)/ ?~ ,i __.t-., , ,- ~~lI= ~.)mplete edition of this work )f:-' ~ Historv'- and Eth~ogr~phy -oj Afrita so~th of the Zambesi from' the settlement of the Por/uguese at So/ala in September 1505 to the­ conquest .of the Cape Colony by the Brz:tish in September I795. In three volumes. - Volume I contains a description -of the Bushmen, Hotten-_. lots, and Bantu, an account of the first voyages round the Cape of Good Hope of the Portuguese, the French, the English, -and' the Dutch, and a hfstory of the Portuguese in 'South Africa in . early times. Volumes II and III contain a history of the administration I of the Dutch East India Company in South Africa, &c., &c. ' Hutory of South Afrzea sz"nce September 17.95·' , In' five_ volumes. Volume I contains a history of the Cape Colony from 1795 to, 1828 and an account of the Zulu wars of devastation and the formation ot new Bantu communities. Volume II contains a history of the Cape Colony from 1828 to 1846, a history of Natal from 1824 to 1845, and an account; of the proceedings of the emigrant farmers in the territory; between the Orange and Limpopo rivers from 1836 to' 1847. Volume III contains a history of the Cape Colony from 1846 to 1860, of Natal from 1845 to 1857. of British Kaffraria from 1847 to' 1860, and of the Orange River Sovereignty and the Transvaal Republic from 1847 to 1854.' ' . - Volume IV contains a history of the Orange Free State,., the South African Republic. Zululand, Basutoland, Betshuana­ land, and Matabelel~nd from 1,854 ,to .1872. Volume V is the one in the reader's hands. Each of these volumes is indexed and may be had separately from the .others, ' . SOUTH AFRICA SINCE SEPTEMBER 1795 BY GEORGE MCCALL THEAL, LITT.D.; LL.D. WOSWI.. ...... 01' 1"l1li IWYAL "OAD.MY or ~o .., AJIST.BDA.M, OOBaaSPOB'DDra •••BD ~ 711. aoY.&.L aBnOILICU 8OOIKTY, LOlIDOlf, .re., mtI'J IITC., " •••ALI' a ...... 0' YO ~v .. or 'lBS UP. OOLOMY, ASD ~ pauae OOLOlIfl4" IlIB'IOBlOGLlPB&B - WITH SIXTEEN MAPS AND CHARTS IN FIVE VOLUMES VOL V. THE CAPE COLONY AND NATAL TO 1872, GRIQUALAND WEST TO 1880, GREAT NAMAQUALAND, DAMARALAND, TRANSKEI, TEMBULAND, AND GRIQUALAND EAST TO 1885, PONDOLAND AND THE PORTUGUESE TERRITORY TO 1894 SECOND EDITION LONDON SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO., Lnr. 25 HIGH STREET, BLOOMSBURY 1910 FIRST EDITION,. • Au:;ust 190B SSCOND EDITION, • August 1910 , - - r~ J) g-~ l) ?---'3 0;', CONTENTS. 0lLU'TER LXVII. IB 8110110. OBIY, OOVBBlfOll AIm mGJ" ;OHlassIonB, 4T11 OJ' .Jt1J.-r. 1860 ro lliTB: OJ' At ~Jft 1861. LIStrrBlIA1fY-9llfllUL BOanT IDYllY - WT.IIYAllD. LISUTBNAlf:r·GOHBIIIOB, ACrIlf~ AllKIlfU"l'llAroB, lliTB: OJ' AUGUST 1861 TO lliTB: OJ' UlfUAllY 1862. Di1fenmt poeition of the governor of "the Cape Oolony before and alter 1872.-Pirat visit of Prince Alfred to South AJrica.-Great hunt at Hartebeest Hoek.-Commencement of the construction of a breakwater in Table Bay.-Change"of name of Port Francea to Port AUred.-Legaliaation of English weights and measures only in the Cape Colony.-EJI'ort of the British settlers of Albany to have the eastern province formed into a "distinct colony.-Commencemenll of the construction of a dock in Table Bay.-Conetruction of lighthouses on RoJiben leland and in Simon'_ Bay, of a nilway from Capetown to Wynberg, and a tel''gTaph line from East London to Simoll8town.