Red Blood and White Snow: Murder in the North – Przybilka Red Blood and White Snow: Murder in the North A Selected Bibliography of Secondary Sources on Scandinavian Crime Fiction by Thomas Przybilka (Bonn, Germany) This selected (and partly annotated) bibliogra- mentioned in this short selected bibliography phy of secondary sources on Scandinavian crime recur. The reason is that there are only a few peo- fiction is divided into two parts: ple in Europe (authors of reference books, of bib- “General” offers a view on books and articles liographies or critics) who work seriously in the dealing with crime fiction in general in the differ- field of crime and mystery literature. ent Scandinavian countries or Scandinavia itself. Last but not least, I like to thank my colleagues The second part, “Authors” assembles sources and friends, who have drawn my attention to that deal with some of the most well-known works which I might otherwise have forgotten to Scandianvian crime writers or describes articles mention: Keijo Kettunen (Finland); Bjarne Niel- that are dedicated for the most part to the that sen (Denmark); Johan Wopenka (Sweden); and writer. To give a short overview of contemporary my friend and translator: Dr. Mary W. Tannert Scandinavian crime writers, I chose the following (USA/Germany). important representatives by following the very good German analysis Fjorde, Elche, Mörder. General Der skandinavische Kriminalroman edited by Scandinavia Jost Hindersmann: Dan Turèll (Denmark); Arne Anonymous: Le Polar Scandinave. Hardboiled Dahl, Henning Mankell, Liza Marklund, Håkan — Le myths du roman policier. Online 31.10.2005 Nesser (all Sweden); Leena Letholainen (Finland); [France] — Overview on contemporary Scandi- Arnaldur Indriđason (Iceland) and Maj Sjöwall & navian crime fiction with short analysis about Per Wahlöö (Sweden). They are representatives of social criticism and the role of feminism in mod- the “modern classic” Scandinavian crime fiction ern Scandinavian crime fiction. who have set benchmarks in the genre for Scan- Bachmann, Mike: Die Darstellung der dinavia as well for all of (Western) Europe. In schwedischen Gesellschaft anhand von aus- their series built up around Inspector Martin gewählten Krimiautoren. 2005, Trifels High- Beck, Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö in particular school [Germany] — An analysis of Swedish soci- established the so-called social criticism crime ety linked to selected contemporary Swedish novel, which has influenced all of western crime crime novels. writers. Baudou, Jacques: “La Fiction policière. Le Ro- Annotations in square brackets quote the man. Les Pays Scandinaves.” In: Baudou, Jacques country in which the book or article was pub- & Schleret, Jean-Jacques (ed): Le Polar. Guide lished. Most of the sources mentioned in this bib- Totem. 2001, Larousse [France] — A short over- liography can be found in the collection of view on Scandinavian crime fiction. BoKAS — Bonner Krimi Archiv [Sekundärlitera- Blom, K. Arne: “Crime and Mystery Writing in tur]. Web-addresses are not quoted, because it has Continental Europe: Nordic Countries.” In: Her- been my experience that these sites often change bert, Rosemary et al. (ed): The Oxford Compan- htmls or vanish from the Web. Instead I have ion to Crime and Mystery Writing. 1999, Oxford merely noted that I found the source online. If University Press [UK/US] someone is interested in these sites, she or he will Bouvet, Elisabeth: “Rouge neige ou le polar à la find it very easy to locate the site by “googling.” mode scandinave.” RFI actualité Online 2.2.2007 You will note that the names of the authors 1 MRJ Fall 2007 [France] — A short article on contemporary enough entertainment? On the Trail of Scandina- Scandinavian crime fiction linked to its main rep- vian Crime Fiction.” In: Nordisk Litteratur / Nor- resentatives. dic Literature (2001) [Denmark] — Fine bilingual D’Estienne d’Orves, Nicolas: “Froid devant!” (Danish / English) article and analysis of Scandi- In: Le Figaro Online 22.7.2006 [France] — Short navian crime fiction. article on contemporary Scandinavian crime fic- Przybilka, Thomas: “Krimi-Preise—Skandi- tion. navien.” In: Lexikon der Kriminalliteratur. 1994, de Almeida, Daniel: “Les polars scandinaves à Supplement 7, Corian-Verlag [Germany] la loupe. Petite histoire et typologie du polar nor- Przybilka, Thomas: Kriminalromane aus dique.” Fluctuat Online n.d [France] — As the Skandinavien. Eine Auswahlbibliographie der sub-title says, a short overview and a short typol- Sekundärliteratur. 