July 25, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 17023 Arsa W. Weiman, Constableville. PENNSYLVANIA Harold J. Dawson, Layton. Roger A. Callahan, Dover Plains. Nicholas LaUch, Duquesne. Warren L. Marble, Monroe. Beatrice P. McCormack, Eddyville. George W. Shuman, Elizebethtown. Robert A. Comaby, Pleasant Grove. Grace D. Witbeck, Feura Bush. Richard E. Sweigart, Ephrata. VERMON'l' Charles R. Tarbox, Gowanda. Joseph E. Tra.vascio, Essington. Helen B. Horne, Jeffersonville. Joseph 0. Kline, Great Neck. Ralph Gill, Fayette City. Roger P. Hastings, Groton. Joseph J. Drake, Hawley. Hadley A. McPhetres, Randolph Center. James R. Hicks, Lowman. Marguerite C. Puskar, Imperial. VIRGINIA Barbara 0. Bush, Marion. Michael A. Elias, Irwin. Daniel E. Crismap, Sandston. Edward J. McGlade, Otisville. W. Elliot Jones, Kelton. John W. J. McCaughin, Ticonderoga. Jack Montanile, Leetsdale. WASHINGTON Joseph B. Scott, Whitehall. Joseph P. Foley, Mahoney City. Arthur K. Lowe, Ashford. NORTH CAROLINA George W. Glattacker, Maytown. Gerald 0. Rhea, Bellingham. Andrew J. Garner III, Ashville. Ellsworth J. Conway, Mill Hall. Jack H. Hardin, Lynden. Weston H. Willis, Jacksonville. Paul C. Brasch, North Wales. WEEn VIRGINIA Paul P. Hinkle, Salisbury. Donald J. Kelchner, Jr., Orangeville. Irving E. Rath, Pillow. Louis F. Williams, oameron. Cannon G. Ward, Sugar Grove. Daniel R. Mace, Elizabeth. Charles L. McKaig, Tryon. Elizabeth P. Durinzi, Republic. E. Louise Goldsboro, Smithfield. WISCONSIN NORTH DAKOTA Paul V. Gibson, Southampton. Richard D. Huttner, Dresser. Marshall W. Beightol, Winburne. Stanley M. Lund, Bowdon. John A. Oberto, Iron Belt. Francis J. Slag, Hebron. RHODE ISLAND Curtis A. Talley, Lansford. l!ha.ine 8. Chwe.la, Johnson Creek. Vincent Fasano, Bristol. Patricia F. Tessmer, Junction City. OHIO Henry A. Correia, Portsmouth. Sylvan H. Erickson, Luck. Angela L. Richardson, Custar. Norman C. Salvatore, Warren. Kathleen M. Bink, Malone. Paul C. Barrett, Mineral Ridge. SOUTH CAR OLIN A Joseph P. Wergin, McFarland. James M. Soulsby, Pomeroy. Joseph C. Forgie, Oconto. Fred C. Carey, Robertsville. Clara P. Riley, Piedmont. Eula c. Dunn, Warrenville. William P. Roth, Prairie du Sac. OKLAHOMA SOUTH DAKOTA Jerome G. Kosterman, Richfield. James A. Pulliam, Dewar. Duane B. McMahon, Colton. Frederick L. Stich, Stitzer. 0. P. Marshall, Miami. Signe K. Loseth, Roslyn. Kenneth Felker, Tomah. Melvin L. Turner, Rose. WYOMING Betty F. Carder, Tryon. TENNESSEE Charles H. Haney, Jr., Minor Hill. Edmond D. Storrs, Alcova. OREGON Gene R. Stapleton, Guernsey. TEXAS Russell L. Keil, Bend. IN THE PuBLIC HEALTH SERVICE John H. Brader, Chemult. William M. Johnson, Jr., Alta Loma. Esma G. Hoover, Kinzua. Olin 0. Elliott, Grandview. The nominations beginning J. Robert Lind­ Merle T. Beck, Mapleton. John R. Madd~x . Mingus. say, to be senior surgeon, and ending Ronald Donald E. Tomlin, Mount Hood. Billie M. Wight, Somerville. L. Jacobson, to be as&istant health services Robert M. Dort, Riddle. UTAH officer, which nominations were received by Iona A. Barclay, Troutdale. Marjorie A. Predovich, Dragerton. the Senate and appeared in the CONGRES• Robert A. Green, West Linn. Donna M. McKinnon, Hiawatha. SIONAL RECORD on June 21, 1966. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A Tribute to the Remarkable Taggart wedding anniversary. In the earlier Mary Louise, who keeps alive the two­ family there were 16 children born, and party tradition in the family. The chil­ Family at their 50th wedding anniversary the dren are: 15 living children of that family each Ruth, now Mrs. Quentin Blair of Cody. EXTENSION OF REMARKS perfonned a musical rendition. Lloyd Welch, the president of Taggart OF As reported by the Lovell, Wyo., Chron­ Construction Co., Cody. HON. TENO RONCALIO icle in those days, after an hour of danc­ Jesse McNiven, the vice president of ing there was a musical program by the Taggart Construction Co., Cody. OF WYOMING Taggart family. The nine stalwart sons IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mary Louise, now Mrs. William H. and six beautiful daughters rendered a Greever, the wife of a Cody engineer. Monday, July 25, 1966 series of old songs learned in childhood. Harriet, now Mrs. Joe Brytus, the wife Mr. RONCALIO. Mr. Speaker, it is The Chronicle had this to say: of a retired officer of the U.S. Air Force, a remarkable thing these days when the The presentation of such a musiool pro­ living in Sheridan, Wyo. gram, displaying professional talent on the family unit of our society can be recog­ part of the soloists, to say nothing of the Becky Barbara, Mrs. Jay Watkins, wife nized as a powerful force for good in its wonderful harmony produced by the chorus, of the president of W.M.K. Transit Mix, own right, as is being done in Wyoming was the more remarkable from a single Las Vegas, Nev. this week, when the entire State pays family. To those privileged to hear it, it was Scott Hinckley, a Boeing aircraft engi­ tribute to one of its outstanding clans, perhaps