Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 57(4),2003,306- 308 INDEX FOR VOLUME 57 (new names in boldface) Abaera, 168 Calhoun, J. V, 204, 308 distribution, 176, 253, 295 Abbot, John, 204 Callaghan, C. J., 193 DNA,17 abundance, 295 camouflage, 168 Donovan, J., 2.5 Accintapubes, 121 Canada, 249 Duarte, M., 239 acoustics, J Caribbean, 121 dwarf mistletoe, 47 activity patterns, 161 Casagrande, M. M., 239 adaptations, 274 Catalunia, 161 Eantis thraso, 43 Africa, 1,235 caterpillars, 239, 291 early stages, 54, 68 Agraulis vanillae, 279 Celastrina, 150 eastern seahoard, 270 Aiello, A., 168 cerrado, 291 ecology, 29,5 Alherta, 249 Chacin, M. E. , 86 Ecuador, 43, 54, 62, 68, 193 alien species, 270 checkerspot butterflies, 176 Edith's copper 249 Amarillo S. , A., 54 chemical communication, 220 Elachistidae, 36, 291 Amauris albimaculata, 235 Chionodes,47 elevation, 2,53 Anaea troglodyta .fioridalis, 243 Chlarnydastis platyspora, 291 Elymnias hypermnestra undularis, 147 Andes, 62 Chlosyne gorgone , 204 energetics, 284 androconia, 279 Chlosyne nycteis, 204 entomophagy, 1 angular appendices, 147 Chorelltidae, 168 enzyme activity, 284 Anoplolepis, 1 Chrysothamnus, 144 Epiblema gibsoni, 230, 233 ant -association, 1 Citrus, 43 Epiblema infelix, 230 Anweiler, G. c., 249 Claassens, A. J. M., 1 Epiblema tvalsinghami, 230 aphytophagy, 1 Clavijo, J. A., 86 Epipaschiinae, 121 Apiaceae 36, 153 cocoons, 168 escape holes, 168 aposematism, 168 Colias alexandra, 274 Euchlaena, 107 Arceuthobiurn, 47 Colias occidentalis 8ullivani, 275 Eucosmini,230 Arsenura armida, 220 Collins, M. M., 159 Euliini,113 Arsenurinae, 220 Colomhia, 54, 62 Euphydryas, 176 Aster, 144 common gem butterfly, 295 Euphydryas anicia, 176 Asteraceae, ] 53, 197 common palm butterfly, 147 Euphydryas colon, 176 Asterope markii, 68 conifers, 47 Euptychia peculiaris, 100 Austin, G. T., 75 , 76, 176 Conlan, C. A., 54 Euthalia, 47 avocado, 121,253 Copaxa lunula, ,54, ,59 evolution, 1, 23,5 avocado-feeding, 121 Copaxa orientalis, ,54 Copaxa semioculata, 54 fecal pellets, 168 Bacillus thuringiensis, 92 corn, 92 fecal stalactites, 168 Baird, Thomas, 249 Costa Rica, 1l:3, 121,253 feeding specialist, 291 Bassus, 113 Costa, J. T., 220 Ferguson, D. c., 270, 299 Baughman, J. F. , 176 Covell Jr., C.v, 230 fiery skipper, 239 behavior, 43, 161,279 Crambidae, 270 Filatirna nalalis, 47 Bendicho-Lopez, A., 291 Crematogaster, 1 fire, 137 Berenbllum, M. R., 36 Croton, 243 fire-adaptation, 137 hiocontrol, 270 Cucul/ia asteroides, 144 Fitzgerald, T. D., 161 biodiversity, 253 Cucullia montanae, 144 Fleishman, E., 176 biogeography, 86, 274 Cucullia simi/aris, 144 Florida, 243 biological control, 113 Cuculliinae, 144 food plant record, 149 biology, 197 Cyan iris ladon var. quesnellii, 150 food plant, 47, 274 birdvving butterflies, 17 Cyrnothoe herminia, 23,5 foodplants, 274 bivoltine, 291 foraging, 161,220 black swallowtail, 149 Danaus plexippus, 92, 284 Formicidae, 1 BIas, X.P.!., 16] De Marmels, .J., 86 Freitas, A.VL., 100 Bolivia, 54 defense mechanisms, 168 Brazil, 100, 291 Depressari(l, 36 Galechiidae, 47 Brenthia, 168 Desch-O'Donnell, M., 284 genetically modified