Fifth Series, Vol . LXIII No. 8 Friday, August 20, 1976 Sravana 29, 1898 (Saka) Lok Sabha Debates (Seventeenth Session) (Vol . LXIII, contains Nos. 1-10) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT New Delhi Price- Rs 2.00 CONTENTS N o. 8, Friday, August 20, i ^ 6 jSravana 29, 1898 (Saka) Co l u m n s Oral Answers to Questions: •Starred Questions Nos. 141, 143, 145, 146, 148, 151 to 153 and * 5 7 ...........................................................................................................1— 30 Written Answers to Questions: Starred Questions Nos. 142, 144, 147, 149, 150, 154 to 156 and 158 to 1 6 0 .......................................................................................30— 39 Unstarred Questions Nos. 1062 to 1068, 1070 and 1072 to 1178 . 39—127 Papers laid on the T a b l e ................................................................... 127—92 Messages from Rajya Sabha................................................................... 129—30 Adoption of Children Bill— (1) Report of Joint Committee..........................................................130 («■) Evidence....................................................................................... 130— 31 Business of the House— Shri K. Raghu R am a iah ....................................................................131— 32 Committee of Privileges— Eighteenth Report a d o p t e d ..........................................................132— 33 Bum Company and Indian Standard Wagon Company (Nationalisation) Bill— Introduced ......... 133 Statement Re. Bum Company and Indian Standard Wagon Company (Nationalisation) Ordinance, 1976— l a i d ...................................... 134 Braithwaite and Company (India) Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Bill— Introduced ...... 134 Statement Re. Braithwaite and Company (India) Limited (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Ordinance, 1976— laid . 135 Supplementary Demands for Grants (General), 1976-77 . 135— 77 Shri R. S. P an dey.............................................................................135— 4* Shri Shyam Sunder Mohapatra ...... 142— 49 Dr. Rudra Pratap S in g h ................................................................... 150— 56 Shri Ranabahadur S in g h ................................................................... 156— 57 Shri Chapalendu Bhattacharyyia ...... 157— 61 Shri K. Mayathevar . ~ ................................................161— 64 Shrimati Sushila Rohatgi ....... 164—74 *The sign+ marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) Col um ns Appropriation (No. 5) Bill, 1976— Introduced .... 177—75 Motion to consider— Shrimati Sushila R o h a t g i ......................................................... 177—78 Clauses 2, 3 and 1 ..............................................................................178—79 Motion to pass— Shrimati Sushila Rohatgi .......•r 179 Statutory Resolution Re. Increase in Export Duty on Hides, Skins etc.— Shri Pranab Kumar Mukherjee. ...... 179— Shri S. M. B a n e r j e e ...................................................................... 182—85 Statutory Resolution Re. Continuance in force of Proclamation in res - pect of Nagaland— 186—88 Shri K. Brahmananda Reddy . ....................................... 192—94 Shri S. M. Banerjee . ...........................................................188— 92 Statutory Resolution Re. Continuance in force of the Proclamation in respect of Tamil Nadu— Shri K. Brahmananda Reddy ....... 194—91 Committee on Private Members’ Bills and Resolutions— Sixty-sixth Report adopted ....... 197 Resolution Re. National Forest Policy— Shri Ajit Kumar Saha ........ 198—201 Shri M. C. D a g a .............................................................................. 299—20 Shri Chintamani Panigrahi ....... 209—1 Shri B. V. N a i k .............................................................................. 213— u Dr. V. K. R. Varadaraja R a o ....................................... 216—23 240—4 Shri D. K. P a n d a .............................................................................. 223—a Shri Giridhar G om ango.................................................................... 226— 2 Shri Annasaheb P. Shinde ....... 228—3 Shri P. K. Deo ......... 239-^4 Resolution Re. Provision of Facilities for Weaker Sections of Muslims — Shri C. K. Chandrappan .....................................................................242— - LOK SABHA DEBATES ^ ' .r .^..................... - . .,«£■ ■ ‘— ;--------------—.