-Introduction of Angora goata.":""Unreet in Zululand.-Dealinge of the Natal government with Ketshwayo. - Panic in Natal caused by Ketahwayo'. action.-Prompt meaanrea adopted by Sir George Grey. - Promotion of education by Sir George Grey.­ Establishment of a theological I8minary at Stellenboach.­ Divergent newlI of Sir George Grey and a very large party in England .. to the extension of British mle in South Africa.­ Departure of Sir George Grey.-Preaentation by Sir George Grey of a valuable library to the Cape Colouy.-Arrival of Sir Philip WodehoUBe as governor of the Cape Colony _nd high eommieeioner 1 A CHAPTER .LXVm . .PH~LIP BDMOND l"ODEHOUSE,- ESQ)l" (AFTER 'SE~EJ4BER 1862' sm pmLIl' WODEHOUIll!l), ~OVBRNOR' AE6 HIGlt OOMMISSIONER, ASSUMED DUTY " . 16TH OF JANUARY 1862, RETIRED 20TH OF ~Y 1870. Positions.·held' by Sir Philip Wodehou~e before becoming· governor of the Cape Colony. -'- Depressi()n th~ghout the . colony; - Immigration and emigration of Europea.ns.-Pr~ceedings during the session of the Cape parliament in -1862. -Tour of· the governo,r through British Kaft'raria. - Proceedings regarding the Transkeian territol'l.-Rejection,by the parliament of the governor's bill to annex British Kaft'raria. to the Cape Colony.­ Progress, in· the' construction of. railways:-occupation. of the last. Bushman territory in the CapeColony:.-Dealings with the Bushmen.-Proceedings during the session of the Cape parlia­ ment in 1863. -Result of a general election.-Proceedings during the session of' the Cape parliament held in Grahamstown in 1864.-Increase bf t&:x:ation.-Revenue of the Cape Oolony.­ Creationoi the east-ern districts court.-Increase of the mail ~ervice with England.-Distress in the col~ny.-Domestication of the ostrich.-Ac!,ount of British troops in South Africa.- Particuiars of the ,census of 1865 of the Cape Colony 21 CHAPTER LXIX. ABANDONMENT OF T~E TRANSKElAN .~ERRITORIE8. Condition of the Transkeian territories after 1858.-Succession of . magistrates at Idutywa.-Negotiallons with the Tembus 'of Glen, Grey, for' an exchange of land.-Conditiolls under which it was' proposed to locate, Europeans in the Transkeian territory.­ Dealings with Kreli.-Determination of the secretary of state for .the coloniel! to withdraw :British dominion from the Transkei. , -"Restoration of a portioll of the territory to Kreli.-Renewal of negotiations with the Tembus of Glen .Grey, who obtain a . large tract of land in the Transkei, but· give up nothing in . exchange.-Dealings with. Nonesi.-Futile attempt to obtain'" the Gaika location in exchange for ground east of the Kei.- _ Location of . Fingos beyond the Kei.-Policy adopted towards the tribes and clans there.-Feud between the Tembus and the Xosas.-Earopilan settle!Dents in Tembuland.-War between the Tembus Itnd XoS&s.-Account of the Fingos in the Transkei.­ Description of Gri'lualand East. - Dealings with Faku.- Contents. vii Tribe. and clana between the Umtata.' river ...... Dealing. of the Natal government with Faku.-Proceedinga Nehemiail, M08heth. - Location of Adam Kok'a Griquaa. in N omaDllland.-Ejection of Nehemiah Moaheah, by the Gnquas; -Location of varioua Banto clans in the reuu.inder of the territorJ.