SOCIALISM AND WAR SOCIALISM AND WAR BY G. ZINOVIEV and V. I. LENIN INmRNATIONAt PuBmHEIH NEW YO= 5 0. ~PAam~~ ..A b i'PamBrwa~l~f0~0F1905 7. Bs.smlr 8. -rao~hAm k ~T*sraoa.ra~Fnmm~~mO~~rmou 10. T# dP1Dr. CON-= IL Taa; THUEL~~~CAT AS^ rn How To FbeElr h ES wu.rae Bwrawns hm STAYS Po-? IS.OlrmcEvsoF~ 14 ST- llrtr Rmo~trmo~ I5.~~~arsrsTmorcAPm~ In Prcp~& w CQ~:Aw IIIrAnTm Dm- EmmIclb hmm- -O=K Am THE R~~EADxmU%SKf WoTA~CB OF TEE ~.DEHoQ~~~m PB]L Dzuommc Rmotrno~ TgC Nm*c Qumzon mFmmF~m-~ . , p. ~S~~MP.* . OF 3WUBM Am TBS WM OP l$U&lP% ;, OfSocialitato~W~ . 9 ~ofWarkh~ofMod!mt~.. '3 .. U 'Writ mmng dm S1awBoIdem fa&e Wm . ~and~of~verp,18 --,?ai b Folh camthd olh (k,PdIs1 .- Mem$* ............ f4 .~e.of~.1.. l5 .*..l5 r -Whtlehid-Chatl~*l,, . • - 16 '-lmsBasr~Mdf~. , . , a. 11 A FdseRefmm~ta+db*.. ..17 1 &~pof~~~d.. l9 - phion. .......... I9 ~whhtbOppo~banAn~$dfhp Wdmwith %la'NatfaPal Bourguo* d clam............. m . .$antd+l. ........... 2l IhSIogan of Mmxb ,bdm Slogan of hlfgnm- aryQd-]Dam~ ........ 2# ~1eufF~in~~.. rn ~ofnr~~.6 . 33 war ..**.****. H< 1 ~~~F~SI~..... *, s . ~PfNakteW~.... .S -- 3-- - 7-&----<.- - 4 n. ~~~cDP~W~. .na ThaBoqdhandthaWtrr. 27 %Working Clam adthe War . 2B % ksia~~Sd-Watio Wu1: Fraction in h Imperial Duma and the War . 30 TkB -uCTIOH OF THE ?~TIOBU. MktW of tha Social-Chrtu* and of the "Cmtre'' 34 strta of Mhin the OppoAtion . 36 The RWSdl-Demdc Uour Party and tho Third International . S¶ Hummy OF TEE SPLIT,MD THE PB&SEHT Com~rnoa OF So~Drn~~m Russu . .4I# Tha Ecot~omistaand the Old Isha (18941903) . 41 Memsheviam and Bolahevim (1903-1908) , . 42 bbxh and Liquidationism (19081914) . 43 Bdarxiam and hiitl-~~(1914-1915) . 44 'Ws Present State of Maha in Rdan I)amocracy. 45 ThofOur Paay . 47 L FOREWORD TO FIRST FOREIGN mmoa *warhanbtmgoiqgonforaywu. hpartyddbm af the Cantral Committae written in SeptembrI 1914 d db ittothe~aICommittee~luldths~~ of our party in Rush, and obtaining thsir it, November 1,1914, in No. 33 of the Cdxd OEgas of b pay, dm S&Demok* k,in No. 40 (Mntob 2% @h3) there wem pubWd the ddonsof tke Berne War- &kwhich q- mom prddyow prindplee and our -** ' 'Ihasla.tp~edemtiuRnuL.agmriDgmlutiomry~ mnongthe-. faothercom~~maFso~of fienomanon, notwithding tba of the rn tendmck of ths proletariat by a majority of tbs &&I parh, which hsva taken the side of their gamm. ~agddreibowgeoiakThisatatsof&aira~itpartictE -t to publish a pmphht Plrhieh Sd- ~atictmctiminmIationtothswar. XnxspriDtinghfuli~ partyd~~~hswempplied~withJmM mREwORD TO SECOND mmON fIHE pamphlet was written in the nummm of I915 an the ~svsofh7' Id Conference. It also appeared in Ger- m and French, end waa rcprintd in full in the No- w in tbe orgm of the Norwegian Social-Democratic Youth. Ths German edition of the pamphlet waa illegally transpoxted into Gsrmarry, to Berlin, hip*, B- and other cities, where it wan dbibed by the 8dhuents of ?he bmerwald L$t and Kad Liebkmh'a group. The French edition' was illegally printed in Paria and distributed there by the French ZhnurwaIdieEe. Tha Rnmb edition reached Russia in a very limitad nuder of copies, and waa handsopied by Moscow workas. We now reprint the pamphlet in full, aar a document The reader mnut remember that the pamphlet waa written in August, 1915. It is particularly ~eceaearyto remembm thie in connection with the paamp dealing with Russia. Ruasia hm was still tsarist, Roma- nov R&.