-breasted Warbler Phone: (515) 432-2823 ___Cliff Swallow* ___Mourning Dove* ___Bald Eagle* ___Blackburnian Warbler Fax: (515) 432-2835 ___Barn Swallow* ___Yellow-billed Cuckoo* ___Northern Harrier ___Yellow Warbler* ___Black-billed Cuckoo* ___Sharp-shinned Hawk ___Chestnut-sided Warbler ___Cooper’s Hawk*
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