The Dead of the Several Regiments

The Dead of the Several Regiments

68 THE BALLOTING BOOK. THE DEAD OF THE SEVERAL REGIMENTS. T'n- NAMES AND RANK. Regiment. Compinv. Lot. Acres. Date. :h,,,. Ammorman, James, - - 2d Dubois 13 20 500 1790, Sept. 13. .'.' a ii Jeremiah,* - - 17 73 JUU Austin, Lounsberry See Res. Krjrj Land Ortire. ii . 3d ^>\jvj j,^. Abby, Samuel, sergeant, Jansen 1 49 7 ()c( "u appear ii a - - - 4th JUUtOO Atkins, Robert, Titus 18 92 deserted. a ii a Anthony, Francis, - - - tt 3 60 500 ii t. Ackerman, Daniel, - - 3d Bleecker 20 6 500 it a t. Ackerson, Benjamin, - - De Witt 20 36 500 a a Abbott, William, - - - Gregg 17:85 \of re;ui;i..'il a t. Atkinson, Philip, - - - Malcom Sandford 3 33 500 B. - i,< Bingham, James, - - 2d Hollett 20 9 500 1790, Sept. - it - - ii Belmy, Silas, - 4th Titus 13 24 500 a a ii Becker, Henry, sergeant, Piercy 22 31 500 a ii Boyles, Job, drummer, - Lilvingston Hansen 17 67 500 a - - a a i. Brock, Nathaniel, - 1444 500 - - a ii Bonker, William, - 5th Godwin 16 77 500 a Benjamin, Jonathan, - - 2d Hamtramck 19 21 500 ii a Baclannen, Henry, - - 4th Titus 8 43 500 ii a - - ii ii Basset, William, - Davis 19 95 500 - Baddel, Moses, - - 1st Hicks 26 13 500 1791, March V - Berry, Charles, - - 4th Sackett 21 72 500 1790, Sept. 13. tt - Blaze, Christian, - - M'Kracken 8 73 500 ii ii tt - Bryan, Thomas, - - Percy 11 80 500 ii ii Bromly, John, corporal, - 1st Wendell 18 43 500 ii ii a - Barrett, Walter, - - Col. Comp. 14 57 500 ii ii a Bullin. William, - - - Wendell 20 35 500 ii ii tt - a Barick, Samuel, - - 7 65 500 ii ii a - Brown, John, - - - Copp 19 53 500 ii ii a - a Bears, David, - - 4 23 500 ii ti Benson, William, - - - 2d Lounsberry 1 95 500 ii ii Black, Archibald, - - - 1st Van Rensselaer 17 58 500 ii it Brancil, - - - 2d Graham 22 13 450 tNot return ii ii Isaac,f ed. Pa'ent a a - - 14 2 500 ,lated G Nov. ti ii Ball, Joseph, Ie09. Bently, William, - - - 5th Stewart 20 46 500 ii it Buckhoutt, William, - - 2d Pell 7 31 500 ii a a a Burling, - - - 11 98 500 tllo appears ii a Levi,f leserted, al- iho' Bray, Thomas, corporal, 1st C. Comp. 16 54 500 issued. ii a a ||.\ot found, ii ultlio' tt Bradner, Thomas C. || Kean 16 66 500 issued. - a Barden, Robert, - - Fink 15 24 500 ii tt a Bell, John, corporal, - - Hicks 22 27 500 ii it Xo term of - - 4th 9 27 ii a Burrance, Henry, M'Kracken 500 enlistment. Burk, Edmund, - - - 1st Tiebout 26 6 500 ti a a Barrett, John, - - -- Ten Brook 16 33 500 ki a tt Bedner, K. Christopher or Christian, Wendell 16 95 500 ii tt a Babbet, Reuben, - - - M'Kean 3 1 500 ii tt a a Barrett, James, -- - 12 95 500 ii it a Blaar, Jacob, - - - - Fink 21134 500 ii tt Brown, Jonas, sergeant, - 2d Graham 20 27 600 it a tt Boulton, Jonathan, - - Lounsberry 19 23 500 it a THE BALLOTING BOOK. 69 THE DEAD OF THE SEVERAL REGIMENTS. T'n- NAMES AND RANK. Regiment. Company. Lot. Acres. Date. ship. *Not