ETIQUETTE WITH THE QURAN - Al-Tibyan fiAdah Jjamalat al-QurJan - - IMAM AL-NAWAWI Translation & Notes by MUSA FURBER Foreword by NUH HA MIM KELLER All praise is to Allah alone, the Lord of the Worlds And may He send His benedictions upon our master Muhammad, his Kin and his Companions and grant them peace AUTHORIZATION ..L..A-1�Ir-+-'6L!.l.l0---' ,..1...s; ,jJ0T _,..-ill U.- '":-'bT.j 0yl '":-'L.:5GWI •j� )'4 <JJ) � � .r-".J� lll� ..LJ. � � .r-".Ji,j bUll �4�I� .J 01� r.l.:­ .:r. 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And he relates it from his Shaykh Mubmmad 'Ali al-Mali.ki who relates it from his sheykh al-Sayyid Bikri, who relates it from Al:imad Zayni Dahlan, who relates it from 'Uthman Jbn Hasan al-Damyati, from the eminent scholar Mubammad Ibn 'Abd al-Qadir al-Amir, from 'Ali Ibn Mubarnmad al-'Arabi al-Saqat, from 'Abdullah Ibn Salim al-Ba�ri, from 'Isa al-Ja'fari al-Tha'alabi, from 'Ali al-Ujhuri, form al-Siraj 'Umar Ibn al­ Jii'i, from al-l:lafii Jalal al-Din Abi al-Facjl 'Abd al-Rahman Ibn Abi Bakr al-Suyuti, from the Shaykh of Islam 'Alam al-Din al-Bulqini, from his fa­ ther Siraj al-Din 'Amr al-Bulqini, from al-l::lafiz Abi al-I:Iallaj Yusuf Ibn 'Abd al-Ra]:unan al-Mizzi, from the author: al-Imam al-Rabbani Abu Zakariya Yabya Ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi. I have authorized Shaykh Musa Furber with this chain [of transmissionj, just as my distinguished shaykhs authorized it to me with general and specific authorizations. I enjoin the one being au­ thorized-and myself-to fear God and to draw upon success from God in spreading knowledge to all. May the blessings and peace of God be upon our master Muhammad, and upon his family and companions. Written by one needy of his Lord and a seeker of His pardon, 'Abd Allah bin Hussein al-Kadi God forgive him, his parents, and all Muslims [Signed and dated 25 Safar 1424 AH (27 April 2003 CE)J TRANSLITERATION KEY '(i) (6) f .. J r .._j q(•3) a, a J z '-' '-' s k b <..)" !1 u t . sh <..)" J '2l � th ::;(7) m if i q(8) c ./ 0 n h(3) .k t(9) h(•4) c. (4) kh j; i(•o) u, u, w c. J .:> d '(11) t <.? i, i, y (5) (•2) � dh t gh I. A distinctive glottal stop made at the bottom of the throat. It is also used to indicate the running of two words into one, e.g., bismi'Lliih. 2. Pronounced like the th in think. 3. Hard h sound made at the Adam's apple in the middle of the throat. 4. Pronounced like ch in Scottish loch. Pronounced like th in this. 5. 6. A slightly trilled r made behind the upper front teeth. An emphatic s pronounced behind the upper front teeth. 7. 8. An emphatic d-like sound made by pressing the entire tongue against the upper palate. emphatic t sound produced behind the front teeth. 9. An IO. An emphatic th sound, like the th in this, make behind the front teeth. II. A distinctive Semitic sound made in the middle throat and sounding to a Western ear more like a vowel than a consonant. 12. A guttural sound made at the tope of the throat resembling the untrilled German and French r. 13. A hard k sound prod�ced at the back of the palate. 14. This sound is like the English h but has more body. It is made at the very bottom of the throat and pronounced at the beginning, middle, and ends of words. CONTENTS FOREWORD XI PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION XIII TRANSLATOR'S INTRODUCTION XV BRIEF BIOGRAPHY OF IMAM AL-NAWAWI XX ' IMAM AL-NAWAWl S INTRODUCTION I l The Merit of Reciting & Bearing the Quran 5 2 The Precedence of Recitation & of Reciters 8 3 Honoring the Folk of the Quran 9 4 The Etiquette of Teachers & Students of the Quran l l 5 The Etiquette of the Bearers of the Quran 26 6 The Etiquette of Recitation 3 5 7 The Etiquette of All People With the Quran 96 8 Recommended Times & Circumstances for