HELL AND THE HIGH SCHOOLS CHRIST OR EVOLUTION WHICH? BY T. T. MARTIN, Evangelist. AUTHOR OF GEMS FROM THE SICK ROOM, CONVERSION OF RUTH WYATT. GOD'S PLAN WITH MEN, REDEMPTION AND THE NEW BIRTH. THE NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH, THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST, GOING TO HELL IN DROVES. MARRIED LIFE-ITS PRESENT-DAY DANGER AND EVILS, HELL, HEAVEN AND OTHER SERMONS. KANSAS CITY, MO. ) THE WESTERN BAPTIST PUBLISHING CO. 1923 t CONTENTS PAGE Introduction. ............................... 5 CHAPTER I The Issue Stated. .......................... .. 17 CHAPTER II What Is Evolution? ....................... .. 37 CHAPTER III What Is Being Taught in our Schools?......... 47 CHAPTER IV Evolution Is Not a Science. ................. .. 72 CHAPTER V Evolution Repudiated by Great Scientists and Scholars. .. 105 CHAPTER VI The Effects of Evolution on Teachers of It. .... .. 139 CHAPTER VIII Effects of Evolution on Students. ........... .. 147 CHAPTER VIII The Only Hope. ........................... .. 156 CHAPTER IX The Responsibility of Fathers and Mothers. ... .. 160 Conclusion. .. 166 INTRODUCTION ----.. ~>---- "To attack an abuse ot men claiming to represent science is not only a privilege but a duty, and ne WM shirks it throv.gh fear of criticism or through dread of precipitating a controversy in which he himself may lose prestige is no lover of truth."­ McCann. APTISTS, Catholics, OOngregationalists, Disciples, Episco­ palians, Lutherans, Presbyterians, and others, believe there B is a hell, with the exception of the hypocrites among us and . a few who have been honestly misled by two pleas: First, that the word for "hell" means "the grave." Let us see: "The wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God" (Ps.9:17). Does that mean that the wicked shall be turend into the grave, that the others will not be buried at all? "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him" (John 3:36), Does God's wrath abide on something that has ceased to exist, upon a pile of ashes? "Many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt" (Dan. 12:2). Everlast­ ing contempt for a pile of ashes, for something that has ceased to exist? The second plea that has misled some is that the Bible says that "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23), not Hell, mak­ Ing death to mean "to cease to exist." Death does not mean "to cease to exist." "She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth" (l Tim. 5:6). She "is dead," but she has not "ceased to exist"-she is cut off from God. "VerilY, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on Him that sent me, hath everlasting Ufe and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death unto life" (John 5:24)-not is passed from non-existence into existence, but is passed from being cut off from, separated from, God. "This is life eternal that they might know Thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast 8 nt." (John 17:3). The rank and file, the great body, of professing Christians In th sreat denominations believe there is a hell; the teaching 6 HELL AND HIGH SCHOOLS Il'l"TaoDUCTIOlt 7 of the Scriptures is plain. As an example of tht' Scripture's this book with testimonies of great men that the Bible is God's teaching, the Saviour said: "If thy hand cause thet' to stum­ revelation to man. Let me give a few: ble, ·cut it off: it is good for thee to enter into life maimed, Lord Kelvin, the greatest scientist on earth at the time of rather than having thy two hands go into hell, into the unquench· his death, stated, toward the close of his life, that there is not able fire. And if thy foot cause tht'e to stumble, cut it off: it a single established fact of scienct' which is in conflict with any is good for thee to enter into life halt, rather than having two statement of the Bible. feet to be cast into Hell. And if thine eye cause thee to stumble Sir David Brewster, doubtless the greatest scientist the cast it out: it is good for thee to entcr into the Kingdom of world has ever known, signed a statement, together 'with seven God with one eye rather than having two eyes to be cast into hundred and fifty·three other scientists, that there is not oil€> hell; where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched" single fact of real science that conflicts with the Bible. , (Mark 9:43-48, R. V.) "The time is perhaps nearer than we anticipate when natu. ral