the only occasion of the kind in a neer, Paris, France. the Taggar.; family of the Big Horn lifetime. More remarkable was the picture Raye Rita, Mrs. Scott Graham, the Basin in Wyoming. the group presented on the stage. Fifteen wife of an investment consultant in New In 75 years of statehood, Wyoming grown men and women, brothers and sisters­ physically perfect, keen mentality, and London, Conn. has only had a Democratic Member of talented far beyond the average who com­ Charles Welch, a real estate invest­ this body for 6 years-only two of my mercialize their talents. And the father and ment broker, Salt Lake city, Utah. predecessors have been of my political mother of this group appearing in equally party; one of these was Paul R. Greever good form with the children. AN INSPIRATION TO YOUNG PEOPLE .of Cody, Wyo., whose son, William H. OUTSTANDING PIONEER FAMILY One of Mr. Taggart's greatest attri­ Greever, is married to one of the nine This is one of the outstanding pioneer butes is that he has always been help­ · children of the "Capo de famiglia, Lloyd families of Wyoming. Lloyd is one of ful to the young people of Wyoming, Taggart. Lloyd and his wife, Louise, are the surviving 4 of the original 16 and I regardless of their ethnic or economic or today celebrating their 50th wedding an­ . want to pay special tribute today to the social status. He was always helping niversary in Cody, Wyo. 9 children of Lloyd and Louise, with 4 of young people at the university while I THE 1920 CELEBRATION whom I was privileged to be a classmate was there. I am proud that he is a In 1920 the parents of IJoyd ~aggart, at the University of Wyoming, and par­ citizen of Wyoming and I consider him 1n Cowley, Wyo., celebrated their 50th ticularly to the one member of the family, an outstanding friend and mentor. 17024 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE July 25, 1966 The Taggart family has been distin­ safety record in the world and the best rec­ these programs for tutoring, independent guished by its talented and hard-working ord !or any 5-yee.r period in the history of study, and general strengthening of com­ American aviation. You have clearly demon­ munity education are working. members. The family embodies many strated that outstanding performance in a Programs under the Library Services and of the everlasting virtues which have critical and complex program can be con­ Construction Act are calling upon coopera­ helped make this country great. Thus, tinually achieved while reducing costs. tion between public librarians and school li­ Mr. Speaker, it is only fitting that they I am pleased to observe that the House brarians in assessing the overall needs of the should receive national recognition by Appropriations Committee, after thoroughly community for expanded library services. this tribute in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. reviewing your program and budget for the Interlibrary agreements will be formed to This Nation and the State of Wyoming 1967 fiscal year, singled out the Federal Avia­ extend the flow of books in areas which must tion Agency for special commendation for be upgraded educationally. send their best wishes to Lloyd and Louise the etficiency and economies achieved in Vocational education programs will place Taggart on their 50th wedding anni­ recent years. greater listings of technical and vocationa! versary and hope for the continued As you know, in my budget message for the education reference books in school libraries. strength and vitality of a great American 1967 fiscal year, I stressed the importance of Programs of the National Foundation on the group, the Taggart family. strengthening the coordination of Federal Arts and the Humanities will bring greater programs in the field and giving more free­ quantities Of instructional materials in these dom of action and judgment to the people two categories to be placed in school on the firing line. The FAA has provided an libraries. example of what can be done to decentralize The Higher Education Act of 1965, which President Praises Administrator McKee of management to field otficials who have the includes a title for community service and Federal Aviation Agency for Record in authority to act promptly and effectively in continuing education programs, will create meeting the needs of the public. Your suc­ an increased request for books on social Economy, Safety, and Public Service cess in establishing regional and area centers problems to be made available in both school of field supervision while simultaneously re­ and public libraries. School librarians will EXTENSION OF REMARKS ducing employment·in field otfices has dem­ be called upon to assist public and school ad­ OF onstrated that decentralization can mean ministrators in pulllng together informa­ better public service ansi more productive tional materials !or the study and solution of HON. JOE 1:.. EVINS use of field personnel. community problems.
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