Published In English, Sesuto, Xosa and Zulu UMTETELI ALL THE BEST EDUCATIONAL WA SPORllNG BANTU ArID IS THE COUNTRY UNION'S NEWS: '" .. ~ LEADIN6 .. ALSO ,.-.' NEWSPAPER. : WOMEN'S ,• • WIDEST • : SECTION I• .- - \ CIRCULATION , SUBSCRIPTION: • 15/. plr Year POLITICALLY • 7/6 per Half Yea, .INDEPENDENT The Mouthpiece • of the African People 4/- per Quarter '----...! A .. lno" .... a 10 " .. DIISn Government Notices anectlng Alrlcans. Vol. 21 No 1081 11. 1941 Prie& 1d • • • • FASCIST PRISONERS IN6 TO PRISON CA PS Great Disaster · For Mussolini • HE Britisb (oreu io North Africa h~ve gained a Dothrrl lZrnt \'ielory a.d in capluriog 30,000 won It.lian pri.oatu, bue DOW laken T• lome 9"',000 mt:n in all, willi gUDS, aWllluoitioD, urmoured cou, rM. aod water lIuppliet. • Tbe It.lian forcts in 8ardia h."t .urreoderd. and their Oag bal bet:o •••Ied down from G09erolOt'ot buildiog.f io tbe Iowa Si't geDuRle bave ~D ... L.eo prisooeu there and 8rt being Stot away to prHJOo Cllrop~. This fort, 10 Italian North Africa was recently taken by the British Close by are some 50 deep The Britilb 1098el are said to be uoder 6,000 killed aDd wounded. wells. _Legend etates that tbefle wel lS were made long ago by a race of gi~nta with immeose armd Tllere probably baa Denr beeD ao gteat • victory following .ucb which soooped them out to great dept .8. The giants, howevftr. have loog since vanished. alit;ial loue9. Dow wu lucb 0 brilliant .ucce.. ob,.ined ? It w .. obtaioed al the ruult of carefnl vlauning by General WneU AI (Britain) aud bi ••tafT officetl~ including AUltraliao 18 ctici~D~ Greater Victories Still In II will be remembered tbll.t tbe Italian force.J uoder I'tar.bal Graziani Latest War eDlued Egypt .0010 roooth!l ago and ellablilbed tbemlelvu along tlu: Nortb Arrican coast. Their aim wu gradually to penetrale furtbl'r from Store" Libyll aloog tbe coul toward8 Alexaudria and tbe Suez Couill Then tbey Tobruk In Grave News i.teod.. d to capture tbe ::'uu CaDal, to drive out 'be Hriti!h. ttt rcioforce Ibeic army in Abyssinia. aod tben advso('C South ioto Kenya which tbey HAVING taken Bardla, tbe British .190 planned to captuU'. Arter lbaf ~ DO doubt tbey tbou~bt tbat tbey foroe.!t are pusbmg back the Danger BRITISH forces have ocoupied (aDd tbe GermAinl) would be able to ;;rab largo areu of Britllb territory Italian outpost further west. beyond EI Adem some miles south of i. Soutbern Aftica. Tbey would tben (tbe)' tbought} be able to carve up Bardia io Nortb Africa and are Tobruk ID North Africa. - THE British force8 in Libya are tbe AfricaD lerritoriu tbemselvel Ilnd pul all Afri.aD~ Ih'iog io there into now apparently prep:lriog to attac k the large Italiao port of Tobruk_ It steadily surrouodiog thA big o o o d."uy. Jtalian port of Tobruk, a od art) Theile plana ba\'e now been ullerty deltro1ed. would seem that tbe vi ctorious The British submarine Thunder­ fi riog on the tOWD . It seems likely 1 be hllliaDif bl&ve been driven oul of Egypt with be-uy} lo't~ to them­ British General Wavell is bent bolt has torpedoed aou sunil aD that. the fall of tbe city \Ii ill not be .elve.s by tbe bra\'e British forces, whicb bllve peoelr"ted intu Italia.n upon coming to grips With Graziani's Italian submarioe. army which reml)ins near Bengbui. long delayed. territory io Libya. aDd taken 9.4,000 halian pri"1.oere (40,000 at Sidi o o o Barnoi aDd Sollum). Italy caunot DOW attack Egypt: Dor can Ibe corne All tbe indicatIOns are that tbat, GOWD South iolo Soutb Africa aud e o ~lave Ib~ Afric.ao". the Italian army i3 abort. of oil _R ome has admitted the possi­ and petrol, and tbat the morale or driveo baok through Libya. aDd bility that she may bAve to yield Italians Cowed By Terrible Shell Fire spirit. of Its aoldien is very lo w. will be surrounded and will have to other places on her North Afrioan lt8 aeroplanes have been RO can· aurrender with all bis men. This frout tlDuously beaten by the superior will be a buge blow to Italy. 