* Thi* Fodwma written for tha &rat h& edition of the pmpblct pwb- lzlaba in W in 191s by ths P& hk-E& SOCUlWSBd Am WAR - CwPTERI ~~OFSO~ANDTIIEWAROFf91Q191J A-E A-E OF BQCUUSm TOW- WI1I dmya mndemd warn bwma popk rr nD Our attitwb to4war, hmwr, diBq hbtq whkh, mmihtmw all &a hmmm, d- and~i~&t&1~~01~1eEaad~e~ry~,hd to rsmwe ths matbarbarous deapothm m Eq(tbat of inthahistoryofmnnlcindwasopmedbytb~ h~,~mgdfarnatid~W.InDthsrw* tbsmatn~dtha~ri~~osofthowwarncon. rirosdinovdmwhgabso1handf~atleastin&- thog idmima, or m oasting d the yob of fore@ tianr. Momtbw wara ean be mmihd pgrdve. When dt wmmm waged, all hone& revolutionary democrats M wII m Sd&b dwayn oympathiaed with that dde (ie, with that hmgdde) wbii helpad to &W or leaat to m&& II# mmt dnqmotfe foundations of feudalism and abmlutimn, or to ambet the opprdon of foreign popla. For instance, the fanda. dhistoric dg&eanee of ths molntionary warn of France, mtwibhnding the tendency to plunder and oonqtm foreign Ian& on dm part of the Fd,con& in tbe fact that they &wk and hyedfeudalism and ~Iu~in the whole of old Emope hi&erto bad on d labour. In the Franco-Pmarsian War, Gar- many certainly robbed France; thi however, does not change the fundamad hidorit: aiigdicance of that war M haviag fd of millions of the &man people from feudal deomtralktion and from ihe oppression of two dmpota, the Tsar and Napoleon ItlI. The Hod betwmm 1789 and 187l left dep trmw and rswrlu- donary reminkemas. Before ths werthrow of feudal&, absolnm and fordgn opprweion, there could bs no tho* of develop hg &e proleadm -11 for SaciaIh Wh,in spesldng of tha warn of d Mods, the Sociab alwayn recogniead tha jtuh of a on war, they had in view tha sbwe aims, namely, a revohion againat msdievalism end d labur. Under a ''Man- dvs" war the SociaIista always rmdemtood a Hjud' war ia Wa parddm senme, (Wilhelm Lidhmht ones erpdhimsslf in tlit pmg way.) Only in this MXWB did the SocW addo muph at presmt, &a legitkwy, pmgressiviem, and jm W of ''deiedng tha fatherland* 'or of a "dsf-I' war. For htmqif Mar- wmto &dare wax agdd Pram to-morrow, orId8~Eagl~d,orPersisorchinaagaitrstR~stc., tharo warn would be "jmt," ndeb~nwars, no mattm which om wa~tlm hut to atbk Every SoeiaIiat wouid then wi& the victory of ths oppdd-t, nonsovereign stat- agah op ~opof* It~srfdarttb.t~orpph~~~&.q km HMemdwmwar or Ob tb ft&a&d#*'dl* TmE~W&Rfsm~mwAu bprogmh msans fQr natiod katiop. Im* b~etaguinthededopmentdcs~orme~has ~onlyinthehpentieph~.Caphlhwto ~~~#wi~thealdnathdstata,wfthoatthsformadoa it wdd not &ow hd&m Caphhaa br- Edx sconodc concmtraiim that dmbradm of in- ~"ajthafintheformofcolonh,orthroaghtHs~ ~tradesndmmqdhhavshm~by~- $br towar& mmopoly, mwdsafxan, of Idafor rtdtiinpiml,forthserportofratrp~& Ca@* L~alibamtorof~bm,kbh~~ OPT of Fo-1~ P- &kmm a mmtionary for- -It hm Moped ths prodaPPivs torrrehancrteatthatbmnanhgmR8teitller~Over~ orfwysarsnay,~witnssld~oftha ' &mnhmaforandihial of asp* by - ~~h~~sU-of-0~ h h U. and '$war-ripan caphka, ths oh majority of