Coverage Inside www.mnci.centcom.mil/Chronicle Phantom Strike THE COALITION HRONICL CVolume 2, Issue 9 SeptemberE 2007 Coalition Indirect fires in Diyala • Cooperation U.S., Estonian troops team with ISF to clear Sab Al Bor Citizens stand up to insurgents THE COALITION CHRONICLE What’s The Official Magazine of Multi-National Corps-Iraq Inside September 2007 Volume 2, Issue 9 MNC-I Commander Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno Coalition MNC-I Public Affairs Officer Lt. Col. James Hutton Cooperation MNC-I Command Information Chief Americans, Estonians, Sgt. 1st Class VeShannah Lovelace Editor Iraqis team up to clear Staff Sgt. Jacob Boyer Sab Al Bor Staff Writers Sgt. D. A. Dickinson Sgt. Abel Trevino Cpl. Darhonda Rodela Page 5 Spc. Laura M. Bigenho Spc. Beatrice Florescu Spc. Stephanie Homan Coverage Inside Kicking Roll Grasping Phantom Strike onicle www.mnci.centcom.mil/Chr Things Off Out! Ramadan THE COALITION SeptemberE 2007 Indirect fires spark Tanks punish enemy Muslim holy month Lightning Hammer in Anbar explained HRONICL CVolume 2, Issue 9 Page 18 Page 19 Page 21 Coalition Indirect fires in Diyala in fires Indirect Cooperation • U.S., Estonian troops team with The Road A Better Citizens ISF to clear Back Tomorrow Stand Up Sab Al Bor Soldiers aid Baghdad School educates Aiding the Coalition district’s recovery juvenile detainees in Jurf as Sakhr Page 22 Page 24 Page 26 Citizens stand up to insurgents insurgents to up stand Citizens Departments This month’s covers Up front: Estonian Soldiers from Estonian Platoon 15 search for hidden weapons Commander’s Voice Coalition News Briefs with Staff Sgt. Erich Heinig, section Page 1 Page 4 sergeant, for 1/7 Cav., 1st Bde., 1st Cav. Div., during a joint operation in Sab Al Bor. Photo by Army Staff Sgt. Jon Cupp CSM’s Corner Freedom’s Focal Point On the back: Iraqi civilians travel to Page 2 Page 8 Imam Moussa al-Kadhim’s shrine in Khadamiyah Aug. 9. Photo by Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Summer M. Anderson. In Remembrance Page 28 Questions, comments and concerns about The Coalition Chronicle can be addressed via email at [email protected]. The Chronicle The Coalition Chronicle is an authorized monthly publication for members of the Department of Defense. accepts articles, photos and letters for submission. Contents of this monthly publication are not necessarily the official views of or endorsed by the U.S. Send submissions to veshannah.lovelace@iraq. Government or the Department of Defense. The editorial content of this publication is the responsibility centcom.mil. The Chronicle reserves the right to edit of the Public Affairs Office of the Multi-National Corps-Iraq. for security, accuracy, propriety, clarity and space. COMMANDER’S VOICE ood and bad, remarkable could be built. and mundane, through The Soldiers of 2nd Brigade, 1st two tours as a com- Infantry Division have experienced Gmander and dozens of their own shift in local senti- visits in other capacities, I’ve seen ments. The citizens of Baghdad’s a great deal here in Iraq. Though Ghazaliya district began to become my experiences are numerous, I familiar with Coalition and Iraqi continue to be amazed at things I Security Forces as joint security see every day: troops soldiering stations were constructed, safe through an arduous patrol on a neighborhood barriers began to blistering day, doctors and nurses go up, and the frequency of dis- working through relentless fatigue mounted patrols began to increase. to save the life of another Soldier, As they saw this effort to ensure and the adaptability of so many their safety, their trust and confi- troops carrying out missions or dence in Coalition Soldiers began tasks that aren’t in a manual or to rise as well. Though Ghazaliya part of their normal skill set. But Lt. Gen. Ray Odierno still lacks any substantial police MNC-I Commander most recently, I was amazed by support, the “Ghazaliya Guard- the uncommon bond that has been turned against extremists. The tide ians” have stepped into the breech, formed between former insurgents started to turn in this small town jointly manning checkpoints with the and Coalition troops. when a patrol from 2nd Brigade, 10th Iraqi Army to keep al-Qaida and other Many of these former insurgents Mountain Division discovered and extremists out of their community. felt alienated and disillusioned after cleared a VBIED that was set to deto- The vast majority of volunteers they were cast aside and lumped with nate in the center of the town. Soon like the “Ghazaliya Guardians” are former regime elements as we purged after, the nephew of Harith al-Dari, a looking to become a part of the Iraqi former Ba’athists from almost every local leader, was assassinated and the Security Forces. ISF leaders are still level of