plants, 92 British Columbia, 1,50 detritus, 1 genital plate, 147 Brown, J.W., 113, 2,53 DeVries, P. J., 77, 157, 235 genitalia, 147, 176 Bt,92 diapause, 2.5 geographical distribution, 295 buckmoth, 137 Dichrorampha acuminatana, 152 Geometridae, 107 burn, 137 Dichrorarnpha petiverella, 1,52 Georgia, 204 butterfly mimicry, 235 Dichrorarnpha vancouverana, 1,52 Glaser, J. D., 270 Byron-Cooper, 0., 284 Diniz, 1. R., 291 Goldstein, P. Z., 153 VOLUME 57, NUMBER 4 307 Goztek, D. A., 220 Launer, A. E., 176 N octuidae, 144, 1.53, 197 grasslands, 137 Lauraceae, 12l, 253 North Amelica, 1.52 grass-specializing feeders, 239 leaf phenology, 291 Nymphalidae, 47, 62, 68. 81, 92, 100, 147, Great Basin, 176 lectotype, 150 176,204,23.5,243,279 Greeney, H. F. , 43 Lemaire, c., 54 gregarious caterpillars, 161,220 Levine, E., 284 obituary, 299 Grindelia, 144 Libythea collenettei, 81 Oeotea veraguensis, 121 group foraging, 220 Libytheinae, 81 01 ethren tinae, 1.52 gulf fritillary, 279 life cycles, 43 Olethreutinae, 230 Guppy, C. S., 150 life history, 1,43,68, 100, t07, ]13, 144, 19:3 Oregon, 137 Lomatium, 36 Orthoeonwtis, 2.53 habitat, 29.5 lucia, 150 Orthocomotis altivolans, 26.5 habits, 295 lunula, .54 Orthocomotis longicilia, 2.58 Hammmond, P. C., 274 Lycaena editha, 249 Orthocomotis similis, 263 Harp, C. E., 197 Lycaenidae, 1,47, 1.50,249,295 overwintering, 161,284 Hay, J. D. V, 291 Lytrosis pernwgnaria, 107 oviposition hehavior, 193 Heath, A., 1 Lytrosis sinuosa, 107 Oxypolis rigidior, 149 Hcliconiinae, 279 Lytrosis unitaria, 107 Heliothinae, 197 Palaearctic, ].52 Hemileuca eglanterina, 137 mandible, 239 palatability spectrum, 23.5 Hennessey, M. K., 243 Marqnesas Islands, 81 Panama, 168 Hereau, H. , 71 maternal investment, 137 Pantepui, 86 Hesperiidae, 43, 239 mating behavior, 279 Papaipema, 1.53 Hesperiinae, 239 Matsuka, If., 17 Papilio canadensis, 2.5 heterospecific mating, 71 McCorkle, D. v., 274 Papilio glaueus, 2.5 Hill, R. 1., 68 Mckenna, D. D., 36 Papilio glaueus, 71 Himalayas, 295 Melanis leucophlegma, 193 Papilio polyxenes, 71 Hodges, R. W, 299 Melitaea ismeria, 204 Papilio polyxenes, 149 holarctic, 152 MetZinger, C., 284 Papilionidae, 17, 71, 149 Hope, K. 252 Michigan, 25 parasitism, 243 Hossler, E. W. , 107 Mielke, O. H. H., 239 parasitoid, 11.'3 Hossler, F. K, 107 milkweed, 92 Paullinia, 68 host plant associations, l53 Miller, J. Y, 62 Pedaliodes chrysotaenia form fassli, 62 host plants, 25 , 36, 43, 47, 68, 153, 168, Miller, L. D., 62 Pedaliodesfassli,62 176,197,291 Miller, W. E., 1.52 Pedaliodes gustavi, 62, 63 Hutchinson, W. D., 92 mimicry, 107, 23.5 Pedaliodes negreti, 62 hybridization, 25, 71, 176 mimics, 235 Pedaliodes pheretias form gnseola, 62 Hylephila phylel1s, 239 mistletoe, 47 Peigler, H. S., 1.57 mitochondria, 284 Pereute lindemanae pemona, 86 identification, 253 mitochondrial enzyme activity, 284 Pereute lindemanae piaroa, 86 immature stages, 54, 100 mitochondrial gene, 17 Persea americana, 121 immigrant, 152 Mitoura, 47 Persea, .54 India, 147 models, 23.5 Peru, 54, 193 [nga, 193 molecu lar systematics, 17 pests species, 113 insect flight mnscle, 284 monarch butterfly, 92, 284 