the papalatia~and & & qmeLiIomttrw,ie,aterritorytwoanda~ Wpe. Thedxnari~hotd~d~~'- (5~,000,000) of OO~OI&I~PI- For fa~' tJmCL$ma"nati~k~h~f W ooI& EyqWy hem &at the mldm WUH - r4dbybandg~l0rd,thsfth8coIonialpopnlad~ats~ 6 fashion, that they are erploited in a tho4warn b ao qortation of cap&& ~onqm, deqtka in dbq ' " @* to the kuthoritIes of the %dingn math& kwan,andaof& ThAngI8dFrmchb~L~,,, p~pIewhmitsm~fhstitwagmwarfortbs~of~ . MingBcIgiam; ioreality,it~Warf~ttb~of~ warn, *, fdwith. nrars tbs Wwl ofdle~.;tnet;nrrih8&~h bywaronthsEontinant. From& ~could~y~a Francs, bsFauw % b k pare oppmabg mars n&om thaa Gerraarly, and W &ikits a,Austria, ths oppdSIam aw aajoping bfmdomthanh~R~WMIsuphttbs 'wths kidhte ma htof dl tell tha people the trud, dY,that &a wmr ia in three wllses a war of dae-holders for the af the worst kind of slavery. It k a war, first, for thm -dng of wlonid alavary by m~anrof a mom "equitab1on dhkh of the colonies and mom %am work" in their exploitation; h Is, dy,a war for the stmngthming of the opp-ion of dnority do~Iitieshide the "great" nations, ainm Anatria and Rh(Rda much more and in a much wow manner than Aus- tria) am badon such opprdon which b stmgthmed by tbs war; fhird, it ia a war for the Wening and prolongation of wage hmy, the prohrht being divided aud dudwhile tbe capital- b am gaining through wsr profits, through fanning national prejadicss, and deepening the reaction which has raised ib had in dl oounbb, evem m the freest and republican countries. %m IS WUTICScorrnrme~ BY OTHER (ie., FORCIBLE) ms" Thim famom dhm be1ong~to one of the profoundwt writers on miIharp questions, Clausewit&. Rightly, the Mahhave always dderad this axiom as the theoreticaI foundation for their under- &ding of the meaning of avery war. It is from thh very etand. point that Marx and EnpL warded wara AppIy this idea to the preaent war. You will hdthat for hdm, for ah& half a century, tba gowmmmts and the raling chm of England, France, Germany, Italy, Auetria and RUB&, conducted a policy of coloniaI robbery, of supprahg labour movements, of opp- foreign nations Such a policy, and no other om, ia b&g pareued also in tba present war. Notably in Austria and in R- the POI^^ of both =a Wati- consists in tha en- dmmat oE nations, not L their btion. On the contrary, in China, Psraia, hdia and other dependent ndom we now in &e last dacada a -policy - of national a*, teae and handrads of dmof people strivhg to liberata themSe1- from rrnder the yolm of tEM donary "pat'' nations. War growing ont of tb ~ha&,evmatthep~ttimqcmbeofabourgeoispr~ p&e mtmz, a war for national libemtian Chis glance ut the present war, comeid as a conthation of tha polby of the ugrat" =ti- and thsir fundamental &om 14 pkullil~dfcltldd.NoWhEmintbsmrldi#tbw nrohano- of~majoritgafoft~s~~popuIatimau dlwef inAmia:ths~-~formonIy43par~tofths1 ppddan,i s,lawthsnhalf; thsrmtbrrvsno righ aa beloqhg b otbm: ddith Oplt of IM,000,000of tbs population of Rda, ab~lIKI,&M?m are oppdand without rights The bwist gmammmt wag- war for ths wigmrs of Galii and the hal duoding of tbs freedom of the llkmhim for ttra uhm of hnda, Cmehntinople, etc.
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