-General diacord and strife • etB PHILIP BDMon WODBIIOUSB, oonBllOB A1f1) mOB COJlHIBSIOlf1lB, (continued). Objectiona 01 the majority of the European inhabitants of British Kaft'raria to annexation to the Cape Colony.-Viait of Sir Philip Wodehouae to King-Williamatown.-Removal of Lieutenant-, Governor }IacleaD to Natal-Passing of a proviaional annexation act by the imperial parliament.-Stormy .debate in the Cape • parliament.-Am.lgamation. of an annention bill and an additional repreaentation bilL-Pll8lling of the amalgamated bilL-CompletioD of the annexation. - Statistics of British Kaffraria at the time.-Great gale in Table Bay and 1081 of many v_Ia.-Partial deatruction of the village of Swellendam by fire.-DiatreI8 throughout the Cape Colony.-Proceedings of parliament in 1866.-Con1lict between the governor and the parliament.-Loea of life from an epidemic of low fever.­ Condition. of the water .upply of Capetown.-Proceedings 'of parliament in 1867.-Reduction in number of the British troope in South Africa.-Failure of the governor's plan for diminishing the power of parlisment.-Exhibition of the first diamond found in South Africa.-Importa of the Cape Colony from 1862 to 18G7.-Comparati". trade through the different porta. -Exporta from 1862 to 1867 ••• 70 CHAPTER LXXI. II. PB1LIP BDMon WODBBOUS" GOVE.NOB Alfl) moil; COJlHI8eIOlf1lB,. (contillued). "fJUUNT· GBlf1IlUL CB~BLU ca&17I'UBD BAY, LIlIUTI!IIANT· GOnBIIOB ADMUIISTJIBIlfO TIllI GOVEBlfMEl'IT, 20TH OJ' IlUY TO 31sT 01' DBCBMBBB 1870. J ,'wit of Prince Alfred to South Africa~-Wreck of the .:'...... nsport B~rua.-CoQdition. of the Cape Colony in 1868. Histor1J ()/ South.A/rz'ca. _ ~~;"ndition of tlie northern border. - Principal , ..,Da clans'there.-Appointment of a special magistrate and 'J»rolment of a force termed tb.e' li9rthem -border police.­ Dealings' with the Bushmen.-Operations against the- Korana insurgents.-,-Result of ,the general election of 1869.-Conflict bet~een the governor and the parliament.-Rejection of the governor's measures.-Dissolution of the house of assembly and appeal, by Sir Philip Wodehouse to the, country to'decide upon the future, form of government. -: Construction of a railway from. Port :N'olloth to Ookiep by the Cape Copper Mining Company.:-Destructive' fire in the Knysna, Humans­ dorp, and Uitenhage' district,B. - Destructive floods in the midland districts.-Wrecks in a gale at Algoa Bay.-Result of the -gO,vernor's appeal to the, country.-Proceedings of the Cape parliament in the session of 1870.-Particulars concern­ ing the public debt.-Retirement of Sir Philip Wodehouse as governor 'of the Cape Colony. -Celebration of the fiftieth anniversary, of the arrival, of the British settlers.-Opening of the docks in Table Bay.-Purchase by the government -of the 'harbour works at Poril Alfred.-Experiments in the cultiva­ tion of silk, flax, and cotton in the Cape Colony.-Chsnge for the bette~ in the' seasons 95 mIAPTER LXXII. 51.& HBNRY BARKLY, GOVERNOR AND mGB COMMISSIONBR. ASSUMED DUTY 31ST ,OF DBCElIIBBR 1870. Arrival of Sir -Henry Bsrkly as governor and high commissioner. -Lengthy to~ of the new governor. - Proceedings of .the Cape parliament in the session of 1871.-Divergent views of the governor aud'the members of the executiv:e council.­ Debate on -the introductiolt of responsible government.-Pro­ ceedings t'egarding federation.
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