Eastern Kentucky University Encompass The Athlete Kentucky High School Athletic Association 5-1-1963 The Kentucky High School Athlete, May 1963 Kentucky High School Athletic Association Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete Recommended Citation Kentucky High School Athletic Association, "The Kentucky High School Athlete, May 1963" (1963). The Athlete. Book 89. http://encompass.eku.edu/athlete/89 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Athlete by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. High SchoolAfMete ST. XAVIER HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING TEAM KENTUCKY CLASS "A" CHAMPION-1963 (Left to Right) Front Row: Dick Ward, Paul Schultz, Gene Englert, Bill Hayes, Earth Weigel, Dave Bowen, Gary Bray. Second Row: Mike McCabe, Greg Stebbins, Ken Leanhart, Dave Kremer, Jimmy Kraus, Billy Klarer, Greg Bierly. Third Row: Alan Wilkinson, Mike O'Bryan, Jimmy Wood. Don Hubbuch, Tommy Godfrey, Danny Glaser. Fourth Row: Bobby Yann, Fred Gerwing, Ricky Smith, Tommy Knopf, George McAuliffe, Fred Betz, Bob Godecker. Fifth Row: Tim Kute, Pat Callahan, Eddie Struss, Louie Lococo, Mike Harpring, Greg Meiman, Glenn Hubbuch. Sixth Row: Bruce Breitmeyer, Larry Johnson, Mike Koch. Tony Ambrose, Bill Ackerman, Mike Parks, Mike Kelly. Official Organ of the KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSN. MAY - 1363 WESTPORT HIGH SCHOOL SWIMMING TEAM KENTUCKY CLASS "B" CHAMPION—1963 (Left to Right) Front Row: George Neumapn, Rusty Shelby, Howard Wilson, Jim Smith. Sec- ond Row: Joey Lawfer, George Lewis, Richard Mazy, Bob Spiegelhalter, Lin Warren. Third Row: Bob Webb, Andy Kiorpes, Danny Knopf, Steve Warren, Tom Ford, Johnny Thompson, Coach Greg Bobrow. SACRED HEART ACADEMY GIRLS' SWIMMING TEAM K. H. S. A. A. CHAMPION-1963 (Left to Right) Front Row: Mrs. Sally Roby (Coach), Jamie Gehring and Vicki Baker (Co- captains), Alice Driscoll (Ass't Coach). Second Row: Gloria Daniels, Sandy Pope, Mary McAuliffe, Debbie Miranda, Margie Goodwin, Sally Conway, Kristin Pfutzenreuter, Sue Rulander, Candy Downard. Third Row: Sherry Vetter, Linda Ericksen, Rosaline Koch, Peggy Wooldridge, Terry Diebold, Kathy Huter, Yolanda Crady, Mary Ann DeMuth, Barbara Mudd, Sharon Horton, Karen Gocke. Fourth Row: Cindy Canary, Vicki Smock, Mary Hunt, Bizzy Lancaster, Doris Tonini, Lynn Patterson. The Kentucky High School Athlete Otticial Organ of the Kentucky High School Athletic Association VOL. XXV—NO. 10 MAY, 1963 .00 Per Year MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING The forty-sixth annual meeting of the By-Law, and the motion was declared lost. Kentucky High School Athletic Association George Houston moved, seconded by Jam- was held at the Kentucky Hotel, Louisville, es Caudill, that Proposal IL providing that on Thursday afternoon, April 18, 1963. all K. H. S. A. A. football, basketball, base- President K. G. Gillaspie called the meet- ball, and track contests shall be played un- ing to order at 3:00, and asked the Com- der the National Federation rules, be adopt- missioner to call the roll of delegates. Fifty- ed. The motion was carried unanimously. eight regularly elected delegates or alter- John Heher moved, seconded by Roy N. nates answered the roll call. The following Walters, that Proposal HL providing that delegates were seated in the absence of the "nineteenth" be substituted for "twentieth" delegates, or alternates from their respec- in By-Law 4, this change to become effec- tive districts: George Whitecotcon, D. 5 tive at the beginning of the 1966-67 school Jackie Day, D. 16; Roy Reynolds, D. 18 year, be adopted. The motion failed to carry Eugene Clark, D. 40; Hillard Combs, D. 45 by a vote of 29-32. Preston Parrett, D. 46. Clinton B. Hammons moved, seconded Brad Mutchler moved, seconded by Bow- by Paul Wright, that Proposal IV, provid- man Davenport that the minutes of the ing that a basketball official shall not work 1962 meeting of the Association, which had a district or regional tournament in the been sent previously to all member schools, district or region in which he resides, be be approved without being read. The mo- adopted. The motion carried by a vote of tion was carried unanimously. 