- .'■'■'■W PAGE SIXTEEN FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1952 I 1- . .... .1. Hatulffat^r Ctf^ttbtg Jf^rald Awtrage Net Pr«M ^ IW tl* Week.lMhis Bemlea M. JubI; yroprl» -. A pttbllc aetback party wiU.be ■■ -.llaW m thtr Weldoa Beauty Studie, IplM tonlfht at the West Sidef Rec­ About Town hair atjrlea tn coojunc- reation Center on .Cedar street 1 ^ 1 1 1 Depicte Lq^oo Speaker Name j^wards P**ae**l •( cr. 8. Weather Ba Hartford membera of atarting at S o'ctock. 10,5^3 Winn«ri at last night’a brldga raahion Council, Wednea* ORANGE HALL Olaadjr, eaktor toOiy. tea tournament in Tinker Hall were: day evening for the Jonior Ueague Mrs. Florence Oreetiway. who Christ’s Life Radio Chief » tka Aam grat Vlrgtnl* Oturawell and Grt^ mm 4*. Lmr U, Fair ht_ltaL4IDf imcftlnK at. the, Town and ■RSa been esenrlated with t^s Womr ^------ - r - — — ver Ifaxwcll’ of .StiAra; aecmiS County 'Club, Woodland atreet, an's Wear business on Main Harold Hllla and Geor*e Siemaen. HartfoiOto. atgeet for many ycsxa, haa joided Tilgrimoge Play^ to Be Local Man Will Handle Duplicate b r ^ will atart at 8:1S tha staff at Wllroae where ah* will tonight in Tinker Hall, and hew A aon “waa Uont'TaeaSay.'at the aaaiat in the yeftotw Oe|»rtmente Shown'. at -Concordia Communication Unit at VOL. LXXl, NO. 1S5 bridge plhyera will be w’elcome to Hartford.Hospital to Mr. and.Mra. throughout m atere,. ' • Lutheran Sunday at 7 {)bitlci|Mte; Aldo P ^ e of Bolton. ^ ort—America—Show •VERY SiM W iaV MIGHT The Cyp Club of the Center "The Pilgrimage Play,” a fea­ . The Glehnera Group of toe One i4eak went up In smoke at Church will meet thia Sunday at ture-length sound ■ film In color, Fred Edw-ards, engineer at WTIC South Methodiat Church will meet 746 Center atreet last night about 6:30 at , the church. The first presenting the story of the llff/of haa been named chief of the tech­ at the church Monday evening at 6:49. Foremen from Companies 1 part of the proeram.will be a so­ Jesus Christ, will be shown at Con­ nical commiUea for toe three day ORANGE HALL Plane Hits G lt^ier rges Slash ‘ T;45. and 2 of the Sooth Manchester cial hour, whicii will be followed cordia Lutheran Church, -Winter Alart America show in West Hart- Tire Depbrtment responded to a by the abowlng of the sound mo­ and Garden streets, at 7 p. m. Sun­ rail at that home to put out the tion picture, "A Wonderful Life." day. Tord which beglna tomorrow. Of Billion in Are. Only damage was from ’Thla outstanding religloua dra­ Edwards will be In charge of a In Swiss Blizzard smoke, ahd, no steak for supper. t Manchester Assembly. No. 1.9, communicatjona booth which will Order of Rainbow for Girls, will ma has been presented over 1.000 For Sale times since Its first performance manned by operators from the Switierland, March 8—(/P)—A twin-enRined U. S. Movies for youngeb children will hold a rehearsal gunday after­ In 1920. It is presented every year 19 towns of the Hartford area be shown at the Community T to­ noon at 3'o-claek In the Masonic In a“ spwliiny rbhstfucled btltdoof which are included in the Mutual CAR POLISHER Air Force tmnsixnrt tilane crashed into a; btizzard-hid'daiv sta- night starting at T o’clock. Tample in ■ preparaflon fhr the theater at Hollywdod, Calif. It haa Aid Agreement. eier on the aide, of the famed Jungfrau peak at twilight yes­ initiation of candidates Monday been attended by over a million The booth Mrill ba In -operation Full time position with a General Mpton new car deal* terday with eight persona reported aboard. V^fihington, March 8—(JP) TAVERN at 7:30 p. m. ^ , persons. In 1949 arrangements from 1 tn II p. m. on the days the The Swias Air Office jmld there I mocratie Senators Mc- oa were m^de to present this play In show runs and each operAtor will ership. 514 da.v week, company-paid hospitaliaatio^ was little hhpe any oecupaht '■ _ _ . Loyai Cjrcle, Kings tlaughters, vacation with pay. Apply in person to: Frank Mellozzo. Nevada and Ellen- a film so that persons throughout work a two-hour tour of duty. the plane could survive both the I * _ I " _ _ B ¥ .__'__ J. -der of Louisiana called today EiwiN Jp Poloffltkl will meet In Che Federation room the United States and the world The booth will be in contact crash and the bitter temperatures O U C C X llU l.1 FIXTURES of the Center Church Monday eve­ could share its,story. Jamea T. ratteraen with every radio control station of a 60-miIe-an-hour blizzard that for a slash of from one to two luHding Contractor ning at 7:49. Following th# busi­ Based on the four Gospels, “The in the 19 towns. The control sta­ nged about the peak. | billion^ dollars in President ness meeting the group" will work Pilgrimage Play” presents select­ Oongretsman Jam4a T. Patter- tion in Manchester is located in BALCH-PONTIAC An army officer sighted the- IVuman’s $7,900,000,000 for- INQUIRE TEI-. 