2011 | SCIENTIFIC REPORT | PAGE 1 2011 | SCIENTIFIC REPORT | PAGE 2 FOREWORD Reviewing the important dates that have marked the institution last year, note with satisfaction that in 2011 we are able to make decisive steps to transform ICPE-CA into a modern R&D institute and prepared to meet requirements which are now in the entire R&D&I system in Romania. We are looking with satisfaction the development of our human resources, especially by employing ten young graduates in 2011, proving the interest and talent in research and which, as well as all our human resources, we offer through our research topics, creative atmosphere in laboratories and good and very good working condition, the possibility of developing a research and development career. Our development and performance evaluation system, according to MECTS Order 3860/10.03.2011, performed at the end of each year an objective individual analysis and guarantee the career development of each employee. Although applied research is often difficult, especially in the direction of this vector, the Institute was able to find in 2011 the correct direction and meaning, in accordance with Romania’s priorities in full agreement with our capabilities. After a year of internal reorganization in 2010, we find that we were able to transfer at SC Atelierele CFR Grivita SA equipment for analysis of train wheel wear and stand for computerized testing and diagnosis of dampers for railway vehicles, at Agricultural Society PRODLACTOSERV license for the household biogas unit, and at SC ROSEAL SA Odorheiu Secuiesc 5 kW PEM fuel cell for generating electricity and heat. Last year we received confirmation of acceptance of a technology transfer that will allow delivery of electromagnets and power sources for FAIR particle accelerators of amount about 4MEuro. This we hope to be just the beginning of our new specialization. Award in 2011 by AGIR President of two prizes in the “Electrical Engineering” field, for industrial assimilation of two products, respectively technologies, has rewarded our efforts to transfer knowledge in the industry. In 2011 we succeeded by our project “PROMIT”, financed under SOP-IEC, to complete the equipment investment with advanced characterization and technological equipment. In the first category is remarkable the microscopy equipment by purchasing a special FESEM-FIB microscope with resolution of 1.9 nm only 1kV and zoom of 106 times; a scanning electron microscope to study surfaces with tunneling type SPM Ntegra Aura NT – MDT, with work opportunities in the environment, liquid or vacuum in high-resolution surface profilometry, to evaluate the structure of magnetic fields by mapping (with the possibility to apply an external magnetic field), elastic properties, the topological study of electric properties of the surface; and a HRTEM microscope with maximum acceleration voltage of 200kV, resolution of 0.2 nm, with EFTEM imaging modes, TEM diffraction, TEM analysis, together with a complete laboratory to prepare the samples. Among the technological facilities notice SPS equipment, a casting system on rotating drum, 2000 atm isostatic press up to 2000oC, the C nanotubes growth system. These two categories of equipment are supplied through a centralized system of nine protective / technology gas, of which not lacking H2, He or N2. We came in 2012 with optimism, the year we want to capitalize some of the past scientific results and to prepare those who followed. Dear colleagues, wherever you are in the structure of the Institute, many thanks must be expressed to you for what you created in 2011. Together we must express our gratitude to all partners who helped us in our research achievements reported here. In 2011 we were pleased to welcome in our Institute prestigious guests from home and abroad. Thanks to those who prepared this report; I also thank the members of the Administrative Council Board, with whom I drafted and approved our strategy, have made it feasible and supervised it; I also thank the ICPE-CA Scientific Council. Not finally, I thank the members of the Directory Board, with whom we assured the daily coordination of the ICPE-CA efforts. Bucharest, March 14 2012 Wilhelm Kappel General Director 2011 | SCIENTIFIC REPORT | PAGE 3 Content Foreword 3 Theinstituteinbrief 10 Generalinformation 15 ManagementstructureofINCDIEICPE-CA 29 Departments/Laboratories/Services/Offices 35 Ourexpertise Projects NATIONAL pROjEcTs 48 FIELDMULTIFUNcTIONAL MATERIALs WITh AppLIcATIONs IN ELEcTRIcAL ENGINEERING 48 Oxidesemiconductornanodevicesfor applicationsinnanoelectronicsandnanomedicine 48 Ferromagnetic components formicroelectromechanicalsystems 50 Transparent oxidesemiconductornanostructures