THE PAPER INDUSTRY in the Berlin-Brandenburg Capital Region THE GERMAN CAPITAL REGION MORE VALUE FOR YOUR INVESTMENT (ELSINKI KM /SLO KM 4ALLINN 3TOCKHOLM KM -OSCOW KM KM 2IGA #OPENHAGEN KM Berlin-Brandenburg: $UBLIN KM 6ILNIUS KM ,ONDON KM KM -INSK "ERLIN 10 convincing benefits !MSTERDAM KM 0OTSDAM 7ARSAW for your investment KM KM "RUSSELS 0RAGUE +IEV 0ARIS KM KM KM KM ■ Important capacities of paper manufacturing in the region 6IENNA ■ Proximity to growth markets in Middle and East Europe "ERN KM KM "UDAPEST ■ KM Close network of industrial consumers, in particular the "UCHAREST printing and publishing industry in the surroundings KM -ADRID ■ High qualified, motivated, and available experts KM ■ Industry-relevant universities, especially in engineering ,ISBON 2OM )STANBUL KM KM in the region KM ■ Flexible working hours and good cost-benefit ratio !THENS KM 0RENZLAU ■ Above-average labour productivity ■ Excellent traffic and telecommunication infrastructure ■ Attractive industrial locations in all sites 0RITZWALK 3CHWEDT/DER ■ Best capital investment subsidy in Europe Competence from the High market growth predicted .EURUPPIN production to the further %BERSWALDE The paper market is an internationally organised market, thus the /BERKRËMER /RANIENBURG "ERNAU processing paper industry is characterised by a high export quota. The growth rates in East Europe are predicted, according to the company (ENNIGSDORF The sector of the paper industry is characterised by a good dy- „Pöyry Forest Industry GmbH“, for the newsprint with an above- 2ATHENOW "RIESELANG "ERLIN namic of sales and a very high willingness to invest. Growth rates average rate of increase of 4 %, for the corrugated cardboard .AUEN &ALKENSEE in double figures emphasise the good investment ambiance in the base paper of 4,5 %, and for the coated magazine paper of even 3CHÚNEICHE region. With three major companies of the paper manufacturing 6 %. The companies in the capital region benefit from the excellent 2àDERSDORF industry, the region offers a high-performance basis for the process- location near the East European markets. The integration of the -àNCHEBERG 7USTERMARK ing sector. In the region Berlin Brandenburg, the paper, publish- East European countries with the European Union promotes the ing and printing industry employs more than 18,600 employees. straightforward trade between the countries. 0OTSDAM &RANKFURT/DER Additionally, a large number of employees work in the network of ,UDWIGSFELDE 'ROBEEREN "LANKENFELDE sub-contractor and logistic companies for the supply of recovered "RANDENBURG -AHLOW ANDER(AVEL 7ILDAU paper, in service companies for plant constructions, and in the "RàCK industry-relevant chemical sector. 4REBBIN :OSSEN With a turnover of more than 328,000 € per employee, Branden- .IEDERWERBIG ,UCKENWALDE burg is the second market leader in sales productivity in the paper 0EITZ industry behind Saxony-Anhalt. .UTHE 5RSTROMTAL #OTTBUS The labour costs in East German industries are internationally com- parable with Japan, Italy, and Spain, whereas the West German $AHME-ARK labour costs head on top of the ranking directly followed by Norway and Denmark. 