TRIPURA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY 12th Legislative Assembly 4TH SESSION (From the 22nd February, 2019 to 1st March, 2019) RESUME OF BUSINESS TRIPURA LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY SECRETARIAT ASSEMBLY HOUSE, AGARTALA C O N T E N T S Sl. No. Subject-Matter Pages I. Summons. 1 II. Duration of the Session. 1 III. Sitting of the Assembly. 1 IV. Governor’s Address. 1 V. Moving of Motion of thanks on the Governor’s Address. 1 VI. Discussion on the Motion of thanks to the Addressed by the Governor. 2 VII. Condemnation and Condolence Motion. 2 VIII. Congratulatory Motion. 3 IX. Obituary References. 3 X. Questions. 3 XI. Reference Cases. 5 XII. Calling Attention. 5 XIII. Announcement by the Chair. 5 XIV. Statement made by the Chief Minister / Ministers 7 XV. Presentation and acceptence of the Business Advisory Committee Report – Adopted. 8 XVI. Presentation of the Committee Reports. 8 XVII. Financial Business. 8 XVIII. Laying of Papers on the Table of the House. 10 XIX. Matter Raised by Members. 12 XX. Private Member’s Resolution – Adopted. 15 XXI. Private Member’s Resolution – Canceled by the House. 17 XXII . Legislative Business 17 XXIII. Formation of Elected Committees 18 XXIV. Formation of Nominated Committees For The Financial Year 2019-2020 20 XXV. Valedictory Speech Made by the Chair 24 XXVI. Admission to Galleries 24 Reference Cases (Appendix-I) 25 Calling Attention (Appendix-II) 28 2È019•zÇ ï˛y!Ó˚ˆÏá Ùyll#Î˚ Ó˚yçƒ˛õy° وϕyòÎ˚ ~•z §Ë˛yÎ˚ ˆÎ ˲y£Ïî ≤Ãòyl ܲˆÏÓ˚ˆÏSÈl ï˛yÓ˚çlƒ !e˛õ%Ó˚y !Óôyl§Ë˛yÓ˚ §ò§ƒ ˘ §ò§ƒyÓ,® à˲#Ó˚˲yˆÏÓ Ü,˛ï˛K˛–ÛÛ The Motion was seconded by Smt. Kalyani Roy, Hon’ble Govt. Chief Whip. The Motion was accepted by the House Unanimously. VI. DISCUSSION ON THE MOTION OF THANKS TO THE ADDRESSED BY THE GOVERNOR. The Motion of thanks to the Address by the Governor on 22nd February, 2019 was moved by Shri Ratan Lal Nath, Hon’ble Minister-in-charge of the Parliamentary Affairs Department and was seconded by Smt. Kalyani Roy, Hon’ble Govt. Chief Whip as follows :- !l¡¨!°!áï˛ ÙˆÏÙ≈ !e˛õ%Ó˚yÓ˚ Ùyll#Î˚ Ó˚yçƒ˛õyˆÏ°Ó˚ !lÜ˛ê˛ §Ë˛yÓ˚ Ü,˛ï˛K˛ï˛y Óƒ_´ ܲÓ˚y •í˛zܲ ˆÎ ÈüüüÈ ÚÚàï˛ 22ˆÏ¢ ˆÊ˛Ó &Î˚yÓ˚#ñ 2019 ï˛y!Ó˚ˆÏá Ùyll#Î˚ Ó˚yçƒ˛õy° ~•z §Ë˛yÎ˚ ˆÎ ˲y£Ïî ≤Ãòyl ܲˆÏÓ˚ˆÏSÈl ï˛yÓ˚ çlƒ !e˛õ%Ó˚y !Óôyl§Ë˛yÓ˚ §ò§ƒÓ,® à˲#Ó˚˲yˆÏÓ Ü,˛ï˛K˛–ÛÛ The Motion of thanks on the Governor’s Address was debated on 25th and 26th February, 2019. Shri Ratanlal Nath, Hon’ble Minister-in-charge of the Parliamentary Affairs Department initiated discussion on the Motion of thanks. Fifteen Hon’ble Members took part in the discussion. At the end of the debate, all the amendments to the Motion of thanks were put to voice vote and negatived. Therefore, the Motion of thanks to the Addressed by the Governnor as moved by Shri Ratan Lal Nath, Hon’ble Minister-in-charge of the Parliamentary Affairs Department and seconded by Smt. Kalyani Roy, Hon’ble Govt. Chief Whip was adopted by the House Unanimously. VII. CONDEMNATION AND CONDOLENCE MOTION On February 22, 2019 the Hon’ble Chairman moved the following Condemnation and Condolence Motion :- Ùyll#Î˚ §ò§ƒ G §ò§ƒyàîñ xy!