INSTITUT ARCHÉOLOGIQUE BELGRADE ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT BEOGRAD UDK 902/904 (050) YU ISSN 0350–0241 STARINAR LVI, 1–397, BEOGRAD 2008. Institut Archéologique Belgrade STARINAR NOUVELLE SÉRIE VOLUME LVI/2006 Rédacteur SLAVI[A PERI] Comité de rédaction Miloje VASI], Rastko VASI], Noël DUVAL (Paris), Slobodan DU[ANI], Bojan \URI] (Ljubljana), Vasil NIKOLOV (Sofia), Ivana POPOVI], Marko POPOVI], Nikola TASI], Olivera ILI] (secrétaire de la rédaction) BELGRADE 2008 Arheolo{ki institut Beograd STARINAR NOVA SERIJA KWIGA LVI/2006 Urednik SLAVI[A PERI] Redakcioni odbor Miloje VASI], Rastko VASI], Noel DIVAL (Pariz), Slobodan DU[ANI], Bojan \URI] (Qubqana), Vasil NIKOLOV (Sofija), Ivana POPOVI], Marko POPOVI], Nikola TASI], Olivera ILI] (sekretar redakcije) BEOGRAD 2008. Izdaje: ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT Beograd, Knez Mihailova 35/IV, Beograd e-mail: [email protected] Tehni~ki urednik: Danijela PARACKI Grafi~ka priprema: D_SIGN, Beograd [tampa: GRAFIKA JURE[, ^a~ak Tira`: 1000 primeraka Kwiga je objavqena uz finansijsku pomo} Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije SADR@AJ – SOMMAIRE RASPRAVE – ETUDES Josip [ari} Typology of Chipped Stone Artefacts in the Early and Middle Neolithic in Serbia . 9 Josip [ari} Tipologija okresanih artefakata u starijem i sredwem neolitu Srbije . 24 Slavi{a Peri}, Dubravka Nikoli} On the Issue of an Ossuary – Pit Dwelling Z in the Oldest Horizon at Vin~a . 47 Slavi{a Peri}, Dubravka Nikoli} O problemu kosturnice – zemunice Z u najstarijem horizontu Vin~e . .68 Milorad Stoji} Regional Characteristics of the Brnjica Cultural Group . 73 Milorad Stoji} Regionalne karakteristike brwi~ke kulturne grupe . 84 Slobodan Du{ani} Prosopografske bele{ke o rudarstvu u Gorwoj Meziji: porodice imu}nih doseqenika na rudni~kom tlu. 85 Slobodan Du{ani} Prosopographic Notes on Roman Mining in Moesia Superior: the Families of Wealthy Immigrants in the Mining Districts of Moesia Superior . 102 Bojan \uri}, Jasmina Davidovi}, Stone Use in Roman Towns. Resources, Transport, Andreja Maver, Harald W. Müller Products and Clients. Case Study Sirmium. First Report . 103 Bojan \uri}, Jasmina Davidovi}, Upotreba kamena u rimskim gradovima. Izvori, transport, Andreja Maver, Harald V. Miler proizvodi i klijenti. Primer Sirmijum. Prvi izve{taj . 137 Igor Ri`nar, Divna Jovanovi} Stone Material of Regional Provenance from Sirmium . 139 Igor Ri`nar, Divna Jovanovi} Regionalno poreklo kamena iz Sirmijuma . 152 Ivana Popovi} Marble Sculptures from the Imperial Palace in Sirmium . 153 Ivana Popovi} Mermerne skulpture iz carske palate u Sirmijumu . 166 Miroslav Jeremi} Les temples payens de Sirmium . 167 Miroslav Jeremi} Paganski hramovi Sirmijuma . 199 Aleksandar Bulatovi} Rectangular Grave Vessels and Stamped Ceramics from the Roman Period in the Central Balkans (a Contribution to the Study of Prehistoric Traditions during the Roman Period) . 201 Aleksandar Bulatovi} Grobne posude pravougaone osnove i `igosana keramika iz anti~kog perioda na centralnom Balkanu (prilog prou~avawu praistorijskih tradicija u rimskoj epohi) . 217 Olivera Ili} Early Christian Baptistries in Northern Illyricum . 223 Olivera Ili} Ranohri{}anske krstionice u severnom Iliriku . 244 PRILOZI – APERÇUS Vesna Dimitrijevi} Vertebrate Fauna of Vin~a – Belo Brdo (excavation campaigns 1998–2003) . 245 Vesna Dimitrijevi} Fauna ki~mewaka sa lokaliteta Vin~a – Belo Brdo (kampawe 1998–2003) . 259 Milo{ Jevti} Sacred Groves of the Tribali on Miro~ Mountain . 271 Milo{ Jevti} Sveti gajevi Tribala na Miro~u . 290 Velika Dautova Ru{evljan, Silver Jewelry of Hellenistic and Celtic Type Milo{ Jevti} from Hrtkovci in Srem . 291 Velika Dautova Ru{evqan, Srebrni nakit helenisti~kog i keltskog tipa Milo{ Jevti} iz Hrtkovaca u Sremu . 307 Petar Popovi}, Ivan Vrani} The Textile Industry at Kr{evica (Southeast Serbia) in the Fourth-Third Centuries B.C. 309 Petar Popovi}, Ivan Vrani} Industrija tekstila na lokalitetu Kale u Kr{evici (jugoisto~na Srbija) u IV–III veku pre n.e. 319 Sne`ana Nikoli}, Angelina Rai~kovi} Ceramic Balsamaria–Bottles: the Example of Viminacium . 327 Sne`ana Nikoli}, Angelina Rai~kovi} Kerami~ki balsamariji – boce: primer Viminacijuma . 334 Sanja Pilipovi} La scena di caccia: motivo di decorazione delle stele funerarie della Moesia Superior . 337 Sawa Pilipovi} Scena lova: motiv dekoracije gorwomezijskih nadgrobnih stela . 352 Sofija Petkovi} Unilateral Antler Combs from Romuliana . 353 Sofija Petkovi} Jednoredni ~e{qevi od jeleweg roga sa Romulijane . 366 Vladimir Petrovi} Une nouvelle borne milliaire découverte sur la voie romaine Naissus–Lissus . 367 Vladimir Petrovi} Novi miqokaz na rimskom putu Naissus-Lissus . 375 Vojin Nedeqkovi} Rimski grafiti sa Gradi{ta kod Prvoneka . 377 Vojin Nedeljkovi} New Roman Graffiti from Gradiste near Prvonek (Southern Serbia) . 