ATLANTIC PROVINCES LINGUISTIC ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION DE LINGUISTIQUE DES PROVINCES ATLANTIQUES Association de linguistique des provinces atlantiques PAMAPLA 28 / ACALPA 28 PAPERS FROM THE TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING / ACTES DU VINGT-HUITIÈME COLLOQUE ANNUEL E d ited by / R édaction J ane S. S mith U niv ersity of M aine 2004 PAPERS FROM THE TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC PROVINCES LINGUISTIC ASSOCIATION University o f Maine Orono, Maine, U.S.A. 5-6 November 2004 ACALPA 28 ACTES DU VINGT-HUITIÈME COLLOQUE ANNUEL DE L’ASSOCIATION DE LINGUISTIQUE DES PROVINCES ATLANTIQUES University o f Maine Orono, Maine, E-U. 5-6 novembre 2004 E d it e d b y / R é d a c t io n J a n e S. S m it h © 2007 by individual authors of the papers © 2007 Auteures et auteurs des communications Printed in 12 point Times New Roman and bound by / Impression et reliure : Service d’imprimerie, Université de Moncton, Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick, Canada Papers from the 28th Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association Actes du 28ième Colloque annuel de l’Association de linguistique des provinces atlantiques v. 28 (2004) Legal Deposit / Dépôt légal: 2007 National Library of Canada Bibliothèque nationale du Canada ISBN/ISSN: 1-897214-10-3 PAMAPLA 28 PAPERS FROM THE TWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ATLANTIC PROVINCES LINGUISTIC ASSOCIATION University o f Maine Orono, Maine, U.S.A. 5-6 November 2004 LANGUAGES IN CONTACT LANGUES EN CONTACT ACALPA 28 ACTES DU VINGT-HUITIÈME COLLOQUE ANNUEL DE L’ASSOCIATION DE LINGUISTIQUE DES PROVINCES ATLANTIQUES University o f Maine Orono, Maine, E-U. 5-6 novembre 2004 E d it e d b y / R é d a c t io n J a n e S. S m it h U n iv e r s it y o f M a in e ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS / REMERCIEMENTS............................................................... vi OTHER PAPERS PRESENTED / AUTRES COMMUNICATIONS...............................vii AUTHORS’ ADDRESSES / ADRESSES DES AUTEURES ET AUTEURS.................... ix I. LANGUAGES IN CONTACT / LANGUES EN CONTACT Gisèle CHEVALIER Formaliser les flexions des verbes utilisés dans l’oral acadien.................................................................................. 5 Paul-André LAGUEUX La part de la néologie allogène dans la variété du français québécois...............................................................15 Jean-Guy MBOUDJEKE Bilinguisme, politiques et attitudes linguistiques au Cameroun et au Canada .................................................... 23 IL PAPERS ON OTHER TOPICS / COMMUNICATIONS SUR D’AUTRES THÈMES Patricia BALCOM Unaccusative Verbs and Their Syntactic Correlates in New Brunswick Acadian French...............................................37 Anthony LISTER Word Order in Chinese - A Text A nalysis....................51 Pauleena MACDOUGALL Variations in Style in Eastern Abenaki Narratives.........59 Mariadelaluz MATUS-MENDOZA Affricate /c/ in an Immigrant Community......................73 Alexandre SÉVIGNY, A Basic Morphological Parser for Discourse Information James MCMULLAN Grammar..............................................................................83 Carol STANLEY-THORNE A Cross-Cultural Comparison of the Use of Color T erm s.................................................................................. 99 Judith YOEL Use of British Sign Language on Canada’s East C oast. 109 The Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association and the conference organizer wish to thank the following for their financial and moral support of the 28th Annual Meeting: L’Association de linguistique des provinces atlantiques et l’organisatrice du colloque tiennent à remercier les personnes et organismes suivants pour leur appui financier et moral du 28ième colloque annuel : University of Maine: Dr. Robert Kennedy, Interim President Dr. Stephen Hornsby, Director, Canadian-American Center Dr. Raymond Pelletier, Associate Director, Canadian-American Center Dr. Ann Leffler, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Dr. Eugene Del Vecchio, Chair, Department of Modern Languages & Classics Conference organizer / Organisatrice du colloque: Jane S. Smith, University of Maine OTHER PAPERS PRESENTED / AUTRES COMMUNICATIONS Louise BEAULIEU (Université de Moncton), Wladyslaw CICHOCKI (University of New Brunswick) Morphologie verbale et accord sujet-verbe en français acadien du nord-est du Nouveau- Brunswick Iolanta BIDERMAN (University of Maine) Languages in Contact: Bilingualism as a parameter of influence on ethnie segregation on the stage of EU, a case study of Latvia Wendy BURNETT (Mount Allison University) The Contact of Dialect Areas: The Maine Transition Zone Wladyslaw CICHOCKI (University of New Brunswick) Spatial Variation in the Pronunciation of Acadian French /R/ Matthew H. CISCEL (Central Connecticut