GROWING SUSTAINABLY MAKING AN IMPACT THE INDIAN HOTELS COMPANY LIMITED, Corporate Office: 9th Floor, Express Towers, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400 021 Registered Office: Mandlik House, Mandlik Road, Mumbai 400 001 www.ihcltata.com CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY REPORT 2018–19 For any feedback / queries, please contact: Mr. Alok Vijayvergiya (Associate Vice President - Sustainability) Tel.: +91 22 6137 1966 | Email: [email protected] CONTENTS 4 MESSAGE FROM THE MANAGING DIRECTOR & 33 ii. Performance CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 34 EMBRACING ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP 6 MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT & 36 i. Material Topics GLOBAL HEAD–HUMAN RESOURCES 36 ii. Management Approach 37 iii. Ac�ons and Targets 9 ABOUT THIS REPORT 38 IHCL sets global benchmark with 9 Scope and Boundaries Earth Check Pla�num Cer�fica�on 9 Changes in Repor�ng 38 Solving the Plas�c Menace 9 External Assurance 38 Death of single-use plas�cs 10 COMPANY OVERVIEW in the Andamans 10 About IHCL 38 Promo�ng Biodiversity 10 Brands, Products and Services 39 Stakeholder Voices from Pashan Garh, 11 Organiza�onal Presence A Taj Safari - Panna Na�onal Park 39 Promo�ng reduc�on in dependence of 12 GEOGRAPHICAL PRESENCE local communi�es on Forests 13 Legal Form At the heart of our growth story lie many small but impac�ul stories and 40 Responsibili�es and Resources 14 Workforce 42 Climate Change, Energy and Emissions ini�a�ves that have helped shape our vision for sustainable development. 17 Collec�ve Bargaining Agreements 42 i. Boundary 17 Supply Chain 42 ii. Methodology 17 Significant Changes to the Organiza�on and O�en going beyond the conven�onal boundaries and call of duty, we at IHCL, 42 iii. Energy Performance Supply Chain 47 Water have strived to bring about a posi�ve change to the economy, society and 17 Sustainability Disclosures 47 i. Water Performance 17 Membership of Associa�ons environment around us. We have always consciously worked towards 49 Circular Economy 49 i. Summary sustainable development, focusing on organic growth, conserva�on of energy, 18 PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS 50 ii. Waste Performance environment and its resources, and also community outreach. 19 AWARDS AND ACHIVEMENTS 52 DEEPENING SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT 20 KEY IMPACTS, RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES 54 Talent Management and Reten�on The theme of the IHCL 2018-2019 Corporate Sustainability Report tells this story 22 ETHICS AND GOVERNANCE 54 i. Management Approach 54 ii. Policies and Commitments of nurturing, sustaining and empowering; even as we con�nue to raise the 22 Values, Principles, Standards and Norms of Behaviour 55 iii. Ac�ons and Targets standards in luxury and hospitality. 22 Mechanisms for Advice and Concerns 55 iv. Responsibili�es 23 Governance Structure 55 v. Performance 61 Safety and Security From baby steps to giant strides for a brighter future, we march ahead with a 24 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 61 i. Management Approach relentless pursuit of excellence, innova�on and sustainability; with the TATA 24 Stakeholder Engagement Approach 61 ii. Policies and Commitments 24 Our Stakeholders 61 iii. Ac�ons and Targets Group’s core values ingrained in everything we do. 26 MATERIALITY 63 iv. Responsibili�es 26 Defining Materiality 63 v. Performance 26 Our Material Topics 64 Community Development 64 i. Management Approach 28 GENERATING ECONOMIC VALUE 64 ii. Policies and Commitments 30 Financial Performance 64 iii. Ac�ons & Targets 30 i. Management Approach 66 iv. Responsibili�es 30 ii. Performance 66 v. Performance 31 Customer Delight 31 i. Management Approach 68 ANNEXURE 1: Hotels Covered in the Report 31 ii. Performance 72 GLOSSARY 32 Growth and Scale 32 i. Management Approach 73 ASSURANCE STATEMENT 32 ii. Performance 75 GRI CONTENT INDEX 32 Brand and Reputa�on 32 i. Management Approach 32 ii. Performance 33 Digitaliza�on 33 i. Management Approach MESSAGE FROM THE MANAGING DIRECTOR & It has been an exci�ng year at The Indian Hotels communi�es on the fringes of society. Our key Company Limited (IHCL) and has progressed well on our programmes go beyond charity and leverage key CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER five year strategy – Aspira�on 2022. We are moving business strengths, value chains, partner networks and swi�ly in our transforma�on journey and are firmly employee volunteering to enable capability commi�ed towards improving the triple bo�om line development and empowerment of beneficiaries. We indicators. The Financial Year FY 2018 - 19 saw good focus on skill building programmes in hospitality and financial performance with strong growth in revenue tourism industry for underprivileged and school and profitability metrics. Our interna�onal business dropout youths, thus catering to livelihood genera�on witnessed a healthy turnaround owing to an for the underprivileged sec�ons of the society. Our encouraging performance