380 KRITIKE I PRIKAZI – COMPTES RENDUS Josip [ari} THE MESOLITHIC, Actes of the XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liège, Belgium, 2–8 September 2001, BAR International Series 1302; Oxford 2004. 381 Borislav Jovanovi} Evgenij V. ^ernenko, DIE SCHUTZWAFFEN DER SKYTHEN, Prähistorische Bronzefunde, Abteilung III, Bd. 2, A. Jockenhovel, W. Kubach, Hrgs., Mainz 2006. 387 Rastko Vasi} Marek Gedl, DIE FIBELN IN POLEN, Prähistorische Bronzefunde, Abteilung XIV, Bd. 10, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2004. 388 Rastko Vasi} Tibor Kemenczei, FUNDE OSTKARPATENLÄNDISCHEN TYPS IM KARPATENBECKEN, Prähistorische Bronzefunde, Abteilung XX, Bd. 10, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2005. 389 Marija Qu{tina Cordula Nagler-Zanier, RINGSCHMUCK DER HALLSTATTZEIT AUS BAYERN, (Arm- und Fußringe, Halsringe, Ohrringe, Fingerringe, Hohlwulstringe), Prähistorische Bronzefunde, Abteilung X, Bd. 7, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2005. 390 Aleksandar Bulatovi} Mirko Pekovi}, ARHEOLO[KA ZBIRKA VOJNOG MUZEJA U BEOGRADU, Beograd 2006. 391 Dragana Grbi} Miroslava Mirkovic, MOESIA SUPERIOR. EINE PROVINZ AN DER MITTLEREN DONAU. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 2007. 392 Olivera Ili} KONSTANIN DER GROSSE, A. Demandt, J. Engemann, Hrgs., Ausstellungskatalog, Mainz am Rhein 2007. 394 Du{ica Mini} Emina Ze~evi}, MRAMORJE. STE]CI ZAPADNE SRBIJE, Beograd 2005. 396 UDC 903.21"634"(497.11) DOI: 10.2298/STA0656009S 9 JOSIP [ARI] Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade TYPOLOGY OF CHIPPED STONE ARTEFACTS IN THE EARLY AND MIDDLE NEOLITHIC IN SERBIA Abstract. – After studying the material from twenty sites dating from the Early and Middle Neolithic we propose the typology of chipped stone artefacts based on the established morphological characteristics but supplemented with data provided by the analysis of traces of use. We can conclude at the present stage of investigation that evolution of the chipped stone artefacts during the Early and Middle Neolithic reveals without doubt characteristics of stagnation and gradual decline, thus indicating the end in the long evolution of this kind of implement. Key words. – chipped stone artefacts, Neolithic, Serbia, typology, traceology. he morphological characteristics of artefacts Traceology, that is the study of the microscopic are the starting point for establishing the typo- traces left on stone artefacts as a result of use on diffe- T logy and no matter how straightforward this rent materials, received its first, at least theoretical procedure seems for finds from the Neolithic sites, treatment, in the work of J. Evans dating from 1872.1 there are certain problems, first of all related to the ter- The first practical results are associated with the work minology used. The fact is that there has been no coordi- of Semenov2 and since then traceology has made great nated and generally accepted terminology, since the first progress in producing explanations which penetrate specialized works concerning chipped stone artefacts deeper than classic morphological analysis, without of were published in the Serbian archaeological literature course rendering this redundant. Successful functional and worldwide. The inconsistent use of terminology analysis requires the fulfilment of certain conditions: has led some interpretations in the wrong direction and, – team work, to a certain extent, also impeded the use of data from – making a control series of artefacts using techno- contemporary as well as earlier investigations. logical processes based on prehistoric models The following proposal for systematization and – use of the replicas manufactured in a way confir- nomenclature is based on the need for coordination and med by ethnological analogies, correct scientific expression and it tends towards the – examination of damage inflicted and traces of use, exclusion of arbitrariness but not the free use of certain using optical devices (magnifying glasses magnifying up terms in order to make possible the better assimilation of to 10x, simple and binocular microscopes magnifying our results into the standards already established world- from 20x to 400x, scanning electronic microscope), wide, which, are not immune to similar problems. Of – comparison of the traces of wear on the control course, this proposal is also liable to changes and the samples and specimens originating from archaeologi- basic suggestion is related to the necessity of combining cal investigation. and harmonizing the classic typology with the data Unfortunately, Serbian archaeology has so far lacked obtained after microscopic examination of the arte- the motivation to establish such a laboratory and this has facts with conspicuous traces of use. In order to explain more clearly the advantages of this kind of investigation we shall evaluate the basic data, which can
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