Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87916-3 - Debating the Athenian Cultural Revolution: Art, Literature, Philosophy, and Politics 430-380 BC Edited by Robin Osborne Index More information Index Abrasax, in curse text 50 revolution in a public context 262 actors 279–80, 281–4 social and personal politics of 22 Andron 281 Birds, depiction of dithyrambist 298 Callipides 283 Clouds Nicostratus 283 character familiarity with song and learned Oeagrus 281 music 294–5 Theodorus of Athens 284 compared to Koranic recitation 295 Tlepolemus 281 Plato’s perception 21 Aeschines, on Conon 108 comedy of, engagement with politics 252–3, Aeschylus, and Euripides 295–7 254 Eumenides and oral binding-curse 54–5 conspiracy in 25 tragedies taken to Sicily 22 and Euripidean lyrics 290 Agoracritus, sculptor 151 Frogs, Aeschylean lyrics in 295 agriculture, productivity of 38 Knights 21 akoai, Herodotean and Thucydidean move from personal politics to constitutional compared 211–12 debate 21–3 Alcamenes, sculptor 147, 151, 157–63 parody of New Music 296–7 amnesty, in Athens 34 on Pauson 183 anabol¯e, in New Music 298–9 pessimism in plays of 33 Antigone, compared to Ridley Scott’s on Phidias 185 Gladiator 286 and Phrynichus’ music 299 Antiphon 276–7 and Plato 242, 243–5 innovations of 276–7 Wealth Jason 276 compared to fifth-century comedy and Lysias 5 245–50 Antonine plague 41 and Old Comedy 246 in Roman Egypt compared to Black Death in social politics of 22 Europe and Middle East 29 Aristotle, on aristocratic families 79, 81 Aphrodite 46 on art and artists 182–3 Arcesilas 179 on history of Attic comedy 246 Arginusae, trial after the sea battle at 21 on Pauson 181, 182 Aristodicus 146 on personification of Tragedy 266 Aristophanes on Philoxenus and metabole 298 Acharnians 39 Politics book 124 Assembly Women 250–1, 256 Aristoxenus, and New Music 288, compared to fifth-century comedy 245–50 299 criticisms of 254–6 Asclepius 7, 14 cultural change 21 statue of by Timotheus 172 irony in 255–6 temple of, at Epidaurus 165–78 and Old Comedy 246, 250 Astydamas, Hector 6 and Plato’s Republic 21, 242, 243, 263 Athena 14 334 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87916-3 - Debating the Athenian Cultural Revolution: Art, Literature, Philosophy, and Politics 430-380 BC Edited by Robin Osborne Index More information Index 335 Athens politics of commemoration in 92 Acropolis 13 politics of space 92 Alcamenes’ sculpture on 147, 157 space for the demos 114 changes in functions between 430 and 390 statues of living men 107–11; of Chabrias bc 113–14 110–11; of Conon 13, 107–9;of development before 420 bc 92–4; Eponymous Heroes 96, 101; of Euagorus Promachos by Phidias 92; Brauronion 13, 107–9; of Iphicrates 110–11;of 93; inscriptions 93; Nike Bastion 92; Timotheus 110–11; of Tyrannicides 13;of Odeion of Pericles 94; Parthenon 92, 161; Zeus 96 Propylaia 92 Triangular Hieron 94 development between 420 and 390 bc 96; archons, location of 94 Erechtheion 96 Assembly 14, 19, 25 display of Solon’s laws 13 boul¯e/Council 5, 19, 91 Erechtheion 96, 113–14, 155, 175–6 burial in 56 functions in the fifth century bc 91 changes at the end of the fifth century 2 negotiation of sculpture 15 choregia in fourth-century theatre 247 Parthenon 16 citizen participation in dialogue 225–41 and political display 14–15 city elite 61, 78–80, 87–8; see also Athens, temple of Athene Nike 16 liturgical class works of Myron 3 cityscape 92–113 adoption at 80 commemoration Agora 16 of Athenian victories 105–6 Altar of Aphrodite Ourania 94 of citizens 105–13 Altar of the Twelve Gods 95 politics of 91 binding curse tablet from 51 commercialised economy in the fifth century commemoration of tribal victories in bc 40 contests 112–13 Council, see boul¯e development before 420 bc 94–6; Aiakeion cultural change in 8, 27–9, 44–5, 91 94; Hephaisteion 94; Old Bouleuterion curse tablets, earliest judicial in character 54 94; Southeast Fountain House 94; employment to control of socio-cultural statues to the Twelve Gods dedicated by risks 65–6 Leagrus 94; statues of Tyrannicides 94; first evidence of 11 Stoa Basileios 94; Stoa Poikile 94; Tholos spread of 54–6 94 when written 61–4 development between 420 and 390 bc why written 57–60 96–7; Hephaisteion 96; inscriptions 97; democracy 25 Mint 96; New Bouleuterion 96; statue of amnesty declared after the restoration of 34 Conon 96; statue of Euagoras of Cypriot nature of 34 Salamis 96; Stoa Basileios 96 Demosion Sema 91 development in the 420s bc 94; South Stoa Dionysia, legislation concerned with 15; see I 94; Stoa of Zeus 94 also Athens, Sanctuary of Dionysus focus of Athenian civic attention 13–15 economy, and Peloponnesian War 11, 27–43 focus of display between 430 and 390 bc 114 emigration from 31 functions, fifth-century bc 91; between 430 grave stelai 16 and 390 bc 114–15; between 410 and 390 inscriptions, placement of between 430 and bc 91–2 390 bc 97–101 inscriptions, absence of 