8ARDIA waS strongly fortified hy sDlo.l'Ihed a. llirge portioo of th!) o o o tbe ltallaM. It. wa>l a white Italian army's rueo and matenallo Bntillh planes, that they cao do Tbat accouots for Mr. Antho ny Iiltle work to help Graziani'g men. city 00 8. bill : but all around ic. Northern Artie ", 'fbou-iands of Eden's statement (be is tbe famouj Tbe Un ted states is reported to As GraziH.ni wiJl have little were biddeo pita 10 wbicb to eo Italian prisooers have Lef'D taken British statesman) .. (;reater vic_ have Benb luO aeroplane.il to Greece trap tBDkii , there were great buned away to prlaou ea mp~ in Jodia., aod cbaoce of retreating to safety. It tories are still In store." to bel p her . in her struggle With abelle to blow up ad~8.oclo(( B,iLlsb tbe news has I:! pread d'dway seems almoet certain that be will be ltaly \\ill tlOOO be (.jut of tbe war ' Itoly. infaotry, and coocretb towers {"pill throughout It .~ly boxes "} contaioing machine guo'l Tb~ AustrtLh~a sold lerA did The Bnt~h bega~ to bombard lI.lU magnifice nt work at Bar hll but the • city bod ita defence~ frooo tbe sea ltalulIJ13 were too d~m ~ r",li !!ed to whrre tbe great wanlbipil of the put up much rel'iitence Hrtu~h Na\""y were able to tire eoorm­ 00 ooe occa."iou, a Hriti~b officer oua ahells ou tbe ltaho.o defenderi wenL up to,. buge dark cu ve, Il.lld SMOKE THIS cowerlllg in their concrete dug out.. ~boult:d ., If 80)" ltl.l.litLn<l are bidinQ From the o.lr the R A _F also drop­ til hert! let then. 8u rnwder 1.1.1. once." ped heavy bombs on to tbe deft' 11- No Jef!9 tban 2.011u I taliil.u!) 8ud cea wblch \\ ere al"o fired 00 by ofhcer'" ca.we forth aud surrendered VERY GOOD Briti.;h beavy guns. Nolo ooe firt'd a shut or .,ent forth a ba.n? greoade. All Were only loo FEARFUL SElELL FlIIE all.xlou., to l:lUrrender Tbi'l terrible fire completely de­ It Ii lIkely that wben the Sputll. TOBACCO ••• Africao arllly tLttac!u\ tbe I tllli.uJs morali!\ed th., ltahtLu def~udd~ They weTe poundt:d tiercc:iy nil!ht iu Abys.llli.J., therefore. tbat the ltalians Will be very Cj1 .11 ck to tlur­ and day, bnd the cei\ .. ~I(!l!d thuuJ, r rendt!r of .. he !-'tuu'" riH~d tho-m "lib t~ll.r J ~ tbey ha.d never compl ... 1 Iy relilitl,ld l'be HfltI ~b victory has heBrtf'U­ ed the t'ln~l"vt"d IlBtioll!O of El.lnpe, U. btfure. they DOW UlI d., rl< lood tb,,[ t LleY wer~ 8gb \ ll~t a t .)~ v. hU::Ie a.1.,0 Turkt!.\. Hu ~m, P~r~I", !<'uutn­ twia, a.m.i tb~.l!;a t might WII.>I iutiuit~l .v gre~t6r than For all hil.ttl tbe cruel robbtr that of tbe poor Ab\. 1;101(:1.111:', wb) , N,.zi bord~1. almo~t '1Itlmut. IlrlII Qr 1)la m'~ \U:re rut hlt"l'I s ly bowL II a.nd 11'1" n • to pit"l.:c"1'Iome ~t'tlflf 6J;u h, I.:v .... arJI) llaliciu turrnun . Th~ G r f'~'k8 I v t kt-H C\ f r,,1 Tot.ily,ttle Hrltlharp l'nHti g, till .drtd J,r JIl .~I U U) l,tUI' • fea.rtul rtYeugu. Ibt") hu.\ Ulorlur cowpao:; • - 2 UHTItTBLI WA BANTU, JOHANNESBURG, JANUARY 11. 1V.!. 4U Oo mmunt(Q'&.om to bta4druud'o BUSINESS HANAGER, Hofmeyr Social It.o. 80. 4515, Higher Primary Examination, 1940 JOH "NNESBUIltG. School To Open Pobh.he<l Wu kly. HOOPSTAD 'U8iORtPTlOt'f RATS'J-( By POST) Abram Bookholane ; Daniel Results In Orange H E Jan H . Hofmeyr School of ODe Yea.r ._ _ .• , ._ 16/- Mogorosi ; Philemon Rampai ; T Social Work will be opened 00 Siz Month. ._ ._ 7/6 Benjamin Pebao6. Jan. 15 oext ( Wednesday after_ Three Montbs _ .. _._ 4/· Free State JAGERSFONTIlIN noon) atl 2.30 trot the Witwaten-­ Pelrus MotsbBpe ; Louis Sello. rand University, J ohann8lbnr,. THE foll~wi~g ie. liet of tbe eoccellfal uodidatee wbo passed tbe abo'ge KESTELL The Hon. J . H . Hofmeyr M.P., eX.lUlo.hoo: President of the South African Rebecca Tshezi ; Thomas Khomo. ALL SAINTS, Bloemfooteio CLOCOLAN National Counoil of Y.M.C.A.'8 KDALALA will preside, and Senator J. D. AliDa Mofaoa ; Maria Lethet8&. M.pulong Kapoko; E II i tt e t Rbeinallt ",ill speak on • The Molise ; Petros Pietenen. Edwin Pula ; Miohael Leepo : ARUNGTON UNITED Binion Mokalloa , Magdalene Preeent Status a 0 d Probable Jon68 Lesiba. CLYDESDALE SenaUe. Future Development of Soeial BETHLEHEM UNITED Johannes Hlabane; George KOPJES Welfare Work For the Africans." - Moketekete: Jakob Moblekane. 11th JANUARY, 1941 Rutb Kambula ; George Lieta; Matau Mahlatsi ; Ramankanana • Enid Maseko ; Sasan Mofokeog ; DEALESVILLE Mafutur.tsi ; Pitso Raboroko ; Seth Moloi ; Josepbine Miya : Eva Frank Kila ; Daniel Mere ; Joseph Monteo Monota ; Mofale Leeito; Who Will Succeed VICTORY WILL BE R.debe.
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