of hotels in USA and the UK. ini�a�ves are also aligned towards preserving our own We live in an era of transforma�on. Our world is We have revisited and refreshed our brandscape to heritage proper�es and promo�ng the indigenous changing rapidly with the rise of new technologies, cater to diverse, high growth and relevant market culture of our regions, including its natural, cultural & growing environmental concerns and a renewed, segments. We have designed a mul�-product, culinary heritage. mul�-segment brandscape to provide a unique value collabora�ve understanding of economic and social proposi�on to each customer segment at different Safety & Security is of paramount importance to us and value. At the same �me, we remain deeply rooted in points in their lifecycles. With this reimagined our team is making all conscious efforts to provide the brandscape, we augmented our development pipeline safest possible environment for our guests as well as history, with the great legacy of the 150-year old Tata significantly. Our proac�ve asset management our employees. In order to bring more focus towards Group keeping us anchored to our core values of combined with all-round efforts to improve efficiencies risk mi�ga�on, we have revised The Fire and Life Safety integrity, excellence, unity, responsibility and resulted in significant margin expansion and higher (FLS) audits from a score based annual audit to a value for stakeholders. With our focused customer risk-based bi-annual audit. Our Engineers and Security pioneering spirit. centric-approach, we aspire to deliver world-class colleagues par�cipated in the IHCL Safety Champions experience to our guests. programme aimed at building capability on safety We have stepped up our efforts to operate in a prac�ces at hotels. Puneet Chhatwal responsible manner, and in line with IHCL’s Managing Director & Chief Execu�ve Officer commitment to safeguard the environment, we have Our associates are our most valuable assets and they been the flagbearers of responsible tourism through con�nue to make us proud showing their commitment elimina�on of 2 million plas�c straws across all our to our core values while demonstra�ng good business proper�es. Our renewable energy propor�on has taken sense. We have taken addi�onal strides to promote a leap of 23% from 7% in the past three years. In this employee development and gender equality at the rapidly transforming world, our sustainability goals will workplace by taking steps such as sponsored fer�lity certainly evolve as we grow as an industry and new treatments, extended maternity leave, break shi�s, day needs arise in the society. However, our commitment to care centres across all hotels & Corporate Office. crea�ng shared value for our stakeholders, communi�es, and planet will con�nue to remain the We are confident that this culture of collabora�on, bedrock of our strategy. inclusion and our commitment to create shared value for our stakeholders will help us achieve our Our Corporate Social Responsibility theme is based on Sustainability goals for our business. the nature of tourism and hospitality business which focuses on adding value to the livelihoods and cultures of regions we operate in; especially reaching out to MESSAGE FROM It is my pleasure to present IHCL’s Sustainability Report Sustainability by the Indo German Chamber of THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT & for 2018-19. It is our con�nued commitment to share Commerce (2018) and Recogni�on for Project on our sustainability journey with all our stakeholders in a Circular Economy at Tata Innovista 2019. We have taken GLOBAL HEAD—HUMAN RESOURCES transparent manner. significant steps to implement Best Prac�ces for Guest and Associate Safety, the key one being our We are happy to share our progress in several areas. collabora�on with a premier ins�tute NITIE, to enhance We have reported a threefold increase in renewable the skills & leadership capabili�es for Sustainability by energy over the past 3 years, been successful in our training our Chief Engineers on a specific module elimina�on of plas�c straws, developed skills in local developed jointly by IHCL & NITIE. This ini�a�ve is also communi�es, and rolled out ini�a�ves for employee a step towards mi�ga�ng the safety risk at our hotels. well-being. It is our endeavour to con�nuously strive to IHCL con�nues to play a leading role within the achieve increasingly sustainable opera�ons. We have hospitality sector. aligned ourselves with interna�onal standards such as the United Na�ons Global Compact which reflects our We hope our commitment to business and sustainability commitment for a sustainable future. We started our is evident through this Sustainability Report. journey by repor�ng for 60 hotels in 2017-18 and true to our commitment last year, this year we have covered 147 units in this disclosure including Ginger & TajSATS. Through this report, which also serves as our 'Communica�on on Progress' (COP), we con�nue our commitment to the United Na�ons Global Compact.
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