ctbuh.org/papers Title: A Paradigm Shift in the 21st Century Skyscraper Authors: Emily Merrill, Masters in Architecture, University of North Carolina Dr. Lee E. Gray, Associate Professor, University of North Carolina Subjects: Architectural/Design Sustainability/Green/Energy Keywords: Façade Sustainability Urbanization Publication Date: 2012 Original Publication: CTBUH 2012 9th World Congress, Shanghai Paper Type: 1. Book chapter/Part chapter 2. Journal paper 3. Conference proceeding 4. Unpublished conference paper 5. Magazine article 6. Unpublished © Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat / Emily Merrill; Dr. Lee E. Gray A Paradigm Shift in the 21st Century Skyscraper 21世纪摩天大楼的模式转变 Abstract In the twenty-first century a new generation of skyscrapers emerged. These skyscrapers address issues of population growth, urbanization, and rapidly depleting nonrenewable resources. Accordingly, they are driven by ideas about energy and ecological and environmental sustainability. Skyscrapers are now being conceived as smart, energy efficient buildings fundamentally different from skyscrapers of the past. Though many factors contribute to this paradigm shift in the twenty-first century skyscraper, this paper explores three specific design Emily Merrill Dr. Lee E. Gray conditions where this shift can be observed. These conditions are: base design and vertical organization, form, and façades. The goal of this paper is to analyze and explore conditions of Emily Merrill & Dr. Lee E. Gray a new generation of contemporary skyscrapers, ultimately providing new insights about the University of North Carolina at Charlotte current state of this important typology as well as possible direction for its continued success. 9201 University City Boulevard Charlotte, North Carolina Keywords: Skyscraper, Sustainability, Base Design, Vertical Organization, Form, Facades USA 28223 tel (电话): +1 405.314.6402 email (电子邮箱): [email protected], 摘要 [email protected] coaa.uncc.edu/Academics/School-of-architecture 二十一世纪新一代的摩天大楼应运而生。这些摩天大楼解决了人口增长、城市化以及迅 Emily Merrill is a recent graduate of the University 速耗竭的不可再生能源的问题。因此,它们是由能源和生态环境的可持续性发展想法推 of North Carolina at Charlotte where she obtained 动的。现在摩天大楼被认为是智能和节能的,与过去的摩天大楼有着根本上的不同。虽 a Master of Architecture in May of 2012. Prior to her graduate studies, Emily obtained a Bachelor of Fine 然很多因素促成二十一世纪摩天大楼的这种模式转变,本文试图通过三个特定的设计状 Arts with a concentration in Interior Design from the 况来探讨这种转变。这些状况为:建筑基底设计和垂直组织,形式,外墙。本文的目的 University of Georgia. Emily’s research-based graduate thesis, entitled “Mapping an Emerging Typology: A 是分析和探讨新一代的现代摩天大楼的状况,最终提供有关这一重要类型学的当前状态 Paradigm Shift in the Twenty-First Century Skyscraper,” 以及可能的发展方向的新见解,以继续摩天大楼的成功。 explores a paradigm shift in skyscraper typology driven by issues of energy and ecological and environmental 关键词:摩天大楼、可持续性设计、建筑基底设计、垂直组织、形式、外墙 sustainability. Emily Merrill是夏洛特北卡罗莱纳大学刚毕业的学 生,她于2012年5月获得了建筑学硕士学位。在此之 前,她从佐治亚大学获得了室内设计方向的美术学 士学位。她学位论文以研究为基础,题为《测绘新 兴类型学:二十一世纪摩天大楼的模式转变》,对 Introduction 简介 在能源和生态环境的可持续性发展想法推动下的摩 天大楼类型学模式的转变进行了探索。 By the year 2050, the world’s population is 到2050年世界人口预计将增加33%(联 Dr. Lee E. Gray is an Associate Professor in the School expected to increase 33% (United Nations, 合国,2011)。