THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 10,669 — FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1954 Published by Authority PART V-BOOK LIST, &c. (Separate paging it given to each Part m order that it may be filed separately) Statement of Books Printed in Ceylon and Registered under the Printers and Publishers Ordinance (Chapter 137), during the Quarter ended June 30,1953 Contractions 7 = The Language m which the Book is written , 2 = The Name oj the Author, Translator, or Editor of the Book or any part thereof, 3 = The Subject, 4 = The place of Printing, 5 = The place of Publication , 6 = The Name or Firm of the Printer, 7 = The Name or Firm of the Publisher, 8 — The Date of Issue from the Press, 9 = The Number of Pages, 10 = The Size, 11 = The First, Second, or other Number of the Edition, 12 — The Number of Copies of which the Edition consists ,13 = Whether the Book is Printed or Lithographed, 14 = The Price at which the Book w sold to the Public , 15= The Name and Residence of the Proprietor of the Copyright or of any portion of the Copyright Quarter ended June 30, 1953. Second Quarter, 1953. AGRICULTURAL ASTROLOGICAL & ASTRONOMICAL • t 56316 Circular No. 8 Tamil Sangham 56071 Drigganitha Almanac for the Year Vijaya 1 Tamil, 2 Director of Agriculture, Peradeniya, 3 Cir­ 1 Tamil, 2 S. Subramanya Iyer, F.RAS. 3 Planetary cular No 8, Tamil Sangham, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Positions and Auspicious Days, 4 Madduvil North, Government Press, 7 The Government Printer, 8 12.5.53, Chavakachchen, 5 Maduvil North, Chavakachchen, 6 9 7, 10------, 11 1st, 12 10,006, 13 printed, 14 For Free dis­ Jothisha Ratnakara Nilayam, 7 Thillaivasam, 8 1.2.53, tribution, 15 Ceylon Government. 9 80,10 Demy 4to , 111st, 12 3,000,13 Printed, 14 Re 125, 15 Thillaivasam, Madduvil North, Chavakachchen 56290 Circular No. 11 “ Dioscorea Yams ” 1 English, 2 Director of Agriculture, Peradeniya, 3 ‘ Dioscorea Yams”, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Govern­ 56132 Vijaya Varusha Vakkiya Panchangam ment Press, 7 The Government Prmter, 8 4 5 53, 9 7, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st, 12 10,007, 13 Printed, 14 For Free 1 Tamil, 2 R. S. Ragunatha Iyer, 3 Almanac for 1953- distribution, 15 Ceylon Government. 54, 4 Kokuvil, 5 Kokuvil, 6 Sothida Prakasa Press, 7 R. S. Ragunatha Iyer, 8 —3.53, 9 104, 10 Demy 8vo„ 11 1st 12 40,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re. 1.25, 15 R. S. Ragu­ 56177 Booklet re Ceylon’s Agricultural Prospects and natha Iyer. Problems 1 English, 2 The Information Officer, Colombo, 3 “Cey­ lon’s Agricultural Prospects and1 Problems”, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Government Press, 7 Government Printer, 8 4.4.53, 9 18, 10 Royal 8vo., 11 1st, 12 1,006, 13 Printed, BIOGRAPHICAL 14 For free distribution, 15 Ceylon Government. 56289 1 Abraham Lincoln ’ 56457 Krushikarma Sangwardhanaya Sandaha 1 Sinhalese, 2 Emil Ludwig, 3 Biography, 4 Maradana, Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Gunaratna & Co., 7 Gunarathna 1 Sinhalese, 2 Doreen Wickramasmghe, 3 Agriculture, & Co., 8 5 5 53, 9. 