THE AMERICAN ^ MAGAZINE 20c - 196 LEGIOMMARCH 6(J Pmducl of \ America's Get a pocketful of great taste fripe tobacco and rich aroma. Hpe tobacco cigaiette in a filter cigarette. (You'll like 'cmfine... ami that's putting it mildly!) The American MARCH 1966 LEGION Volume 80, Number 3 POSTMASTER: Send Form 3579 to P.O. Box 1954 Magazine Indianapolis, Ind. 46206 The American Legion Magazine Editorial & Advertising Offices 720 Fifth Avenue Contents for March 1966 New York, New York 10019 Publisher, James F. O'Neil Editor YOU MAY BE YOUR OWN BLOOD DONOR 4 Robert B. Pitkin BY JOHN THOMAS Assistant Editor Joliii Ancireula A peek at one facet of the world of tomorrow, Art Editor on ways to store human blood. based new Al Marshall Associate Editors NO ESCAPE FROM POWER FAILURE DISASTER? 8 Roy Miller James S. Svvartz BY MAURY DELMAN Production Manager Could you supply your own electricity when the Art lirelzfiekl public utilities fail? Here are the ABC's Copy Editor Grail S. Hanford of standby home generators. Circulation Manager Dean B. Nehon THE LIFE AND DEATH OF CASEY JONES 14 Indianapolis, Ind. Advertising Director BY TOM MAHONEY Robert P. Redden It was on the Illinois Central that Casey Jones "took his farewell Chicago-Detroit Sales Office ' trip to that Promised Land." In death he became Bart J. Burns America's most fabled railway engineer. 35 East Wacker Drive Chirago, 111. 60601 CEntral 6-2101 NEW "VIETNAMS" IN LATIN AMERICA? 18 BY CHARLES W. WILEY AND RICHARD J. BOOKLET Communist plans to make a new "Vietnam" of South and Central CHANGE OF ADDRESS: America have brought red guerrillas and terrorists to Notify Circulation Dept., P. 0. Box 1954, ^16206 using Post Office the shooting stage in Latin nations. Indianapolis, hid., four Form 3578. Attach old address label and give old and new addresses with ZIP Code number and current nieinbcrsliip card number. SHOULD PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL BE Also be sure to notify your Post Adjutant. PUT UNDER ANTITRUST LAWS? 22 TWO SIDES OF A NATIONAL QUESTION pro: rep. clement J. ZABLOCKI (D-WIS.) The American Legion con: rep. CHARLES L. WELTNER (D-GA.) Publications Commission: James E. Powers, Macon, Ga. ( Chairman) ; Adolph F. Bremer, U inona, Minn. ( Vice The Battle of the Bulge—Part III Chairman) ; Lang Armstrong. Spokane, Wash.; THE BULGE IS ERASED 24 Charles E. Booth, Huntington, If . Va.\ John Cicero, Swoyerville, Pa.; E. Cooper, Holly- Third J. and last of a series of articles on Hitler's final bid wood, Fid. ; Clovis Copeland, Little Rock, Duwningtotvn, Pa. to win the war in Europe in 1944-45. Ark. ; Paul B. Dague, ; Raymond Fields, Guyman , Okln. ; Chris Her- nandez, Savannah, Ga.; George D. Levy, Sum- TEDDY ROOSEVELT'S WESTERN STAMPING GROUNDS 29 ter, S. C; Dr. Charles R. Logan, Keokuk, Iowa; Howard E. Lohman, Moorhead, Minn.; BY ALDEN STEVENS Frank C. Love, Syracuse. N.Y.; Morris Meyer, Starkville, Miss.; H. Morris, Baton Rouge, A travel article for today's motorists about the old ranches of J. La.; Robert Mitchler, Oswego, HI.; Harry H. Roosevelt near Teddy Medora, North Dakota. Twentieth Schaffer, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Bradley J. Stephens, in the series "Seeing Historic America." Los Altos, Calif.: Wayne L. Talbert, Delphi, Ind.; Benjamin B. Truskoski, Bristol, Conn.; Robert H. Wilder, Dadeville, Ala. Edward Mc- WILL VIETNAM VETS GET WAR STATUS? 30 Sweeney, Armonk, N.Y. (Consultant) BY NATIONAL COMMANDER L. ELDON JAMES National Commander James warns that Vietnam vets may not get the same program of federal benefits that The American Legion Magazine is published go to other war veterans. monthly at 1100 West Broadway, Louisville, Ky. 40201 by The American Legion. Copyright 1966 by The American Legion. Second-class postage paid at Louisville, Ky. Price ; single Cover Drawing By CARL ROSE copy, 20 cents ; yearly subscription, $2.00. Order nonmember subscriptions from the Cir- culation Department of The American Legion. Departments P.O. Box 1954, Indianapolis, Ind. 46206 Editorial and advertising offices: 720 5tli Ave., LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 2 LIFE IN THE OUTDOORS 40 New York, N. Y. 10019. Wholly owned by The American Legion, with National Head- PERSONAL 48 quarters at Indianapolis, Ind. 46206. L. Eldon DATELINE WASHINGTON . 