www.ukrweekly.com PIKLXXYHI 4. 105 SECTION TWO SVOBODA, THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY. SATURDAY; JUNE 5. 1971 ЦЕНТІВ 20 CENTS No. 105 VOL. LXXVIH .,^lim't і ' . VATICAN BARS ARCHBISHOP-MAJOR FROM CANADA, u.s. migj^ga^g^u UNA SUPREME ASSEMBLY RECOMMENDS SlO,OOO NEW, YORK, N.Y. - Arch– late Conception Cathedral in j ^Т-!.'1' .^нтл, "' Л^Л-Ч^"'М^^'^'^'Л^"^'АЧ1 bishop-htajor Joeyf Cardinal Philadelphia. KERHONKSON, N.Y. Щ Major Josyf Cardinal Slipyj FOR STUDENT SGH0LARSH1PS Slipy,j, who was to arrive in The vatican said that it' oieh Wolanaky was elected; and Archbishop Mstyslaw of vOTES $lД,в0в FOR NATlONAL CAUSES AT CONCLUSlON OF ANNUAL MEET1NG Toronto,. Ont., Friday, May "feared disturbances" duringj president of the lJkrainiajfr the Ukrainian Orthodox 28, has been denied a permit the Ukrainian Cardinal's visit j Medical Association of Amer^ Church in the USA. KERHONKSON, N.Y.—The efforts to implement the pat–, A great deal of time was by the vatican, according to here. Many lay sources also j ca at the organization's 14Ш Greeting tiie convention in Supreme Assembly of the Uk– riarchal structure of the Uk– і devoted during the last ses– an Associated Press account regard the refusal as an in– і biennial convention held oveaj person was Joseph Lesawyer, rainian National Association, rainian Catholic Church in slon on Friday to the new meeting here last week in its line with th2 decisions adopt– UNA skyscraper being built which appeared in many dication of the vatican's ef– 1 Memorial weekend here, piesident of the World Con– A nf f newspapers in the U.S. and forts to smooth the way for) Dr. George Kushnir, who? gress of Free Ukrainians. annual session, voted $15,000 " he fourth Archiepisco– in Jersey City, N.J. Supreme for national causes and re- Canada. better relations with the So– was chosen president-electi pal Synod in 1969." President Joseph Lesawyer commended raising the total viet Union. will assume the right to the Remembrance The statement on the Uk– brought the Assembly up to News of the vatican's im– for UNA scholarships to S3, presidency two years fjron^– rainian Catholic Church was date on the construction and pending refusal to allow the 800 this year and S10.000 Negotiations Criticized now. Dr. Bohdan Shebunchakv At the outset of the con proposed by Supreme Audi– financing of the building ranking Ukrainian Catholic І text year. the outgoing president, wal vention, the doctors honora tor ivan Skalczuk. which 'will also house the prelate to visit the North The meeting of the 2G-mem- Other recommendations and UNA and 'Svoboda offices. Amerjcan continent had cir– Ukrainian Catholics in the elected chairman of the Asso– the memory of the late Met– free world have voiced strong ciation's auditing board. ropolitan John Theodorovich ber governing body of the Part of the costs will be borne culated about a week prior to UNA had commenced Mon– New Building objections to the vatican's The convention, which took as well as 14 of their departed by the UNA through its Ur– his scheduled arrival in To– day. May 24. and concluded negotiawras with the Kremlin place May 20-31, was attend' colleagues since the last con ban Renewal Corporation and ronto. it became official when Friday, May 28. The agenda resolutions adopted were Josyf Cardinal SUpyj at the expense of the perse– ed by 47 official delegates геч vention. part by a mortgage loan ex- Megr. ivan Choma, the Car– included reports of all officers, made by Supreme Auditor j tended by the Ukrainian dinal'e personal secretary, cuted Ukrainian Catholic presenting branches in the Entertaining the delegates the head of Arch bishop-Major "Svoboda editor-in-chief An– iwan Wynnyk (budget), vice– j Savinge and Loan Association told the AP that Archbishop- Church in Ukraine. The Car– U.S. and Canada. More thql and guests at the convention SHpyj. thony Dragan and Soyuzivka President and Recording Sec– j of Philadelphia, headed by Major Josyf "has not been dinal, who was incarcerated 100 guests also took part ffl banquet were Soyuzivka dan Scores of protest demon– ! manager Walter Kwas, dis– retary Walter Sochan (new j Dr. Walter Gallan who out- given the permit by-the vati– for 18 years by the Russian the proceedings and social cere, featuring Roman anc strations were held in Wash– suasion of plans for the fu– insurance plans), vice-Presi– 1 lined to the Assembly the can" even though he wanted Communists, is regarded here functions Levko Strotzky, Mark Komi ington, Philadelphia and oth– ture, meetings of committees, dent Mary Dushnyck (wom– J conditions of the loan, to go. as the symbol of the "Silent chak and Zirica Hloba, and er centers of Ukrainian life and adoption of resolutions en's activities), Treasurer Pe– і The meeting, the