withcontrolledpropertiesbydopingforapplications inoptoelectronic,spintronicsandpiezotronics 53 Composite MaterialswithPerformant MechanicalProperties 56 Newnonlinearlasermaterialsforefficientgenerationof fotoniccoherentemissioninblue-nearultravioletdomain 59 Stable allotropictinalloyatlowtemperatures forcoatings 61 Development ofenvironmentallyfriendlynatural inhibitorsfromplantextractsforthermalinstallations corrosionandscalecontrol(ICC)-PLANTINHIB 63 FIELDBiomaterials 66 Breathablesuperhydrophobenanostructures 66 Complextechniquesforinvestigation,assessment andrestorationofethnographiccollagen-based materials 68 Content Cellresponseastoolintranslationalscience.Drug-designthrough antitumoralcellmechanismsinducedbyphysiologicalcomplexes oftransitionalbivalentmetals(DDMECEL) 69 Microfluidicbiochipforrheologicalcharacterisation ofnon-newtonianbiologicalfluidswithapplications inmedicaldiagnosisandtreatment(MELANOCHIP) 70 Developmentofnewmaterialsanddevicesforcontrolledrelease ofdrugswithapplicationsinbiomedicalengineering 72 FIELDENERGY 75 SuperconductingElectricalMotor 75 PlanarModulusofClearEnergySourcetypeIT-SOFC 76 Intelligentdiagnosisandpredictionsystem forpowercabledamagespreventing-CABDIAG 78 Increaseofefficiencyofequipmentsandprocesses forconversionofenergyfromrenewableresources 81 Low-powerelectricgeneratorwithdoubleexcitation 81 FIELDENVIRONMENT 83 Investigationonbiogasproducingmicroorganisms underhighh ydrostaticpressuresandappliedresearch onalgaegrowthforCO2recovery 83 DeviceforthedetectionandtheretentionofCO2 83 DeviceforCO2detection 86 Highaccuracyproceduresinthebiomonitoring ofenvironmentpollutionovertheSouthern, South-EasternandcentralregionsofRomania 88 Strategiesofobtainingenvironmentally friendlyceramicpigmentsthrough non-pollutantmethods(ECOPIG) 89 FIELDAppLIcATIONs IN ELEcTRIcAL ENGINEERING 91 Electricaldegradationandlifetimeestimation ofpolymericcablesinsulations 91 Componentsandmicroelectromechanicsystems(MEMS) realizedwithspecifictechnologieswithmedicine,microfluidics andmicromotorandmicroactuator(TSMEMS)(„Microand nanoelectromechaniccomponentswithbioengineeringapplications”) 93 Vibrationscompensationusingactivesuspension 96 MicroElectro-Mechanicalcomponentsandsystems(MEMS) developedbyspecifictechnologieswithapplications inmedicine,microfluidicsandmicroelectricalmachines andmicro–actuatorsexecution 98 Applicationofcleanenergywithmicrohydropowerplantincluding asubmergedaggregateinalocationonthePrutRiver 100 ResearchandDevelopmentofNewFunctionalities forSportsandHealthGarments-CROSSTEXNET 102 Content sERVIcEs 103 Integratedmethodsinpreserving/restoring UNESCOculturalheritageforincreasingcommunityviability 103 ResearchoneconomicstrengthenofSMEs intheelectrotechnicalfieldbythedevelopment oforganizationalcultureandapplicationofmanagementinnovation 104 Theflowimprovementwithintheverticalwells ofthesecondaryintakesfromDâmboviţa–Clăbucetscheme 105 Complexcharacterizationofcollagen-basedmaterials, usingthemethodsofthermalanalysisandotheradvancedtechniques 106 Surfaceandinterfacescience: physics,chemistry,biologyandapplications 107 international pROjEcTs 110 Bilateral cOOperation agreements Crystallineandmagneticstructures inNd2Fe14B/ α-Fe,Fe3Bbiphasicsystem 110 Makingdipoleelectromagnets,superconductingcoils,magnets, electromagnetsandsourcesforparticleaccelerators 112 5TSuperconductingCoil 114 Studyoftheenvironmentalimpactonleatherandparchment inByzantineandpost-Byzantinemanuscriptsinrelation totheirpreservationandconservation 115 Environmentaleffectsonthepatrimonialobjectsoncollagenbasis 117 Jointstudyregardinganelectro-generatorsystempowered bywaterturbineforcross-borderecologicalelectricaltransportsystem 119 REACT-Integratedsystemfordynamicmonitoringandwarning fortechnologicalrisksinRomania-Bulgariacross-borderarea 120 NanotechnologyinRomania:prospectivestudies–StageII 123 InvestigationsonalloyedintermetalliccompoundsNiAl,Ni3Al andNiTibymeansofneutrondiffractiontechnique 125 Evaluationoftheageingstateanddurability ofCERNcableinsulationmaterials 126 sEVENTh Framework pROGRAMME (Fp7) 129 DevelopingRTDPotentialofINCDIEICPE-CA/ intheFieldofHydrogenandFuelCellTechnologies 129 sEctoral Operational pROGRAMME “INcREAsE OF EcONOMIc cOMpETITIVENEss” 132 Advancedresearchforobtainingcarbo-graphiteheatresistantmaterials, exposedtoirradiation,withhighlifetime,forsealrings 132 scIENTIFIc EVENTs, scIENTIFIc pApERs 135 Scientificeventsorganizedorco-organizedbyINCDIEICPE-CA 136 Nationalandinternationaltradefairsandexhibitions 140 Internationalandnationalawards 146 Patentssubmittedandgranted 150 Scientific/technicalpapers 154 Pressreleasesin2011 166 PartnersINCDIEICPE-CA 168 EditorialNotes 174 Brief presentation The institute in brief
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