science and theology will unite in the conviction that tht' The evidence is plain and positiye that the Scriptures are first chapter of Genesis stands alone among the traditions of a revelation from God. Professor James Orr, at the time of his mankind in the wonderful simplicity ~nd grandeur of its words. death probably! the most learned man on the earth, stated that and that the meaning of these words is always a meaning of the greatest thirty infidels of our day and time he knew ahead of science, not because it anticipates the results of sci. twenty·eight of them in their old age, and that everyone of ence, but because it is independent of them and runs, as it were, them, after mature investigation, had accepted the Bible as a round the outer margin of all possible discovery."-Duke of revelation from God, and Jesus Christ. as their Saviour. Argyle. William E. Gladstone stated that in his life he had known the "Who educated the first human pair? A Spirit interesteo greatest sixty men of the world and that fifty,five of them had hlmsolf in them, as is laid down by an oM, venerable, primeval lJccepted the Bible as a revelation from God, and Jesus Christ document Which, taken altogether, contains the profoundest, as their Saviour. Space forbids giving the list of great infidels, sublimest wisdom and discloses results to which all philossophy such as Lord Littleton, Gilbert West, George Romanes, who were must at last come."-Fichte. convinced by thorough, honest iinvestiga;tion tha;'tJ tb,re Bi~le "I have always round in my scientific studies that when J is a revelation from God, and that Jesus Christ is the could get the Bible to say anything on the subject, it afforded me Saviour. The evidence is plain and positive, for ignprant !lnd a firm platform to stand upon a.nd a round in the ladder bv learned alike. No honest man, ignorant or learned, cali. read which I could safely ascend."-Lieut. Maury, U. S. Navy, di~. "Walker's Philosophy< of the Plan of. Salvation," or John Urqu· tlnguished on account of both his valuable scientific discoveries hart's "Wonders of Propheey," or E. Y. Mullins, "Why Is. Chris· and his published works. tianity True?" or Nelson's "The Cause and Cure of Infidelity," "All human discoveries seem to be made only for the pur. or A. T. Pierson's "Many Infallible Proofs," and not be con· pose of confirming more and more strongly the truths con. vinced that the Bible is a revelation from God and that Jesus lclned in the Holy Scriptures."-Sir John Herschell. Christ is the Saviour. There are many others, among them, These great bodies of professing Christians believe that the "The Word and Works of God,"bY Bailey, "The Character of only hope for responsible human beings not going to hell when Jesus,"by Horace Bushnell, "Mriacles of Unbelief," by Ballard, til y die is through our Savionr, God's Son, as our real Re. d m r. Witness: "But as for me I know that my Redee'mer "The Problem of the Old Testament," by Jonus Orr, "Did Jesus II V h, lind at last He will stand upon the earth: And after Rise," by J. H. Brookes, "The Resurrection of Jesu!]," by James mIn, ven this body is destroyed, then without my flt'sh Orr, "The Young Professor," by E. B. Hatcher, "Reasons for IIh 11 ad,-Job. 19:25·2(;. "And He will redeem Israel Faith in Christianity," by Leavitt, "Creation," by Arnold Guyot, , 1111 II hi lnIQulties,"-Ps. 130:8; "He was wounded for our "The Resurrection of Our Lord," by W. Milligan. I could fUI '11 II I nil, H was brUised for our Iniquities; the chastise. a HZLL .AND HIGII SCllooLS INTRODUCTION 9 ment of our peace was upon Him, and with His. stripes we are children to school; Evolution teaches that everything evolved healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned from protoplasm, from the first amoeba, from the first llving every one to his own way; and Jehovah hath laid on Him the cell, not as big as the point of a needle; that the diferent Iniquity of us all."-Isa. 53: 6-6; "the son of Man came not to be species, man included, were evolved from the first living thing ministered unto but to minister, and to give His life a ranSO'ln just above the non-living; that by very slight changes from gen­ for many.-Mt. 20:28; "this Is my blood of the covenant which eration to generation for millions of years, new species were is poured out for many unto REMISSION of sins,-Mt, 26:28; evolved up to and including man.
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