Ù à˲#Ó˚ ò%/ˆÏáÓ˚ §!•ï˛ ~•z §Ë˛yˆÏܲ çyly!FSÈ ˆÎñ àï˛ 14•z ˆÊ˛Ó &Î˚yÓ˚#ñ 2019 ï˛y!Ó˚á Ó,•flõ!ï˛ÓyÓ˚ !Óܲy° 3ê˛y 15 !Ù!lê˛ lyàyò ç¡ø% G ܲyŸ¬#ˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ ˛õ%°GÎ˚yÙy ˆç°yÓ˚ xÓhs˝#ˆÏ˛õyÓ˚yÎ˚ ◊#làÓ˚ ÈüÈ ç¡ø% •y•zGˆÏÎ˚ˆÏï˛ âˆÏê˛ ˆà° í˛z˛õï˛ƒÜ˛yÓ˚ •z!ï˛•yˆÏ§Ó˚ §Ó ˆÌˆÏܲ ˲Î˚yÓ• ç!D •yÙ°y– xˆÏlܲê˛y xy•z ~§ ˆày¤˛#Ó˚ ܲyÎ˚àyÎ˚ ~ܲ xydâyï˛# ç•z¢ÈüÈ•zÈüÈÙ•¡øò ç!D 350 ˆÜ˛!ç !ÓˆÏfl≥˛yÓ˚ܲ ˆÓyV˛y•z ~ܲ!ê˛ ày!í˛¸ !lˆÏÎ˚ !§ xyÓ˚ !˛õ ~Ê˛ çGÎ˚ylˆÏòÓ˚ ܲl˲ˆÏÎ˚ ì%˛ˆÏܲ ˛õˆÏí˛¸– çGÎ˚ylˆÏòÓ˚ ܲl˲Î˚ ˆ§áyˆÏl ˆ˛õÑÔSȈÏï˛•z !ÓˆÏfl≥˛yÓ˚ܲ ˆÓyV˛y•z ày!í˛¸!ê˛ ~ܲ!ê˛ ÓyˆÏ§ ôyE˛y ÙyˆÏÓ˚– ≤ÃÓ° !ÓˆÏfl≥˛yÓ˚ˆÏî SÈ!í˛¸ˆÏÎ˚ !SÈ!ê˛ˆÏÎ˚ ˛õˆÏí˛¸ çGÎ˚ylˆÏòÓ˚ ˆò•yÇ¢– âê˛lyÓ˚ xyܲ!fløܲï˛y ܲy!ê˛ˆÏÎ˚ çGÎ˚ylÓ˚y xlƒ Óy§ ˆÌˆÏܲ lyÙyÓ˚ xyˆÏà•z ï˛yˆÏòÓ˚ !âˆÏÓ˚ ôˆÏÓ˚ ~ˆÏ°y˛õyÌy!í˛¸ =!° ã˛y°yˆÏï˛ ÷Ó˚& ܲˆÏÓ˚ °%!ܲˆÏÎ˚ Ìyܲy ç!DÓ˚y– ˛õy!ܲhflÏyˆÏlÓ˚ Ùòï˛˛õ%‹T ç•z¢ÈüÈ•zÈüÈÙ•¡øò ç!DˆÏòÓ˚ xï˛!Ü≈˛ï˛ •yÙ°yÎ˚ ≤Ãyî •yÓ˚yˆÏ°l !§ xyÓ˚ !˛õ ~Ê˛ÈüÈ~Ó˚ xyl%Ùy!lܲ 44 çl çGÎ˚yl– xy•ï˛ˆÏòÓ˚ §ÇáƒyG 40 SÈy!í˛¸ˆÏÎ˚ˆÏSÈ– ç¡ø% G ܲyŸ¬#ˆÏÓ˚Ó˚ xÓhs˝#ˆÏ˛õyÓ˚yÎ˚ §sfy§Óyò#ˆÏòÓ˚ ÚÚâ,îƒ G ܲy˛õ%Ó˚&ˆÏ£Ïy!ã˛ï˛ÛÛ •yÙ°yÓ˚ âê˛lyˆÏܲ !e˛õ%Ó˚y !Óôyl§Ë˛y !ôE˛yÓ˚ 2 X. QUESTIONS Information in details regarding questions during the Session are given below :- 1. Number of Notices of Questions received : i) Short Notice : Nil ii) Starred : 278 Nos. iii) Un-starred : 97 Nos. Total : 375 Nos. 2. Number of Questions admitted : i) Short Notice : Nil ii) Starred : 187 Nos. iii) Un-starred : 129 Nos. Total : 316 Nos. 3. Number of Questions converted from : i) Short Notice to Starred : Nil ii) Starred to Un-starred : 46 Nos. Total : 46 Nos. 4. Number of Questions returned to the Hon’ble Members Concerned for improvement, if any : i) Starred : 01 ii) Un-starred : 01 Total : 02 5. Number of Questions put down in the list of Business : i) Short Notice : Nil ii) Starred : 138 Nos. iii) Un-starred : 94 Nos. Total : 232 Nos. 6. Number of Questions orally answered on the Floor of the House : i) Short Notice : Nil ii) Starred : 49 Nos. Total : 49 Nos. 4 3. I am, therefore, returning the “Tripura Industries (Facilitation) Bill, 2018, to the Tripura Legislative Assembly as per provision of Article of 200, with request to consider the possibility of deleting clause 27 and also to insert a time limit under the removal of difficulty clause (clause 32) of the Bill.” At the conclusion, the Hon’ble Chairman requested the Secretary, Tripura Legislative Assembly to lay the letter on the Table of the House. The Secretary, Tripura Legislative Assembly laid a copy of the letter on the Table of the House under rule 144(2) of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Tripura Legislative