GENERAL AGREEMENT ON Ti"™*****1 TARIFFS AND TRADE Special Distribution ifoltilateral Trade Negotiations Original: French Group "Agriculture" Sub-Group on Dairy Products iaroar ;JID/OR EXPORT RSGEIS DT asspacT OF CKESOS Surooean Coonunlties and Switzerland In reply to the suggestion aade in the proposal concerning the future work of the Sub-Grcup circulated as docuaont KTH/IP/W/21, the information reproduced below has been received fron the Comissicn of the European Comunities and frcn the delegation of Switzerland. MIN/DP/W/22/Add.l Page 2 HJflOPILN OOMMriNTTTTC PART I Inpcrt Résine in Respect of Cheese in the Comunity Pa,:c : ?'ECE::T, :::E COM TAFIFl k.«e< DJIT Heading autoromout : Description number 1 . con MM ion ai •• "^ ' » » ! * 1 04.04 Cheese and curd (a): A. Emmentaler, Gruyère, Sbrinz, Eergkase and Appemell, not grated or powdered: I. Of a minimum fat content of 45e'» by weight, in the dry matter, marured for at least 3 months (b): a) Whole cheeses of a free-at-fror.tier value per 100 kg net weight of: 1. 205.S-O 'JA * or more, "eu le SE that". 23 (L) (c) 225.G6 UA * 23 (LI (0 b) Pieces packed in vacuum or in inert gas: 1. With rind on at least one ride, cf a net weight: aa) Of nor less than 1 kg but less than \ Vn and of a free- at-fronrtcr raiuc >t nor less than 22f>jB6 OA {*) but less thar 253.36 l'A {', per 100 kg net weight 23 (L) (c) bb; Of not less than 450 g and of a free-at-fientier value of not les? th-r. 253.36 l'A .*: per 10Û kg net weight . 23 (L) (0 2. Other, of a net weight of r.ot less than 75 g tut not more than 250 g and of a fred-ar-fror.tiet value of not less than 273.86L'A [*) per 100 ke net weight 23 (L) (c) II. Other 23 (L) — B. Glares herb cheese (known as Schabziger}, made from skimmed milk 23 (L) 12 23 (L) — D. Processed cheese, nor grated or powdered: I. In the blending of which only Emmenra'er, Gruyère and Appen- zell have been used and which may coiitain. as an addition, Giarus herb cheese (known as Schabziger), put 11 JJ for retail sale, of a free- at-frontier value of not less than 150 UA per 100 kg net v eight and of a fat content, bv weight, in the dry matter, not exceeding 56V» (b 1 23 (L) II. Other, of a fat content, by weight: a) Not exceeding 36*/» and of a fat content, by weight, in the dry matter: 23 (L) — 23 (L) — 23 (L) — rrrîi/DP/w/22/Add. l Paga 'J Rjre of Duty autonomous Description conventional UJ ' 1 04.04 Other: (continued) I. Not grated or powdered, of a fat content, by weight, not exceeding 40°/» and a water content, calculated by weight, of the non-fatty matter: a) Not exceeding 47% 23 (L) b) Exceed:ng 47°. • but not exceeding 72*/«: 1. Cheddar, including Chester: aa) Whole Cheddar chee>es, made from unpasteurised milk, of a minimum fat content of >0° » by weight, in the dry matter, matured for at least 9 months and of a free-at- frontier \alue of not less tl.an 202 UA per 100 leg net weight (b) 23 00 bb) Other 23 (L) 2. Tilsit and Butterkise, of a fat content, by weight, in the dry matter (b): aa) Not exceeding 48% 23 (L) bb) Exceeding 48°.o 23 (L) 3. Kashkaval (b) ,. 23 (L) 4. Cheese of sheep's milk or buffalo milk, in containers con­ taining brine, or in sheep or goatskin bottles (b) 2 5 (L) 5. Other 23 (L) c) Exceeding 72°'»: 1. In immediate packings of a net capacity not exceeding 500 g 23 (L) 2. Other 23 (L) II. Other: a) Grated or powdered 23 (L) b) Other 23 (L) a' The exchange rate to he applied in converting into national currencies t! e unit of account referred to in the sut-divisions of this :aadlng shall, notwithstanding 2eneral Rule C i contained in Part I. Section 1. be th« representative rate, if «uch a rate is fixed pursuant to Council Peculation V.o. 12? o~ the value or tfca wd\ of account and the exchange rates to re applied for '.. e purposes of the con- o- agricultural policy 0J *'o. 10 , 30.10.1^12, pa.-es 2" 3/-'2i. it) Entry under tl is iub-haading is subject 4o conditions to be determined Vy the corape'ent authorities. c See B telow. '*} Tor imports into tha "'nited Kingdom, t.