Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1973 Daily Egyptian 1973 11-16-1973 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 16, 1973 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1973 Volume 55, Issue 45 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 16, 1973." (Nov 1973). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1973 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1973 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Frtdav ;"" NOIo'ember 16. 1913-Vol 55. No ~ 'lk,,;ln /illlt' rt'st'arch, /0 1 of la llt-i ng' Orescanin blasts F·Senate resolution s,· Marcia 8ullard ministration to gin' more money to tht' know where there is enough money for There are s!ill so m ~ alternatives for .()aily Egyptian Starr Writer library for buying books this year and in reallocation , . this yea r " ir the faculty is willing." he the fu ture, Library Affairs Dean Ra lph (" fi scal \,ear 1 ~73 . Orescanin said the said. I~ ampus tteasure r Da n Orescanin !\lcCoy announ ced· this wet'k tha t libra ry """nl S519.:I98 for books . He " If Ihe [acully agreed not to filf a ny blasted a Faculty Senate resolution "severe cutbacks" are bei ng madc in asked for that amount plus St74, OUU ror present vacanices this year, :lnd agreed call ing for ",6re library funds Thursday. book purchases because of the lighl Ihis fisc':Jl \'ear. but said the Illinois nol 10 spend any of the money set aside He said the -group did " damn lillie financial si tuation, Board of lii gher Education "BHE I ror hiring teaching assistants this year, research a nd a lot of talking" about the Orescanin objected that the- resolution ,denied the extra S2i·1. 0UU a nd the we co ~ use thaI money." he said . problem. did not offer any remedies to tht' governor cut out Lin additional SI34,ooo. ,. And if l!\ey wa nt 10 stop using their "They didn't tell us ladmlnistrators t si tuation. That left the library with its present Il~ l l~phom.>s and other commodities, we how much more money needs to be spent "We don 't ha\'c a copy of the in ternal S:I;<.I.I)OO budgN . could use that money. Or the facully or where it should come from ." budgel. " sa id JoAnne Thorpe. c hai r · Urescanin said h(' has askl.>d the IBHE members could a ll offer a chJlnk of their Orescanin said, in a phone int erview, woman of Ihe Faculty Sena te. :'We for about $650 ,000 ror next vear's Iibrar\, paychecks 10 lhe library- I naven't seen "Sure. we'd like to spend more money on thought the 'Faculty Senate was in a budget. " .tnyonc do that yet." the librar ~ . but the f""ds aren't position to recommend policy to the Thorpe contendt'd Orescanin 's available in the budget. 1 don 't think administration and that 's what we did, suggest ions a re illegal because the they were trying to help out. .. " We realize this has to be an internal moncy is already designated for pe r ­ The Faculty Senate passed a budget adjuslme nt, she added . " The sonfl(>1 and {'ontractual services. Once resolution Tuesday asking lhe ad· people who prepare the budgel should lIocalcd, funds cannot be spent In other arcas Wll ess approved by the IBHE. Library books are bought with mO,ney alloca ted under ' 'equipme nt" in the budget. Illinois Senate__ refusese- Another a rea in which the fa c ulty could sa\'e dollj)j;s would be in the " aU1Ount of trasflthat gets printed on to 'confirm .la·mes N.~gle duplicating machines around here." Orescanin said. He charged that too " . , muc h money is spent by people " propagandizi ng their friends " by USIng for Boar.d_fJf Trustees the copying machine. _ " The trash we mimeograph is what By Marcia Bullard Out of the 45 min utes of his testimony. the administra tion sends us to act on ." DaUy Egyptian ~f( Writer Nagle said a bout 30 minutes was spent Thorpe rebutted, " We have to print on his opinions about collective recommcndations rrom committees The Illinois Senate refused to confirm baragin ing. Anothe r 10 minutes was which were activa ted by people like James Nagle a~ SIU's new Board of .spent on'hi s membership in the ACLU. Orescanin. President DClVic R. Derge Trustees member Thursday afternoon . he said , a nd Kei th Leasure ." (Leasure is vic{' The lEA has supported collective president for academic affairs.' in~: r::~tl~::-; ~~~ev:~:~~;t':;:.