Title Provisional list of butterflies in the Ryukyu Islands Author(s) Takara, Tetsuo 琉球大学農家政学部学術報告 = Science bulletin of Citation Agriculture & Home Economics Division, University of the Ryukyus(3): 34-122 Issue Date 1956-07 URL http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12000/21907 Rights Errata Please note that the names of persons listed under "Enumeration of Species" are spelled with capital letters. These names should be spelled with small capital letters except for the first letter of each name which should be spelled with large capital letter. Provisional list of butterflies in the R yukyu Islands By Tetsuo TAKARA* Introduction Though there are numerous literatures about kinds of butter­ flies indigenous to the Ryukyus and their distribution, most of them are incomplete ones. Sonan, J. (1924) collected 82 species (including subspecies) as indigenous ones of the Ryukyu islands. Kishida, K. and Y. Nakamura (1936) arranged 97 species (including subspecies) as indigenous ones of the Ryukyus in the book of Entomological World, vol. 4 under the heading of Butterflies indigenous to Japan. But sil1ce then, some changes in the scientific names have been made public. In this literature, all records so far found are put in order, scientific names are settled, and new knowledges pertaining to dis­ tribution are added. Since here included some species which are in original literatures but not seen by the author, it is unavoidable to have some incompleteness in it. These points will be l"econsidered as specimens are completed. Meanwhile, this literature will be published withollt delay. It is very fortunate if the literature is used for referrences to know butterflies found in the Ryukyus. The author wishes to acknowledge his gratitude to Dr. Teiso Esaki and Takashi Shirozu of the Kyushu University for their kind instructions and advices, and furthermore, for their generosity of lending me their literatures in publishing the book. 1. The Ryukyus in this literature is the same as Okinawa pre­ fecture before the war. 2. The distributions of butterflies are mentioned only of main islands of the Ryukyus. 3. Host-plants are those growing in the Ryukyus. * Agriculture & Home Economics Division, University of the Ryukyus. Provisional list of butterflies in the Ryukyu Islands 35 Enumeration of species Family HESPERIIDAE 1. Genus Hasora MOORE, 1881 1) Hasora badra godana FRUHSTORFER, 1910 Japanese name: Tetsuiro-birodo-seseri. 1857 Goniloba bad1'a MOORE, Cat. IJep. Mus. E. I. C., 1, p. 245, pI. 7, figs. 3, 3a. 1910 Ha80ra badra goduna }c'RUHSTORFER, Iris, p. 57. 1923 Ha80ra bad'ra SAKAGUCHI, Ins. World, 27 (314), p. 34C' (Okinawa-jima). 1924 Ha80ra badora SONAN, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 13 (68), p. 96-97 (Okinawa-jima) . 1927 Ha80ra badra YASI-IIRO, List Ins. Roo-choo Is.~ p. 18 (Okinawa). Distribution: Okina~Ta-jima. Host-plant: Unknown. 2) Hasora chromus inerrnis ELWES et EDWARDS. 1897 Japanese name: Okinawa-birodo-seseri, Bir6do-seseri. 1782 Papilio chromu8 CRAMER, Pap, Exot., 3, pI. 284, fig. E. 1894 18mene chro'Ynus FRITZE, ZooJ. Jahrb. Syst., 7, p. 906 (Okinawa-jima). 1897 Ha80ra inermi8 ELWES et EDWARDS,. Trans. ZooI. Soc. London, 14 (4), p. 301 (Liukiu Islands). 1905 Ha80ra chrornu8 MATSUl\1URA, Cat. Ins. Jap., 1, p. 24 (Riukiu). 1906 Ha80ra chromu8 NAWA, Ins. World, 10 (1'08), p. 318 (Ryukyu). 