*■ 2 I ' ■ ■ (•! • LOK SABHA [know. There is a detailed report. There are many recommendations. I hope, I will not be asked to read out the whole thing. Friday, /4i<£ks* 20, 1976/Srava/ia 29, 1898 SHRI R.S. PANDEY : May I know (Sa*a) how many airports are in the country where the arrangement made is fully equipped to fight fire accidents? TAe La* SaMa me* at Eleven of the Clock SHRI RAJ BAHADUR: TheD.G.C.A. has got as many as 85 airports under his rMR. Spe a k e r tn f/w CJiair] control out of which 37 airports are being used by the Indian Airlines. The arrange- X>KAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ments for fighting fire accidents, etc. have been provided in some measure or other Fire Fighting Service® at Airports at all of them. *141. SHRI R.S. PANDEY: Will the SHRI INDRAJIT GUPTA : May I Minister of TOURISM AND CIVIL know whether it is a fact that sometime AVIATION be pleased to state: ago, in order to mprove the fire fight- ing services at the airports, some orders (*) w u t e Civil Aviation Review Com- had been placed for imported fire fighting m.ttee has suggested som - steps for improv- crash tenders about waich in this House ing fi:e fij u iig >ecvices at airports; and rainy Members had raised certain fb) if so, th: d.xisun of Government questions alleging that this type of crash ^thereon? tenders were not suitable for us and that the foreign suppliers were also THH MINISTER OF TOURISM demanding exorbitant prices for them and AND CIVIL AVIATION (SHRI RAJ wnether it is also a fact that now, after BAHADUR) : (a) and j(b). Yes, Sir. Go- further consideration and enquiry, th« vemm nthave appointed an Empowered Government has a Iso come to a conclusion C j.nnttee to process the re comm end a- that this particular type of fire fighting ti)'8 m iiib y ths C vil Aviation Review crash tenders are unsuitable and too ex C » ti 1 re *, with a view to finalise Go- pensive for us ? vernment decisions thereon. SHRI RAJ BAHADUR : It is true SHRI R. S. PANDEY : May I that tenders were floated for the procure- k iitf w'.ecier ths Civil Aviation Review ment of as miny as 20 crash fire tenders Camnittee w’nich was headed by Mr. and they were released in 1974. A 3 . R. D. Tata has submitted its report technical committee was set up. The and, if so, whit are the detailed tenders were floated on the basis of specifications given by the technical com- SHRI RAJ BAHADUR : As regards mittee. When the tenders came, they details, I will be able to place a summary were again examined by the technical ♦ofthemiin recommendations. I think, committee under the Chairmanship of the *iut his already been djae. I do not Secretary. Then, finally, an order wag 3 O nt jtaMwift WTyl JNHRRi i w w f l h r : qnft t r placed on M/i. Kronen beif jift *% **; "* | % 1075-76 ^ I know, we took fulLnote of the objections ftttiicie nlttdintheHouic and ottdde • 3 .1 0 7 4 . it and, utdmstely, we also dfew t*P the con- f c f c m *T f*!7 ?& fWT, ^ r tract so as to satisfy all owieqoittm nti. The tender that was accepted via* found w r I, X# % fa q aft by the Technical committee to be satis- btw iw 1 a r r w factory. But the negotiations on the contact took a very long time because V£«n ft WS 19 75-76 5 S jh ft M/i. Kronen be*® talced many objections. sft vTTWnft $ ftn r o tnr ?it Because of that, it took as much as about 12 months to finalise the contract, after i f w f l ifrc fairfa $m which they demanded an escalation of * * v iw rft ifch $ « « ift- 17-X-/2 per cent which was not acceptable to us. Therefore, we have floated tenders % tm v v ft sttfir * rf tk «pn? again. The tenders have been received ^ vffc afflff ^ | f r *wta*r w and they are under scrutiny now. wnr Ft^vr«r s3 *r ? Export of Tobacco ff -shI? *»$ arRsrT *rrj*rr fir sfvt fafc?v % *143- SHRI JAGANNATH MISHRA: Will the Minister of COMMERCE be *rr 1975-76 *» ipnra i pleased to state : % ’Ft w ^«TT ? «rfv ft ^ frtfb wft fw n ? *r (a) whether there is a proposal to export 5 tobacco this year; and f^TT ^ r ? r wm *n v*rfr *rr tt* rr f**TT I HTf* irwrrffi 7$ iftT (b) if so, the names of the countries and the quantum proposed to be exported? 5? m *f*T *r irfn Sr wnre’ ft ▼ j 1 THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF COMMERCE (SHRI SHRI VISHWANATH PRATAP* VISHWANATH PRATAP SINGH) : SINGH : The two years have been (a) Yes, Sir. of short crop of tobacco and the level of (b) During the year 1975-76, a total export? is expected to be the same. About quantity of 74* 3 million Kgs. of unmanu- the particular company, I would require; factured tobacco [valued at Rs. 93*10 separate notice. crores was exported to mote than 40 Countries in the world. Our major byers <ft w fM m fw * : * H t last year were U.K., U.S.S.R., Bangladesh, Japan, Italy, Irish Republic, Netherlands. Ir W W T WTgSTT f a % W V Hungary, Bulgaria, Somalia, Belgium and ft **r( sftwW*r France. The same (level of export* is expected to be maintained during this r r * m w n flr year also. The major directions of Export are likely to be
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