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Ml 43106 18 BEDFORD ROW. LONDON WC1R 4EJ, ENGLAND 8115120 Kennedy, Jo h n R obinson A HISTORY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE COACHING CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME IN CANADA The Ohio State University PH.D. 1981 University Microfilms International 300 N.Zeeb Road. Ann Alter, M I 48106 A HISTORY OP THE DEVELOPMENT OP THE COACHING CERTIFICATION PROGRAMME IN CANADA DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Req.uiremen ts for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Gradua1 e School of The Ohio State University By John R* Kennedy, B.P.H.E., B.A., M.Ed. The Ohio State University 1980 Reading Committee: Approved By Dr. Bruce L. Bennett, Chairman Dr. Levis Hess Dr. Darvin Semotiuk Advijser Dr. Charles Simonian School oif Health, Physical Education and Recreation Copyright by JOHN R. KENNEDY To Madge ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his appreciation to his Committee members, Dr. Levis HeBS, Dr. Darwin Semotiuk and Chairman, Dr. Bruce Bennett. Dr. Bennett's guidance over the years has helped this writer so very much, but of paramount importance has been the formation of a friendship that will not be forgotten. Appreciation is extended to the many government agencies and individuals who assisted in providing information and documentation for the study. In particular, the encouragement provided by Dr. A. J. Smith, of McMaster University, is warmly remembered. Last but not least, the efforts of Miss Joyce Wignall, who spent so much time typing and editing the manuscript, have been singularly significant in bringing the dissertation to its final form. ill VITA August 13, 1921 ......... Born, Toronto, Ontario 1950 .......................B.P..H.E., University of Toronto 1930-1961 ................... Faculty, School of Physical and Health Education, University of Toronto 1 9 6 1 -1 9 6 3 . Director of Athletics, Loyola College, Montreal, Quebec 1963-1960 ................... Associate Professor, School of Physical Education and Athletics, Me Master University, Hamilton, Ontario 1 9 7 1 .......................M.Ed., State University of Hew York at Buffalo 1973.I97U ................... Teaching Associate, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio FIELDS OF STUDY Major Field: Physical Education Studies in History and Comparative Physical Education. Dr. Bruce L. Bennett Studies in Administration of Athletics. Dr. Levis Hess Minor Field: Educational Administration iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page DEDICATION................................................. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS............................................. iii VITA ........................................... iv LIST OF T A B L E S ............................................... viii LIST OF C H A R T S ............................................. ix Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION.................... 1 Statement of the Problem.............................. T Justification of the Stud/ ............................ 7 Methods and Procedures ................................ 9 Limitations of the Study.............................. 10 2. COACHING CERTIFICATION METHODS IN SELECTED COUNTRIES .................................... 11 U.S.S.R............................................... 11 The Federal Republic of Ge r m a n y ...................... 1? Great Britain ....................................... 18 United States of America .............................. 2U S u m m a r y ............................................. 27 3. THE ROOTS OF CERTIFICATION IN CANADA................... 29 The National Physical Fitness A c t ..................... 32 Bill C-131........................................... 39 The Munro and Lalonde Ministries ^5 The Coaching Association of Canada..................... 30 Programmes and G r o v t h ................................ 33 A time for Reorganization ............................ 60 Related Concerns..................................... 63 The Continuing Sport Scene............................ 69 S u m m a r y ..................................... 76 v 1*. the development o p certification IN C A N A D A ........................................... 80 The International Symposium on the Art and Science of Co a c h i n g ...................... 81 The Quebec Conference................................ 6? The Position Paper.................................... 90 The National M o d e l .................................... 9^ The Couchlchlng Conference............................ 99 Identification and D e s i g n ............................ 103 Design of Technical Areas ............................ 107 Practlcum and Evaluation.............................. 109 S u m m a r y ............................................. 11** 5. CONTINUING PR O B L E M S .................................. 115 A Question of Money and Rights........................ 122 The National Coaching Certification Council ........... 128 Quebec, In or O u t ? .................................... 129 A Working Model is Selected.......................... 133 Summary 138 6 . THE PROVINCES AND TERRITORIES........................ 138 The Northwest Territories . .......................... 138 The Y u k o n ........................................... lUU British Columbia..................................... 1U6 A l b e r t a ............................................. 1U9 Saskatchewan......................................... 150 Manitoba.................. 152 Newfoundland......................................... 158 Nova S c o t i a ......................................... 157 New Brunswick....................................... 159 Prince Edward Island.................................. l8l Quebec............................................... 163 O n t a r i o ............................................. 16U S u m m a r y ............................................. 165 7. OTHER SELECTED FORMS OF CERTIFICATION............. 167 Hockey............................................... 167 Track and F i e l d ........................... 172 Volleyball........................................... 173 Field Hockey (Women).................................. 17^ Ringette............................................. 175 Water Skiing......... 176 Diving............................................... 178 Skiing............................................... 179 Team Ha n d b a l l ....................................... l8l Tennis........................ 182 vi Soccer............................................... 183 Coaching Certification and the Secondary S c h o o l s .................................... 183 S u m m a r y .......................... 186 8. THE SPORT GOVERNING BODIES............................. 109 The Canadian Amateur Hockey Association............... 191 The Canadian Amateur Volleyball Association........... 198 The Canadian Amateur Basketball Association........... 202 The Canadian Amateur Football Association............. 209 Other Sport Governing Bodies.......................... 209 Summary ............ ......... • 211 9. SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS........................... 213 Recommendations ...................................... 218 APPENDIXES A. The Fitness and Amateur Sport A c t ..................... 221 B. Highlights of the Vhite Paper on Sport ..... ........ 226 C. The Feasibility of Canadian Universities Becoming Involved in Coaching Certification Programmes .............................. 229 D. An Examination of Why Participants "Drop-Out" of the Coaching Development Programme ................................ 2U9 E. National Coaching Certification Programme Approved Technical Programmes......................... 2$U F. A Chart Illustrating the Organizations Involved in the National
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