1915 Ha80ra Ch1"O?nU8 IWATA, Sci. Bull. Kagoshima Agr. ColI., (2), p. 162 (Ryukyu). 1922 Ha80ra chromu8 SAKAGUCHI, Ins. World, 26 (300), p. 259 (Okinawa­ jima) . 1923 Ha801'u chrom.u8 SAKAGUCI-II, Ins. World, 27 (314), p. 340 (Okinawa­ jima) . 1924 HU80ra inermis SON...L\.N, Trans. Nat, Hist. Soc. Formosa, 13 (68), p. 96 (Okinawa-jima) . 1924 Ha80ra chromu8 SONAN, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 13 (68), p. 96 (Okinawa-jima) . 1927 Ha80ra chromu8 SAKAGUCHI, List Ins. Okinawa Is., p. 8. 1927 Ha80ra ch'rom.u8 YASHIRO, List Ins. Roo-choo Is., p. 18 (Okinawa). 1931 H a80ra inermi8 MATSUMURA, 6000 Illust. Ins. Japan-Empire, p. 581 (Okina"ra) . 1931 Ha80ra inermi8 YASHIRO, Zephyrus, 3 (3-4), p. 237 (Kume-jima). 1932 Ha801'a alexis va·iracana UCHIDA, Iconogra, Ins. Jap., p. 1014 (Okinawa). 1932 Ha80ra ine1'mi8 Y.A.SHIRO, Zephyrus, 4 (2-3), p. 124 (Okinawa-jima). 1932 Ha80ra chro1nu8 YASHIRO, Zephyrus, 4 (2-3), p. 124 (Okinawa-jima). 1934 Birodo-8e8eri (Jap. name) ESAKI, Ent. World, 2 (11), p. 550' (Hateruma- jima) . T. TAKARA 1934 Hasora ine·rmis ASAHINA, Zephyrus, 5 (2-3), p. 130, figs. 10-11 (Oki­ nawa-jima) . 1936 Hasora chromus KISHIDA et NAKAMURA, Ent. World, 4, p. 449 (Ryu­ kyu). 1941 Birodo-seseri (Jap. naem) NAGAOKA, lVlushi no Sekai, 4 (3-4), p. 56 (Kume-jima). 1947 Hasora chromu8 inermis SHIRoZU, Zephyrus, 9 (4), p. 245-251 (Okinawa­ honto, Ishigaki-jima, Hateruma-jima, Kume-jima). Distribution: Okinawa-jima, Ishigaki-jima, Hateruma-jima, Kume-jima. Host-plant: P01'~ga111ia glabra (ku1·oyona) (SHIROZU, 1947). They appear in May and can be seen up until September. But the number of them is relatively small. 2. Genus Badamia MOORE, 1881 3) Badarnia exclarnationis (FABRICIUS, 1775) Japanese name: Taiwan-aoba-seseri. 1775 Papilio exclamationis FABRICIUS, Ent. Syst., p. 530. 19'06 Badamia exclamationis NAW A, Ins. World, 10 (108), p. 318 (Ryukyu) (=? Ishigaki-jima). 1952 Badamia exclamationis SHIoZU, Sieboldia, 1 (1), p. 11 (Ishigaki Island). Distribution: Ishigaki-jima. Host-plant: Unknown. 3. Genus Choaspes MOORE, 1881 4) Choaspes benjarninii japonica (MURRAY, 1875) Japanese name: Aoba-seseri. 1875 Ismene benjamini va:r. japonicu, MURRAY, Ent. Mon. Mag., 12,.p. 4. 1894 Ismene benjaminii FRITZE, Zoo!' Jahrb. Syst., 7, p. 906 (Okinawa-jima). 1901 Rhopalocampta Benja'Jnin'ii K.UROIWA, List Rhop. Loo-choo Is., p. 4 (Yaeyama). 1904 Rhoparocampta benjamini TAKANO, Hakubutsu no Torno, 4 (22), p. 104 (Yaeyama) . 1905 Rhopalocampta (lsmene) Benjam.'ini MATSUMURA, Cat. Ins. Jap., 1, p. 24 (Riukiu). 1906 Rhopaloca'lnpta benjam'ini N ...~WA, Ins. World, 10· (108), p. 318 (Ryukyu) (=? Ishigaki-jima). 1907 Rhopalocampta Benjamini MATSUMURA, Thous. Ins. Jap., 4, p. 132-133 (Ryukyu) . 1915 Rhopalocampta benjamini IWATA, Sci. Bull. Kagoshima Agr. ColI., (2), p. 162 (Ryukyu). 1923 Rhopalocampta benjantini SAKAGUCHI, Ins. World, 27 (314), p. 340 (Okinawa-jima) . 1924 Rhopalocantpta benja'lnini SONAN, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 13 (68), p. 97 (Ishigaki-jima, Oldnawa-jima). Provisional list of butterflies' in the ltyukyu Islands 37 1927 Rhopalocampta benjamini YASHIRO, List Ins. Roo-choo Is., p. 18 (Oki­ nawa). 1927 Rhopalocampta benja1nin'i SAKAGUCHI, List Ins. Okinawa Is., p. 9. 1931 Rhopalocampta benja'l'nin'l~ M'ATSUMURA, 6000 Illust. Ins. Japan-Empire, p. 587 (Ryukyu). 