2006, BoKAS [Germany] — A ogy on contemporary Scandinavian crime fiction selected bibliography of international secondary linked to its main representatives. sources on Scandinavian crime fiction. Gohlis, Tobias: “Nord ist Mord: Ein Streifzug Spehner, Norbert: “Le Polar Scandinave. Dos- durch die nordische Kriminalliteratur.” In: sier bibliographique.” Revue Alibis Online (2005) Hindersmann, Jost (ed): Fjorde, Elche, Mörder… December [Canada] — Updated bibliography of (see below). Scandinavian crime fiction, published in French Granzin, Katharina: “Verbrechen und andere translation (see Spehner, below). Zustände. Im Gefolge von Sjöwall/Wahlöö und Spehner, Norbert: “Ces détectives qui venaient Mankell: Der Markt für skandinavische Kriminal- du froid ou La Filière scandinave.” In: Alibis— literatur boomt….” In: die tageszeitung 23.4.2004 Polar, Noir & Mystère. L’Anthologie permanente (No. 7341) [Germany] — This article analyzes de polar (2005) #15 [Canada] — A view of Scan- social criticism in Scandinavian crime fiction and dinavian crime fiction, linked to its most famous its new strong feminist component. writers and completed with a short bibliography Hagenguth, Alexandra: “Der Mord, der aus der of Scandinavian crime fiction, published in Kälte kommt: Was macht skandinavische Krimis French translation. so erfolgreich?” In: Hindersmann, Jost (ed): Stöm, Eva: “En scen där rättvisan segrar. Fjorde, Elche, Mörder… (see below). Deckargenrens tidskritik lockar kvinnor att pröva Hindersmann, Jost (ed): Fjorde, Elche, lyckan / A place where justice prevails. Potential Mörder. Der skandinavische Kriminalroman. for social criticism in the crime genre draws new 2006, KrimiKritik 6, NordPark Verlag [Germany] women writers.” In: Nordisk Litteratur / Nordic — A very fine work on the history and the devel- Literature (2001) [Denmark] — Bilingual article opment of crime fiction in the Nordic countries, (Swedish/English) dealing with the role of mod- written by international contributors. ern women in Scandinavian crime fiction. King, Nina: “Scandinavia—Of Ice and Ideol- Wopenka, Johan: “Morden im kalten Norden.” ogy.” In: King, Nina (with Robin Winks): Crimes In: Schindler, Nina (ed): Das Mordsbuch. Alles of the Scene: A Mystery Novel Guide For the Über Krimis. 1997, Classen Verlag [Germany] — International Traveler. 1997, St. Martin’s Press A history of Scandinavian crime fiction. [USA] — Crime novels with setting in Scandina- Denmark via can be a helping hand as travel-guides. Anonymous: Det Danske Kriminalakdemies Michaelis, Bo Tao: “Den nordiske krimi—mere Bibliotek. n.d. Danske Kriminalakademi [Den- bekymret end underholdende? Under vejr med mark] — This catalogue of the collection of the den skandinaviske kriminallitteratur / Scandina- Danish Crime Fiction Academic Library might be vian crime novels: too much Angst and not 2 Red Blood and White Snow: Murder in the North – Przybilka one of the most helpful references for locating Danish pulps. secondary literature in the field of Scandianvian Przybilka, Thomas: “Krimi-Preise— crime fiction. Dänemark.” In: Lexikon der Kriminalliteratur. Bødker, Benni: “Es war einmal ein Detektiv: 1994, Supplement 7, Corian-Verlag [Germany] — Eine Geschichte der dänischen Kriminalliteratur.” A table of the different prizes awarding in Den- In: Hindersmann, Jost (ed): Fjorde, Elche, mark, showing year of award, author and name of Mörder… (see under Scandinavia). her/his crime novel receiving the award. Koch-Nielsan, Anton: Dansk Krimi-Almanak Ravn, Ole: Krimi-Guide. 1989, Forlaget Sys- 1994 et seq; annual through 2006. Pinkerton / time [Denmark] — Short biographies and bibli- Sherlock Holmes Museet [Denmark] — A small ographies of 160 mostly international crime writ- but excellent yearbook with essays about crime ers published in Denmark from 1914 to 1989. fiction published in that year, plus bibliographies Finland and reviews. Haasio, Ari: Kotimaisia dekkarikirjailijoita. la Cour, Tage & Mogensen, Harald: “The rest 2001, BTJ Kirjastopalvelu [Finland] — Consists of of the world. Denmark, Norway and Sweden.” In: several articles about Finnish crime writers and la Cour, Tage & Mogensen, Harald: Murder can be used as a selected history of Finnish crime Book. An Illustrated History of the Detective fiction. Story. 1971, G. Allen & Unwin [UK] — Article in Hapuli, Ritva & Matero, Johanna (ed): Murha a standard history on (international) crime fic- pukee naista. Naisdekkareita ja dekkarinaisia. tion; the original book was published 1969 in 1997, KSL Kirjat [Finland] — A fine book with a Denmark under the title Mordbogen by Lade- lot of articles on Finnish (and international) fe- mann Forlagsaktieslskab. male crime writers. Lafon, Marianne: “Der Kriminalroman in der Huhtala, Liisi: “Der Zauber Helsinkis, die Weltliteratur. Skandinavien. Dänemark.” In: Probleme der Männer und die Neue Frau. Ten- Arnold, Armin & Schmidt, Josef (ed): Reclams denzen im finnischen Kriminalroman.” In: Kriminalromanführer. 1978, Philipp Reclam jun. Fromm, Hans
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