3PREMBERG 3ENFTENBERG (OSENA &EDERAL(IGHWAY #OMPANIESOFTHEPAPERMANUFACTURINGINDUSTRY Schoepe Display GmbH, Blankenfelde-Mahlow Control unit of the company Concert GmbH in Pritzwalk 3TATE(IGHWAY #OMPANIESOFTHEPAPERPROCESSINGINDUSTRY 2AILROADS #ARGOTRANSPORTCENTERS 7ATERWAYS #OMPANIESOFTHELOGISTICSECTOR !IRPORTS #OMPANIESOFTHEPRINTINGANDPUBLISHINGINDUSTRY "ERLIN"RANDENBURG)NTERNATIONAL"") )NSTITUTESANDRESEARCHCENTRES The Paperindustry in Berlin-Brandenburg 0RENZLAU 0RITZWALK 3CHWEDT/DER .EURUPPIN %BERSWALDE /BERKRËMER /RANIENBURG "ERNAU (ENNIGSDORF 2ATHENOW "RIESELANG "ERLIN .AUEN &ALKENSEE 3CHÚNEICHE 2àDERSDORF -àNCHEBERG 7USTERMARK 0OTSDAM &RANKFURT/DER ,UDWIGSFELDE 'ROBEEREN "LANKENFELDE "RANDENBURG -AHLOW ANDER(AVEL 7ILDAU "RàCK 4REBBIN :OSSEN .IEDERWERBIG ,UCKENWALDE 0EITZ .UTHE 5RSTROMTAL #OTTBUS $AHME-ARK 3PREMBERG 3ENFTENBERG (OSENA &EDERAL(IGHWAY #OMPANIESOFTHEPAPERMANUFACTURINGINDUSTRY 3TATE(IGHWAY #OMPANIESOFTHEPAPERPROCESSINGINDUSTRY 2AILROADS #ARGOTRANSPORTCENTERS 7ATERWAYS #OMPANIESOFTHELOGISTICSECTOR !IRPORTS #OMPANIESOFTHEPRINTINGANDPUBLISHINGINDUSTRY "ERLIN"RANDENBURG)NTERNATIONAL"") )NSTITUTESANDRESEARCHCENTRES The network for success – selected companies in the region PAPER FACTORIES HOUSEHOLD AND SANITARY PRODUCTS LEIPA Georg Leinfelder GmbH, Concert GmbH, Pritzwalk WS Verpackung GbR, Hennigsdorf Schwedt/Oder · www.leipa.de www.concert.de www.ws-verpackung.com Papierfabrik Hamburger Spremberg Jet Papier GmbH, Bernau ZIB Informations- und Bürosysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Spremberg www.jet-papier.de Service GmbH, Wildau www.hamburger-spremberg.com Luckenwalder Tüten- und Pappteller www.zib-wildau.de UPM-Kymmene Papier GmbH & Co. KG, Fabrik GmbH, Luckenwalde Schwedt/Oder · www.upm-kymmene.com www.dr-roesler-weiss-kg.de NEWSPAPER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING Melitta Haushaltsprodukte GmbH & Co. KG, Axel Springer, Druckhaus Spandau: Bild, Berlin · www.melitta.info CORRUGATED CARDBOARD PRODUCTION Berliner Morgenpost, Süddeutsche Paul Hartmann Produktions- und Mosburger Corrugated GmbH & Co. KG, www.axelspringer.de Logistik Zentrum AG, Brück Spremberg · www.mosburger.at Berliner Zeitungsdruck (Mecom): Berliner www.hartmann.info Thimm Verpackung GmbH & Co. KG, Zeitung, Financial Times Riboth Gesellschaft zur Herstellung von Eberswalde · www.thimm.de www.berliner-zeitungsdruck.de Hygiene- und Kosmetikartikeln mbH, Wepoba Wellpappenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG, Fazit Stiftung, Potsdam: Märkische Niederwerbig · www.riboth.de Wustermark · www.panther-packaging.de Allgemeine · www.fazit.de SHS Hygieneprodukte GmbH, Niederwerbig Holtzbrinck/Saarbrücker Zeitung, www.riboth.de Cottbus: Lausitzer Rundschau PACKAGING AND DISPLAYS www.holtzbrinck.com Colorpack GmbH, STATIONERY AND OFFICE SUPPLIES Märkischer Zeitungsverlag, Oranienburg: Rüdersdorf, Schöneiche Falken Office Products GmbH, Peitz Oranienburger Generalanzeiger et al. www.rlc-packaging.com www.falken-office-products.com www.oranienburger-generalanzeiger.de Eikemeier Verpackungen GmbH, Heise Werbung und Organisationsmittel Neue Pressegesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Brandenburg, Rathenow GmbH, Trebbin · www.heise-werbung.de Ulm/Stuttgarter Verlagsgesellschaft, www.eikemeier-verpackungen.de Herlitz PBS AG, Berlin/Falkensee Frankfurt/Oder: Märkische