State University) Wealth and Denial: Contemporary stories of multilingualism in Connecticut Bill DAVEY (University College of Cape Breton) The Spoils of War: English and French Place Names on Cape Breton Island During the Eighteenth Century Christine HORNE (University of New Brunswick) Saussurean Linguistics and the Theory of Metaphor Masaaki KAMI Y A (Hamilton College) LF-Incorporation and Light Verb Constructions in Japanese Matthieu LEBLANC (Université de Moncton) Translation and the politics of style: A critical look at the stylistic conventions of translation into French in New Brunswick and Canada Jasmina MILIÇEVIÇ (Dalhousie University) Towards a Formal Description of the Grammatical Voice in Serbian (in a Syntactic Dependency Framework) Raymond MOPOHO (Dalhousie University) Language coexistence and translation: An overview of linguistic identity management in Francophone Canada Robert PAPEN (Université du Québec à Montréal) Michif phonology: To stratify or not, that is the question Adèle SAINT-PIERRE (Université Laval) L’Originalité du lexique du parler français de Jay, Maine Alexandre SÉVIGNY (McMaster University) Towards an Ethics of Partnership: Multimedia Linguistic Research Collaboration Between Academics and Communities AUTHORS’ ADDRESSES / ADRESSES DES AUTEURES ET AUTEURS Patricia Balcom Matthew Ciscel Université de Moncton Department of English 165, rue Massey Central Connecticut State University Moncton, N.-B. El A 3E9 329 Willard Hall [email protected] 1615 Stanley St. New Britain, CT 06050 Louise Beaulieu USA Université de Moncton [email protected] 218, boul. J. D. Gauthier Shippagan, NB E8S 1P6 Bill Davey [email protected] University College of Cape Breton Sydney, NS B1P6L2 Biderman, Iolanta [email protected] c/o Maine Folklife Center 5773 South Stevens Hall Christine Home University of Maine French Department Orono, ME 04469-5773 University of New Brunswick U.SA. P.O. Box 4400 Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3 Wendy Burnett [email protected] Department of Modem Languages and Literatures Masaaki Kamiya Mount Allison University Hamilton College Sackville, NB E4L 1C7 198 College Hill Road [email protected] Clinton, NY 13323 U.S.A. Gisèle Chevalier [email protected] Centre de recherche en linguistique Appliquée Paul-André Lagueux Université de Moncton Département d’Etudes françaises Moncton, NB E1A6H9 Collège militaire royal du Canada [email protected] C.P. 1700, Succ. Forces, Kingston, ON K7K 7B4 Wladyslaw Cichocki [email protected] Department of French University of New Brunswick Matthieu LeBlanc P.O. Box 4400 Département de traduction et des langues Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3 Université de Moncton [email protected] Moncton, NB EIA 3E9 [email protected] Anthony Lister Montréal, PQ H3C 3P8 c/o French Department [email protected] University of New Brunswick Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3 Adèle Saint-Pierre [email protected] 387, rue de la Tourelle, Appt. No. 1 Québec QC G1R1C9 Pauleena MacDougall [email protected] Associate Director, Maine Folklife Center 5773 South Stevens Hall Alexandre Sévigny University of Maine Communication Studies & French Orono, ME 04469-5773 Linguistics U.S.A. Room 507 Togo Salmon Hall [email protected] McMaster University 1280 Main Street West Mariadelaluz Matus-Mendoza Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8 Modem Language Program [email protected] Language and Communication Center Drexel University Carol Stanley-Thorne 229 North 33rd St. Atlantic Baptist University Philadelphia, PA 19104-2875 Box 6400 [email protected] Moncton, NB E1C 9L7 [email protected] Jean-Guy Mboudjeke 217-2 Keating Road Judith Yoel Halifax, NS B3N 1L3 11 Peruz Ct. J eanguy .mboudj eke@ gmai 1. com Bedford, NS B4A 462 [email protected] Jasmina Milicevic French Department Dalhousie University 6135 University Avenue, #1105 Halifax, NS B3H 4R2 [email protected] Raymond Mopoho French Department Dalhousie University 6135 University Avenue Halifax, NS B3H4P9 [email protected] Robert A. Papen Département de linguistique et de didactique des langues Université du Québec à Montréal C.P. 8888, Succ. Centre-ville LANGUAGES IN CONTACT This year marked the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the first permanent French settlement in North America. St. Croix Island, on which that colony was first located, lies in the middle of the river by the same name that now forms a part of the border between New Brunswick, Canada, and Maine, U.S.A. This political border was temporarily suspended when the University of Maine hosted the 28th annual meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistic Association. The theme for the conference was Languages in Contact, and papers dealing with language contact phenomena in all areas of linguistics, particularly those focusing on the Atlantic Provinces, Quebec, and New England
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