SCIENTIST GEO VOLUME 25 NO 7 u AUGUST 2015 u WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST The Fellowship Magazine of the Geological Society of London UK / Overseas where sold to individuals: £3.95 REVIEWS SPECIAL [Inside This Issue! ] BULLARD’S FIT Celebrating the 50th anniversary of Sir Edward Bullard’s computer-aided solution to the Atlantic jigsaw REVIEWS SPECIAL LIFELONG LEARNING FUNDING COLLECTIONS Fifteen new books reviewed, Continuous Professional Online – Nineteenth Century in bumper Special issue Development essential acquisition dynamics revealed Corporate Supporters: First Announcement and Call for Abstracts – 31 August 2015 Rifts III: Catching the wav Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the wate 22-24 March 2016 Geological Society of London, Burlington House, London Convenors: Scot Fraser 6KHOO8SVWUHDP$PHULFDV 86$ Al Fraser ,PSHULDO&ROOHJH/RQGRQ UK Mike Lentini 05/8SVWUHDP&RQVXOWLQJ 3KRWR2IIVKRUH6LUW%D 86$ Tony Dore A world class international 3-day technical conference – Statoil, London, UK convened by the Petroleum Group of the Geological Society of London Nick Kuznir Processes and Structures Models, Observations and Interpretations Implications for Petroleum G University of Liverpool, UK *LYHQWKHVLJQL¿FDQWDGYDQFHVLQWKHVFLHQFHRIULIWVDQGULIWHGPDUJLQVDQGWKHLQFUHDVLQJDYDLODELOLW\RIQHZ Gianreto Manatschal UHJLRQDOVHLVPLFDQGZHOOGDWDLWVHHPVDSSURSULDWHWRUHYLVLWWKHUDSLGO\HYROYLQJVXEMHFWPDWWHUDQGFRQFH 8QLYHUVLWpGH6WUDVERXUJ 7KHREMHFWLYHVRIWKHFRQIHUHQFHDUHWRFKDOOHQJHSDUDGLJPVDQGFRQVLGHUWKHDSSOLFDELOLW\RIQHZLGHDVWR France VXEVXUIDFHGDWDVHWV&RQWUDVWLQJDQGFRQWUDGLFWRU\PRGHOVKDYHHPHUJHGLQWKHODVW\HDUVIURPERWKLQG Christian Heine DFDGHPLDUHJDUGLQJWKHHYROXWLRQRIULIWHGPDUJLQV*HRORJLFDO³ODERUDWRULHV´VXFKDVWKH$OSV$IDU(DVW$ 6KHOO8SVWUHDP,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6RXWK$WODQWLFDQGWKH/DEUDGRU,EHULDFRQMXJDWHPDUJLQDUH\LHOGLQJQHZPRGHOVIRUULIWHYROXWLRQZLWKLPSO The Netherlands IRUKHDWÀRZDQGFUHDWLRQRIDFFRPPRGDWLRQVSDFH7KHWHFKQLFDOSURJUDPZLOOEHGHVLJQHGWRDGGUHVVPD WKHFULWLFDOSDUDPHWHUVUDLVHGLQWKHVHDUHDVHJULIWDUFKLWHFWXUHVEUHDNXSPRGHOVFRQWLQHQWRFHDQERXQ Kristan Reimann VXEVLGHQFHSDWWHUQVIDFLHVGLVWULEXWLRQDQGKHDWÀRZ7KHWKUHHGD\FRQIHUHQFHZLOOEHFRQVWUXFWHGDURXQG Maersk Oil & Gas, Denmark GD\VHVVLRQVDQGIRXUEURDGWKHPHVRIRUDOSUHVHQWDWLRQWKDWZLOOSRODUL]HWKHVFDOHVRILQYHVWLJDWLRQDQGUH John Underhill GLUHFWDSSOLFDELOLW\RIWKHHPHUJLQJWKHRUHPV0DQ\ULIWPRGHOSDUDGLJPVXQGHUSLQRXUXQGHUVWDQGLQJDQGH RIULIWHGFRQWLQHQWDOPDUJLQVDQGQHZH[SORUDWLRQFRQFHSWVQHHGWREHFRQVLVWHQWO\DSSOLHG+RZHYHUQXPH +HULRW:DWW8QLYHUVLW\8. DVSHFWVRIFUXVWDOHYROXWLRQDQGOLWKRVSKHULFH[WHQVLRQUHPDLQFRQWHQWLRXVDQGQHZVXEVXUIDFHGDWDVHWVK Katya Casey KLJKOLJKWHGLPSRUWDQWDSSDUHQWFRQMXJDWHSDUDGR[HV+HDWÀRZVXEVLGHQFHDQGSDVVLYHPDUJLQIRUPDWLRQD 0XUSK\2LO&RUSRUDWLRQ86$ EHVXEMHFWWRERWKWHPSRUDODQGVSDWLDODQRPDOLHVUHODWHGWRULIWSURFHVVHV7KHIXWXUHVXFFHVVUDWHVRIH[S of deep-water continental margins will require the deployment of new insights rapidly and effectively. The th FRQIHUHQFHLQWKLVZRUOGFODVVVHULHVVHHNVWRDWWUDFWOHDGLQJHGJHVFLHQFHZLWKD7KHPDWLF3XEOLFDWLRQSODQ Sponsors: Abstracts that address the following suggested themes are welcomed: *HRPHWU\RI5LIWHG&RQWLQHQWDO0DUJLQV (PSLULFDOGDWDDQG(PHUJLQJ&RQFHSWV 7UDQVLWLRQWR3DVVLYH&RQWLQHQWDO0DUJLQV Facies prediction & relationships Thermo-mechanical constraints and Numerical Models Call for Oral Abstracts: 3OHDVHVXEPLWDEVWUDFWVRIZRUGVRUOHVVWR/DXUD*ULI¿WKVDWWKH*HRORJLFDO6RFLHW\RI/RQGRQ Session Sponsors: ODXUDJULI¿WKV#JHROVRFRUJXNDQGVFRWIUDVHU#VKHOOFRP$GGLWLRQDOGHWDLOVFDQEHDFFHVVHGYLDWKHFRQIH ZHESDJHZZZJHROVRFRUJXN3*5LIWV,,, For further information please contact: /DXUD*ULI¿WKV7KH*HRORJLFDO6RFLHW\%XUOLQJWRQ+RXVH3LFFDGLOO\/RQGRQ:-%*7 RUHPDLOODXUDJULI¿WKV#JHROVRFRUJXN At the forefront of petroleum geos www.geolsoc.org.uk/pet GEOSCIENTIST CONTENTS 07 15 10 24 REGULARS 05 Welcome Ted Nield hails the growth of ‘Books & Arts’ and IN