在这一年中,预计75% of Architecture at UNC Charlotte. He is the author of 的人口将居住在城市中(Burdett and From Ascending Rooms to Express Elevators: A History of 2011). In this same year it is expected that the Passenger Elevator in the 19th Century. Since 2003 he 75% of that population will be living in cities Rode,2007)。历史的发展模式将无法再 has written monthly articles on the history of vertical 支持如此规模的人口增长和城市化。此 transportation for Elevator World. He has appeared on (Burdett and Rode, 2007). Historic models of the History Channel in Modern Marvels – Building a development will not support this increase 外,环境因素,如全球气候变暖和资源枯 Skyscraper (2004), the National Geographic Channel in 竭等都是非常现实的问题,使得建筑师正 Big, Bigger, Biggest – Airport (2008) and on PBS in NOVA: in population and urbanization. Additionally, Trapped in an Elevator (2010). environmental factors such as global 在改变他们的设计方式。当务之急是,建 Dr. Lee E. Gray博士是夏洛特北卡罗莱纳大学建 warming and resource depletion are very real 筑师和工程师开始设计能够应对这些不断 筑学院副教授。他是《从上升的客房到快速的电 发展变化的现实问题的建筑。 梯:19世纪载客电梯的历史》的作者。自2003年以 environmental concerns that are changing 来,他还每月在《电梯世界》杂志上发表关于垂直 how architects approach building design. It 高楼大厦无疑是应对人口增长和城市化( 交通历史的系列文章。他还出现在历史频道的《现 代奇迹-建设摩天大楼》(2004),以及国家地理 is imperative that architects and engineers 见图1)的一个关键组成部分。此外,人 频道的《大、更大、最大-机场》(2008)和PBS的 begin designing buildings that respond to 们对摩天大楼的看法开始超越了高耗能建 《NOVA:被困在电梯中》(2010)等节目中。 these changing realities. 筑物的认识,摩天大楼应对我们社会所面 Tall buildings will undoubtedly be a key 临的不可避免的问题的潜力得到了重视。 component in accommodating population 二十一世纪的模式转变已经发生了。可持 growth and urbanization (see Figure 1). 续性和效率已成为新一代摩天大楼的关注 Additionally, skyscrapers are beginning to 的主要问题。为了继续推进可持续性摩天 be perceived as more than energy guzzling, 大楼的发展,对新一代的摩天大楼进行分 object buildings and are being considered 析、理解和积极推进是势在必行的。本文 for their potential to offer a solution to the 通过对摩天大楼设计的三个状况进行了细 unavoidable problems our society faces. In 微和深入的分析来观察二十一世纪摩天大 the twenty-first century a paradigm shift has 楼模式的转变。此三种状况为:建筑基底 occurred. A new generation of skyscrapers has 设计和垂直组织,形式,外墙。 emerged in which sustainability and efficiency 本文是一篇以研究为基础作为北卡罗莱纳 are key concerns. In order to continue the 州大学建筑学硕士学位论文的一部分。文 evolution of sustainable skyscrapers, it is 中的调查是为期一年针对新一代二十一世 imperative that this new generation of 纪摩天大楼的研究结果,研究特别关注了 715 skyscrapers be analyzed, understood, and actively pushed forward. This 在建筑基底设计和垂直组织,形式和外墙。研究最初选择了232 paper describes a paradigm shift in the twenty-first century skyscraper 座不低于200米高度的高层建筑进行了测量和分析,其中包括完 through careful and critical analysis of three conditions of skyscraper 成的以及将于2000年至2017年期间完成的正在封顶以及施工中的 design where this shift can be observed. These conditions are: base 高层建筑。其中,26座高度不少于300米的高层建筑被选择进行 design and vertical organization, form, and facades. 更深入的分析(见表1)。研究还选择了四个能够代表摩天大楼 历史主要时期的高层建筑(早期摩天大楼~1850至1916,内退摩 This paper is part of a larger, research-based graduate thesis 天大楼 ~1916至1940,现代摩天大楼 ~1940至1970,后现代摩天 undertaken as part of the Master of Architecture degree program 大楼 ~1970至1999)进行了分析,来比较分析了过去的摩天大楼 at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The findings in this 和新兴现代摩天大楼。 paper result from a year-long study on an emerging generation of twenty-first century skyscrapers, with specific focus on base design 本文根据各状况(建筑基底设计和垂直组织,形式,外墙)分为 and vertical organization, form, and facades. These conditions were 三个部分。