6 James, National Commander. BOOKS 52 VETERANS NEWSLETTER 31 LEGION SHOPPER 53 NEWS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION 33 PARTING SHOTS 56 Publisher's Representative Northwest Manuscripts, artwork, cartoons submitted for consideration will not be returned unless a self-addressed, The Harlowe Co. stamped envelope is included. This magazine assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material. Seattle, Wash. 98101 THE AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE • MARCH 1966 1 . — vFirn siftA LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters published do not necessarily ex- FDR as Secretary of State, then press the policy of The American Legion. resign- TO $2,500 Keep letters short. Name and address must ing and also having his Vice President, be furnished. Expressions of ojjinion and Charles Curtis, resign, thus requests for personal services are appreci- automat- FOR YOUR ated, but they cannot be acknowledged or ically allowing the next in line, the answered, due to lack magazine of staff for Secretary of State, to succeed him. these purposes. Requests for personal serv- Now, ices which may be legitimately asked of of course, the line of succession has been ORGANI' The American Legion should be made to changed so that the Speaker of the your Post Service Officer or your state House ZATION? (Department) American Legion Hq. Send is next in line, after the Vice President. letters to the editor to: Letters, The Theodore Vaill, President American Legion Magazine, 720 5th Ave- nue, New York, N.Y. 10019. The Winsted Evening Citizen Winsted, Conn. Mason JUNKED AUTOMOBILES Other readers have pointed Candy sir: As a member of the Governor's out that we did not give Committee to Keep Maine Scenic, may President Hoover his full term in office, and regret the can help I take this opportunity to commend you we error. Actually, on the publication of "The Inside Story President Hoover de- you! livered his last message to of Our Junked Automobiles" by Tom Congress the "lame duck" 72nd on Mahoney in the January issue. The arti- — December 6, 1932. The next State of the cle offers keen insight into the major Union speech was delivered in January 1934 blight problem of the nation. Speaking by Presi- dent Roosevelt, before the 73rd Con- for the Committee, I wish to point out gress. Roosevelt had earlier called the that Maine has a record of pride in the 73rd into extra session on 19.33. enforcement of her junked auto laws, March 9, While his address at that time whereas the article states that "except cannot be tagged an official State of the in Kentucky" such laws are seldom en- Union message, Roosevelt presented a forced. The Maine State Police investi- broad program for relief to banks, gated over 400 cases involving junkyards farmers and the unemployed, as well as other and junked autos during the last fiscal crisis measures, which was adopted year. Over two-thirds of the cases were during the "Ninety-nine Days." successfully cleared up during the year and solutions have been achieved in the BATTLE OF THE BULGE bulk of others. Maine's campaign against sir: Your article on auto blight has been waged effectively "The Battle of the Bulge" (January) is the since the program was launched in 1962. most accurate account of the world's The pride Maine citizens have in their greatest battle I have ever read. It will help fulfill . MA':,ON MINTS state has spurred this vital program. a wish which was so eloquently . ALMOND Daniel E. Lambert expressed COCOANUT in letter I Public Relations Director a received from Gen. Walter • ASSORTED Lauer, the 99th Department of Division commander, JELLIES Maine The American Legion now retired, in which he wrote, "Maybe, • CHOCOLATE God willing, the men who died for CHIFFON Orrington, Maine our country in Germany, at Christmastime, NO MONEY IN ADVANCE ... NO RISK . 1944, will receive the award due them sir: Congratulations on your excellent NO OBLIGATION. Mason supplies your and recognition of the heroic deeds they article on junked automobiles. It was group with a choice of beautifully boxed, and their buddies who survived them well received by the auto-wrecking in- top-quality Mason Candies and tells you deserve," dustry in Arizona and, I'm certain, in how your organization can make 40< on Harry S. Crossey the entire country. Chicago, III. every $1.00 box sold. At no extra charge Jack Flashberg, President each package is wrapped with your or- Used Auto and Truck Wreckers sir: Although not a member of the ganization's name and picture. Pay only Association of Arizona American Legion (I'm American, but AFTER you have sold the candy. RETURN Mesa, Ariz. a veteran of the Belgian Army), I read WHAT YOU DON'T SELL. For complete with considerable pleasure your mag- information, fill in and mail this coupon. CORRECTION azine. Your January issue, however, has sir: In his feature article, "The Story me somewhat disturbed. The article "The Behind the Presidents' Annual Mes- Battle of the Bulge" is well written, well MRS. MARY TAYLOR, DEPT. 702 MASON, in issue, Jerrold J. timed BOX 549, MINEOLA, N. Y. sages," the January and makes for passionate reading. PLEASE SEND ME, WITHOUT OBLIGATION, Mundis stated that President Hoover did One wonders, however, where the INFORMATION 0 N YO U R FU N D -RAISI NG not give a State of the Union message to Belgians were all this time. After all, PLAN. Congress in 1933 because in that year Bastogne is in Belgium.
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