118, 10 Crown 8v o , 11 1st, 12 2,500, 13 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 W Ariyaratna, 17 Mahajana Printed, 14 Re 1, 15 Emil Ludwig, Livernght Publish­ Prakasaka Mandeeraya 8 1.6 53, 9 34, 10 Crown 8vo., 11 ing Corporation, New York ------, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 25 cents 15 Doreen W ickra- t masinghe, 31, Charles Place, Colombo 56423 Life o f The Ven. Father Joseph Vaz 56355 Sinhalese Translation Syllabus in Agriculture 1 English, 2 Fr. S. G. Perera, S. J. (Author), Fr V. 1 Sinhalese, 2 Director of Education, 3 Sinhalese Permola, S J (Editor), (2nd edition), 3 Biography, 4 Translation Syllabus m Agriculture, 4 Colombo, 5 Col­ Colombo, 5 Galle, 6 The Colombo Apothecaries Co., Ltd., 6 ombo, Government Press, 7 The Government Prmter. 7 Loyola House, 8 115.53, 9 288, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 2nd 8 19.5 53, 9 40, 10 Demy 8vo., 11 1st, 13 7,006, 13 Printed, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs 5 50 (ordinary copy), Rs. 6.50 14 65 cents, 15 Ceylon Government. (bound), 15 V. Permola, S. J., Loyola House, Galle. , I ‘ 56442 The Tropical Agriculturist, Vol. CVIII—No. 4, October to December, 1952 (4th Quarter, 1952) obouo manatma uanam 1 English, 2 The Agricultural Officer, (Propaganda), Peradeniya, 3 The Tropical Agriculturist, Volume CVIII, 1 Sinhalese, 2 David Karunaratne, 3 Biography, 4 No 4, October—December, 1952, (4th quarter 1952), Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 M. D Gunasena & Co. Ltd. 7 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Government Press, 7 The Gov­ M. D. Gunasena & Co. Ltd., 8 — 5 53, 9 112,10 Crown ffirbL. ernment Printer, 8 29.5 53, 9 76, 10 Crown 4 to, 11 1st, 11 New Printing, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re. 1,50, 15 12 1,450, 13 Printed, 14Re. 1.25, 15 Ceylon Government M. D. Gunasena & Co Ltd, Colombo. 177------ J N B 3529*-g85 (4/54) G 1 178 Part V — CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE—May 7, 1954 56554 Thomas Jafferson 56214 Elu Attanagalu Wansaya 1 Sinhalese, 2 Gene Lisitzkey, 3 Thomas Jafferson— 1 Sinhalese, 2 R. Tennekoon, 3 Classic, 4 Colombo, 5 Biography, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Gunaratna and Colombo, 6 M. D Gunasena & Co., Ltd., 7 M. D. Guna­ Co., 7 Gunaratne and Co., 8 22 6 53, 9 110,10 Crown 8vo., sena 8c Co., Ltd., 8 — 3 53, 9 192, 10 Crown 8vo., 11 1st, 11 1st, 12 2,500, 13 Printed,* 14 Re. 1, 15 American Em­ 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 2.50, 15 M. D Gunasena & bassy, Galle Road, Colpetty, Colombo. Co., Ltd., Colombo. 56215 Elu Attanagalu Wansaya EDUCATIONAL " 1 Sinhalese, 2 Rev. Makuluduve Piyaratana Thero, 3 56447 Bhasha Prawesaya VI Classic, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 M. D. Gunasena 8 c Co., Ltd, 7 M D. Gunasena 8 c Co., Ltd., 8 —.3.53, 9 216, 10 * 1 Sinhalese, 2 J. Francis Fernando, 3 Grammar and Crown 8vo., 11 1st, 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 2, 15 Composition for Std VI, 4 Moratuwa, 5 Moratuwa, 6 M. D. Gunasena 8 c Co., Ltd., Colombo D P. Dodangoda & Co., 7 D. P. Dodangoda & Co., 8 