Oderzeitung F. W. Borchardt Universal Verpackungs- www.herlitz.de www.moz.de mittelwerke GmbH, Wellpappenwerk Kurt Eulzer Druck GmbH & Co. KG, Woltersdorf, Nuthe-Urstromtal Hennigsdorf · www.eulzer.de www.f-w-borchardt.de INDUSTRY-RELEVANT RESEARCH CENTERS Schneidewind-Kuvert GmbH & Co. KG, GAG technik display, University of Applied Sciences (TFH) Berlin Trebbin · www.schneidewind-kuvert.de Rüdersdorf, Schöneiche www.tfh-berlin.de www.gag-technikdisplay.de WDS Werbeordner, Zossen Technische Universität Berlin www.werbeordner.de Hellbut & Co GmbH Berlin, www.tu-berlin.de Rüdersdorf, Schöneiche Brandenburg Technical University (BTU) www.hellbut.com OTHERS Cottbus www.tu-cottbus.de Märkische Kartonagenfabrik, ASTER GmbH, Neuruppin · www.aster-gmbh.de Rüdersdorf, Schöneiche University of Applied Sciences Lausitz BTS Brandenburger Tapeten Schwedt www.maerkische-kartonagenfabrik.de www.fh-lausitz.de GmbH, Schwedt/Oder · www.rta-gmbh.de Oltersdorf GmbH, Oberkrämer Technical University of Applied Sciences BUTTING GmbH & Co. KG, Schwedt/Oder www.oltersdorf-gmbh.de Wildau · www.tfh-wildau.de www.butting.de Panther-Display GmbH & Co. KG, Großbeeren Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences Clever Etiketten GmbH, Hosena www.panther-display.com www.fh-brandenburg.de www.clever-etiketten.de Paul Pröhl Kartonagenfabrik GmbH & Co., Berlin University of Arts eCom Logistik GmbH & Co. KG, Falkensee Hennigsdorf · www.proehl-karton.de www.udk-berlin.de www.ecomlogistik.de Richard Klöde GmbH, Hennigsdorf Hartmann-Schwedt GmbH, Schwedt/Oder www.kloede.de www.hartmannverpackung.de LOGISTIC/DISTRIBUTION Ruppiner Papier- und Folienwerke GmbH, Kowitec Ingenieurgesellschaft für Dachser GmbH & Co. KG, Schönefeld Neuruppin Wassertechnik mbH, Schwedt/Oder www.dachser.com Schoepe Display GmbH, www.kowitec.de Fiege Eastern Europe GmbH, Brieselang Blankenfelde-Mahlow Märkische Etiketten GmbH, Müncheberg www.fiege.de www.schoepe-display.de www.me-gruppe.de Kühne & Nagel, Ludwigsfelde Storopack Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, Merker Papierverarbeitungs GmbH, www.kn-portal.com Wildau · www.storopack.de Oranienburg Rhenus AG & Co. KG, Velten, Großbeeren Tetra Pak Produktions GmbH, Berlin Nordvlies GmbH, Brück · www.nordvlies.de www.rhenus.com www.tetrapak.de Pöyry Forest Industry GmbH, Schwedt/Oder Rieck GmbH & Co. KG, Großbeeren Wilhelm Klatt KG, Dahme/Mark www.poyry.de www.rieck-logistik.de ratioform Verpackungslösungen, Rüdersdorf, Schöneiche www.ratioform.de Growth market with clear profile Brandenburg’s paper industry achieved in 2006 for the first time a turnover in a billions range. Growth rates in double figures empha- sise the high willingness to invest. Fortunately, this development is also reflected in a steady increase of the number of employ- ees. Since 2005, the number of employees increased almost 10 % per year. Regarding the structure of the companies, in relation to the size of the companies, a clear difference is shown between the large paper manufacturing companies and the mostly small processing companies. The percentage of the manufacturing and processing of corrugated cardboard is increasing steadily. In 2006, it achieved almost 25 %, whereas
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