Recitation 104 9 Writing the Quran & Respecting the Mu$baf l ro ro Imam al-Nawawl's Lexicon 119 l l Concluding Remarks l 3 l TRANSLATOR'S NOTES 132 APPENDIX ONE: SUPPLICATIONS 148 APPENDIX TWO: VERSES OF PROSTRATION 153 APPENDIX THREE: BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES 156 BIBLIOGRAPHY 190 DETAILED TABLE OF CONTENTS 194 INDEX 200 ABOUT THE TRANSLATOR 206 FOREWORD The translation of Al-Tibyan fi Adah ljamalat al-Qur'an is a wel­ come and valuable contribution to the English library of great Islamic literature. Its author, Imam al-Nawawi, needs no intro­ duction to Western Muslims, and the translator, Musa Furber, is indeed to be congratulated on his choice of this work and its fe­ licitous rendering into English. Its publication is a long-awaited event for both traditional Islamic knowledge and the point of that knowledge, which is practice. Allah Himself has used the word tibyan to describe the Holy Quran, the source of all knowledge, which He says He revealed tibyanan Ii kulli shay' or as a clarification of everything. That is, it exposits in detail the things no human being can know, not the mere physical and intellectual dimensions of man in the world, which anyone can findout, but the very context of man and his reality, the "why" of being itself, whence man came, why he ex­ ists, runs his full term, dies, and what he shall meet on the other side of the impenetrable veil of death. In the Quran, our reality itself is a sign, an ayah, something that points beyond itself for those who realize what it signifies, namelythe tawbid or Oneness of Allah. The exposition of these facts in the form of a divine scripture, which no human being could possibly produce, makes it the Supreme Book for mankind. The present work was designed and written to explain to men and women how best to benefit from the Book of Allah. The blessing of the Quran is that whoever recites it as it should be recited is changed by it, and brought by imperceptible degrees to XI ETIQUEITE WITH THE QURAN see why everything is the way it is. The seed of this knowledge is a humble intention to draw nearer to the Divine, the soil in which it takes root are reverence, awe, and love, and its fruit is the CEr­ titude in the eternal truths of faith that bring fe licity in this world and the next. It is well known to everyone conversant with the Islamic dis­ ciplines that the learning of many things does not teach wisdom, and that traditional books do not reveal their secrets or bestow their benefits to those without the key to them. This key is ad­ ab, the "right way of doing things," rendered in the title as "et­ iquette," but in its comprehensiveness a perennial difficulty to translate into English. Books, especially sacred ones, give their knowledge to those of adab, and Westerners who know some­ thing about the sciences of Islam have been waiting for a book like this in English for a long time. NUH HA MIM KELLER AMMAN IO JUNE 2003 XII PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION In the Name of God, Most Merciful and Compassionate This edition is Etiquette With the Quran includes the same con­ tents as the firstedition published by Starlatch Press in 2003. Due to negligent backups on my part, the text here had to be recov­ ered from a manuscript that was one or two revisions before the finalone printed in the firstedition . While I have done my best to duplicate Starlatch's masterful editorial work and to enter in all known mistakes to the firstedition, no human-save the Prophets (peace and blessings of God be upon them)-is saved from erring, and no book-save the Quran-is free from errors. MUSA FURBER ABU DHABI, UAE 20 RAMADAN 1433 AI-I 8 AUGUST 2012 CE XIII 1 �·r:c ' .
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