6644, STORM on^the folding of bandages. Re- Iwn of the fifth Cbngresaional Dis­ the basement of. the police station. srreckage from the Jungfrau Hotel The Senator Oin’t Use Half » Shirt 'freshmrnts will be served by Mrs. ed episodes of the life and teach­ 8 of 23 in eign.aid fund. Mimdt Sees 21 MAPLE STREET BOX,194 ings of Jesus Christ starting with trict In Connecticut will be the Manchester will provide four 155 CENTER STREET—MANCHESTER at Wengemalp. In the 24 hours Both are membera of the Senate Fa^rabeth.McIntosh and Mrs. John His birth in Bethlehem, and con­ principal aoeaker at the 12th an­ mobile units in the Alert America covering the plane’s flight and Its Foe States e. Hood. parade tomorrow. llacoyery, nearly two feet of snow Appropriations committee which cluding with His reappearanc*'foI- niversary banquet March 19 of will have a say over the amount lowlng His resurrection. Nhlson fell on the mountain. Much of the Dope Ring Congreaa eyentuall.V votes. D efeat for l„eigh appears in the .role of Dllworth-Oornell-Quey Post No. wreckage la covered, the officer reported after scanning the scene Seen Cansoaflage Assertion Is Miss Low to Tour Christ. Profea.slonal actors and 102, American Legion. Past Com­ Ellender told a reporter he sus­ actresses fill the 120 speaking mander, Francis E. Miner, chair­ with blnoculsrs. San Francisco. March 8— parts, representing the characters Fear Avahmehea (/P>—Police worked swiftly pects "some camouflage” in. the Tax Shuffle I I I Europe Again man of the committee has an­ Rescuers' set out at once under Truman appeals for $1,819,000,000 who speak and live In the Gospels. nounced. today to round up 23 men and of "defense support” earmarked Falsehood Four organizations of Coneprdia ttie direction of T)r. Adolf WIdmer Washington, March 8---<fl*) Lutheran Church are sponsoring Each year during the month of r of the -Swiss Federal Office. They women named-in an indict­ for Europe. Manchester’s most traveled this Lenten ly-ogram. ’They ape the March the Amertcau 'Legion cele­ WAC.O OS expected' tn make only alow prog­ ment th jt U. S. Narcotics ‘That sounds to me like ’eco­ —Senator Mundt (R., SD) Mu naan, Korea, March 8— teacher, MlSs Jeanne Cow, French Sunday School, the Luther League, brates the founding of the legion ress through the mlle-a-mlnute Commissioner Harry J. An- nomic aid' dressed up under a new predicted today Senate op­ A UN truce negotiator feacher at Manchester High the. Young Married Couples' throughout the country, also the blizzards across deep snow, which title,’ 'Ellender said. ’’Personally ponents of President Tru­ today bjuntly accused the W«*r« olo«r. group, and the L.-idles Aid. It Is Is subject to dangerous as-alanches. slingef ‘confidently pr^icted I’m against any more econbmt'c School, is off for Riirope again catablishment of a post in Man­ will “crack the heart” of the aid.” man's plan to reorganize the Communists of secretly im­ i H f m lo t ml this summer. being presented for all members chester and the anniversary of the, WAIKINS **WHEEL OF FORTUNr.... Bill Sitim The rescuers said they expected tax-collecting service will As has been her. custom for of the congregation, and the public dedication of the local post home.! ■ ROTHkM. INC the trip to the plane would take illegal heroin trade. McCarran, in a separate Inter­ prisoning captured Allied o l*lh oB to several Summers, M|sa I.,ow will is cordially Invited. This la ohe of the big events of the I at least four hours, even under Narcotlca agents said the Indict­ view, said he bellevec economic muster the necessary 49 soldiers .— including Ameri­ moko w«Y 1*^ leave for Fiirope again this sum­ Legion year. I FUNERAL ‘‘BID AN^NE CALL?” RosMiari ClMHy good conditions. ment struck at a multi-million dol­ aid for Europe should "be, st an votes to kill it. cans—in Red China. thO MOW mer soon after the close of school At this year’s anniversary cele-' The T|J. S. Air Force In Frsnk- lar conspiracy strung like a web end.” He said In an Interview the North Korean Maj.
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