41-21, and the proposal was declared to be Commissioner Sanford then gave a report adopted. on the activities of the Association during There being no further business. Presi- the 1962-63 school year (The report of the dent Gillaspie declared the meeting adjourn- Commissioner appears elsewhere in this ed. issue of the magazine). After giving his The dinner meeting of the Association written report, the Commissioner announced was held in the Crvstal Ballroom of the that the 1962-63 M. J. Cavana Swimming Brown Hotel at 6:00 P.M., with 679 dele- Achievement Award had been won for the gates and other school officials present. second straight year by the Highlands High Recipient of the Game-Guy Award was School. David Leon Wood of the Park City High President Gillaspie introduced to the School. The presentation of the award was Delegate Assembly Sherman Gish and Don made by K. H. S. A. A. Director Ralph C. Davis, recently elected to the Board of Con- Dorsey. trol for a period of four years, beginning The address of the evening was given by July 1, 1963, and representing Sections 2 Executive Secretary Sam Burke of the and 5 respectively. Georgia High School Association, who is President Gillaspie stated that considera- currently President of the National Federa- tion of proposals was the next order of tion of State High School Associations. Mr. business. Burke spoke on the subject, "Some Prob- Harold Miller moved, seconded by Clin- lems in High School Athletics." He explain- ton B. Ham-mons, that Proposal I, providing ed the purposes and functions of the Na- that "twenty" and "twenty-six" be substi- tional Federation of State High School tuted for "twenty-four" and "thirty" res- Athletic Associations, after which he made pectively in the second sentence of By-Law a forceful presentation of the part which 21, this change not to take effect until the high school athletics is playing in modern beginning of the 1965-66 school year, be education. He stated that several abuses in adopted. The vote was 33-29 in favor of the the field of high school sports have been proposal, but this was not the necessary detected from time to time in Georgia, two-thirds vote required for amending the (Continued on Page Seven) ; Page Two THE KENTUCKY HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE FOR MAY, 1963 Charles Davis, Caldwell County High MAY, 1963 VOL. XXV—NO. 10 School; Ath. Dir. Elvis Donaldson, Bowling Green High School; Ass't. Prin. Oz John- Published monthly, except June and July, by the Kentucky High School Athletic Association son, Valley High School; Coach Wid Elli- Office of Publication, Lexington, Ky. son, duPont Manual High School; Coach Lexington, Entered as second-class matter in the post office at Walter R. Baulch, Kentucky under the act of March 3, 1879. Holmes High School; Editor THEO. A. SANFORD Coach Elmer Gilb, Henry Clay High School; Assistant Editor J. B. MANSFIELD Dir. Lexington. Ky. Ath. Bill Clark, Somerset High School; BOARD OF CONTROL and Prin. Paul Trimble, Paintsville. The President K. G. Gillaspie (1959-63), Georgetown State Golf Tournament will be held at Fort Vice-President Cecil A. Thornton (1960-64), Harlan Knox on May 21-22, and will be managed Directors—Ralph C. Dorsey (1962-66), Horse Cave; Sherman bv Ath. Dir. John Hackett of the Fort Knox Gish (1962-63). Greenville; Preston Holland (1961-65). Murray: Don R. Rawlings (1961-65). Danville: Foster J. Sanders (1962- High School. Principals who have not re- 66), Louisville: Gran C. Teater (1960-64). Pa'ntsville. ceived their entry blanks should write to Snbscription Rate $1.00 Per Year their respective managers for these forms. Jiom the Commissionei s CJffice Tennis Tournaments There are eight regional tournaments for boys being held in tennis this year. REPORTS PAST DUE Three of these tournaments are in the Louisville and Jefferson County area, all 1. 1962-63 Basketball Participation List to be managed by Ath. Dir. Emmett Gor- (Eligibility) anflo of the Eastern High School. The other 2. School's Report on Basketball Officials tournaments are being managed by Coach 3. Official's Report on Schools (Basket- Ted Hornback, Bowling Green; Scott Smith, ball) Fort Knox ; Roger Klein, Bellevue ; Eugene Huff, Lexington; and Ath. Dir. Charles Attention, Principals! rlughes, Richmond. The State Tennis Tour- principals of K.H.S.A.A. More than 200 nament will be held in Bellevue on May 13- as yet filed re- member schools have not 14, and will be managed by Mr. Klein. for their insurance quests this school year Six regional tennis tournaments for If the school is underwriting all subsidies. girls will have been conducted by the time insurance protection for its ath- or part of this issue of the ATHLETE comes from of Control will allow a letes, the Board the press. These tournaments were schedul- credit or refund of $30.00 to ea^ch maximum ed to be managed by Mrs. Tom Rowlett, football," and school for "all sports except Murray; Miss Betty Langley, Bowling an additional credit or refund of $50.00 to Green ; Miss Margaret Sheegog, Louisville team. each school maintaining a football Mrs. Ann Sandusky, Middletown; Roger Principals of schools which qualify for the Klein, Bellevue ; and Eugene Huff, Lex- refund should write for reim- credit or ington. The State Tennis Tournament for forms at once. bursement Girls will be held at Louisville on May 10- State Track Committee 11. This tournament will be managed by The State High School Track Meet, Miss Margaret Sheegog, duPont Manual scheduled to be held in Lexington on May High School, Louisville.
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