1932 Rhopaloca'Jnpta benjarnini YASHIRO, Zephyrus, 4 (2-3), p. 124 (Okinawa- jima) . 1932 Rhopalocantpta benjamini japonica UCHIDA, Iconogra, Ins. Jap., p. 1013 (Ryukyu). 1.934 Rhopaloca'J1~pta benjamini ja,ponica ASAHINA, Zephyrus, 5 (2-3), p. 130 (Okinawa-jima) . 1951 Choaspes benjaminii japonica ESAKI et SHIRoZU, Shin Konchu, 4 (9), p. 3, 21 (Japan). 1954 Choaspes benjaminii SHIRAKI, Cat. Injur. Ins. Ryukyu Is., p. 71 (Oki- nawa Is., Ishigaki Is., Iriomote Is.). Distribution: Okinawa-jima, Ishigaki-jima, Iriomote-jima. Host-plants: Meliosma spp. (SHIRAKI, 1954). They appear in April and can be seen up until September. But the number of them is relatively small. 4. Genus Celaenorrhinus HUBNER, 1816 5) Celaenorrhinus asmara BUTLER, 1887 Japanese name: Komon-seseri, Komon-kuro-seseri. 1877 Celaenorrhinus asmara BUTLER, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Zoology, sere 2, 1, p. 556. 1905 Celaeno'l',t"hinus asmara MATSUMURA, Cat. Ins. Jap., p. 24 (Riukiu). 1915 Celoenorrhinu8 asmara IWATA, Sci. Bull. Kagoshima Agr. ColI., (2), p. 162 (Ryukyu). 1919 Celaenorrhinus as'Jna'ra MATSUMURA, Thous. Ins. Jap., Add., 3, p. 715 (Okinawa). 1924 Celaenorrhinus as'Jnara SONAN, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 13 (68), p. 96 (Okinawa-jilna, Ishigaki-jima). 1931 Celaeno'rrhinu8 asmara MATSUMURA, 6000 Illust. Ins. Japan-Empire, p. 580' (Okinawa). 1932 Celaenorrhinus asma'ra YASHIRO, Zephyrus, 4 (2-3), p. 124 (Okinawa­ jima) . 1936 Celaenorrhinusa smara KISIIIDA et NAKAMURA, 'Ent. World, 4, p. 446 (Ryukyu). 1954 Celaenorrhinu8 asmara SHIRAKI, Cat. Injur. Ins. Ryukyu Is., p. 71 (Oki­ nawa Is.). Distribution: Okinawa-jin1a, Ishigaki-jima. Host-plant: Cle1'·ode1~dro1~ ·trichotomum (Kusagi) (YASHIRO, 1932) . I have never caught this species for specimens yet. According to SHIROzU, T., it is said to be very coubtful that there is a record of this species found in the Ryukyus. 38 T. ,TAKARA 5. Genus Leptalina MABILLE, 1904 6) Leptalina unicolor (BREMER, et GREY, 1853) Leptalina ornata (BREMER, 1861) (Forma vernalis) Japanese name: Gin-ichimonji-seseri. 1853 Steropes unicolor BREMER et GREY, SCHMETT. N. Chinas, p. 10, pI. 3, fig. 3. 1924 Leptalina unicolor SON.A.N, Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Formosa, 13 (68), p. 97 (Okinawa-jima) . 1928 Leptalina unicolor OKAJIM1\, Gyoko-kinen Hakubutsu-chosa Rokokusho, p. 28 (Ryukyu). 1932 Leptalina unicolor YASIIIRO, Zephyrus, 4 (2-3), p. 124 (Okinawa-jima). Distribution: Okinawa-jima. Host-plant: Unknown. I have never caught this species for specimens yet. According ~ to SHIROZU, T., it is said to be very doubtful that there is a record of this species found in the Ryukyus. 6. Genus Thoressa SWINHOE, 1912 7) Thoressa varia (MURRAY, 1875) Japanese name: Ko--chabane-seseri. 1875 Halpe va1·ia MURRAY, Ent. Mon. Mag., 11, p. 172. 1924 Halpe varia SONAN, Trans. Nat. Rist. Soc. Formosa, 13 (68), p. 98 (Oki- nawa-jima) . 1927 Halpe varia SAKAGUCHI, List Ins. Okinawa Is., p. 7. 1932 Halpe varia UCHIDA, Iconogra. Ins. Jap., p. 1029 (Ryukyu). 1932 Halpe varia YASHIRO, Zephyrus, 4 (2-3), p. 125 (Okinawa-jhna). lQ36 Halpe va1'·ia !CISHIDA et NAK..t.\.MURA, Ent. World, 4, p. 448 (Ryukyu). Distribution: Okinawa-jima. Host-plants: Oryza sativa (Ine) (YASHIRO, 1932), Sacchar"um officinarum (Sat6kibi) (YASHIRO, 1932). This species is recorded by YASHIRO, H.
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