Assembly. b) On February 25, 2019 the Hon’ble Deputy Speaker announced and read-out the letter received from Smt. Santana Chakma, Hon’ble Minister- in-charge of the Social Welfare and Social Education Department informing that she would not be present in the House on the 25th February, 2019 and all duties and business of the day in respect of the Hon’ble Mininster- in-charge of the Social Welfare and Social Education Department in the House would be performed by Shri Ratan Lal Nath, Hon’ble Minister-in-charge of the Education, Law and Parliamentary Affairs Department. c) On February 27, 2019 the Hon’ble Deputy Speaker announced in the House that the on going Assembly Session would conclude on 1st March, 2019. So the Hon’ble Members were requested not to submit Reference notice and Calling attention notice on 28th February and 1st March, 2019. d) On February 28, 2019 the Hon’ble Deputy Speaker announced that the General Discussion on Budget Estimates for the financial year 2019-2020 which started on 27th February, 2019 concluded that day, i.e. 28th February, 2019 at 3.30 P.M. Next, General Discussion would start on Cut-Motions. Thereafter, voting would be conducted. e) On March 1, 2019 the the Hon’ble Deputy Speaker announced in the House a 5 (five) members committee comprising 2 (two) from Opposition and 3 (three) from the ruling side with Director, Planning and Co-ordination as proposed by the Hon’ble Finance Minister on 22nd February, 2019 during Question hour for direction to simplify the implementation of the ‘Bidhayak Elaka Unnayan Prakalpa’ in the State. The members are :- 1. Smt. Kalyani Roy, Hon’ble Govt. Chief Whip. 2. Shri Ratan Chakraborty, Hon’ble Member. 6 XV. PRESENTATION AND ACCEPTENCE OF THE BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE REPORT - Adopted. On February 22, 2019 the Hon’ble Chairman requested the Hon’ble Dy. Speaker to present the report of the Business Advisory Committee before the House for allocating the time for transaction of various items for the 4th Session of the 12th Tripura Legislative Assembly from the 22nd February, 2019 to 1st March, 2019. Shri Biswabandhu Sen, the Hon’ble Deputy Speaker moved under rule 236 (1) of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Tripura Legislative Assembly of the following Motion :- ÚÚ!ÓçˆÏl§ xƒyí˛Ë˛y•z§yÓ˚# ܲ!Ù!ê˛ Ü˛ï,≈˛Ü˛ ≤ÃhflÏy!Óï˛ §ÙÎ˚ !lâ≈ˆÏrê˛Ó˚ §!•ï˛ ~•z §Ë˛y ~ܲÙï˛–ÛÛ (The Motion was adopted by the House unanimously ) XVI. PRESENTATION OF THE COMMITTEE REPORTS a) Report of the Committee on Entittlement of Members of the House . On February 25, 2019 Shri Ratan Lal Nath, Hon’ble Minister (Chairman) of the Committee on Entittlement of Members of the House presented and laid on the Table of the House the report. b) Report of the Committee on Welfare of Schedule Tribes and Government Assurance.
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