Bereshit Weekly Bulletin on the Parshah October 6th2018 27th of Tichri 5779 Pachad David 769 Published by Mosdot “Orot Chaim U’Moshe” in Israel Under the auspices of Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita Son of the tzaddik and miracle-worker Rabbi Moshe Ahron Pinto, zt”l, and grandson of the holy tzaddik and miracle-worker Rabbi Chaim Pinto, zy”a Maskil Lé'David Weekly talk on the Parshah given by Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita One must do just the will of HaShem “When the woman saw that the tree was When HaShem asked Adam if he ate from the good for food, and that it was tempting to tree, Adam was so certain that he had acted prop- the sight and appealing to the understand- erly that he told HaShem that he ate and would eat again. Adam considered what he had done to be ing, she took of its fruit and did eat, and a positive act and not a transgression and he had gave also to her husband with her, and he intended to bring honour tto HaShem through his did eat.” (Bereishit 3:6) consumption. This is often the way of the Satan to It is virtually beyond belief that Chavah was per- persuade us that a transgression is a good deed and suaded to eat from the tree. She did not have an thus capture us in his net forever. inclination towards evil. How could she have been I once saw a person speaking Lashon Hara about swayed by the worthless words of the snake? his friend. Immediately, I showed him that what he The snake persuaded the woman with the argu- was doing was forbidden. He replied that it was per- ment that if she ate from the tree, she would be able mitted because he was doing it L’shem Shamayim. to distinguish between good and evil. It is written Thereupon, I demonstrated to him that not only was in the Midrash (Tanchumah, M’tzorah 2) that the it not L’shem Shamayim but it was from the wiles snake told her that she could become like G–d and of the Yetzer Hara, convincing him that it was truly Chevrat Pinto NYC have the capability to create worlds. How is it pos- L’shem Shamayim. When he gave the issue more 207 West 78th Street • New York NY 10024 • U.S.A sible that Chavah entertained the thought that she thought, he admitted to me that I was correct, Tel: +1 212 721 0230 • Fax: +1 212 721 0195 could, G–d forbid, compare herself to G–d? Surely that it was not L’shem Shamayim but motivated [email protected] there is no shred of truth to that prospect. Therfore, by personal concerns fueled by the Yetzer Hara to what possessed the snake to convince her of that? speak Lashon Hara. Jerusalem • Pninei David It is obvious that she could not become like G–d. Once Adam and Chava were able to distinguish Rehov Bayit Va Gan 8 • Jérusalem • Israel The key to understanding this is, as the Zohar between good and evil, they would be able to guard Tel: +972 2643 3605 • Fax: +972 2643 3570 (Parashat Bereishit) says, that the snake is really themselves from evil and bring themselves close to [email protected] Satan. This is why the numerical value of the word good. This would bring immeasurable gratification for snake [Nachash: Nun (50) + Chet (8) + Shin to HaShem. Therefore, what was so reprehensible Ashdod • Orh ‘Haim Ve Moshe (300)] is equal to 358. If we add an additional 1 to about their behaviour? However, HaShem is not Rehov Ha-Admour Mi-Belz 43 • Ashod • Israel represent the entire word, it equals 359. This is also interested in the creation of celestial worlds and Tel: +972 88 566 233 • Fax: +972 88 521 527 the numerical value of the word Satan [Sin (300) + sacrificial offerings that comes about through the [email protected] Tet (9) + Nun (50)]. violation of HaShem’s rules. The most important thing to HaShem is that we do what we are told Satan does not initially convince us to transgress Ra’anana • Kol ‘Haïm and not cleverly add to the instructions. The source HaShem’s command. On the contrary, he persuades Rehov Ha’ahouza 98 • Ra’anana • Israel of their mistake was that Adam and Chava thought us to fulfill specific acts that on the surface seem Tel: +972 98 828 078 • +972 58 792 9003 that HaShem commanded them just one mitzvah. to be for the sake of heaven (L’shem Shamayim). [email protected] They wanted to fulfill many mitzvot, which would be Once he has gotten us in his clutches, he sends us made possible by discerning good from evil. snowballing down the steep hill towards the lowest Hillulah of hell. The snake convinced