94; emphasis on judicial curse tablets and lawcourts 62–4 Athenian citizens 99–101; importance of linked to Minos by Thucydides 198–9 placement 101; in front of the liturgical class 74–7, 82 Bouleuterion 102–5; in front of the Stoa marriage alliances in the fourth century bc 79 Basileios 102–5; in front of the Stoa of migration to 85–7 Zeus 102–5 mortality in 31–3 location for exchanges (markets) 38 oligarchic coup of 411 bc 61 the Mint 104–5 overseas possessions of 32 Painted Stoa 15, 105 Panathenaea 15, 91 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87916-3 - Debating the Athenian Cultural Revolution: Art, Literature, Philosophy, and Politics 430-380 BC Edited by Robin Osborne Index More information 336 Index Athens (cont.) Bloom, Alan, Plato, and Aristophanes the plague 33 ‘thinker’ 261 Pnyx 91 Brumfiel, Elizabeth 179 politics (democracy) Burn, Lucilla, on the Meidias Painter hydria participation in 72–8, 83–4, 85, 87–9, 90 (London hydria) 133 quietism/non-participation 83–4 population 33 Callimachus, sculptor 151 in 403 bc 31–3, 40–1 capitalism, emergence of in Middle in 431 bc 37–40 Ages 29 basis for military prominence 38 Carpenter, Rhys 17, 161 and cultural revolution in Athens 27–9 Cartledge, Paul, on Athenian morality 430–320 and the economy 11 bc 6 fifth to fourth centuries bc 11, 27–43, 81 on Athens 430–380 bc 4–5 growth/fertility between 431–403 bc 41–2 cavalry, in Thucydides 30 prior to and after Peloponnesian War 29 Chaeremon 269 structure of, 431–403 bc 41–3 Achilles Thersitoktonos 269 structure of slaves, 431–403 bc 42–3 Cleon 21, 26 prosopographical material from 73 Cohen, Edward 36–7 changes in deme origin, 480–322 bc 73 comedy, Aristophanic 5–6; see also Aristophanes changes in wealth, 480–322 bc 73 after Peloponnesian War 21 chronological distribution of 77–8 in fourth-century Athens 228, 245–50 fourth century bc compared to fifth Middle 246–50 century bc 77–8 Conon, statue of 13, 107–9 revenues in fifth century bc 38 Cornford, Frances Macdonald 7–8 Sanctuary of Dionysus 91, 94 Cox, Cheryl, on marriage alliances 79 society, affected by Peloponnesian War Cratinus, Old Comedy of, and Aristophanes 27–43 Assembly Women and Wealth 246 state decrees 97, 98–101 Critias, grave of 16 Stoa of Zeus and military victories 111–12 Critius Boy 146 wage increases, 403–330 bc 35–6 Csapo, Eric 246, 271 wealth, changes in distribution of 79–83 cultural change, in literature 2, 146 women, and lawcourts 62–4 Cup of Nestor, conditional curse 46 Attica curse tablets (defixiones, katadesmoi) 44 ‘normal’ mortality of population 32 and ancient literature 46, 53 demes, evidence for in fourth century bc appearance of in Athens in the fifth century 75–6, 86 bc 11–12, 54–66 funerary inscriptions, geographical archaeological record of 46–7 distribution 85–6 categories of 57–9 grave stelai from 16 compared to conditional curses in Thucydides 29 45–6 population creation of written curses 55–6 at start of Peloponnesian War 31 creators of 47–53 prior to and after Peloponnesian War development of 55–6 29–33 intention of 47–53 settlement density 38–9 judicial 12, 59–60 language of 47–53 banausoi, Plato on 184 materials of 45 banking, Athenian 11, 36 pre-emptive 46–53 Bendideia 14 recipients of 47 Berkeley, Bishop 4 spell types 48–53 Black Death, in Europe and Middle East with appeal to deities/supernatural powers for compared to Antonine plague in Roman assistance (the dead) 49–52 Egypt 29 with similia similibus formulae 52–3 in England compared to Athens at end of fifth with verb of binding or restraining century bc 41 48–9 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87916-3 - Debating the Athenian Cultural Revolution: Art, Literature, Philosophy, and Politics 430-380 BC Edited by Robin Osborne Index More information Index 337 daimones, in curse tablets 50, 55 Euagoras, statue of, displayed in the Agora 13, daimonion, of Socrates 14 107–9 dating, relative 2 Euegetes of Pallene 269–71, 276, 281 Davies, John K. 79, 80, 81 Euphronius, vase-painter 6 Decelea, Spartan occupation of 9, 33, 35 Eupolis, and Aristophanes’ Assembly Women and defixiones (katadesmoi) 44; see also curse tablets Wealth 246 democracy, social structure in fifth century Euripides 280–1 bc 283 and Aeschylus 295–7 demography 27–9; see also Athens, population innovation of 274, 275 Demosthenes, on Conon 108 Ion 277–8 on Conon and Euagoras 107 late works compared to earlier works 5 dialogue, essential to philosophy 225, 232 Medea, metre of 276 ‘essentialist approach’ 225 new musical style 288 Diodorus, on Athenian effort in Lamian War 30 Orestes 275, 276 Diogenes Laertius, on the invention of expatriates, Athenian, return of 33 dialogue 20 Diomedes, on reading dramatic lyrics 294 Farrar, Cynthia 18 Dionysus, statues of 147, 151–7 feudalism, end of 29 Discobolus,byMyron 3, 4, 146 Finley, John H., on the rational mind dithyramb 9–10 modulations in 297–9 Finley, Moses I.
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