2.6153, 9 138, 10 Crown 8v o , 11 11th, 12 10,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re 180, 15 D. P Dodangoda & Co., Moratuwa 56324 Elu Attanagalu Wansa—Hansa Sandesa— Daywayoga Margaya 1 Sinhalese, 2 A. E. S. Dasanayake, 3 Sinhalese Lee, 56088 Buddhi-Parikshana Abyasa 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 47, Dneberg’s Avenue, 1 Sinhalese, 2 Dr A. P. de Zoysa, 3 Intelligent Test 7 Educational Publisher, 8 5 5.53, 9 178, 10 Crown, 11 1st, Exercises, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Dharmasamaya 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs 2 50, 15 ------. Press, 49, First Division, Maradana, 7 Dharmasamaya Press, 49, First Division, Maradana, 8 31.3.53, 9 96, 10 Crown 8v o , 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 2, 15 56109 Ganitha Narodaya Dr. A P. de Zoysa, 474, Galle Road, ICollupitiya 1 Sinhalese, 2 J E Jayasunya, M A, 3 Arithmetic, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 Wesley Press, 7 Messrs. Mac­ millan 8 c C o , L td , 8 26 3 53, 9 134, 10 Demy 8v o , 11 2nd, 56307 Buddhi Parikshanaya Samaya Buddhiya alias 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs 2, 15 Messrs Macmillan 8 c 1 Sinhalese, 2 J. Francis Fernando, 3 General Know­ Co., Ltd., Patullo Road, Madras 2 , ledge, 4 Moratuwa, 5 Moratuwa, 6 D. P Dodangoda & Co., 7 D. P. Dodangoda & Co.. 8 4.5 53, 9 124, 10 Crown 56330 Graduated Arithmetic, Std. IV 8v o , 11 1st, 12 4,000, 13 Printed, 14 Re. 1.75, 15 J Francis Fernando, Katukurunda, Moratuwa. 1 Tamil, 2 M. V. Asirvatham, 3 Arithmetic, 4 Jaffna, 5 Jaffna, 6 Rajakumaran Press, 7 M V. Asirvatham, 8 15.5.53, 9 202, 10 Demy 8v o , 11 2nd, 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 56572 Civics fo r the S. S. C. 14 Re. 1.60, 15 M. V Asirvatham, St. Joseph Sathana Kalakam, Colombagam, Jaffna. 1 Tamil, 2 S. F. de Silva, 3 Civics, 4 Colombo, 5 Colombo, 6 The Colombo Apothecaries Co., Ltd., 7 The Colombo Apothecaries Co., Ltd., 8 22.6.53, 9 420,10 Demy 56090 Hansa Sandesa 8v o , 11 1st, 12 5,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 5 per copy, 15 The Colombo Apothecaries Co, Ltd., Prince Street, 1 Sinhalese, 2 Amarasin Gunawardhana, 3 Literature Colombo. Text S.SC, 4 Maradana, 5 Maradana, 6 Anula Press, 7 K A. Ariyadasa, 8 20.3 53, 9 424, 10 Crown, 11 1st, 12 5,000, 13 Printed 14 Rs 5, 15 K A Ariyadasa, Maradana. 56365 ‘ Daivayoga Vieharaya ’ 1 Sinhalese, 2 Jayatilake, 3 ----- , 4 Colombo, 5 56415 Hansa Sandesaya Colombo, 6 Gunaratne & Co, 7 Jayatilake, London 1 Sinhalese, 2 Rev. Kotagama Wachissara (M.A College, 8 18.5.53, 9 84, 10 Crown 8v o , 11 1st, 12 1,500, Lond.), 3 Sinhalese Literature, 4 Colombo 12, 5 Colombo 13 Printed, 14 ------, 15 Jayatilake, London College, 11, 6 Y. Don Edwin Press, 7 Y. Don Edwin, 8 29.5 53, Hultsdorp, Colombo 9 208, 10 Demy 8v o , 11 1st, 12 2,000, 13 Printed, 14 Rs. 2 50, 15 Y. Don Edwin, 6, Dam Street, Colombo 56602 Divayoga Vivarana 1 Sinhalese, 2 Digoda Piyadasa, 3 Key to Divayoga 56469 Hansa Sandesa Warnanawa Book, 4 Maradana, 5 Mt. Lavima, 6 Anula Press, 7 Sri 1 Sinhalese, 2 W F.
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