first Ukrainian Church." Officers the female "Kalyna" quarte ind recommendations for the in the U.S. under the egis of During his first visit to from Newark, N.J. ter Pucilo (modernization of j woek-long eession since the A Prisoner Again veil-being of the organization bookkeeping), as well as oth– the Society for the Promotion Canada and the U.S. in 1908, Other officers elected wet-if Association's 27th regular ind its membership. er officers of the Assembly of the Patriarchal System for as well as subsequent pilgri– Dr. Michel Lohaza, Dr. Yd? "He was a prisoner in the UMANA to Purchase and chairmen of individual convention held in Cleveland the Ukrainian Catholic Church mages to other countries of roslaw Curkowsky and ІЩ Soviet Union," said Msgr. Agenda committees dealing with spe– in May of last year, conclud– and the Ad Hoc Student Com– Ukrainian settlement in the Achil Chreptowsky, vice-p^ro– 100 Encyclopedias Choma, "and seems to end up cific phases of UNA activity. ed late Friday night mittee for the Seif-Governing free world, Cardinal Josyf eidents, Dr. volodymyr Sem– being one in the vatican, For U.S. Senators The recommendation to up Ukrainian Catholic Church. was greeted with admiration kiw, secretary, Dr. Mykola too." 'і тЩ KERHONKSON, N.Y. - the annual Outlay for UNA and enthusiasm by thousands Kryzaniwsky, treasurer, Dfi Cardinal Joeyf had planned Bishops-Elect Stock and Among the resolutions, adopt scholarships - nntil now of faithful Julian Hutnyk, organteaticil Philadelphia District originally to give a series of Losten were consecrated ed by the Ukrainian Medica amounting (o.J2iQ00 per an– chairman of eastern brnn– sermons at a spiritual retreat Tuesday, May 25, in Philadel– At the time of this writing, Association of North America num–was made by the UNA Has iJXA Day Tomorrow ches, Dr. Sophia Shebunchak for Ukrainian Catholic priests phia despite Cardinal Josyf a hundreds of protests and peti– k at its biennial convention last youth committee headed by PHILADELPHIA, Pa. - as wen as district committee archives, Dr. Yurij Savyckyil ( of North America May 31 tions are being sent to the weekend here, one specific de– Supreme Advisor Bohdan Fu– Hundreds of UNA'ers from j members from near and far, recommendation that they youth chairman, and Dr. Paui through June 4, visit the Uk– vatican asking for reconsi– cLsion calls for the purchase tey of Cleveland.1 Pennsylvania, New Jersey, as ' are expected to attend, postpone the ceremony until Dzul, editor of the Associ^p гаіпіад Catholic eparchies in deration of its decision to bar of 100 copies of volume И of Among the aeries of reso– well as Baltimore and New j Michael Kitsock, last year's the convocation of the Synod. tion's "Journal"; auditing Canada, and preside over a the Ukrainian prelate from Ukraine: A Concise Encvclo lutions and recommendations, York, are expected to take candidate for U.S. Congress, The two new Bishops had re- board: Drs. B. Shebunchak"i congress of Ukrainian Catho– visiting his faithful here. paedia and to present them the Supreme Assembly issued part in the traditional Uk– J will also make a guest appear– lics in Canada in early July, quested an exact date of their Bohdan Wolansky and ВоЖ as gifts to all U.S. Senators і statement on the .occasion rainian National Association ance. it was also expected that the consecration, but said that Still Hope dan Hanushewsky; arbitral The purchase is to be f inane if the fiftieth anniversary of Day in Bethel township, near J The district will honor Su– Archbishop-Major would con– such a date was not deter– tion board: Drs. Myron Zfr еф.by the Association's mem– the Ukrainian Autocephalous Chester, Pa., Sunday, June 6. prcme Advisor and Regional vene an Archiepiscopal Synod mined. Bishop Jsidore Borecky of rycky, Borys Fylypchak ana r bers residing in the U.S. Orthodox Church, calling On The fete is being sponsored j Organizer Stepan Hawrysz Toronto said last week he Wasyl Klnal, 1 j The encyclopedia, just pub late in June. They went through with its members, of Orthodox by the Philadelphia District j and former Supreme Advisor hoped that the petitions would Conducting the session Ushed by the University 0' The AP said that Cardinal the May 25th rites amid pro- faith to support the Church Committee, three-time leadi^ John Odezyneky for their or– sway the.Holy See to allow was Dr. Anthopy Zukowskft Toronto Press, was flnancet wd– help oj^rve^te anniver– ers ,Jn UNA's membership j ganizing achievements over Joeyf bad' also planned a sto– tests andrdemonstrations out-j the СвЙИпаІЧа leave for hte assisted by Dr. Yaroslaw Gur– by the UNA. The proposa pover in Philadelphia, the iary in a ^fignlfled manner drives, І967 through 1969.
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