~: · ;\ bargaining (or some time. and Nag le is Money thaI is beI ng spenl fQr a new required to seat the new trustee. Senate presidenl of his local chapter. Aked if he parking garage cannol be reallocated Republicans attacked his affiliation wi th would vote for collective bargaining if for the library, Orescanin said, because the IUinois Education Association I lEA l the question came before the SIU Board the money has already been specified and the American Civil Liberties Union of Trustees. Migle said. "Probably so." ror parking 10Umprovements, When (ACLU I before voting against the ap· " But I'm onl y one member," he people bu y decals , they are told that part pointment. pointed out. " Maybe one or two others of tha t money wi II be used to upgrade ''I'm disappointed bUI it's not unex· would vote for it, but 1 don't know. parking facilities. pected," Nagle said. "This just seems " It certainJy wasn 't my intention to " If we tell people all of a sudden that like an ·effort by the Senate to keep organize people ,n support of coll ective they are bu ying parking decals 10 6uy people who know about education out of bargaining," he said . " I just wanted to library books. I don 't think people in posItions of responsibility in education." serve as a citizen on the board." Na~e. 28 • •is an English teacher at In response to the Executi ve Co m , ~:i~ ~1 tS;:;~. i. C~eP:si~.iO,~t ;'~~tl~~~:~?;.~ DaDvlUe Junior CoUege. He said in a (C01tirued on page 3) Dan OrescaDin gel by without a lawsuit on thai." telephone interview hi s support of coUective bargaining through the lEA was a major cause of his rejection. Gov , Daniel Walker nominated Nag le Undisclosed source of funds possible to fill the vacant board seat about three S~~e atox':~fll:e l e~~~~ i~~;r"w~h:. nesday night and was reject"ll there. but for Saluki Stables, student announces not because of his affiliation with , - Walker, he said. "They asked me no questions about By David C. Miller Jr. " At this point. another week or two " magic money" will nol suddenly a{'· Slu in particular." he added. "Severa I Daily Egyptian Stall Writer won 't ma tter in the decision. Orescar'n pear, he said, and since the IllinoiS Republican commit tee mem bers said said. He said he would receive lI'e Board of Higher Education views they didn' t like the organizations I A " very, very possible" new source of committee's report on fUDdinr education spending in terms of total . belong to." . - funds for Saluki Stables was announced suggestions Friday. amounts, lbe extra SIU program would late Thursday. following the ad· The report, completed before the last· ,eventually mean reduction of an existing ministratiorY-5 deferment until program or fund. December of the decision on wbether to minute source of funds a{'peared Thursday. considered and relected a close tbe facility. number of possible fWlding solulions for GIIS " We might be able to gl!l a lot of th~'J.~~e~ l::~~~I:ai:.n.:fn'~ money." said Rick Pere, chainnan of the stables. The only meaningful an· costs, is to ftnd long·term funding for its B()(/p the Student Senate as hoc committee swer, tbe report said, would be to in· opetjItion, Pere welcomed the hold 00 studying menas of financing the deficit· corporate the stables into the College of t.&e cIbsiDg decision, aDd said other Education and establish a two- or four· ridden stables. Pere ... ould not id~' y revenues will be sought iD the next few the potential source. expalining i was year degree program iD equestrianism. weeks. " not sure at all" yet. Orescanin had not seen the report Pere mentioned contacting horse and Peresaid a formal proposal was 'D the Thursday, but his oUbllIId reactioo to the h"arness racing associations and the maki"l!. and ....oldd !>e forwarded td e . solution was skeptical. The problem, he state government for long·term monies admlnlstrallon. He saId tbe mone ' said would be with· !"IuesliDg ad­ for the stables. would probably only meet the sOOrt· ditioDaJ funding and he saId he was not term f",ding needs ol the stables, wbiJe) Board ol Trusb.es or the state would " It's aIlto;ntative," be ·said, "but 10Dg·term measures conti Due to be ..... ct to suctI a plaD. we're Ihinkine ol ukiug for aublidies." sought. / " Pen! did not ~ yet whether the Earlier Daniel Aside from SIU'. troubled buqet. Gus .,. !he IIIIDD1s 5eMN ....,1eI ~y , Oresc:anin, nbaidles .would be ....Ible for 10DI' executive v;c,e presideot, said the Oresc:anin said, it Is "always pouibIe" term support. aad be aaid be •• pnIbIbIy u--. nix o.nIlo ar.-In taecau.
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