found. John,* - - 1790, Sept, 13. Buckhoutt, 2d Pell 20 15 Vide same name relum ii ii - - - a Brown, James, Hollett 4 56 500 ed withLee's Region here- ii ii - - - tt f\C\C\ Blue, Christian, Parson 8,34 after. ii ii Barton, Robert, - - - 13'g4 500 Artillery ii ii Beeckhorn, Jeremiah, 3d 26 2 500 C. Christey, John, corporal, 2d Dubois 20 86 500 Coon, William, - - it Smith 19 24 500 Cole, Henry, - - - tt Pell 13 39 500 Cartin, Thomas, - - tt Lounsberry 14 28 500 - - - tt 13. Cox, John, - 1st 14 80 500 1790, Sept it ii Corwin, Silas, -- - 2d Ricker 17 61 500 tt it Cline, Jacob, - 1st Wendell 16 93 500 a a Cain, Abel, -- - - a Copp 3 23 500 Vide a tIssued. tt u Chatfield, Samuel,f M'Kean 4 21 500 Min. Land 15th a a - Office, - tt Fink Chasy, Stephen, 7 35 500 March, 1807, No. 4. a a - - Christian, Peter,:}: 2d Wright 4 6 500 tQuere I beliere he U tt a - - 8 90 500 Chatfield, David, 1st Gregg yet alive. a a Craig, John, - - - 4th Smith 15 86 500 a u Craig, John, - -- 1st Col. Comp. 15 25 500 a a Christian, Anthony, - Livingston Hansen 24 50 500 a a Calaghan, John, 1st Bleecker 4 50 500 a a Cosgrove, John, 5th Stewart 11 91 500 a a Chaseley, Peter, - 1st M'Kracken 21 63 500 a it Cuffman, John, - - a Van Ness 4 17 500 a a Cannon, John, - - - tt M'Kean 21 58 500 it a Cooper, John, -- 2d Graham 22 41 500 a t( Christian, Benjamin, - tt Wright 24 9 500 a it Clark, James, - 4th Titus 2 71 500 a a a Cook, John, - - - Malcom 8 42 500 a a u Colford, Mathew, fifer, tt 10 21 500 a a Cole, Benjamin, private, Artillery 17 36 500 ti tt Condon, David, - - 2d Lounsberry 26 95 500 D. He Freest, Abraham, - 1st Wendell 26 62 500 TO, arekiS. Dimond, Moses, - - 2d Dubois 5 70 500 17M, flaps. 13. a ii it Depuy, John, - - Wright 14 92 500 - tt a Dewny, Elisha, - Hollett 25 30 500 a u Drummond, David, a Graham 18 62 500 a a tt Dingman, Adam, -- 1st Copp 23 59 500 tt a p- a tt - - 13 11 450 HLetten De Witt, Aaron, || ^,tentldered tt a tt - Rensselaer - Van 4 13 500 Man* 134 Dunlap, James, 1808. Davis, Jacob, - - - 5th Bevier 20 53 500 a Delvin, Francis, - - Hutchins 2 70 500 De Rotter, George, - 1st Fink 5 87 500 a Dunham, Israel, - - M'Kracken 3 68 500 - a De Staatsman, Jean, Fink 23 37 500 Downs, Patrick, - - 3d Gregg 5 13 500 ti - it Dayton, Samuel, - 4th Sackett 21 75 500 it ii - a u Dayton, Samuel Jun. 22 38500 a < - - Smith 13 500 <i De Mott, Peter, 69 it u Decker, John, - - * 26 44 500 tt u - - Pell 17 75 500 Dickens, Peter, 2d 70 THE BALLOTING BOOK. THE DEAD OF THE SEVERAL REGIMENTS. NAMES AND RANK. Regiment. Company. Lot. Aere6. Date. ,hir E. Eggen, Elijah, - - - - 2d Pell 13 35 500 1790, Sept. 13. ?Appears for John,* - -- a a Evance, 17 641500 3 years. See Min. Land - - - ti - Vandeburgh Ellis, Jacob, 23 97 500 Office, 21st Feb. 1808. - - 4th Titus Evance, William,f 18 42 tAppears de serted. English, John, -- - - n Sackett 16 91 500 a tt