-.is free-a' -fro'\\ ier • al'ie si.all 'e reduced by 5.99 UA per 10o kg. ne' . KTN/bP/W/22/Add.l Page 5 Explanatory notes to the tariff These notes appear in the Customs Tariff at the beginning of chapter 4- 1. (a) The expression "whole cheeses", as used in sub-heading 04.04 A 1(a), shall be taken to apply to whole cheeses of the conventional flat cylindrical shape of the following net weights: - Emmentaler: not less than 60 kgs. but not more than 130 kgs.; - Gruyère and Sbrinz: not less than 20 kgs. but not more than 45 kgs.; - Bergkase: not less than 20 kgs. but not more than 60 kgs.; - Appenzell: not less than 6 kgs. but not more than 8 kgs. (b) The expression "whole cheeses", as used in sub-heading 04.04 E l(b)l(aa), shall be taken to apply to: - whole cheeses of the conventional flat cylindrical shape of a net weight of not less than 39 kgs., but not more than 44 kgsr ; - cubic blocks of cheese of a net weight of not less than 16 kgs., but not more than 21 kgs. 2. Sub-heading 04.04 A l(b)2 shall be taken to apply only to goods the packings of which bear at least the following particulars: - the description of the cheesej - the fat content, by weight, in the dry matter; - the packer responsible; - the country of origin of the cheese. 3. For the purposes of sub-heading 04.04 D I, the expression "put up for retail sale" shall be taken to apply to cheese of kinds classified under that sub­ heading put up in immediate packings of a net weight not exceeding 1 kg., containing portions or slices of an individual net weight not exceeding 100grs. 4. For the purposes of sub-headings 04.04 A 1(a), A 1(b) and D I, the term "free-at-frontier value" shall be taken to mean the free-at-frontier price or free-on-board price in the country of exportation, plus a lump sum to be determined in respect of the expenses of delivery to the customs territory of the Community. The reference "(i-0" in the column "Rate of duty" means that the customs duties have been replaced by levies. MTN/bP/V/22/Add.l Page 6 B. IMPORT REGIME (i) The general régime in force in the Community is that described in document MTN/DPA/9. (ii) As explained in the document mentioned above, the Community has entered into a number of commitments with its suppliers. These commitments are of various kinds: (a) Bindings granted within GATT as a result of negotiations in GATT - Bindings in respect of Emmentaler, Gruyère, Sbrinz, Bergk'âse and Appenzell (04.04. A I) satisfying certain specifications in regard to price, quantity and presentation. The free-at-frontier prices as set out in the table below were those which were negotiated, but in the negotiations it was provided that these prices would be automatically adjusted in the light of changes in the price of Emmentaler in the Community. The customs duties charged on these products range from 7.5 to 15 UA/LOO kgs.l This concession benefits all third countries which satisfy the conditions laid down by the Community (submission of certificates)j at present, the countries in question are Switzerland, Finland and Austria. , cf. note (d) of the table below. Km/DP/V/22/Add.l Page 7 Rate of T*rlff Description of goods conventional heading duties % 04.0* Cheese and ourdi A. Enroentaler, Oruyère, Sbrlriz , Bergkase and Appenzell, not grated or powdered: I. Of a minimum fat content of 45# by weight, in the dry matter, matured for at least 3 months (a): (a) Whole cheeses (b) of a free-at-frontier value per 100 kgs. net weight of: ex 1. 130.40 UA or more, but less than 150.15 UA (other than Appenzell) (c)(d) 20 UA per 100 kcs. net weight tx. 2. 150.15 UA or more (other than Bergkase) (c) 7.5 UA per 100 kgs. net weight (b) Vacuum-packed pieces: 1. With rind on at least one side, of a net weight: «x (aa) of not less than 1 kg. but loss than 5 kgs. and -f a frce-at- frontier value of not less than 150.40 UA but 3 ss than 178.40 UA per 100 kgs. net weisnt (other than A inzell) (c) (d) 20 UA per 100 k~s. net weight « (bb) of not less than 450 grs. and of a free-at-froniier value of not less than 178.40 UA per 100 kgs. net weight (other than Bergkase) (c) 7.5 UA per 100 kgs. net weight •x 2. Other, of a net weight of not less than 75 grs.
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