在每一部分中回顾了摩天大楼各状况的历史,并接着 initially measured and analyzed in a set of 232 tall buildings of at least 讨论当代摩天大楼的相应状况。每一部分以对一座二十一世纪摩 200 meters in height, which were completed, topped out, under 天大楼的个案分析来支持和更好地说明结论。全文将以对有可 construction, or proposed for completion during the period of 2000 持续发展性的二十一世纪摩天大楼和对三个状况的分析的估论收 to 2017. From this set, 26 buildings of at least 300 meters in height 尾。 were selected for more in-depth analysis (see Table 1). Four historic buildings, best representative of the major periods in skyscraper history (early skyscrapers of ~1850-1916, setback skyscrapers of ~1916-1940, 建筑基底设计和垂直组织 Modernist skyscrapers of ~1940-1970, and Postmodern skyscrapers 建筑基底设计和垂直组织这两个状况已在二十一世纪摩天大楼中 of ~1970-1999), were also analyzed to allow for comparison between 发生了根本性的变化。这些状况不单止在其所在的高层建筑,同 skyscrapers of the past and an emerging group of contemporary 时也为城市提供了它们的高效和可持续性的潜力。建筑基底设计 skyscrapers. 是指高层建筑的底部包括地面层和地下层的状况。垂直组织是指 This paper will be organized into three sections based on each 高层建筑的内部功能分配。 condition (base design and vertical organization, form, and facades). 历史回顾 Within each section, a historical overview of the particular condition 早期的摩天大楼(~1850至1916)的建筑基底设计通常是一层大 in skyscraper history will be provided, followed by a discussion of the 堂,有些有商业空间。这个时代的摩天大楼的垂直组织通常是 condition in contemporary skyscrapers. Each section will conclude 单一使用。内退摩天大楼(~1916至1940)的建筑基底设计和垂 with a case study of a twenty-first century skyscraper to support and 直组织与之前相比并没有显着变化。现代派摩天大楼(~1940至 better illustrate ideas. This paper will conclude with final thoughts on 1970)因规划规范要求设置公共广场,使其所提供的建筑基底设 sustainable, twenty-first century skyscrapers and the three conditions 计有了第一个重大变化,但是,它们在很大程度上被认为是不成 analyzed. 功的公共空间。除此之外,这个时代摩天大楼的垂直组织变化不 大,仍主要为单一使用。在后现代时代(~1970至1999)的建筑 基底设计又一次改变了,因为政府开始通过增加允许建筑高度的 Basic Design and Vertical Organization 方法来鼓励设置建筑底部公共空间。这些新的鼓励措施导致地面 Base design and vertical organization are two conditions that have 层相邻附属空间的产生,这些空间以大型中庭空间的形式出现。 Figure 1.This graph shows a comparison between global population, number of tall buildings (200 meters or taller) completed per year, world energy consumption, and urban population from 1950 to 2014. (Source: Emily Merrill, Data Sources: BP, 2008; Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, 2012; United Nations, 2011; United Nations, 2012; US Energy Information Administration, 2008) 图1. 此图显示了全球人口从1950年到2014年,每年完成的高层建筑(200米或更高)数量,世界能源消耗和城镇人口数量的比较,(来源:Emily Merrill,资料来源:英 国石油公司,2008年;世界高层建筑都市建筑学会,2012年;联合国,2011年;联合国,2012年;美国能源情报署,2008年) 716 undergone a fundamental change in the twenty-first century Building Name Region Height (m) Year Architect skyscraper. These conditions are being designed for their potential 建筑名称 区域 高(米) 竣工年份 设计建筑师 to provide efficiency and sustainability not just for the individual Bank of America Tower North America 366 2009 Cook + Fox Architects tall building, but also for the city at large. Base design refers to the 美国银行大厦 北美 conditions at the base of a tall building including conditions at the Burj Khalifa Middle East 828 2010 SOM ground plane and subterranean
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