Edwards, David, - - - a Davis 24 33 500 tt tt - - - JN'ot - found, n a 2d Pell aitho' Ennis, David, J 19 44 500 issued. it Erwin, John, drum major, Lounsberry 26 68 500 a tt Frymier, John, drummer, 2d Dubois 11 30 500 1790, Sept. m. - a Fenton, Amos, private, Fowler 16 43 500 it fi a Fields, Philip, - - - - Pelton 9 88 500 ii ti Flyharty, Stephen, - - 1st Van Rensselaer 5 35 500 ii ii - - - a Frank, Jacob, - Graham 3 83 500 a ii Fowles, James, - - - 1st Jansen 2 57 500 a ii - - - 4th Sackett ||Qucre, is it ii Ferrey, Samuel, || 21 80 not this the same with - 1st 16 16 a ti Foy, Edmond, sergeant, Gregg 500 Samuel Ter - - a Bleecker 13 57 500 ry ? which a ti Funno, Anthony, see. France, Peter, - - - - 4th Marvin 18 72 500 a tt -- - a a France, John, - 19 69 500 it It Flinn, Andrew, - - - 1st Hicks 15 8 500 it ii Fletcher, Samuel or Lurance, 4th Majors 10 78 500 a ii Flagley, John, - - - - Artillery, Fleming 25 29 500 a a - - Frazer, Jeremiah, - 1st Graham 26 29 500 1791, March 18 G. Gilchrist, John, -- - 4th Smith 26 37 500 1790, Sept. 13 ti - - - Walker 13 50 ^Appear'd to ii ii Gray, Benjamin, $ Le for nine - - tionths. - 2d Pell 15 84 500 ii ii Graham, Moses, TJ 1 Appears to a - - - Marvin 5 97 500 be for 3 yrs. it ii Gipson, Robert, Granted Feb. tt Gauld, John, - - - - Graham 19 84 500 13, 1800. ii ii ** Robert,** - 1st 21 87 500 Executed, ii ii George, Copp altho' issued. a a Guttrick, Christian, - - 17 90 500 it ii a Garret, James, - - - - M'Kracken 18 88 500 ti ii tt Gorman, Richard, - -- Graham 15 94 500 it ii Gillaspy, James, - -- 4th Walker 9 34 500 it ii n Gulderslieve, Daniel, sergt. Malcom 17 9 500 ii ti Gross, John, .... 1st Copp 9 13 500 1791, March 13 Goodwin, Joseph, - - - Artillery 26 70 500 a ti - - - 1st Hicks 26 51 500 . tl3thSept, Gerrit, Samuel,ff killed. H. Houseman, George, -- 1st Wendell 5 26 500 1790, Sept. 13 a Harrison, Philip, - - - Copp 16 20 500 ii a tt Hungerford, David, - - M'Kean 25 90 500 ii ti tt Heldereth, Eliseath, - - M'Kracken 18 8 500 ii ii tt Headly, Bishop, - - - Jansen 21 90 500 ii ti tt. Holly, Benjamin, - - - Tiebout 5 77 500 ii ti tt 1 Hawkins, Isaac, - - - Bleecker 16 761500 ii it Harrick, William, - - 4th Sackett 5 81^500 ii a a Hooker, John, - - - - Titus 25 42 500 ii tt Hill, Joshua, - - - - 5th Godwin 1641500 ii a Harris, Cato, - - - - 2d Smith 19| 8 500 ti a Hunter, Ezekiel, - - - 5th Godwin 20 76.500 it ti THE BALLOTING BOOK. 71 THE DEAD OF THE SEVERAL REGIMENTS. T'n- NAMES AND RANK. Regiment. Company. Lot. Acres. Date. ahip. Harrin, Michael, - - - 2d Graham 1 46 500 1790, Sept. 13. - ii Henderson, Elisha, - 1st Fink 18 35 500 ii it Henly, David, .... a Eicks 20 7 500 ti Hoskins, Thomas, - - - a a 16 92 500 it a Hays, Thomas, - - - - tt M'Keen 19 89 500 tt a Henry, Michael, - - - 3d Bleecker 20 44 500 it tt Hyle, Conradt, ..

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