THIS ISSUE... invites you to become a reviewer 06 Society news What your Society is doing at home and abroad, in London and the regions 09 Soapbox Tracey Radford and David Shilston take an engineering geological perspective on CGeol’s quarter- century 15 Letters We welcome your thoughts 16 Books and arts Seventeen new book reviews ON THE COVER: 24 People Geoscientists in the news and on the move 10 Bullards Fit 26 Obituary John Staveley Watson 1945-2014 It’s 50 years since Teddy Bullard and others published their landmark paper on the 27 Calendar Society activities this month transatlantic fit. Douglas Palmer has the story… 28 Obituary Christopher King 1943-2015 29 Crossword Win a special publication of your choice Funding Fossil Collections: Correspondence illuminating the dynamics behind the NLINE acquisition of geological collections by public museums in the 19th Century, by Philip Compton Society News - Society appoints Sarah Fray as SPECIALS Executive Secretary, to succeed Edmund Nickless WWW.GEOLSOC.ORG.UK/GEOSCIENTIST | AUGUST 2015 | 03 New publications To add to your bookshelf 50% DISCOUNT FOR Browse the Online Bookshop for these and other titles GSL FELLOWS! Members of other societies from the Geological Society and other earth science may also qualify for discounts – get in touch for publishers, visit: www.geolsoc.org.uk/bookshop information. GEOSCIENTIST WELCOME Geoscientist is the ADVERTISING SALES ~ Fellowship magazine of Ollie Kirkman FIFTY YEARS AGO, A PAPER WAS the Geological Society T 01727 739 184 of London E ollie@centuryone PUBLISHED DESCRIBING THE FIRST USE OF publishing.uk The Geological Society, MUMERICAL METHODS TO GENERATE A Burlington House, Piccadilly, ART EDITOR London W1J 0BG Heena Gudka COMPUTERISED ‘FIT’ OF THE CONTINENTS T +44 (0)20 7434 9944 F +44 (0)20 7439 8975 DESIGN & PRODUCTION THAT ‘COULD NOT BE DUE TO CHANCE’ E [email protected] Jonathan Coke Front cover image: © Semnic/Shutterstock.com (Not for Editorial - Please ~ contact the Editor) PRINTED BY Century One Publishing House Publishing Ltd. The Geological Society Publishing House, Unit 7, Copyright Brassmill Enterprise Centre, The Geological Society of Brassmill Lane, Bath London is a Registered BA1 3JN Charity, number 210161. T 01225 445046 ISSN (print) 0961-5628 F 01225 442836 ISSN (online) 2045-1784 Library The Geological Society of London FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK: T +44 (0)20 7432 0999 accepts no responsibility for the F +44 (0)20 7439 3470 views expressed in any article in this publication. All views expressed, E [email protected] except where explicitly stated otherwise, represent those of the EDITOR-IN-CHIEF author, and not The Geological Room with a review Professor Peter Styles Society of London. All rights reserved. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, EDITOR copied or transmitted save with Dr Ted Nield written permission. Users registered elcome to August, and our books are all proper editions – E [email protected] with Copyright Clearance Center: the Journal is registered with CCC, 27 this year’s Reviews none of your unedited, unindexed, EDITORIAL BOARD Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970, USA. 0961-5628/02/$15.00. Every Special. In these pages paper-bound, laser-printed pre-pubs Dr Sue Bowler effort has been made to trace you will find not four but or e-books (unless available only in Mr Steve Branch copyright holders of material in Dr Robin Cocks this publication. If any rights have 17 new book reviews to that format) that have now become Prof. Tony Harris been omitted, the publishers offer W help you plan your reading over the the sorry lot of commercial reviewing. Dr Howard Falcon-Lang their apologies. Dr Jonathan Turner No responsibility is assumed by the coming winter. Our review copies are the real thing. 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