Petit, J. C., 144 interspeCific copulation, 71 Monoloxis fiavicinetalis, 168 Petit, M. c., 144 Mooney, K. A., 47 phenology, ] 76 Janzen, D. If., 220 morphological analysis, 2.5 pheromones, 279 morphology, 81, 239, 2.53, 279 Phragmites,270 Kawahara, A. Y, 81 Murphy, D. D., 176 phylogenetiC analysis, 121 Koch, R. L., 92 myrmecophily, 1 phylogenetic tree, 17 Kondb, N. G., 150 Pieridae, 86 Kondo, K. , 17 natural history, 81, 243 pine processionary caterpillar, 161 natural hybrids, 25 Pinus, 161 Landry, B. , 251 ND5 gene, 17 Poaceae, 100 larvae, 43, .54, 68, 92, 107, 121, 144, 153, Neotropical, .54, 100, 11.'3, 193, 200, 253 Pogue, M. G., 197 193,204,239,291 Nevada. 176 pollen, 92 larval behavior, 43, 161, 168,220 new genus, 100 polyphagy, 1.53 larval endophagy, 113 new species, 62, 63, 113, ] 97, 201, 230, Poritia hewitsoni, 29.5 larval food plants, 43, 68, 149, 29.5 253 prairie, 137, 230 larval mortality, 92 new subspecies, 86, 90, 27.5 prescribed burn, 137 larval shelters, 43 nigreseens, 1.50 pre-zygotic reproductive isolating mech­ Lathyrus rigidus, 274 Nishida, K., 113 anisms,71 308 JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS' SOCIETY processionary behavior, 161 Scriber, J. M., 25, 71 Thaurnetopoea pityocarnpa, 161 l'rornylea lunigerella glendella, 47 seaboard, 270 Thaumetopoeidae, 161 Pronophilini, 62 seasonal forms, 243 thermal regulation, 161 Proteaceae , 291 seasonality, 295 tiger swallowtail, 25 Pseuriacraea lucretia, 235 SEM,279 toothed brachia, 147 l'seudodebis, 100 Seticosta rubicola, ll3, 114 Tortricidae, 113, 152, 253 Pseudopieris viridula mimaripa, 86, 90 Severns, P.M., 137 trail following, 161, 220 pupae, 43, 54, 68, 107, 204 sex-ratio, 176 trail pheromone, 220 Pyralidae, 47,121, 168 sexual selction, 71 transgenic corn, 92 Pyraustinae, 270 Sharma, N. 147 trophallaxis, 1 Pyrginae, 4.3 shelters, 43 tropical dry forest, 220 Shinkawa, T., 17 twig mimicry, 107 Quinter, E. L., 153 signa, 147 type locality, 150 Singh, A. P., 295 range, 243 snout butterfly, 81 variation, 274 Rauser, C. L., 279 social caterpillars, 161,220 Venette, R. c., 92 Riodinidae, 193 Solis, M. A., 121, 168 Venezuela, 54, 86 risk assessment, 92 sound-producing organ, 86 Viloria, A. L., 62 I:\oberts, M. A., 152 South Africa, 1 Rottpala montana, 291 South Am erica, 121 Wagner, D. L., 107, 270 Rubbus spp., 113 South Carolina, 204 Wallacea, 17 Rutaceae, 43 Spain, 161 Warren, A. D. , 43 Hutowski, R. L., 279 spatial distribution, 253 Weibull model, 92 Styer, L., 121 West Indies, 243 Salvato, M. H .. 243 subspecies, 86 Western United States, 36 Sapindaceae, 68 succinate dehydrogenase, 284 wetlands, 270 Saturniidae, 54, 137, 220 swallowtail butterflies, 71 Williams, A.H., 149 Satyrinae, 62, 100, 147 systematics, 17,54, 81, 100, 113, 2.53 wing toughness spectrum, 235 scanning electron microscopy, 239, 279 wings, 235, 279 Schinia regia species complex, 197 taxonomy, 81,86,113, 197, 204 Wisconsin, 149 Schinia regina, 197, 201 Taydebis, 100 Wolfe, K. L., 54 Schmidt, B. c., 249 Taygetis, 100 Wright, D. J. , 230 Date of Issue (Vol. 57, No.4): 9 December 20Q.3 .
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