Chavah to eat from the Why were Adam and Chava not immediately tree with the logic that thereby she would be able punished with death when HaShem came to discuss Tzaddikim to distinguish between good and evil. She would their behaviour with them? Why were they only banished from Gan Eden? Tishrei 27 – Rabbeinu Yitzchak HaZaken, of the then discover how to attach herself firmly to good Baalei Hatosfot and distance herself from evil. By remaining distant They were exiled from Gan Eden because they 28 – Rabbi Avraham Abiczer from evil she would be able to attach unwaveringly had nothing left to do in Gan Eden. There was to HaShem, to cause Him limitless satisfaction, and nothing left there for them to guard. Instead Adam 29 – Shimon HaTzaddik, of the last members create celestial worlds in His honour. and Chava were sent to this world. Now they were of Anshei K'neset HaGedolah Thus, though she did not possess an internal in- able to tell good and evil apart and were properly 30 – Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Hasenfratz, prepared for this world, to do battle with the Yetzer author of Or Yakar on Sefer Or HaChayim clination towards evil, since she thought her act was for the sake of heaven, and would cause HaShem Hara. They were not punished with death straight- MarCheshvan 1 – Rabbi Menachem Mendel infinite satisfaction, she was able to err. Adam also away because they had no intention, G-d forbid, to Schneersohn, author of Tzemach Tzedek was led into error in the same way. At first he did rebel against HaShem with their actions. Rather, 2 – Rabbi Yosef Bouskila, Rav of Beit Shemesh not want to listen to her, but when she told him their intentions were solely L’shem Shamayim. 3 – Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, President of that eating from the tree was L’shem Shamayim and Unfortunately, instead of taking this lesson to Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah through it he would be granted great wisdom and heart and avoiding what appears to be a mitzvah be able to discern good from evil resulting in keep- on the surface but is indeed a serious prohibition, ing far from evil and creating world for HaShem’s we claim that no sin is being committed and we honour, then he listened to his wife and ate. continue to disregard HaShem’s word. Walking in their Ways Tidbits of faith and trust penned by Moreinu v’Rabbeinu Hagaon Hatzaddik Rabbi David Chananya Pinto, shlita Parking One’s Faith with notified and they sent out a search party. But until now, they still did not have a Hashem clue as to his whereabouts. On one of my visits to New York, I Words of our Sages At first, I wanted to tell Dr. Speigel that stayed at the home of Mr. Yitzchak Rach- I, too, had no solution to this mystery. mani, a precious Jew with a generous But through years of friendship with To choose the correct path heart, who hosted me with great honor. the good doctor, and knowing his firm “Kayin went out from the Presence of HaShem.” (Devarim 8:10) While I was there, I received a call faith in Hashem, I very much wanted Kayin went out in a humble manner, thinking he had fooled HaShem. from Dr. Speigel, of the community Yad to offer him some sort of help. I asked (Rashi) Avraham in New York. Dr. Speigel has a for Hashem to put the right words in One of the issues that our minds have trouble grasping is the matter reputation as a top heart surgeon. my mouth. of free choice. We can choose between good and evil, yet since HaShem Dr. Speigel and I go back a long way. I I asked Dr. Speigel where his uncle foresees everything and knows in advance everything that is to occur, it knew him as a Jew with simple faith in was headed the day he went missing. would seem that we are compelled to follow a certain predetermined plan Hashem and His servants. He recognized of action that HaShem knows will happen. He replied that, to the best of his knowl- the power of prayer of the tzaddikim Kayin said to HaShem, “I did not know that I would kill Hevel. I do not edge, he was headed toward the city’s of old, who could bring salvation to have foreknowledge of events. But You did know. Am I the one that should hotel section. the world. Whenever Dr. Speigel was have protected my brother? You should have protected him from calamity. scheduled to perform a complicated “Is there a park nearby?” I pressed.
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