Iraq’s govern- citizens of Yusufiya wary of these new volunteers, mainly mental framework. decided they had because they have received little to However, these same We are now seen enough. They no guidance regarding these new citizens have recently felt compelled to volunteers and are unsure what to come to realize the pursuing our stop the indiscrimi- expect. Despite their reservations, this real evil in this coun- enemies into nant murder of their is truly an amazing development that try is not the Coalition friends and family has taken place, largely because of presence, but extrem- ever-shrinking members by al-Qaida the vigilance and diplomacy of young ist exploitation. As and they wanted our leaders like Phillips. Junior leaders the surge continues, pockets. help. and Soldiers on the ground are driv- the citizens of Iraq are One of the com- ing our success. They are meeting citi- sensing an ever in- pany commanders zens in their areas, gaining their trust creasing level of security. As they feel in the area, Capt. Palmer Phillips, and confidence, and helping change more comfortable in their homes and and the Soldiers of CompanyB, 2nd the course of Iraqi history. see the faces of Iraqi Security Forces Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment, e want to continue to and Coalition troops in their neigh- introduced me to many of these com- capitalize on the mo- borhood every day, they also begin to munity leaders. Some were former mentum we’ve created trust those faces, which is now leading members of the Iraqi Army, others Wwith efforts like those to their cooperation. They are provid- were tribal leaders. All were united I’ve described. Building on our recent ing valuable intelligence to Iraqi and in their fight against al-Qaida. They offensive operations, we launched Op- Coalition forces, and they are joining spoke of the community’s seven tribes eration Phantom Strike. This opera- the fight against al-Qaida in Iraq by coming together to drive extremists tion consists of a series of targeted op- volunteering to be a part of the Iraqi from their homes and described how erations designed to intensify pursuit Security Forces in droves. scores of volunteers wished to join of extremists across Iraq. Extremist I saw a striking example of this sea the fight by joining the Iraqi Security support zones and safe havens were change recently in Yusufiya. Once Forces. One of the local Sheiks told us largely eliminated through Operation an al-Qaida stronghold just south of how he was so committed to securing Phantom Thunder, and we are now Baghdad, it has become another in a his community that he donated his pursuing our enemies into ever- long line of communities that have own land so a new Iraqi Police station shrinking pockets. Through quick The Coalition Chronicle 1 strike raids, the precision targeting of extremist leader- to reduce the capability of our enemies, as we have thus far ship, and a focus on the extremist’s most lethal accelerants during Phantom Strike, I believe we can continue to buy of violence — the IED and VBIED — we will continue to the Iraqis the time and space they so desperately need. diminish extremist influence throughout Iraq. By neutral- You are all doing exceptional work. If you would have izing the groups that foment the indiscriminant violence told most people just a year ago that al-Qaida would be that has gripped Iraq for far too long, we will continue on the run, the vast majority of the ISF would be carry- buying time for the Iraqi political process to negotiate the ing out their own missions, and former insurgents would solutions for a peaceful future. be standing beside us fighting extremists they probably ur enemy is ruthless and will no doubt attempt wouldn’t believe you, but that is exactly what you have to exploit the Ramadan season and influence done. Each of you has taken the initiative and helped to the debate back home by increasing their at- turn the tide. Without your hard work, dedication, and Otacks. So far we have experienced an astonishing selfless service there is absolutely no way we would be downward trend in the amount of IED incidents carried where we are today. Our course was set to secure Baghdad out just prior to Ramadan. Over the past three years, IED and its surrounding belts to buy the Government of Iraq attacks have peaked each year leading up to the Islamic and the Security Forces time to develop, and you have holy season, but this year the trend has been a reduction done that. You are accomplishing a mission most thought due to your recent hard work and dedication. We all must was impossible. You are all truly the heroes of our next remain vigilant and aggressive. If our operations continue greatest generation.
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